Chang'an is good

Chapter 524 Sir, are you going against it?

Chapter 524 Sir, are you going against it?

Although Shao Shantong apologized, he also explained the reason behind this "accident" in detail. According to his letter, after receiving the order to recruit troops, he immediately asked people to start the matter and set up temporary troops in various counties of Guangzhou. The recruiting office.

But unexpectedly, there were so many people who took the initiative to come, and the scene was very heated. There were even brothers fighting over the quota to join the army...

In Shao Shantong's words, the officials responsible for recruiting troops have tightened the conditions, but the total number of lists sent by each county still exceeds 10,000.

Alas, it’s just that Huainan Road’s treatment of soldiers was too good, and the prestige of the Jiedushi Master was too high—Shao ​​Shantong finally made this summary and reflection.

Chang Sui Ning finished reading and was silent for a while.

Faced with Shao Shantong's question about "does it need to be demobilized on the spot?" Chang Suining simply explained a few words. The general meaning can be summed up in eight characters - everything has been raised, so don't make any noise.

When Shao Shantong received the reply, he jumped out of his chair, his eyes were shining, and he was so excited that he even ate two more bowls for dinner.

Autumn sowing of wheat in Huainan Road has been completed one after another. After a rain, green and tender wheat seedlings sprouted out of the soil.

Shao Shantong's heart also sprouted along with it, and the thorns in the buds made his brain itchy. He could only relieve it by writing letters frequently.

On the first day, I reported in the letter the training situation of the new recruits after the recruitment. Finally, I asked if the envoy was okay, and secondly, when did he plan to enter the capital?

Three days later, he wrote again and told about the inventory of ordnance. At the end, he also asked whether the envoy was okay and when did he plan to enter the capital?

On the third day, I talked about the current status of the implementation of the decree and asked the envoy, "How do you do?" When do you plan to enter Beijing?


I wrote another letter, feeling that after this year's autumn harvest and autumn sowing, the people of Guangzhou are at peace, and they are all grateful to the governor for his good governance... I just don't know when you will leave for Beijing?
Goodbye letter, it’s raining heavily in Gwangju today. I wonder if it’s raining in Jiangdu. I’ve been thinking about you very much lately... I think you should be preparing to go to Beijing, right?

Letter 15: There is a fierce woman in Guangzhou beating her husband in the street, attracting people to watch... By the way, when will your Excellency leave for Beijing?

Letter 16. When I got up this morning, I saw several colorful magpies circling under the eaves for a long time. It seemed to be a good omen, so I wrote this letter to tell you the good news... So, when are you going to leave?

Anyone can see that the letter from this man from Guangzhou is full of enthusiasm for rebellion. The always necessary question "When will your Excellency come to Beijing" is clearly asking: "Your Excellency, will you rebel?" 】

And: [When will we rebel? 】

At first, Chang Sui Ning replied "undecided" and "undecided"... Later, I saw that there was nothing serious in his letter, and he didn't even bother to pay attention to it.

But Shao Shantong, who had not received a reply for a long time, became even more excited - the envoy didn't even have time to reply? He must be very busy! Just think about it, what are adults busy with?

While Shao Shantong was still writing the letter seriously, he also counted the days until today, less than a month before the prince's wedding...

Because Chang Sui Ning had not yet left, the court even sent a letter to politely ask Chang Sui Ning when he would leave.

A normal journey from Jiangdu to the capital would take half a month, and for such a major event it is often necessary to set aside enough time to prevent the trip from being delayed and disrupted. To ensure safety, it is necessary to leave early.

At this time, a small number of vassal kings and Jiedu envoys had arrived in the capital. Most of them only heard about the rebellion of King Fan Yang after they left... King Fan Yang and Li Fu were not afraid at first. What is disturbing is that Fan Yang Jun and Duan Shiang.

As for the vassal kings who were in the capital at this time, watching Fan Yang's army approaching Luoyang step by step, they felt more angry or regretful, and outsiders did not know.

However, the change in attitude of those who have not yet arrived in Beijing is clear. They are either "blocked on the way due to chaos" or "cannot leave for the time being due to entangled affairs" - most of them have chosen to wait and see the situation temporarily.

Letters sent from Beijing to ask about the departure date failed to have a very good effect. Compared with the imperial court's letter, people from all parties are obviously more concerned about Fan Yangjun's movements.

While countless pairs of eyes were watching Fan Yangjun's battle situation, many people were also paying close attention to the actions of Prince Rong's Mansion in Yizhou.

Yizhou is less than a thousand miles away from the capital and can be reached in five or six days. In comparison, the time left for King Rong to set off was quite sufficient.

When the imperial court sent an edict before, King Rong had given a clear response, saying: "Li Yin will definitely be there for the prince's wedding." 】

But as Fan Yangjun broke the situation and the situation changed, everything was unknown at this time.

Up to now, Prince Rong has not made any clear-cut and eye-catching actions in this dispute, but the growth of power and reputation of Prince Rong's Mansion in Yizhou in the past two years has been noticed by everyone. When discussing the overall situation, all parties have never tried to bypass the mountain of Prince Rong's Mansion.

In the outer study room of Jiangdu Governor's Mansion, the subject of Prince Rong's Mansion was no exception.

After listening to Wang Yue and others express their opinions, Chang Sui Ning said: "I suspect that the rebellion of Fan Yangjun may be behind the handwriting of Prince Rong's palace."

This sentence without any foreshadowing made everyone in the study react briefly.

For a moment, Luo Guanlin asked seriously: "What did you find, sir?"

Chang Suining shook his head: "I haven't, so I just doubt it."

Luo Guanlin: "My lord, do you think the timing of Fan Yangjun's rebellion is too coincidental?"

"Yes and no. In today's world, there are many people who are unwilling to take the risk of entering the capital. It is normal for some people to choose to rebel." Chang Sui Ning said: "I made this judgment based on past mistakes——"

She said: "Prince Rong's Mansion has secretly stirred up troubles more than once, including when Xu Zhengye started the uprising. Prince Rong's Mansion also secretly revealed to Xu Zhengye the secrets of the imperial army, horses, food and fodder, thereby adding fuel to the flames."

Luo Guanlin was slightly shocked. This was the first time he heard about this, and Chang Sui Ning didn't look like he was making nonsense.

And if he thought about it carefully, he could indeed recall the things related to this... At that time, he was planning things under Xu Zhengye's account. Indeed, Xu Zhengye's several surprise attacks and interception of the court's food and grass were all done with precision. But the source is unclear.

He had many speculations about this, but Xu Zhengye never made it clear to him.

It turns out...were all those secrets secretly revealed by Prince Rong's Mansion?
At this time, I heard Chang Sui Ning say: "Also, the former Huainan King Li Tong died of illness, but in fact he was poisoned by Prince Rong's Mansion——"

Luo Guanlin fell silent and pursed his lips slightly.

"So at this time, I suspect that Fan Yangjun's rebellion is somehow related to him, and it should not be groundless." Chang Sui Ning said: "Whether he is watching the fire from the other side, or he is firmly behind the scenes and manipulating puppets, Fan Yangjun's troubles In the end, everyone in the Rong Palace will benefit from such a huge chaos."

Moreover, the greater the disturbance caused by Fan Yang's army, the more King Rong would benefit from it.

If Fan Yang's army really goes all the way to the capital and does all the evil and dirty work, there is no doubt that Prince Rong's Mansion will come out to "conquer" him. They are upright and well-known, and they can win over people's hearts.

Thinking of this, Wang Yue felt a chill running down his spine.

Although the struggle for power is never clean, looking at many of King Rong's actions, it is really difficult for people to believe that he will become a benevolent king in the future... But such a person is used to win people's hearts. It is the name of his well-known kindness.

Wang Yue has no doubt that there is any lie in what the adults said. The adults in his family disdain and do not need to use such means to slander anyone, not to mention that this is only made clear to them, the counselors, in private. At this moment, Wang Yue couldn't help but said with worry and anger: "If these people are allowed to achieve great things, they will definitely not be a blessing to the common people."

"So, we can't let him get his wish." Chang Sui Ning picked up the tea cup, his tone was a bit casual, but it gave people a feeling that he was bound to win.

Seeing Chang Sui Ning drinking tea, Luo Guanlin paused and then asked: "In your opinion...will the Ming family order you to lead troops to intercept Fan Yang's army?"

At this time, the war situation in Xiangzhou was not good.

"She." Chang Sui Ning guessed as he put down the tea cup: "She should prefer me to go to Beijing."

But the world is constantly changing, and who can always get what they want?

On the same day, Chang Suining discussed with Luo Guanlin and others and summoned the central army generals to enter the city.

Shepherd's Purse also came back and went to see Chang Suining with Bai Hongchuxing and others.

After taking the order and leaving, when shepherd's purse passed the gate of Yi Zhongyue Cave, a long-awaited figure rushed out and stepped forward to salute her: "Commander!"

The girl in front of her was wearing a blue robe, her hair was braided and hanging down her head. There was a temptation in her big and deep eyes, and she asked in a low voice: "Commander, is there going to be a war?"

Shepherd's Purse smiled and asked instead, "How are you doing picking up the beans?"

Kang Zhi's expression turned bitter: "Commander, I already knew I was wrong!"

Previously, when Kang Zhi followed Chang Sui Ning to put down the rebellion of the Huainan Road governor, he was rewarded for his meritorious service in killing the Huangzhou governor. But at the same time, he was punished by shepherd's purse for being too reckless.

This punishment made Kang Zhi very crazy. Someone actually mixed mung beans and red beans into a bucket every day, brought them to her, and asked her to sort them out again... She did this for several months!

For the first ten days or so, she was completely impatient. She kept picking and picking, and she couldn't help but feel irritated. She even kicked the bean bucket over - she would rather be beaten with a military stick than suffer this torture!
But doing so will result in a longer punishment for picking up beans.

Previously, Chang Suining led troops to Mianzhou. When Kang Zhi heard that she was not being taken with him, she was anxious and aggrieved. She picked up the beans in her hands but dropped them in her eyes.

When Gu Erlang saw it, she was so angry that she drew her sword and chased Gu Erlang half a mile away.

On the third month of picking up, Kang Zhi finally lost her temper and could honestly pick up a whole bucket every day.

At this time, Kang Zhi stretched out her hand and swore an oath: "Commander, I swear that I will never act without permission in violation of military regulations again!"

As he spoke, there was a rare helplessness in his eyes: "I pick up beans every day. If I keep picking up beans like this, I will turn into beans!"

"If you could really be as round as a bean, that would really save people's worries!" Shepherd's Purse said, raising his feet and leaving, saying: "Okay, let's go! Follow me to the army for training, and you should also put your Take out the knife and sharpen it!”

Kang Zhi was overjoyed and hurriedly followed her, then asked shepherd's purse: "Commander, is there really going to be a war?"

“Sharpen your sword more and ask less.”

When Kang Zhi heard this, she quickly tightened her mouth, fearing that she would be thrown back to pick up beans again.

Five days later, news reached Jiangdu that the imperial troops who resisted Fan Yang's army were defeated in Xiangzhou, and Xiangzhou had fallen into the hands of Fan Yang's army.

After Fan Yang's army rested for a while, he led one hundred thousand troops and headed straight for Luoyang.

The ruling and opposition parties fell into panic and shock for a while.

After finishing the morning court in fear, the prince ran to the Manna Hall and knelt down in tears: "... Luoyang is in danger, please ask the saint to give guidance to my ministers!"

Some ministers made many suggestions, but he did not dare to accept them easily for fear of making the wrong decision.

Even if he knew that Zhongshu, the Prime Minister of Ma, and his subordinate, the Prime Minister of Wei, were close friends of the saint, he should follow the opinions of these two people, which he had done in the past, but this matter was of great importance, and the courtiers were arguing over it. Terrified and overwhelmed.

"Some ministers suggested that the capital's 60,000 Xuance troops should go..." The prince said in a panic: "Prime Minister Wei has not expressed his position, and Prime Minister Ma is also undecided. I can only boldly come to ask the saint for instructions!"

Behind the curtain, the scent of burning incense pills lingered, and the emperor slowly closed his eyes.

After a moment, a majestic and calm voice came out: "Sixty thousand Xuance troops cannot leave the capital."

This is the last barrier of the capital against the enemy. We must not leave the capital easily, especially since all the members of the Qinghe Cui family have moved to Taiyuan...

The Cui family and Cui Jing seemed to have severed their relationship, but they were still so close at this juncture. How could she allow the remaining 60,000 Xuance troops in the capital to leave the capital at this juncture and head north? Go face to face...

The decisive voice of the Holy Emperor resounded again, and the words fell clearly into the ears of the prince: "Order Zhengzhou, Xuzhou, Bianzhou and other places to rush to the rescue of Luoyang with all their strength, no matter the cost, no loss!"

The prince responded repeatedly and hurriedly took people to prepare the decree and deliver the order.

When leaving the Manna Hall, the prince's hands were shaking.

There are only more than ten days left for his wedding, but he often feels like he won't live until the wedding day.

On this day, the princess's wedding dress was sent to Zheng Guogong's mansion by the palace officials.

Wei Miaoqing was served by a group of palace officials and tried on a heavy dress. What awaited her was a complicated etiquette drill for the wedding process to ensure that she would make no mistakes on the wedding day.

But Wei Miaoqing was also at a loss - could she still be successful as a cheap princess? Can those cakes painted for the sisters still be baked?
Wei Miaoqing looked at the palace people surrounding him in a daze, feeling that everyone was just trying to do things, and their hearts were probably already filled with fear.

Wei Miaoqing, who had been busy all day, hurriedly looked for his brother after hearing that he had returned home.

Wei Shuyi patiently comforted his sister for a few words. After her sister left, he sat back in the chair and raised his hand to rub his eyebrows tiredly.

Today, he went to Ganlu Hall to see the saint, and made a proposal to the saint - let Changjie envoy of Huainan Road lead troops to Luoyang to resist Fan Yang's rebels.

Wei Shuyi chose to advise the sage privately instead of guiding the prince to make this decision in the morning court, precisely because he knew that the sage might not agree with this matter. But considering the overall situation, he still chose to give it a try.

Sure enough, the saint refused.

But after refusing, the saint made a "compromise" decision.

When Wei Shuyi thought of this "compromise" strategy again, he still couldn't help but have complicated and unspeakable feelings in his heart.

Good night babies.

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