Chang'an is good

Chapter 516: Must live up to trust

Chapter 516: Must live up to trust

The edict that was thrown into the copper basin was still burning, and the flame seemed to be spreading among the hearts of everyone in the study.

This fire source seemed to be invisibly contending with the cold wind swirling from the sky.

As the firelight swayed and climbed, reflected by the candlelight, it cast a huge light and shadow in front of the bookshelf behind the girl in red robe sitting behind the desk, like a sharp sword rising slowly, with the power to reach the sky, swinging out an uncompromising spirit. Gu Yong Sword Qi.

The vermilion figure shrouded in the silently surging sword energy cast his gaze on the people in the study and said: "Since I entered Jiangdu, I have been fortunate to have the help of all the gentlemen, so that I can lay the foundation of today. Without you, , there would be no Jiangdu and Changsui Ning today.”

She was referring to the people in the study, as well as the millions of people behind them who had worked hard and even shed their blood for Jiangdu and her various decisions.

"The danger in Jiangdu has been temporarily relieved. However, the danger in the world has become more and more serious. And what I do in the future will be hundreds of thousands of times more difficult and dangerous than in the past——"

"If you have any doubts, just make it clear at this time. I will never stop you from forcing you to stay." Chang Sui Ning looked at everyone with a frank expression without any hint of threat: "If you have a desire to escape the world, I will try my best to help you."

As her voice fell, needles could be heard in the study.

Luo Guanlin sat cross-legged, as if he had suddenly returned to the summer night when Chang Sui Ning first revealed her ambition to him... Now, at this moment when she wanted to formally put her inner thoughts into action, she still chose to tell him frankly.

But what was different from that time was that now she even gave them the choice to stay or go on their own.

From this, it can be seen that the road she has to take next is indeed extremely difficult and difficult that she can hardly even be "civil" with others.

However, Luo Guanlin did not feel that this "politeness" was due to hypocrisy. If he had to say that she was hypocritical, then he would rather hope that there are more such hypocritical people in the world. Such hypocrisy from top to bottom is harmful to those in lower positions. What a blessing.

There is no equality between master and slave, but she showed enough honesty and respect.

For Chang Suining, they deserve this respect. In addition, there are two things that she must do before a big war, when ordering troops: she must know the way forward, and she must unite people's hearts.

Doing these two things well is the basic prerequisite for winning the war.

Chang Sui Ning burned the edict, his attitude became clear. Next, Wang Yue and others need to make a choice.

Yao Ran stood up almost immediately.

When she came to the desk, she lifted up her skirt, knelt down solemnly towards Chang Sui Ning, folded her hands and held a salute in front of her forehead, her figure was extremely upright.

It was a rare occasion for her to give such a great gift, and it was the first time she called herself by her full name in front of others——

"Wherever you want to go, sir, Yao Ran will go there." Yao Ran's lowered eyes were filled with the excitement of her thoughts coming true. Her voice was sincere and she kowtowed her head: "No matter what the road ahead is, please sir. I believe that Yao Ran’s determination to defect will not waver that day!”

At first, she begged her family for a long time, and even threatened her with death, so that she could leave the capital and come to Chang Suining's side.

And every day since then, she has been more grateful for her original decision than yesterday.

As for your current decision...

The fire in Yao Ran's heart grew stronger and stronger——

This was a hazy thought that suddenly appeared in her mind many times. Every time she thought of it, it was like a dazzling ravine torn open by lightning in the dark night. The feeling of seeing the bright white day was astonishing and breathtaking.

Now, this longing that fascinated her but dared not speak out has come true... How can she retreat? Why retreat?
Before coming to Jiangdu, she had been "detained" for too long. Ever since she was born, she had been disciplined and detained by her mother. Since that day when she personally cut her cheek with a gold hairpin, she had been detained with regret and self-doubt.

It was not until she left the capital and stood behind the adults that she saw the vast world and the possibilities that ordinary people could not imagine.

Now, she is about to take this path that ordinary people dare not dream of...

Yao Ran knocked his head on the ground. His body seemed motionless, but in fact even his fingertips were trembling slightly.

And this was almost the first time that everyone present except Chang Sui Ning heard her complete name.

Yao Ran......

Luo Guanlin recited the name, his eyes fell on the scar on Yao Ran's side face, and a hint of vague surprise and understanding flashed in his eyes at the same time.

Wang Changshi had also stood up, put down his robe and knelt down behind Yao Ran. He raised his head and said: "The food owner's salary is divided into the owner's worries. Since the lower official is the long history of your family, how can you run away from the battle?" ?”

There was a sigh in Wang Changshi's voice, but it was not out of hesitation.

He thought of what the Taifu had said. The Taifu had told him that the new Jiangdu governor was a man of great ability and a man who wanted to do great things——

He had almost never heard Taifu praise anyone like this, but at that time, he had never thought that that "big thing" was actually this "big thing".

The ability is indeed big enough, and the things to be done are indeed big enough...

Wang Changshi estimated that if he dared to run away from the battle and see the Taifu again one day, the Taifu would probably hit him with a book... Hey, he's already here, so let's do it!

Furthermore, who among those who enter the officialdom is not ambitious?
After getting along and working with each other all the way, Wang Changshi has not remembered the Taifu's praise and words of affirmation to Chang Sui Ning for a long time -

With such a person standing in front of thousands of people in this way, she no longer needs anyone to "guarantee" her ability and virtue.

Wang Yue also knelt down and raised his head.

Although Mr. Wangshan's posture is not so upright, it shows his true feelings.

Not to mention the reddish corners of the eyes and the slightly trembling voice: "...Your Majesty's words, don't you look down on our desire to follow Your Majesty? There is no great talent in Wangshan, but thanks to Your Majesty's praise and love, we are now in good fortune..."

Wang Yue tried his best to make his voice sound more solemn, but he was too emotional and could not hold back his emotions easily. He actually burst into tears: "As long as you don't give up, Wang Yue will follow in your footsteps to the death! With this stupid body, he will do his best for you." With all my strength, I can lead the horse and push it for you... whatever you want!"

Seeing this, Luo Ze suddenly came back to his senses, stepped forward, knelt down, and saluted: "... I am also willing to follow the master's plan!"

"..." Luo Guanlin looked at his son who suddenly came forward and didn't even say hello to him.

Aware of his father's gaze, Luo Ze knelt still upright.

If his grandmother found out later that he had not come forward to express his position in time, she would probably expel him from the house!
As for the father... never mind, my grandmother said that most of my father's thoughts are abnormal and unimportant.

The moment these words fell from his mind, Luo Ze saw from the corner of his eye that navy blue figure stood up, walked to his side, lifted up his robe, and knelt down with him.

Luo Ze was stunned and turned to look at his meticulous father. This was the first time he saw his father kneel to Changjie...

The father has a stubborn temperament, and he has always believed that the woman is not worthy of the important task...if he does not truly agree with her from the bottom of his heart, he will never be willing to kneel down.

Luo Ze's heart was beating like a drum, and inexplicably, his eyes suddenly became sore.

This sourness was not because he felt that his father had wronged him and made the decision to settle for the next best thing, but because he was truly happy for his father... After all, his father had waited until he found a wise master who was truly worth following.

He didn't know how much struggle his father had in his heart, but being able to let his father put aside his biggest prejudice... was it enough to show that his father had experienced an earth-shattering conversion?

Luo Ze couldn't help but shed tears in his eyes.

Luo Guanlin knelt there, raised his hands and bowed deeply without saying a word.

Chang Sui Ning had already stood up from behind the desk.

Yao Ran saw the strand of vermillion robe lingering in front of her, and then, a pair of hands held up her arm.

Yao Ran then slowly stood up.

A girl's voice sounded in front of her, seemingly with a hint of a smile: "With your trust, I boldly invite you to join me in this great cause today, to support this building that is about to collapse, and to determine this turbulent world together -"

When everyone stood up together, Chang Suining looked at them: "The road ahead is unpredictable. Life or death is unpredictable. I dare not promise success or failure, but I promise you that I will live up to the trust you have placed in me today."

After speaking, the speaker raised his hand to salute, and his wide sleeves drooped, covering half of his face, but his eyebrows and eyes seemed to have the aura of the universe of their own.

Her voice was always calm, and there was no ups and downs of the oath, nor was there any act of staking blood for an alliance. Only one sentence, "We will live up to our trust," fell in the hearts of everyone, but it was more solid and profound than any turbulent words and deeds.

Yao Ran and others all raised their hands to return the salute and bowed deeply.

Outside the study, a gust of wind blew over the surface of the pond, creating a wave of waves that then roared toward the horizon.

The night is vast, the wind and clouds are surging, and the stars sometimes disappear without a trace. The only full moon hangs quietly in the sky. No matter how the wind and clouds stir it, it only follows its order of the year.

Until the blue appears in the east and the silvery moon gradually disappears, the rising sun pierces the clouds and shines through the rivers and mountains.

Looking northwest from Jiangdu, we can see that the landform is gradually undulating and steep.

The emperor's edicts were quickly passed through these ups and downs by galloping horses, and soon spread to the northwest roads one after another.

The Jiedushi of Longyou Road and the Jiedushi of Shuofang who were in charge of Guannai Road met in private after receiving the edict.

The two military governors were stationed inside and outside Yumen Pass respectively, responsible for the defense of the northern border. At this moment, the military governor of Longyou Road frowned: "... Beidi may attack again at any time. If you and I are allowed to enter the capital at this time, what will happen to the morale of the army? Are we going to Is this huge northern territory left to Governor Cui alone?”

Shuofang Jiedushi sat in his chair, clenched his fists, and finally sighed: "In this great prosperity, is there anyone the emperor does not doubt?"

They have been stationed here at the northern gate for many years. Even though their invitations to the court have been repeatedly perfunctory and prevaricated over the years, they have never thought of giving up their responsibilities. It is precisely because they are familiar with border guarding affairs and always face the ferocious beast of Beidi that they can It is even clearer what the consequences will be if the country's gate is lost.

In the past few years, they have used limited conditions to work with Cui Jing on major border defense tasks, and they have never dared to neglect them for a day.

For them, guarding the country's borders is an urgent matter and far more important than anything else. They have no time to pay attention to or get involved in the struggles for imperial power.

They don't want to get involved, but the situation is beyond their control.

The Jiedushi of Hedong Road, which is adjacent to the Guannai Road, had rebelled two years ago. Although Cui Jing put it down in time, there was such a precedent, and the court's trust in them was obviously very limited... This time they entered Beijing. Probably to give them a chance to "show loyalty".

Thinking of this, Longyou Jiedushi, who was half of the Hu people, couldn't help gritting his teeth and cursed.

Do the people in the imperial court really think that after Beidi was repulsed once, they would never come back again? To force them to stand in line and show their loyalty, we must also look at the timing!
"...I really want to go to the capital to see what kind of faces those people with different agendas have!" Longyou Jiedushi paced back and forth: "They are fighting here and there, doing my shit! "

Although it is said that small countries are destroyed by foreign wars and big countries collapse by internal troubles, there is no reason why internal troubles can bring down the outside world, right?
"Grasshopper on a rope, please say something!" Longyou Jiedushi stopped and looked at Shuofang Jiedushi who said nothing.

"We are going." Shuofang Jiedu said seriously: "At least one of you and I must go, otherwise the court will suspect that you and I are colluding with each other... If the court launches an attack, it will only cause greater turmoil."

"I'll go." Shuofang Jiedushi said: "There are Xuance troops stationed above the Guan Nei Road. The Longyou Road is now more dangerous and no mistakes are allowed. You stay and follow the arrangements of Governor Cui and continue to prepare for the important task of defending against the enemy. ”

Longyou Jiedushi hesitated to speak. He wanted to say that entering the capital was very dangerous, but... this was not the right time to show loyalty.

After a moment of silence, Longyou Jiedushi said: "Don't worry, if anything happens to you, I will arrange the concubines and property at home for you."

Shuofang Jiedu made a "tsk" sound, stood up, and punched him on the shoulder.

Longyou Jiedushi raised his hand to return the favor, and both of them couldn't help but laugh.

The next day, Longyou Jiedushi rode his horse out of the mansion to look for Cui Jing.

Cui Jing has been in and out of various camps recently, busy with military training, and rarely sees people.

It gets colder in the north earlier, and now you can still practice wearing light clothes and armor. In two months, the weather will get colder, and the days will become shorter, and there will be less time to use.

Because the new phalanx was being practiced secretly recently, and in order to guard against Beidi's careful probing, the security in various military camps was tighter than before, with almost one sentry every ten steps. Even the people brought by Longyou Jiedushi were inspected at all levels before being released.

By the time the Longyou Jiedushi arrived at the camp, it was already getting late. After inquiring, they found out that Cui Jing had left here this afternoon and returned to another camp fifty miles away.

Hearing that he left in the afternoon, Longyou Jiedushi asked hurriedly: "Is there something urgent?"

"That's right." The lieutenant general who answered smiled mysteriously and said, "I went to bid farewell to a distinguished guest!"

Longyou Jiedushi was surprised: "Which distinguished guest actually needs Governor Cui to go out of his busy schedule to say goodbye in person?"

"This is the person who came to give us money under the orders of Changjie Envoy..." The deputy general came closer, winked and whispered, "It is said that this person is very talkative in front of Changjie Envoy."

Finally, he looked at Longyou Jiedushi with a "you understand" look.

Longyou Jiedushi suddenly realized, oh, I understand, this relationship... I have to give him a gift!
Thank you all for your monthly votes, and thank you to book friends Bubble Pu Pu Tea, Yanzhihu 1, Lonely Cello, I only read books without leaving comments, Fang Duoduo 123, and book friends 20191127022519789 for their rewards!
(In the next chapter, I will drag Xiao Cui out for a walk. Good night~)

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