Chang'an is good

Chapter 515: There is no name for me, Chang Sui Ning

Chapter 515: There is no name for me, Chang Sui Ning

This edict came to announce the prince's wedding.

The prince's wedding ceremony was scheduled for October, and the emperor invited all the vassal kings and various military envoys to come to Beijing to celebrate.

October is a good time, when the autumn harvests are being completed in various places. In addition to congratulatory gifts, the feudal princes and Jiedu envoys can also escort the tax money to the capital to add a sense of joy to the prince's wedding.

It had been a long time since Dasheng had held such a big happy event. It was almost impossible for those vassal kings and Jiedu envoys who had not been to Beijing for a long time to find reasonable excuses to refuse to go to Beijing.

Holding the edict in his hand, what flashed through Chang Sui Ning's mind was the information sent back from the capital——

The division and combination of forces inside and outside the capital are changing rapidly. This is due to the signals called the return of power that the empress has frequently released recently.

What's more, there are rumors in private that after the prince's wedding, the emperor will take the throne and return to power to calm the overall situation.

This rumor has shaken the hearts of countless people, and those forces that have long been under the banner of forcing the empress to return power to the Li family have been forced to wait and see.

It is foreseeable that this signal released by the empress herself will quickly spread everywhere.

There are still three months until the prince's wedding. Three months is neither long nor short. It is enough for the matter to become known to everyone, but it does not make it a foregone conclusion that cannot be changed and is completely out of the emperor's control.

From preparing for the prince's wedding, to claiming illness and letting the prince take charge, to setting the wedding date, and summoning powerful people from all over the country to the capital... From Chang Suining's point of view, every step of the process even made the messenger send him off with great fanfare at this juncture. When Lychee comes to Jiangdu, he has a well-thought-out plan.

Chang Suining and the governor of Jiangdu did not stop their official duties because of this sudden edict.

When it was getting dark, the lights were turned on in the outer study, and Wang Changshi came from the front office, and then the matter was discussed behind closed doors.

"Do you plan to enter Beijing?" Wang Changshi tried to ask.

This problem that Chang Sui Ning is facing is also something that vassal kings and Jiedu envoys everywhere need to think twice about.

Everyone can see that this trip is absolutely impossible to just bring some money and go to Beijing to have a wedding banquet.

Dasheng had an ancestral motto that the vassal king was not allowed to lead troops close to the capital. If they entered the capital, it would be equivalent to taking off their armor and weapons and going into danger alone - this was the premise.

And if they go, the imperial court will definitely take the opportunity to test their attitude and ask them to make a statement. Otherwise, what awaits them is most likely to be separated from the body and head. I am afraid that the person will go there whole and the body will come back in pieces.

And this involves a very important question. Will the emperor really be sincerely happy to see them support the prince?

People from all walks of life have different views on this.

And if they don't go, the crisis is undoubtedly right in front of them. The imperial court can justifiably determine that they despise the monarch's authority and are suspected of rebellion, and can punish them at any time.

It is true that the imperial court cannot afford the consequences of them rebelling together, but people's hearts are different, and there are many people who want to support the prince and seek a stable job... People's hearts are not aligned, and each has his own agenda. Under suspicion, all parties will inevitably have to fight again and again. Weigh and hesitate.

Faced with Wang Changshi's inquiry, Chang Sui Ning did not answer immediately, but said: "Now it seems that the king sent lychees to Jiangdu this time, not only to show that he values ​​me, but also to reassure me. Entering Beijing——"

Just like coaxing a child to go home, give him enough love first.

Moreover, this "child" became the focus of everyone's attention. The lychee was both a reward and a brand, as if announcing to everyone the "close" relationship between the king and his ministers.

Yao Ran seemed to have thought of the latter intention, and was slightly shocked, saying: "If your Excellency enters the capital, even if the saint 'does not doubt', there is no guarantee that others will not take the opportunity to harm you along the way..."

These "others" naturally refer to the forces hostile to the empress.

Your Majesty's departure is indeed very dangerous.

Yao Ran couldn't help but think that the emperor clearly intended to reuse you, but by sending him back to the capital in this way, had he ever thought about how dangerous your situation would be? Or is it that in the eyes of the emperor, those who can come to her alive despite all the dangers are the ones truly worthy of reuse?

Is this a sign of trust in the adult's ability, or is it a test? Or do you want to use the adults as bait and take advantage of the situation to get rid of some foreign enemies with the help of adults?
Yao Ran thought a lot in just a short moment, but she didn't think it was because she was paranoid. Along the way, every time she touched people's hearts and minds, power struggles never made her feel that she was overthinking. Instead, she always realized that she was still too much. Shallow and naive.

Before a consensus is truly reached, they have already begun to "make the best use of everything"... Is this the way of a king?
Yao Ran couldn't easily judge what was right or wrong, but inexplicably, she didn't want her master to be manipulated like this.

In her opinion, this kind of road is not suitable for adults.

But Yao Ran couldn't say these words.

"Yes, there must be many people who want to kill me because of this year's lychee." Chang Suining said quietly.

She believed that the emperor did not want to kill her, but he must also have expected that the emperor's favor and favor demonstrated by the lychee would add more murderous intent to her on her way to Beijing——

It was probably the same as when she led the troops to fight against the Japanese pirates. The other party believed that she could win, even if the process was "harder".

The other party also knew very well that if someone attacked her on the way to Beijing, she would not let it go according to her temperament. At that time, the court could also come forward to "justice" for her and pursue the person behind the attack in a famous way.

These calculations were not the main purpose of her trip to Beijing this time, or were just incidental, anyway, she has always been "useful".

After all, the mother-in-law first sent lychees to express her preference and intention to make amends. Now that she has an unknown illness and is in an uncertain situation, the daughter should try her best to go back and have a look no matter what.

This is a restriction that is unknown to others, but is only visible to the world, and it is enough to suppress her. The king loves and trusts so much, but she refuses to return to the capital. Isn't she a wolf-hearted person who has no idea of ​​​​appreciating the emperor's kindness?

Luo Guanlin frowned silently, and for a moment, he asked Chang Suining: "Has the assassin you brought back from Shenzhou recruited the person behind the scenes?"

Chang Suining nodded: "Okay, I just loosened my mouth yesterday."

Luo Guanlin wanted to ask who it was again, but he paused as he spoke. There were some things that adults might not want to tell him explicitly. She just had to be aware of them.

But the next moment, Chang Suining took the initiative and said, "This is Prince Rong's Mansion."

Luo Guanlin was slightly shocked.

Wang Yue and others also changed their expressions.

The female assassin brought back by Chang Suining had yet to reveal the mastermind despite being imprisoned and tortured. As of yesterday, she was on the verge of death and her consciousness was on the verge of collapse.

At this time, Chang Suining summoned someone from the secret room and escorted him to the purple-clothed female assassin.

The female assassin, who was on the verge of mental and physical collapse, had a slight change in her expression the moment she saw the visitor.

And these slight changes are enough to explain the answer.

Chang Suining came to a conclusion on the spot. When he saw the female assassin who had given up denying and closed her eyes with despair, he raised his hand and asked someone to give her a happy death.

When Chang Suining turned around, he patted Fan Ou on the shoulder with praise: "It's really useful. It's worth my trouble to bring you along." 】 Fan Ou gritted her teeth. This was the second time she had used him like this... He was the one who used him to defraud the royal palace.

Fan Ou was almost numb. She closed her eyes like the female assassin just now, and her appeal was as always: "Kill me too..."

【do not kill. Chang Sui Ning smiled slightly and said: "It's rare to use it so well. I'm happy to keep it." 】

With that said, someone raised his hand and took Fan Ou down.

Fan Ou's lips trembled, and her heart was filled with confusion - so many people died, why couldn't there be one more like him?
Before this, he had never thought that after falling into the hands of this little girl, he could betray his master again and again without doing anything or saying anything.

As he was being dragged down, Fan Ou stared at Chang Sui Ning's figure, numbly thinking: The country is really about to be destroyed, and the monsters are multiplying.


Previously, Luo Guanlin had asked Chang Suining what she thought of King Rong.

At that time, Luo Guanlin apparently included King Rong among the candidates to be considered for support.

But even so, when Luo Guanlin heard that the person who arranged the assassin in Shenzhou was Prince Rong, Luo Guanlin was only frightened, but he never thought that this was Chang Suining's selfish slander——

Under the current situation, it is normal for you to kill me or for me to kill you. An assassination is not enough to bring any stain on King Rong.

"There's nothing wrong with that." Chang Suining said in an optimistic tone: "To be able to attract such fear from the majestic king, doesn't this prove that I am quite a big shot now?"

One sentence broke up the tense atmosphere in the study room.

"Prince Rong's Mansion chose to deploy assassins in Shenzhou, obviously because it is difficult to use their skills on Huainan Road..." Wang Yue was still very worried: "But when your Excellency enters the capital, once you leave Huainan Road, what will come your way will be a hundred times more ferocious. Culling…”

It's just too risky.

Luo Guanlin was silent for a moment and asked Chang Suining: "In your opinion, is it true or false that the Empress Ming wants to take the Zen position?"

Chang Suining: "What do you think, sir?"

Luo Guanlin: "Based on my understanding of this person in the Ming Dynasty, this matter is probably an illusion."

Wang Changshi was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and looked at Mr. Qian Shen, whose face was half covered by the mask - Does Mr. Qian know much about today's saints?
"It is more likely that she wants to use the prince to win over the powerful people..." Luo Guanlin said: "To show weakness, or to make the various vassal kings and military governors lower their guard as much as possible and enter the capital."

"What's more important is to use the crown prince to split up King Rong's power." Chang Sui Ning said.

Luo Guanlin looked at her and nodded slowly.

Wang Yue thought deeply for a moment and understood the deeper meaning.

King Rong is the most popular vassal king surnamed Li today, but the forces surrounding him are not necessarily strong yet, and more people are still waiting to see... At this time, the emperor suddenly conveyed the rational intention of returning the prince to power, and must It will divide the hearts of those who would have turned to King Rong.

Not everyone wants to take risks. Although the prince is young and ignorant, he can still teach him slowly. Even for most people, the prince has the advantage of being easier to control than the prince. If you support the former, at least you don't have to worry about being easily demolished after the matter is accomplished.

Wang Yue said in a slow voice with a complex expression: "In this way, the prince's wedding is actually a banquet held by the emperor in the country, inviting all the kings to join the game, distinguish between 'loyalty' and 'treachery', and decide between life and death..."

People from all walks of life are taking risks, and why isn’t the emperor taking risks?
Wang Changshi said solemnly: "Prince Rong will not be able to sit back and wait for death and let the great situation be lost..."

"So, the odds of winning are unclear." Chang Sui Ning said, "The saint is also gambling."

——Focus on the world.

This is undoubtedly a dangerous move.

But it cannot be said that the empress was so impatient that she lost her mind.

The Empress took this risky move because she knew very well that she had no time.

The situation continues to deteriorate, and the eldest princess puts pressure on her to deal with He Xian's move. For the emperor, this is a sign of losing power. She must react quickly, otherwise she will be in catastrophe... …

She wanted to make the final blow while she still had the last bit of strength left.

This move is to retreat in order to advance, either to die and survive, or to be buried with the imperial power - this is the situation of the person who set up the trap, and it is also her determination.

Luo Guanlin was silent for a long time, clenching his fingers silently.

Although he was unwilling to follow Ming Hou's policies, he had to admit at this moment that in many cases, Ming Hou had the same determination and courage as a male king, as well as the courage and perseverance to never flinch or fear.

However, the other party used all this courage to protect the scepter in their hands, and never, or had no time, to share it with the people of the country.

However, this courage and perseverance, when it was on the verge of collapse, revealed its drawbacks. Because they were unwilling to give in and let go, they would rather gamble with the world. If the situation got too out of control, the world would collapse to an irreversible point...

In a nutshell, she wants this country to be hers, even if it means being buried with her.

There was a brief silence in the study room. It was still late summer, but it seemed that an endless cold wind was blowing from the sky, and this cold wind would sweep through everyone in a violent way visible to the naked eye.

Luo Guanlin's fingers turned white from clenching tightly. He raised his eyes and looked at Chang Suining: "Sir, do you want to join the game?"

"Sir, I have already been involved in the situation." Chang Suining raised his hand, picked up the edict, and said: "But I am not willing to take unnecessary risks for ambitious people, nor am I willing to consolidate the power of others for others. , and have no intention of being a lamb waiting to be slaughtered——"

Everyone in the study looked at the girl in a red robe behind the desk. Her voice and tone sounded the same as before, and her lowered eyes made it difficult to see her emotions.

As a daughter, you should always go back and see your mother-in-law.

But she is Chang Sui Ning, and she is no longer anyone's daughter.

Moreover, she couldn't agree with the other party's behavior, so she couldn't accompany him.

So, she placed the edict filled with plans over the candle and lit it, saying: "This trip to the capital will not be named after me."

She will go back to the capital, but she will never be called by others, nor will she go back to meet anyone.

Chang Suining threw the lit edict into the copper basin aside, and immediately raised his eyes to look at the people who all looked silent.

Good night everyone.

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