Chang'an is good

Chapter 519 Crying will open the city gate

Chapter 519 Crying will open the city gate
King Fan Yang's rebellion was like an inconspicuous fire that suddenly exploded, igniting a fire in this late autumn.

This fire spread and burned in everyone's heart. Some people were as afraid as being in a sea of ​​​​fire, while others were ignited with burning ambitions.

Ten days before King Fan Yang raised his army, there was a sudden movement in the northern border. Beidi cavalry invaded again. Thirty thousand Beidi troops approached the border. Cui Jing had already led his troops to fight.

Previously, when Mohe invaded the country and Kangding Mountain rebelled, Cui Jing led his troops to support him and camped in Youzhou. The fiefdom of King Fan Yang was in Youzhou——

Therefore, looking back at the rebellion of King Fan Yang at this moment, it is not difficult to find that they were wary of Cui Jing and Xuance's army. In order to avoid becoming the second Kangding Mountain, they chose to take the opportunity when changes occurred in the north and Cui Jing had no time to separate. , quickly launched the mutiny.

It can also be seen from this that King Fan Yang and Duan Shiang had already planned this, and were just waiting for a suitable opportunity to take action.

At this point, King Fanyang Li Fu was the first person to express his clear refusal through actions regarding the imperial court's move to summon all the kings to the capital.

And it is foreseeable that he will not be the last.

Duan Shi'ang already had great prestige among Fan Yang's army. After taking advantage of the chaos and poisoning the hesitant Fan Yang Jiedu envoy, Duan Shi'ang quickly took control of Fan Yang's army with his ruthless and decisive methods and the title of King Fan Yang's clan.

After that, Duan Shiang quickly went south, using his troops like arms and fingers, and his momentum was like breaking bamboo.

Duan Shiang charged and attacked in the front, while Li Fu, the king of Fanyang, took a step back to calm the people's hearts in the rear, recruit and expand troops, and quickly accumulate strength.

Fan Yang's army suddenly rebelled, which was unexpected by almost everyone. In addition, Duan Shiang moved very quickly. It was only when he captured the second city of Jizhou that the news reached the capital.

Below Jizhou is Xingzhou.

The governor of Xingzhou responded quickly and asked for help from Weizhou and Xiangzhou, only to barely support the situation.

Duan Shiang failed to attack Xingzhou twice in five days. He encountered another heavy rain, so the army temporarily stayed within the boundaries of Jizhou to rest.

The Cui family's ancestral house, located in Qinghe County, Xingzhou, is also being shrouded in the autumn rain at this moment. The simple and deep house has blurred its original outline in the wind and rain, and all sounds are drowned in the noisy rain.

In the inner hall, the Cui clan members were anxiously discussing matters.

When a noble clan that has stood for hundreds of years faces a chance of survival, they never try to look at the situation with luck——

Regarding the situation in Xingzhou at this time, their views were not optimistic: "Fan Yang's army is coming fiercely, and Xingzhou may not be able to resist it for long..."

In this way, they had to prepare for the situation after Fan Yang's army captured Xingzhou.

Once Xingzhou is destroyed, the Qinghe River will be in danger.

The elderly tribesman looked solemn, but there was no fear in his eyebrows: "... one of the ministers in the lower province of Chaozhong is a member of my Cui family. The Cui family still has its roots in Beijing. If King Fan Yang wants to achieve great things in a legitimate way, it will be impossible. Dare to wage war on my ancestral roots of the Cui family!"

"But even so, it is only temporary stability... If King Fan Yang doesn't kill us, he will definitely take the opportunity to let my Cui family be used by him..."

"If we are still reluctant to express our position, who knows how patient Li Fu can be?"

"That's right...and if we fall into the hands of King Fan Yang, how will the people in the capital and the family head decide?"

Everyone fell into deep contemplation for a while.

The threats they faced now were not only from King Fan Yang, but also from the surrounding bandits and rioters who were looking for opportunities to cause trouble because of King Fan Yang's rebellion.

Those bandits and rebellious people wanted to imitate Bian Chunliang and massacre and plunder the nobles. In the past few days, they had gathered people to attack the Cui family more than once.

But the Cui family was indeed an extraordinary noble family. Not only did they store a large amount of food, ancestral property, and books, they also had a considerable number of servants. In addition, there were more than 5,000 servants on various farms.

This does not include the private support of thousands of elite soldiers and dead soldiers who stayed behind in Qinghe.

Therefore, those rioters and bandits have never been able to get any benefits.

But this is not a long-term plan. The situation will only become more chaotic and there will be more rioters... No matter how strong the tree is, it cannot withstand the continuous gnawing of insects and ants day and night.

And their troops are more than enough to deal with the chaos for the time being, but once they actually face the fierce and huge Fan Yang army, it is tantamount to hitting an egg against a stone...

Therefore, it is almost obvious that they will be controlled by King Fan Yang.

While all the tribesmen in the hall were discussing with solemn expressions, a figure of a young man in pink came out of the rain and strode into the hall.

A pot closed its umbrella behind the pink-shirted boy.

Everyone in the hall subconsciously looked at the young man who walked in.

Such a handsome young man opened his mouth and said: "... uncles and uncles, what are we waiting for now? We can just run away!"

This unsteady word made everyone in the hall change their expressions. The eldest old man's face darkened: "Rokuro! If you want to discuss this matter together, please sit down and listen quietly!"

"Uncle, as soon as the rain stops, Fan Yang's army will attack the city again. How can there be time to listen quietly!" Cui Lang was not afraid of the old man's majesty and continued: "The situation is so unfavorable. I can't wait to run. Am I stupid? Stay here and wait for Fan Yangjun to come to your door? "

The old man's face turned pale with anger when he heard this.

Another middle-aged tribesman looked at Cui Lang with a bit of anger: "Liu Lang... This is the Qinghe River, where my Cui family's ancestral home is. If we run away like this, what shame will we have in the future?" To meet the ancestors of the Cui family?"

"You are the eldest son of the Cui family, and you only run away when trouble comes. If you are so irresponsible, how will you be in charge of the Cui family in the future? How will you convince everyone?"

Since Cui Jing was expelled from the clan, Cui Lang has been regarded by the clan as the offspring of the future head of the family.

But this seedling is really worrying to look at.

Facing those disappointed eyes and questioning voices, Cui Lang didn't feel ashamed at all - just kidding, he has grown up with such disappointed eyes since he can remember, would he be afraid of this?
His voice became even louder: "Then King Fanyang Li Fu, if he is a shameless person, he may still be able to deal with us for a while!"

"But if he is shameless and crazy at heart, imitating Bian Chunliang and killing us all when he is in a bad mood, what can we do?"

"At that time, either hundreds of people in the ancestral home will be under the control of King Fan Yang, and we will become hostages, and our grandfather and father in the capital will be tied up; or we will all become unjust ghosts and go down together to meet the ancestors of the Cui family. , when we meet at the foot of the spring, won’t all your uncles and uncles feel honored?”

"You..." The old man's lips trembled with anger, and he pointed at Cui Lang: "Blow him out!"

The dandy was sent back to Qinghe from the capital by the family master and was handed over to him to take care of. At first, he was very confident and believed that there was no dandy in the Cui clan that he could not discipline. However, as time went by, he felt that... the dandy was really not teachable. !

He even began to wonder, could it be that the Cui family was really on the verge of exhaustion? Otherwise, how could Cui's eldest daughter be the direct descendant of the traitorous people?
"You don't have to blast me, I'll go by myself!"

When Cui Lang turned around angrily and walked out, the hall was filled with helpless sighs.

However, the next moment, Cui Lang, who had reached the threshold, paused, then suddenly turned around and strode back.

"...?" Everyone in the Cui family looked at him at a loss for words. "...I won't leave, I haven't finished speaking yet!" Cui Lang stood in the hall, his expression more determined than before, looking at the clan elder sitting at the top: "Uncle, you know, the Cui family started their business back then, and with their reputation What is it?”

The old man pursed his lips tightly, suppressed his anger, and said firmly: "In that case, it's up to you to tell me, what's the reason?"

Cui Lang: "I don't know what it is."

The clan elder's suppressed anger was about to rise again, and the young man continued: "But I know that it will definitely not be the so-called stubborn character that my uncle is unwilling to give up at this time!"

"Cui's character is the result of hundreds of years of beautiful scholarship! This is an acquired thing, like a fine dress, but it should not become a shackles on us!"

"And I believe that true character and responsibility are never stubbornness without knowing how to adapt, but rather the determination and courage to advance when you advance, retreat when you retreat, and not be afraid of death when you die!"

"What the Cui family uses to pass on the family is not this cold old house, nor the rich ancestral property here, but us, the Cui family's descendants!"

"If we live, the Cui family of Qinghe will live. If we die, the Cui family of Qinghe will die!"

Following the young man's loud words, there was a silence in the hall that was different from the beginning.

In this silence, the young man dropped his robe and knelt down.

"Uncle, since the overthrow of the Zheng family, although the Cui family is still there, it is no longer the unshakable Cui family of the past. And this world is no longer the orderly and controllable world it once was -"

The voice of these words was no longer as loud as before, but the old man who was calling him was momentarily absent-minded.

The old man looked at the young man kneeling there.

The boy is naturally very young and lively, as beautiful and light as a bird with colorful feathers, with a flying spirit that has not been restricted by layers of rules.

Soon, behind the young man, there were more than a dozen other disciples who were as young as him and knelt down.

They knelt there, seeming to remind him that as a clan leader, he was really old - his body was old, his rules were old, and his knowledge was also old.

During this brief moment of absence, the old man thought of his family head who was far away in the capital.

How could the child whom the head of the family personally selected and sent back to Qinghe to protect could really be worthless?

Just at this moment, the boy who was kneeling behind this child...isn't this the embodiment of the people's aspirations of this generation of Cui's children?

Perhaps, not only strengths recognized by old guys like them can be called strengths.

Or perhaps, the head of the family is taking a fancy to Rokuro's bright and flexible personality that is different from others...

The head of the family once said that in different situations, the Cui family needs different family heads to lead the way, because the world is never static.

The old man felt a little sad and a little enlightened. When he looked at Cui Lang again, most of the prejudice in his eyes disappeared silently.

But when he spoke again, there was an unspeakable complexity and weakness in his tone: "Qinghe is thousands of miles away from the capital... Under such a situation, even if you want to walk, I'm afraid it will be difficult to move even an inch."

An old man of his age grew up during the years when the Cui family was truly prosperous, so he is even more unwilling to admit the current decline of the Cui family. Once he was confronted with the fact that the Cui family was powerless, the strength that the old man had maintained also declined, and he suddenly showed his powerlessness.

"It's naturally impossible to go to the capital." Cui Lang said with bright eyes: "Uncle, let's go to the west, to Taiyuan!"

The clan elder was stunned when he heard this.

"...Taiyuan?" Other tribesmen also had complicated expressions: "Bingzhou..."

Taiyuan was placed under the jurisdiction of Bingzhou, and everyone knew that the governor of Bingzhou was Cui Jing, who was exterminated by them.

"Bingzhou is only three hundred miles away from Qinghe, so it is the safest choice at the moment." Cui Lang said: "And I don't think Li Fu, the king of Fanyang, dared to invade Bingzhou easily!"

Members of the Cui clan: "..."

The key point in this matter is whether the merger of states is safe enough?

Everyone had mixed expressions, but no one said a word for a while.

It was a disciple next to Cui Lang who asked in a low voice: "But... what if Taiyuan City shuts us out?"

As soon as such straightforward and embarrassing words were asked, the Cui clan members felt even more embarrassed. Just when they were about to reject the proposal, they heard Cui Lang say: "What's the matter? I'm here. I won't cry then." Open the gates of Taiyuan City!"

"..." The disciple who asked the question opened his mouth in shock.

I have to say that in times of crisis, I really envy such an irresistible face and such a self-esteem that has no sense of existence... This kind of indomitable courage to survive really makes people feel safe.


The disciple quietly glanced at the tribesmen who were about to get angry, and then asked in a low voice: "...Wouldn't this be too detrimental to the character of the Cui family?"

Although he agrees with Rokuro's view, at this juncture, character is not the most important thing, but... he can't give it up at all, right?

"Crying with the enemy is called having no character. Crying in front of one's eldest brother's door has nothing to do with having no character!"

While Cui Lang was speaking, he stood up, took out a letter from his sleeve, and said with a smile: "There is no need for me to cry. I just received a letter written by Dai Changshi from the governor of Bingzhou!"

"Dai Changshi wrote in the letter that as long as the Cui family is willing to avoid Taiyuan, he can lead troops to meet them a hundred miles outside Taiyuan City!"

As the origin of the Dasheng Dragon Vein, Taiyuan's location is of such vital importance that nothing can be missed.

At this juncture, Cui Jing is challenging Beidi, and Taiyuan's every move must not be careless. If it is not properly grasped, once Fan Yangjun is angered and the opponent attacks, even if Taiyuan has the power to fight, it will never What a good situation to look forward to.

Therefore, Dai Changshi's willingness to take the initiative to lead troops hundreds of miles out of the city to meet the Cui clan is the greatest sincerity that can be achieved at the moment.

The Cui family members, who were very aware of the pros and cons, could also appreciate this sincerity and looked surprised for a moment.

Bingzhou Dai Changshi will not help without reason...

"Dai Changshi said in the letter that this was the previous instruction from the eldest brother. The eldest brother had told them to pay more attention to the people of the Cui clan in Qinghe."

Hearing Cui Lang's words, the hall fell into a complicated silence.

Cui Lang struck while the iron was hot: "Uncle, it's not too late to get the clansmen ready to leave!"

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