Chang'an is good

Chapter 526 Can Be the Lord of the World

The Lu family stood quietly. Amidst the expressions of different moods among the clan members, the head of the family at the head of the family said: "Regarding the matter of Liu Lang, what our Cui family is really facing may not be the threat from King Fan Yang——"

This sentence made all the clansmen temporarily stunned: "The master's intention is..."

"Yesterday, I received a secret letter from Prince Rong. In the letter, he asked the Cui family if they need help from Prince Rong's palace -" Cui Judao said: "If the Cui family needs it, he can try to send Liu Lang and others back to the clan unscathed." middle."

"...Rongwang?" A middle-aged tribesman frowned: "Unscathed...Can King Rong make such a guarantee? Could it be..."

"Is there someone from the King of Honor in Fan Yang's army?" Cui Tao also reacted and his expression changed slightly: "If this is true, then this person's status is probably not low..."

Does this prove that King Rong was probably behind King Fan Yang’s rebellion?

Thinking of this, the Cui clan had a brief noisy conversation.

Therefore, the safety of Liu Lang and others is not so much in the hands of King Fan Yang as it is tied to King Rong...

The current situation of Liu Lang and others not only means that the lives of thirty of them are in danger at any time, but also concerns the Cui family's situation in the court - at this juncture, if the empress really does not care about taking action against the Cui family, The Cui family alone has no chance of escaping unscathed.

The Cui family is no longer the Cui family of the past. They must make a choice now, otherwise they will end up with no bones left in the battle between all parties.

All the clan members in the hall were aware of this.

Even though Cui Ai was dissatisfied with King Rong's move: "King Rong's move is clearly to force my Cui family to express its stance..."

They do coercive things in the name of helping, but the other party does it so decently that it makes people want to have an attack, but there is no way to do so.

In the past, no one would have dared to let the Cui family suffer such a humiliating loss!

In the past, before the situation changed, the Cui family would not have been so panic-stricken. They had to choose to rely on those with weapons in order to continue to survive...

"The world has changed." Cui Tai clenched his fists tightly, his eyes slightly reddened by the unwillingness and anger in his heart: "There is no way for a gentleman to survive in this world."

Some tribesmen fell into sighs and silence, while others looked lonely.

"It is the Cui family's hundreds of years of glory that gave me the illusion that this glory will never die." Cui Ju looked at everyone, including the eldest son: "But in fact, the power and dignity in this world have never lasted forever. precedent."

"A gentleman's etiquette will never die. This world will always need gentlemen and etiquette." Cui Ju's old voice was as solemn and long as the sound of a simple bell: "The only ones who will perish and change are those who hold the sharp weapon of a gentleman's etiquette and are condescending."

If there is no Cui in this high place, there will be others.

It is said that only the gentry can be noble and true gentlemen, and let it be said to the world. If you still deceive yourself today, you are stubborn and stupid.

Cui Ju's words almost revealed the truth that the gentry established a world based on gentlemanly etiquette. Cui Ju's expression changed unspeakably when he heard this, and then his tense shoulders slowly sank, and he was speechless for a long time.

He knew that what his father said was true, but the situation in this world had really changed so fast that he and many other tribesmen could hardly react...

The existence of these five major clans can be traced back to several dynasties. During the ups and downs of power, they had long become a symbol of orthodox etiquette in the world. At that time, almost all the literati in the world came from the gentry clan, and it was difficult for ordinary people to have people who were qualified to touch the political world.

In this way, there was a situation where the surname of the emperor was easy to change, but the surname of the nobles did not change.

The successful accession of the founding emperor of the Great Sheng Kingdom to the throne was also due to the support and recognition of several major noble families. In order to strengthen the close relationship with the gentry, Emperor Dasheng asked more than once for the daughter of the five major families to marry into the gentry. However, the Cui family of Qinghe and other families simply disdained and were unwilling to be with these fleeting things. The imperial power was tied to one place.

They always took the initiative and dominated the situation, until the power of the poor family gradually emerged, and the emperor tried to use the poor family to check and balance their status and split their interests.

But at that time, they did not feel as if they were facing a formidable enemy, and subconsciously they still acquiesced that this world would always need them to govern and guide them.

A few years ago, when they were contending with the Empress, many tribesmen still firmly believed that ruling the world with culture was a long-term way. People like Cui Jing who became the Empress' minions would only tarnish the lintel and would only bring the Cui family into lower-level power. The quagmire of struggle.

But now...

They were arbitrarily hijacked by those with weapons but were unable to do anything. The person who protected the Qinghe tribe in time was Da Lang, who had been criticized and criticized by them in every possible way, and was eventually exterminated.

In this world, dignity can no longer be defended by words and ink alone. The worship and reverence given to them by the people and heroes in the past has been gradually removed by the sharp blades of the chaotic world.

Amidst this realization that they have been swept away by the torrent and unable to escape, there is a heavy feeling of unwillingness, resentment, and silence among the Cui clan members.

"The general situation has been decided. Standing where you are and blaming others is just self-destruction." Cui Ju did not complain at all about Prince Rong's palace, Fan Yangjun, or even the empress. He said to the tribe: "Compared to King Fan Yang, King Rong It was already at the top of my Cui family's consideration list... Prince Rong's move this time just pushed the choice that my Cui family should have made a step faster."

King Rong was reminding them that it was time to make a decision "in time."

The struggle for power should not be mixed with any useless emotions. Emotions will only make judgments lose their due objectivity.

After hearing this, Cui Hao gradually calmed down.

Those tribesmen also tried their best to distance themselves from their emotions. Someone asked seriously: "Has the family master considered it and planned to help King Rong succeed?"

In the past two years, they had watched repeatedly and believed that King Rong was indeed the best choice at the moment. As for King Fan Yang, who had suddenly revolted, in their view, he was more like a wedding dresser for others.

In comparison, although King Rong's scheming was also used on the Cui family, it is undeniable that the other party is calm and strategist, has patience, has a city, has military power in his hands, and has many supporters... and he was born in Li. The orthodox family was born from the same father as the late emperor. If the situation is consolidated in the future, it is destined to be famous and get twice the result with half the effort.

These advantages are not comparable to those of King Fanyang and Li Fu.

Mrs. Lu is also waiting for the family leader's answer. She doesn't want to see the family's decision-making affected by Liu Lang, but if the family's decision-making does not conflict with the preservation of Liu Lang, she will naturally be extremely happy as a mother.

But at this time, the old man who came up heard him say slowly: "There is another option that we have never thought of."

Immediately, a clan member asked, "Who is the head of the family referring to?"

Cui Ju said: "Huainan Road is always peaceful."

There was a sudden silence in the hall, and for a moment, the faces of several Cui clan members who had always been serious even showed signs of confusion.

Cui Wei also looked shocked. Lu was stunned, and immediately her eyes lit up, and a voice came out uncontrollably in her mind - the head of the house has such a unique and bright vision? !

She used to know that the master of the family was wise, but she didn't know that his wisdom had reached such an advanced level... The master of the family has already reached this age, when did he secretly make such progress? !

Lu became inexplicably excited, clutching the handkerchief tightly with both hands, suppressing the urge to speak in agreement.

The tribesmen finally came to their senses. An old man couldn't help but leave his chair, stood up, and said with a trembling voice: "What does the master of the family mean? That Chang Sui Ning of Huainan Road is just a little girl. And they have a foreign surname, how can our Cui family support such people..."

He wanted to say something like, "The master of the house is probably an old fool," but since he was seven or eight years older and looked more like an old fool, he held back his words.

"I have never heard the family leader mention Chang Sui Ning before..." A clan member asked more tactfully: "Why did the family master suddenly consider her?"

And at this final moment of decision, even if the head of the family only takes it into consideration, it is already very shocking.

The Cui family opposed the Ming Dynasty, and at least half of the reason for their opposition was that women were in power. But now... the head of the family is actually considering supporting another woman who has suddenly become powerful, and a young girl at that?
What's the point of this?
Although the head of a noble clan has prestige, the family head alone can never decide on matters of survival or death for the clan.

Cui Ai also knew this very well, so even though he also thought his father's words were shocking and even a bit absurd, he did not express any objection or doubt - if his father really meant this, there would be countless people from his tribe Will object, he no longer has to put unnecessary pressure on his father.

However, he really didn't understand, and he was eager to hear the reasons given by his father.

However, Cui Wei almost subconsciously believed that no matter what reasons his father gave, it would be impossible to truly convince the tribe.

Cui Ju saw the reactions of his clansmen in his eyes, but his tone remained calm and objective: "Chang Sui Ning from Huainan Road has an outstanding talent that is so outstanding that people cannot help but pay attention to it. Looking at this situation, people like her are so eye-catching. There are no more two people in the world——"

"She is indeed a woman, but just because she is a woman, she has been able to gather such momentum within a few years, which makes her extraordinary mental skills even more evident."

This woman's style of behavior seems to be extremely bold without any scruples, but in the final analysis, there are always people who believe that she does not have the ability to match this style... But in fact, she has not had any luck all the way to this point. All are based on undoubted abilities.

Although Cui Ju never mentioned it, he had been secretly paying attention to Chang Sui Ning for a long time.

It is no exaggeration to say that the little woman's process of governing Jiangdu and Huainan Road often exceeded his expectations and even amazed him.

Besides being amazed, he was even confused for a moment. He was puzzled as to how such a young girl, who had been kept in the boudoir for a long time several years ago, had learned those extraordinary, mature and unique political methods?

To put it in a paradoxical way, this talent even exceeds the scope of what talent can cover.

He felt puzzled, even strange, so he could only suspect that there was an extraordinary expert helping her behind her.

Until a few months ago, he received a letter...

Amid the reactions of the tribesmen who either disapproved or hesitated, Cui Judao said: "Ling'an secretly sent back a letter before he faced off against Beidi -"

With these words, a brief silence returned to the noisy and restless hall.

The old man's rich voice rang out in the silence: "Ling An said in the letter that Huainan Dao Jiedushi Chang Sui Ning has outstanding talents and unparalleled virtues. He has the appearance of the former prince Li Xiao and can be the lord of the world."

As the old man's words fell, the surroundings fell into an even more strange silence.

Is there the appearance of the late prince Li Xiao?

Can you be the master of the world?
These two sentences are simply more arrogant than the other...

How could such a comment appear on a woman who is no more than eighteen years old?

"I think this treacherous son is obviously obsessed with things..." Cui Tao couldn't bear it and said: "He actually tried to influence the clan's decision-making with his words of preference like a phlegm!"

He has not forgotten the fact that Zhuzi proposed to marry the Chang family's daughter at the hibiscus flower banquet!
"The ghosts are obsessed with the mind, the phlegm is obsessed with the favorite words..." Lu said in surprise: "Isn't it possible that Chang Jieshi's meritorious deeds were all made up by Ling An's imagination?"

After asking, facing her husband's exciting expression, Mrs. Lu said with a sincere and uncertain expression: "This...isn't it possible to think about it?"

It seemed that she really didn't know the truth and was just a woman with little information. She wanted to know the whole story from her husband and was eagerly concerned about the mental state of her eldest son.

"..." Cui Wei turned away in embarrassment: "Of course I'm not saying that it's all his imagination... but the so-called appearance of the former prince can be said to be the master of the world. It's really too vain. How about the former prince? It’s something that a little girl like her can compare to.”

Although he disdained the imperial power, he did not deny the excellence of the former prince Li Xiao, especially when he needed to move out of the big mountain of gender - there is a natural gap between men and women, how can they be compared?

Most of the other Cui clan members have similar ideas to Cui Wei.

In addition, their moods were really complicated, with a mixture of joy and sorrow.

Fortunately, it turned out that Ling An was not loyal to the empress. They had misunderstood him before.

What's worrying is that he treats another woman so much that he admires Yu Zhong... and actually wants to drag their entire family to be loyal to her!

What kind of love-struck person is this?

Why did Tuosheng come to their Cui family?
But these embarrassing words are not suitable to be stated in detail in public. They only talk about major events to show that they are objective and fair enough: "Master of the family, even if you don't mention other things, Chang Suining had previously taken possession of the Jiangnan gentry's book collection. Bing Zhao's literati, this move also has a great impact on my Cui family..."

"This is her ability, not her shortcomings." Cui Ju said: "The general trend is, and she is just taking advantage of the trend. This is understandable. She is not my enemy of the Cui family."

Cui Ju looked at the clan members, with a hint of sigh in his tone: "If you put aside your prejudices and think carefully about her achievements along the way, you will know that even the founding monarch who has accomplished things with talent and means for several dynasties, She may not be able to act as steadily and skillfully as she does..."

"Now she seems to be able to confront the kings. She has come from nothing to what she is today. Have you ever calculated how long it took for this to happen? And how many years did King Rong spend on running it to achieve the current situation?"

"What does this mean? Have you ever calmed down and thought about it carefully?"

These questions one after another made the Cui clan people fall into complicated and heavy thinking. (End of chapter)

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