Chang'an is good

Chapter 527 The Cui family’s decision

Chapter 527 The Cui family’s decision

The current situation and the words of the family leader forced them to finally let go of their prejudices and try their best to objectively look at the woman who was indeed irresistible.

However, even after discussing this for nearly an hour, even though everyone in the Cui family had put away their contempt for Chang Sui Ning, their attitudes still did not fundamentally waver.

A large part of the reason for this is that they have never considered women before. If they are willing to support women, wouldn't it be more justifiable to choose Princess Xuan'an as soon as possible?
In comparison, Chang Sui Ning was just a woman with an unknown surname, and she had no advantage at all in terms of birth.

In today's world, how important is orthodoxy? Otherwise, why did Duan Shiang have to choose to follow Li Fu, the king of Fanyang, and give up the opportunity to become the leader on his own?

Moreover, the Cui family was founded on etiquette. In today's situation, in a sense, choosing the children of the Li family instead of the "rebels" in the eyes of the world will naturally be more beneficial to their reputation.

After all these considerations, everyone couldn't help but shake their heads when they mentioned Chang Sui Ning's background.

"I have a guess about the origin of Chang Suining." At this time, Cui Ju's voice sounded again: "Although Ling'an didn't say it clearly in the letter, I think it is impossible for him to kill Chang Suining for no reason. Ning compares with the former prince Li Xiao——"

These words restored silence to the hall.

"Furthermore, Chang Suining's previous investment of 7 million yuan to defend the border in the north was widely spread, and the world therefore speculated that there might be a hidden secret behind his origin... And many people have speculated that this hidden secret may be due to The former prince Li Xiao adopted him."

"Those rumors about life experience may not be Chang Suining secretly building momentum for himself..." As the old man spoke, his old eyes looked at everyone. Although he claimed to be guessing, his tone was almost firm -

"So I guess that this woman's origin may be related to the Li family."

In other words, she planned to be related to Li.

The hall was in an uproar due to this statement, but as long as everyone thought carefully, they could understand that the family leader's guess did not come out of thin air.

In this way, they were able to conclude that Chang Sui Ning of Jiangdu was indeed ambitious...

"But the head of the family...are we really going to give up the path of King Rong for a woman?" Most of the clan members still looked hesitant: "Is this too risky?"

"Even if she can borrow the name of the Li family, in comparison, the Rongwang faction is still more secure."

"Although this woman started quickly, it was too late after all..."

"What's more, she is a woman..."

"Master, please think twice."


Listening to the unabated objections, Cui Tao looked at his father, also hesitant to speak.

There was no anger on Cui Zheng's face, or in other words, the reaction of the tribesmen was what he had expected.

As the head of the Cui family, he certainly has the power to make decisions, but this does not mean that he can go against the wishes and interests of the majority of the clan and do things of his own accord - such a head of the family will not be recognized and will naturally lose his decision-making power. Qualifications.

Therefore, it's not that he didn't make plans earlier, but that he clearly knew that some things would never be discussed from beginning to end.

Choosing Chang Sui Ning is subversive for most people in the clan. This subverts not only their cognition, but also all the inherent benefits brought by the male and female etiquette they have admired for thousands of years.

Cui Ju absolutely believed that if he insisted on choosing Chang Sui Ning, there would be many people in the clan who would die to express their ambition.

Many things are like a big mountain, not all can be moved away in just one generation.

Many times, after people have gained benefits with some knowledge and perseverance, it is extremely difficult for them to change... Even if the honey of the past has become the arsenic of today, few people can immediately benefit from it. Jump out.

The collapse of the current situation and the irreversible human heart, when the two appear together, it is the so-called general trend and momentum.

When the general trend comes, when the momentum is about to run out, it is always difficult to resist. The reason is that they are too huge. In comparison, personal will is often so small that it will be instantly drowned before it can make a sound.

Moreover, strictly speaking, Cui Ju cannot tell right or wrong in advance. He has no ability to predict the future.

Although he admired Chang Sui Ning's talents and was willing to trust Ling An's judgment, he could not deny King Rong's abilities and advantages.

However, what he has to do today is not to choose one of the two——

"Those of us here today, including me, Cui Ju, have never experienced big storms or dynasty changes since we were born..." Cui Ju looked at everyone with a solemn look on his face: "So I'm afraid we all have I forgot one thing, that is, the reason why the Cui family has been able to stand firm for hundreds of years from its rise to prominence has never been through gambling. "

Cui Ju did not deny it and said: "If you choose Chang Sui Ning now, it will be a big gamble."

For a moment, he faced the line of sight and said clearly: "With people like Chang Sui Ning here, it would be a big gamble for us to choose King Rong."

After many analyzes of Chang Suining just now, the Cui family members could not deny this statement at this moment. They looked solemn for a while and waited for the next words of the family leader.

Cui Ju said slowly: "In this bet, the only way to survive is for both parties to place bets."

——A two-way bet? !

Cui Wei opened his eyes slightly and immediately asked: "What does father mean..."

Cui Ju: "Split the Cui family into two, with one half supporting Rong Wang Li Yin and the other half helping Chang Sui Ning of Huainan Road."

"The head of the family...are you going to split up the Cui family?" Everyone in the clan looked shocked. Someone asked for a moment: "I wonder how the head of the family wants to split up the family?"

"With Liu Lang as the leader, all the clan members and their relatives in Taiyuan will be used by Chang Sui Ning." Cui Zhidao said, "We will work with King Rong."

Cui Wei's expression fluctuated.

With Liu Lang as the leader, and the clansmen in Taiyuan... In this way, my father was equivalent to handing Liu Lang and the others into the hands of the traitor.

"After that, Liulang made his own decisions and led his clan members to leave Qinghe. He went against the instructions of his ancestors and defected to Cui Jing in Taiyuan, where he established his own clan." Cui Judao said, "From then on, he separated from the Cui clan in our capital. It doesn’t matter.”

"Father!" Cui He's heart was beating wildly: "If this happens...isn't it the same as breaking an arm and breaking a bone!"

The cohesion of the clan ultimately lies in the unity of interests. Once people go their separate ways to follow interests and people's hearts are separated, it will be impossible to get them back together! Therefore, this split is a split in the true sense!

Cui Ju's eyes were sharper now: "Continuous, how can it happen?"

Cui Hao's eyes trembled slightly.

Cui Ju looked at the people with different expressions, and his tone seemed to carry the sound of wind and rain outside the hall: "The Cui family has long been like a huge ship that is about to decay, unable to change its direction. A bad decision can bring about a storm. Completely overturned..."

The Zheng family in Xingyang is the best example.

If the Cui family wants to survive, they can only let the people on this boat get off the boat and evacuate in different directions in batches, so as to have the possibility of preserving the fire. Cui Ju: "In this way, even if Li Yin and Chang Sui Ning have a life-and-death confrontation, my Cui family can be protected from death."

At least half of them will survive.

Even if the Cui family after the split is destined to be repeatedly weakened, and may even no longer be able to survive as a noble nobleman after many years, it can at least withstand the impact of the general trend of reduction and maintain a long-term vitality.

The hall gradually fell into a strange silence, no longer the noisy atmosphere just now.

Mrs. Lu looked at the elderly family head above her and thought about his many plans, but she couldn't help but get red-eyed.

At this moment, she suddenly understood something.

Including the head of the family who decisively exterminated Dalang from the clan, and even the head of the family who let Liu Lang enter the Imperial College to make friends with his classmates... Perhaps from a long time ago, the head of the family has been preparing to split up the Cui family and find another way out for the Cui family.

It's just that the head of the family probably couldn't have imagined at that time that the path Dalang and Liulang chose for the clan would eventually lead to a little girl.

But when this girl appeared, even though she was a girl, the head of the family still made a decision without hesitation.

There is no doubt about the foresight and good intentions of the family owner. It's just that the Cui family's boat is indeed too big, and the head of the family can't control its direction, so he can only divide it into smaller boats to make a living.

Tears welled up in the corners of Lu's eyes. The Cui family was lucky to have such a wise and decisive leader.

What Lu wanted to achieve, many clan members were slow to realize.

The family owner’s painstaking efforts and layout have long been traced.

Of course they were unwilling to let them choose Chang Suining, but if they really chose Prince Rong, they would have to worry about Chang Suining's existence... But if, as the head of the family said, they bet on both sides, these worries would be gone. remove.

Although the pain of splitting and cutting bones is unbearable, the danger of the entire family being destroyed is definitely not something they can bear.

The sound of rain outside the hall became louder, and raindrops like beans fell from the eaves. Those raindrops fell tightly one by one, as if with desperate determination, they smashed themselves into countless water droplets, and then merged silently. In the rain.

Amidst the noise of the rain, an old man with silver beard and hair stood up shakily and said: "I agree with the proposal of the family master."

After a while, another middle-aged tribesman left his seat and came to the hall. He raised his hand and said, "I also agree."

"I'll wait too..."

"I am willing to follow the arrangements of the family master."

More and more tribesmen stood up.

Cui Er stood there, his mind buzzing.

After an unknown amount of time, it seemed that all the tribesmen had stood up. Cui Hao raised his head and looked at his father, and said in a hoarse voice: "But if this happens... will it cause the dissatisfaction of King Rong in the future?"

The father's intention was to show goodwill to King Rong first, and after King Rong managed to get Liu Lang and others out of trouble, the Cui family would make it clear to the outside world about the clan separation... In this way, it was tantamount to taking advantage of King Rong.

"Even if King Rong is dissatisfied, he can't interfere in this matter." Cui Judao said: "The Cui family needs King Rong, but King Rong also needs the Cui family. Now half of the Cui family is willing to help him succeed, as long as he rescues In exchange for the thirty disciples of my Cui family, even if he knew about it in advance, he had no reason to choose and refuse. "

Cui He, who had nothing to say anymore, lowered his head, slowly raised his hands that seemed to weigh a thousand pounds, and bowed deeply.

At this point, no one in the hall had any objections.

At this moment, dozens of Changshan clan members stood in the hall, obeying the decision of the head of the family.

From the beginning to the end, their voices were not high-pitched, and there was no force at all, but what they made was an unprecedentedly important decision.

After making a decision, they have no time to grieve.

Cui Ju quickly explained what he was going to do next one by one. The tribesmen all listened carefully and responded solemnly.

Finally, Cui Ju looked at the woman standing in the corner: "Ms. Lu——"

Mrs. Lu's spirits perked up a little, and she took a step forward and saluted: "Master of the family."

Cui Judao said: "Tomorrow, you will leave Beijing with Tang'er, take my handwritten letter, and go to the Lu family in Ningzhou to meet Mr. Lu in the name of visiting relatives."

The Duke Lu mentioned by Cui Ju is the uncle of the Lu family and the current head of the Lu family.

The Lu family, also one of the five major noble families, originated from Fan Yang, where Li Fu started his rebellion. Most of the clan members who stayed in Fan Yang were controlled by Fan Yang's army. The situation of the Lu family seemed to be more tense than that of the Cui family.

But Cui Ju believed that Rong Wang Ding had also expressed his "willingness to help" to the Lu family.

Compared with the Cui family, the Lu family has always been more inclined to King Rong, and many members of the clan have been used by King Rong in private.

Cui Judao said: "I will explain the Cui family's decision to Mr. Lu in a letter."

He trusted the virtue of the head of the Lu family, even though they often had different opinions.

"Whatever they decide in the end, the Cui family will not interfere." Cui Ju looked at his daughter-in-law and said, "You are only responsible for delivering the message. No matter what the Lu family decides in the future, if you are willing, you can take Tang'er all the way north. Taiyuan, there is no need to return to Beijing."

Lu was stunned for a moment.

Cui Wei was also stunned for a moment, and then he felt something was wrong. Lu was his wife, and she should regard her husband as the top priority. Even if the clan was divided, she should follow him... He had no son, how could he also want his wife and daughter? Going to Taiyuan?

But... Mrs. Lu wouldn't be willing to do it even if she thought about it. She has a meek temperament and is not very smart. She is used to relying on him for everything. How can she be separated from him?

Furthermore, Taiyuan is always the territory of the treacherous son. Even if the treacherous son has never been exterminated, his wife is just a stepmother. With such an identity, how can she be as comfortable and calm in Taiyuan as she is in the capital?

Seeing his wife coming forward and kneeling down towards his father with red eyes, Cui He frowned slightly and decided that she must express her intention to stay in the capital——

Mrs. Lu knelt down and almost cried with joy: "Daughter-in-law, thank you father for making me happy!"

Her father understood everything, saw everything, and knew that what her mother wanted to do most at the moment was to take one of her children to find her other two children.

If her father didn't mention it, she, as the daughter-in-law of the Cui family, would naturally not be able to speak, but her father chose to take the initiative to help her.

When Mrs. Lu kowtowed, she almost burst into tears.

"?!" Cui Ai looked at his wife in disbelief - so, he was abandoned by her without hesitation?
Today the audio book of "Good Day in Chang'an" is released on Himalaya. If you are interested, you can listen to it! The anchor also asked for Ning Jing’s cover picture. I’ll put the Easter egg chapter for everyone to see later!

(Thank you for your monthly votes, thank you for your tips and messages~
(It will be difficult to make up for or add updates to the next volume. To be honest, I am reorganizing the follow-up outline every day, for fear that the writing will be a little crooked and the ending will not be finished. The subsequent updates may be slower. I would like to say hello to everyone, and I will give you a heads up. One!)

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