Chang'an is good

Chapter 525 I hope she doesn’t want to come.

Chapter 525 I hope she won’t come back

The saint insisted on letting her enter the capital, but the saint did not want to risk the safety of Luoyang——

The saint asked Bianzhou and other places to rush to Luoyang, but he did not put all his hopes on them. He did not agree to let the remaining 60,000 Xuance troops leave the capital because he was wary of all forces, including Cui Jing and the Cui family.

The saint knows the importance of Luoyang better than anyone else, and in the eyes of the saint, the weapon that can be used to defend Luoyang is not only the 60,000 Xuance Army in the capital, but also the current Jiangdu Army.

However, the empress intended to let Chang Kuo lead the army to support Luoyang, but still wanted Chang Suining to enter Beijing.

At that time in the Ganlu Hall, Wei Shuyi heard this and said almost immediately: "Sage, Zhongyong Marquis has a serious leg disease and is no longer able to lead troops in battle. I'm afraid this method is inappropriate." 】

[I don’t need Marquis Zhongyong to lead the troops into battle. Now Changjie has no shortage of good generals under his command. Marquis Zhongyong only needs to sit in the army and command the overall situation. 】

After Wei Shuyi was silent for a moment, he raised his hand to salute, and said in a rare move: [This move by the saint may make Changjie envoy feel that he is being held hostage by suspicion...]

When Wei Shuyi finished speaking, he noticed that the emperor's eyes were on him.

He knew that what he said was very inappropriate and had almost no sense of propriety as a powerful minister. It would easily arouse the emperor's suspicion and dissatisfaction.

But he had to say it, even if it was for the sake of the overall situation.

And as he is a close official of the Emperor, the more critical this is, the more he should speak out and truthfully——

Let her go to the capital alone, but let her father, who has limited mobility, take her soldiers to help the court quell the chaos... Even if we don't talk about the so-called secular reasons, this is inappropriate based on the situation and people's hearts.

It's inappropriate to put it on her. It would be inappropriate to place it on any powerful Jiedu envoy.

The emperor's move was really dangerous and could easily lead to new chaos.

After he said these words, the hall fell silent.

Wei Shuyi only felt that the silence was very long, until all the palace people in the palace retreated silently, leaving only the monarch and his ministers.

Wei Shuyi had a premonition in his heart.

[Wei Qing, you should know that I am not a king who has his own way regardless of the importance. 】

The emperor's indistinguishable voice came from above: "Wei Qing must also know who the Jiedushi of Huainan Road is." 】

He is a smart man and Duan Zhenyi's son. By this time, some things are probably no longer a secret.

Wei Shuyi remained silent, only slightly lowering his slightly bowed head and raised hands.

[She and I are not just ordinary monarchs and ministers. ] There was a trace of warmth in the emperor's voice that had never been exposed before: [Even if we have never known each other, I promoted her and gave her all my preference and tolerance... What if I only treat her as an ordinary minister? Will he let her grow so strong without any precautions? 】

[I know that she is doing it for the sake of prosperity, and what I am doing now is also for the sake of prosperity... I let her return to Beijing, and I have absolutely no intention of harming her. 】

[I just want to sit down and talk with her, decide on this precarious situation with her, and communicate with her unanimously——]

[I want to see her on the premise that I will never hurt her. Is this request really so greedy as to be heinous? 】

At the end of his words, there seemed to be a trace of confusion and sigh in the emperor's eyes.

But Wei Shuyi could tell that she was determined.

Firmly believe that what you do is reasonable and reasonable.

The emperor's words all revealed that she had never treated Chang Sui Ning as a courtier, otherwise she would not have had so many indulgences and preferences... Because she had never treated Chang Sui Ning as a courtier, it was also because of her mother that she allowed Chang Sui Ning to enter the capital this time. Status, if the mother acts like this, she doesn’t have to worry about forcing her daughter to rebel, right?
At that moment, Wei Shuyi almost didn't know what to say. There was only one question lingering in his mind - So, is it so much more difficult to be a king's daughter than to be a king's minister?
Being the daughter of a king means that even if the king does something to you that she dare not do to his ministers, you cannot resist without scruples like ordinary ministers...

The saint talks about his preferences every word, but those preferences are not something she asked for, are they?
Even if her achievements in this life were done by someone else, she would still be as successful as she is now.

The sage said that he would never be afraid of her, which may be half true... But at this moment, he vaguely understood that this lack of fear was probably due to the sage's "reliance" on his mother's identity.

This reliance must come from the accumulation of many past events. From those events, the mother saw her daughter's ability and her daughter's submissiveness... So even after a lifetime, she is still willing to believe that her daughter will not really resist her or reject her.

But what the saint is doing now is clearly that he is acting as a mother to act as king, isn't it?

The emperor's selfishness must be in the name of prosperity, and the love between mother and daughter must be divided into shells... And this kind of thing, no matter how it is disguised, cannot change the nature of the calculation.

Wei Shuyi didn't know the reason why Chang Suining didn't want to recognize his biological mother, but at this moment, as a bystander on the outside, he actually felt a little suffocated.

The suffocation comes from the almost airtight control.

Some precious things should flow freely like water. The more you try to keep them in your hands, the easier it is to end up with nothing.

Just like him and Qing'er, his father and mother never tried to control them, but they never thought of escaping. Instead, he was always "bound" by the unconditional love at home.

The same goes for Qing'er. From her willingness to be the crown princess, we can see her responsibility and respect for the Duke of Zheng's palace.

No one asked them, but the love they received always showed them the way.

But the sage does not seem to understand or recognize this truth.

The presence of a saint is control.

Control the imperial power, control the world, control everything, including her children.

Now that those cold and huge powers are gradually leaving her control, she is still trying to control her daughter to help her regain the ability to control everything.

Wei Shuyi was sitting behind the desk, still wearing his official uniform that he had not bothered to change into.

At this moment, he gently placed one hand on an old book on the desk. Through the shadow of the lamp, he seemed to see an old figure.

In the past, he only knew that the figure was majestic, heavy, and high-spirited, which made people regretful and painful... Now he could see that this seemingly tenacious figure was bound by invisible threads everywhere.

Those threads are invisible, but they can be entangled deeply into the flesh and blood. Even if they live another life, they will still try to control her again.

But this time, how will she choose?
This is the emperor's last plan for her. Her choice this time will clearly determine her position and her future path.

Wei Shuyi was momentarily absent-minded - so, after she made her choice, would he one day stand on her opposite side?
However, he actually hoped... that she would not come back.

Even if he will continue to be loyal to the emperor, even if he is not willing to oppose her, but... than to be Li Shang, he would rather see her continue to be the high-spirited Chang Sui Ning who is not trapped. Wei Shuyi picked up the spread-out letter that he had yet to write on, lit it over a candle, and threw it into the copper basin.

The emperor chose to explain the secret to him not simply because he wanted to talk to him, nor to gain his worthless sympathy, but... because he wanted him or his mother Duan Zhenyi to write a letter to persuade Chang Suining. Return to Beijing.

Just like when there is a conflict between mother and daughter, the daughter does not want to communicate, so she tries to use others to comfort her and talk about her good intentions as a mother.

But he didn't think he could persuade her, and he didn't want to try.

He was loyal to the saint because he received the emperor's favor and should repay it. However, Wei Shuyi should repay the favor he received from the emperor with his own efforts and should not involve unrelated people.

In this life, she owed nothing to the saint, let alone Wei Shuyi. It was not his turn to make self-righteous persuasion.

Since he became an official, he believed that he had never been unworthy of the saint's respect, and it was the same this time - but if the saint thought that his move meant disloyalty, he had nothing to say.

Wei Shuyi stood up from his desk, walked slowly to the window, raised his hand to open a carved window, and looked into the silent night.

The saint has sent people to Jiangdu to convey the secret order. Time is urgent. The horse will work day and night and can reach Jiangdu in three days at the fastest...

Three days later, how will she react when she hears this "inappropriate" secret order? Will you hesitate?
Wei Shuyi stood quietly for a long time, until the cold rain came from the window and he came back to his senses and slowly blinked his eyelashes stained with rain and mist.

Wei Shuyi breathed out slowly, suppressed all his thoughts, closed the window, sat back at the desk again, and began to think about official duties.

Today, the saint not only talked to him about "private matters", but also talked about the Cui family's affairs with him.

After the Zheng family in Xingyang was uprooted, turmoil ensued, and the saint was unable to take action against the Cui family for a while. However, the situation deteriorated too quickly, leaving no opportunity for the saint to take action slowly.

Now that Taiyuan has taken in the relocated tribesmen of the Cui family in Qinghe, the saint is inevitably suspicious that Cui Jing will join forces with the Cui family to stir up trouble...

Furthermore, Prince Rong's Mansion has been secretly trying to win over the Cui family, but this move has not been hidden from the emperor's ears.

As for now, dozens of Cui's disciples are being treated as honored guests at King Fan Yang's house...

The choice and whereabouts of the Cui family have become a major matter that requires close attention nowadays. Cui Hao of the Cui family is still serving as the prime minister of the province. The sage asked him to be on guard against Cui Hao's every move and never leave the Cui family to cooperate with anyone. Opportunity. If necessary, after the prince's wedding, we can find an opportunity to remove Cui Hao...

But none of this is easy to handle. The current situation of the imperial court can affect the whole body...

And now it is not just her in Jiangdu who needs to make a choice, but also the Cui family. For the Cui family, there is no room left to continue to wait and see.

But, what will the Cui family choose in the end?
He is still speculating.

Under the lamp, when thoughts appeared in the young man's eyes, the Cui family of Anyifang, who were also in the capital, were about to make the final choice that would determine the direction of the family.

Before that, a servant brought a letter home from Cui Lang.

This family letter was sent by King Fan Yang and Duan Shiang to "report peace" to the Cui family.

"Father, what did Lang'er say in the letter?" Cui Ai stood at his head, looking a little nervous.

"Liu Lang and the others are not in danger for the time being." Cui Ju, with pale beard and hair, sat firmly at the top, with a thin and straight figure. There was not much emotion on his solemn face: "Liu Lang told the clan not to worry about him."

Cui Wei was stunned for a moment when he heard this. In his eyes, he was the most pampered son this time. He originally thought that this son would cry miserably and ask for help in the letter...

But for some reason, the more this Shuzi acted calmly and understood the overall situation, the more uneasy he felt as a father.

"Father, I'm afraid King Fan Yang doesn't have much patience..." Cui Hu said: "After Liu Lang's letter home, King Fan Yang will definitely wait for an opportunity to make conditions to Cui. Father, how should we respond then?"

He didn't mention half a word about his worries about his second son, but there was already a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

The second son has a naughty temperament and is often scolded by him. However, because of his generous temperament, even if he is noisy, he can naturally be more close to him, unlike the relationship between him and the stubborn eldest son. So cold and cold, without any warmth from father and son...

Cui Wei was anxious when he saw his wife Lu taking a few steps forward and actually knelt down towards his father in the hall.

Since the matter mentioned today concerns Cui Lang, Lu, as the eldest daughter-in-law, made an exception and had the opportunity to be present.

Seeing his wife suddenly kneeling down at this moment, Cui Ai hurriedly stopped him: "Mr. Lu, what are you kidding about? My father and uncles from all clans have their own decisions to make -"

However, Mrs. Lu didn't move, and she already said, "Master, sir, my daughter-in-law, Mrs. Lu, has something to ask of me."

When Cui Wei was about to speak, he saw his father nodding.

Mrs. Lu's expression was solemn without any signs of vulnerability. She knelt there and raised her hands to salute, saying: "My daughter-in-law begs my father not to change the clan's plans because of Liu Lang's safety!"

It was quiet inside the huge hall, with only the sound of wind and rain blowing outside.

Looking out of the storm-filled hall, the woman with a high bun and wide sleeves straightened her back and said without hesitation: "Liu Lang voluntarily pledged himself as a pledge to save the clan. If he wants to escape, he can rely on his own good fortune, and if he escapes, No, there is no need for the clan to be restrained because of him!”

Cui Hao was stunned when he saw that his wife had kowtowed, her voice was slightly hoarse but seemed to be indestructible. This was something he had never seen in this docile wife——

"Since Liu Lang is concerned about the clan, he also asks the clan to live up to Liu Lang's hard work!"

The Cui clan members in the hall were all highly respected people. At this moment, when they looked at the Lu family, they no longer showed any contempt for the woman.

After a moment, Cui Zhi nodded and said, "Get up."

"Thank you, father." Madam Lu stood up, and when she stood back to where she was, her figure swayed for a moment.

Cui Ai hurriedly supported her.

Lu's eyes did not squint and soon returned to normal. Only the corners of his eyes were slightly red, which made people unable to see carefully.

She has two sons, one of whom is fighting against the enemy in the north, and his life and death are unpredictable. One son is behind bars and his situation is unknown.

As a mother-in-law, she will never be free from worries or pain.

But she was also happy, but also proud.

She, Mrs. Lu, has never stepped out of the beautiful high school in her life. She has no knowledge or ability at all. How can she be a mother of two children?

And the child is so mature and able to be so persistent. Even if the mother is incompetent, she still has to live up to her expectations... Even if she is pretending, she has to grit her teeth and pretend!
Good night everyone.

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