Chang'an is good

Chapter 518 A preview of a greater crisis

In a corner of the inner courtyard of Jiangdu Governor's Mansion, the lotus leaves rolled up in the pond have turned a withered yellow color, and the wind rustles by, bringing with them the slightest coolness of the early autumn morning.

Beside the lotus pond, A Dian was urging Wu Jue to box as usual.

Not far away, Tianjing, who was also wearing a Taoist robe, was sitting cross-legged on a smooth boulder and meditating, holding a fly whisk.

Next to the boulder, Kuroli squatted and took a nap.

Beside the wooden bridge, Chang Kuo was spinning on a crutch.

Wujue stretched his neck to look at Chang Kuo, and whispered to A Dian: "Look at you, Uncle Chang, who are you waiting for there?"

A Dian took a look and shook his head.

Wujue, who had stopped moving since he opened his mouth, tried to continue, but A Dian's attention was not distracted at all, and he interrupted Wujue pretending to be angry: "You want to be lazy again! If you do this again, I will tell you File a complaint, sir!"

Hei Li, who was dozing off, was awakened by A Dian's voice. He immediately joined in the protest and barked "Woo woof" at Wu Jue, which scared Wu Jue.

Tianjing stroked his beard and laughed when he saw this.

At this time, a tall orange figure appeared on the path beside the wooden bridge with a maid.

Chang Kuo saw it and hurriedly turned back to face the front, pretending to enjoy the scenery.

Until the figure spoke from behind him, with a hint of surprise: "Master Hou?"

Chang Kuo then turned around, with a look of surprise in his eyes, and then smiled kindly: "It's Li Tong."

Li Tong smiled and saluted.

Li Tong had his own small courtyard in the Governor's Mansion. Whenever he went out, he would probably pass by this shortcut in the garden.

Chang Kuo's mountain-like figure was blocking the middle of the bridge. At this moment, he was standing on a crutch. He had no intention of giving way immediately. Instead, he smiled and chatted: "Are you going to the workshop when you go out so early?"

"Yes, I was about to go to the workshop to hand over the affairs at hand." Li Tong said, "I planned to say goodbye to you after I came back from the workshop."

Chang Kuo looked at her in surprise: "...Are you leaving Jiangdu?"

Li Tong nodded: "This junior wants to leave back to Xuanzhou tomorrow."

Hearing her anxiety, Chang Kuo couldn't help but ask seriously: "But what happened?"

"There has been no big change yet." Li Tong lowered his voice slightly and said truthfully: "It's just that my mother told me in the letter that the saint left my mother in the capital to wait for the prince's marriage on the grounds that the prince's wedding date was about to be fixed, so my mother would not be able to return in a short time. Xuanzhou..."

This is what Chang Kuo is most worried about recently. At this moment, he quickly asked: "What is your mother's current situation in Beijing? Is there any danger? What else did she say in the letter?"

Li Tong blinked lightly.

Chang Kuo's face straightened, he held the crutch in his hand and straightened his body: "...I'll ask Suining on behalf of her! She's been busy lately, I'm afraid she doesn't know about it."

Li Tong tacitly said, "Everything is fine for my mother at this time, and she is not too restricted in the capital. It's just that the prince comes to visit her every three or two days to ask her to sit down..."

Chang Kuo frowned and asked in a low voice: "Is it the saint's instruction?"

Li Tong nodded lightly: "That should be the case."

Chang Kuo's expression didn't look relaxed.

The saint wanted Li Rong to express his intention to "support the crown prince"... and to detain him in the capital to "consider" it slowly.

"My mother said in the letter that she is not in danger for the time being in Beijing." Li Tong said, "So please rest assured, Mr. Hou."

Chang Kuo was about to nod, but stopped suddenly. He was relieved... What was he worried about? What position does he have to worry about?
That woman didn't even write him a letter!
Oh, if he said this to his face, she would definitely look at him sideways and ask him why he didn't write it to her!
Chang Kuo couldn't help but feel angry just thinking about it in his mind. But thinking about her current situation, the anger was quickly extinguished. He frowned and said, "Although there is no immediate danger to his life, But you still can't be careless... In this current situation, it's not just the 'Prince' who wants to win over her."

When the kings enter the capital, the situation will only become more complicated and severe.

In this world, no one can be alone.

Even if she had not entered the capital before, she could not avoid the prince's invitation to his wedding...

Chang Kuo felt uneasy thinking that Li Rong was already at the center of the whirlpool.

Listening to Chang Kuo's words, Li Tong looked thoughtful, and for a moment, he tried to speak: "My mother is obsessed with the authorities. She may not be able to think everything through at this time... If the Marquis can write a letter to persuade and remind my mother, I will decide later." It can be much better.”

Chang Kuo suddenly became uncomfortable: "What kind of letter should I write to her? Just remind her..."

"Mother is stubborn and doesn't easily listen to the words of younger generations like us." Li Tong said matter-of-factly: "But mother is always willing to listen to what the Marquis says."

What does this mean?
Could it be that the woman had expressed her fanatical trust and admiration for him in private?
Otherwise, how could this kid Li Tong say such things for no reason?

Chang Kuo thought a lot in an instant, and his figure unconsciously seemed a little taller.

Facing Li Tong's gaze, he nodded lightly with a seemingly solemn and reserved expression, which was regarded as agreeing to write the letter.

Then, he naturally asked about Li Tong's return to Xuanzhou: "So, your mother asked you to go back to Xuanzhou?"

Li Tong shook his head: "On the contrary, my mother intends for me to stay in Jiangdu."

She said: "I decided to go back after discussing with Sister Chang yesterday."

At first she insisted on staying in Jiangdu to avoid being blamed by her mother. After that, it was due to greed for the lively days in Jiangdu. And she knew that sister Chang needed her at that time.

Nowadays, the major workshops in Jiangdu have already established a mature order, and everything is in order, and there is no shortage of Li Tong.

As for the idea of ​​returning to Xuanzhou, it was planted when her mother left Jiangdu last time. At that time, there was civil unrest near Xuanzhou. She mentioned that she wanted to go back with her mother, but her mother refused.

On the surface, her mother disliked her for following her back and causing trouble, but she knew in her heart that her mother felt that under the current situation, it would be safer for her to stay in Jiangdu.

It was the same this time. Her mother still had no intention of letting her return to Xuanzhou.

But for her, if everything is fine at home, she can feel safe no matter how she plays outside. However, now my mother is in a precarious situation and the family has no owner...

She grew up in Xuanzhou and was supported by the people of Xuanzhou, but she should not just receive this support and honor. After staying in Jiangdu for such a long time, what Li Tong saw and felt the most was the word "responsibility".

Because some people were willing to take the initiative to take on the important task of protecting the people, today's Jiangdu and Huainan Road are possible.

Sister Chang is three years younger than her. She is already twenty-one years old. Even if her abilities are not as good as others, just because of her age, there is absolutely no reason why she should only hide by Sister Chang's side to survive at such a critical moment.

Even Sui'an is guarding the northern border, so how can she insist on being a good-for-nothing sister?

Even if others don't dislike her, she herself will dislike her.

So she wants to go home, take up her responsibilities, do what she can to make the people of Xuanzhou feel at ease, and help a group of mothers as much as possible... If her mother really encounters a difficult situation in the future, she doesn't want to just Crying and worrying, but unable to do anything.

Chang Kuo's expression was filled with emotion and praise: "He is a good boy with ideas... just like your mother when she was young." As expected of being raised by Li Rong, he really followed her.

Li Tong smiled and said, "Master Hou, you should take care of yourself."

Chang Kuo nodded, and just when he was about to tell Li Tong a few words, he heard her say: "You and Sui'an are the people that my mother cares about the most. Only if you and Sui'an are safe can my mother feel at ease."

Chang Kuo was startled for a moment, then just sighed and nodded.

He had noticed early on that Li Tong also knew the inside story, but he had never said anything so openly.

In this current situation, it seems that everyone is worried about whether there will be a chance to see each other again after separation. Some words that were not intended to be said out loud, but after careful consideration, they still do not want to let it be buried in their hearts.

Under this situation, Chang Kuo no longer felt any discomfort, and finally confessed in a gentle voice: "No matter what changes or difficulties arise in the future, remember to send a message to Jiangdu as soon as possible. We are all one family, there is no need to see anyone outside. ”

Hearing the word "family", Li Tong's eyes became slightly moist and he smiled and nodded heavily.

Watching Li Tong's figure disappear at the other end of the bridge, Chang Kuo held his crutches tightly with both hands, and his mood was complicated for a while.

At this moment, he suddenly missed his brat.

But when I thought about the last letter from that brat, it was filled with nervous questions about his sister's life experience, line after line... It was the first time I'd seen someone write such a long-winded letter!
Chang Kuo was so verbose that he simply didn't reply.

Now that I have aroused some unexpressed love for my son, I actually want to reply to the letter and ask about the current situation of that brat.

Chang Kuo sighed in his heart and looked at the boundless sky. At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind - if the world could be peaceful, there would not be so many worrying differences in the world.

And with his and Li Rong's status, even if they have no choice but to do so, they are still better than thousands of ordinary people... With them like this, the plight of the people can be imagined.

But the current situation is not to mention peaceful... If no one can help the overall situation, he can't even imagine what kind of endless chaos will usher in.

Therefore, he will always have the greatest respect and gratitude for those who want to stop the world from fighting.

This is the fundamental reason why he has firmly followed His Highness for many years.

Chang Kuo looked at the sky, and the corners of his eyes turned red at some point. It wasn't until Wujue was heard shouting "Old Chang" again and again not far away that he turned around and cursed: "...keep shouting, you are screaming. !”

Wu Jueqi said: "...I would like to ask you if you want to eat mutton soup noodles!"

Chang Kuo's face suddenly became amiable when he heard this, and he quickly walked towards Wujue with a smile: "Eat, why don't you eat! Drinking mutton soup in autumn, it couldn't be more authentic!"

"You want to eat, but I don't want to do it yet!"

Wu Jue waved his sleeves and left, while Chang Kuo chased after him on a crutch.

Tian Jing also followed up with a smile.

In the evening, Wujue boiled two large pots of mutton soup. After Chang Suining finished her official duties, she just returned to the residence and saw a lot of excitement in the yard. Lao Chang waved her to come and drink soup.

Early the next morning, Chang Suining personally escorted Li Tong out of the governor's mansion, and asked Chang Ren to escort him all the way.

Before leaving, Li Tong hugged Chang Suining.

After Chang Suining said a few words, she watched Li Tong pick up her clothes and get on the carriage, with a bit of hope in her eyes - when a person takes on responsibilities, it will also be the beginning of her ability to control the future.

She hopes that Li Tong will be able to fly up and become more courageous even if he encounters setbacks, so that he can match power as soon as possible.

After the group of carriages and horses left Jiangdu City, Li Tong lowered the curtain and did not look back.

At this time, Yao Jin, who was accompanying her, took out a box and handed it to her.

Li Tong subconsciously took it and after opening it, he couldn't help but be stunned: "This is..."

Yaojin: "Your Highness told your maid, if the girl insists on returning to Xuanzhou, let the maid give them to the girl."

"Here are His Highness's seals, the keys to various treasuries, and the Xuanzhou military talisman——"

Yao Jin said seriously: "His Highness said that during the period when she is not in Xuanzhou, you will be the master of Xuanzhou."

Li Tong was stunned for a long time, and his eyes slowly turned red.

Her mother didn't want her to return to Xuanzhou and take risks, but when she made such a decision, she handed everything over to her.

If she wants to quit, her mother wants her to be mediocre and safe.

If she wants to get in, her mother will give her everything.

My mother is so smart and transparent... In her eyes, only if she takes the initiative to take on all this and has the ability and courage to make independent decisions, can she be the person suitable to protect Xuanzhou in her mother's place.

But she's not even her mother's biological daughter...

Li Tong held the heavy box and burst into tears for a while, but his heart became more determined and courageous.

When Li Tong raised her hand to wipe away her tears, her carriage passed by an oncoming fast horse.

This fast horse came to Jiangdu to deliver a letter from Xiao Min. The letter brought good news.

After Xiao Min reorganized his troops, he successfully regained Tanzhou. Bian's army retreated again, but Bian Chunliang fled early and was unable to kill him in one fell swoop.

Bian Chunliang retreated to the Hengzhou area 400 miles away, and Xiao Min continued to lead his troops to pursue the victory.

Chang Sui Ning felt a little more at ease. In any case, it was now certain that one side was the other. Although the court was at fault, it could not change the fact that Bian Jun committed many evil deeds and that Bian Chunliang deserved death.

This good news was also sent back to the capital. Along with the joy of the autumn harvest, many officials in the court had the illusion that the situation had improved.

But many times, a brief glimmer of hope is often a preview of a greater crisis.

At the end of August, the autumn harvest came to an end, and it was less than two months before the prince's wedding.

Some vassal kings and Jiedu envoys are already preparing to enter the capital after waiting and watching.

But what quickly arrived in Beijing was an urgent report - King Fan Yang had rebelled.

Fan Yang Jiedushi was poisoned by his marching commander Duan Shiang, and Duan Shiang had already secretly defected to Fan Yang Wang Li Fu.

Li Fu was born in a branch of the clan and did not have much military power in his hands. He was always cautious and cautious. He was rarely mentioned in the past. However, this time he suddenly took advantage of the chaos to control 40,000 Fan Yang troops and forcibly recruited tens of thousands of troops in Youzhou. It has suddenly become a serious problem.

Before the imperial court could respond, Duan Shiang sent his troops southward and quickly occupied Yingzhou and Jizhou.

When the news reached Jiangdu, the food box Qiao Yumian was holding suddenly fell down, and she suddenly turned her head to look north in the noisy long street.

Jizhou is close to Xingzhou, Qinghe is under the rule of Xingzhou... and Cui Lang is still in Qinghe at the moment!
A gust of autumn wind passed by, a few dead leaves fell among the green tiles, and dark clouds came on the north sky. (End of chapter)

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