Chang'an is good

Chapter 528 You are jealous of Dalang

Chapter 528 You are jealous of Dalang

Until late at night, when Cui Ai left the meeting hall, he still felt that he could not react.

The rain was still falling, and there were servants and maids holding umbrellas beside Cui He and Lu.

On the way, Cui He, who was under the umbrella, couldn't help but asked his wife beside him: "...Madam, are you really going to Taiyuan?"

Lu: "How can we disobey the master's order?"

"But there was no reluctance in my father's words..." These words failed to stop Cui Wei. He stopped, frowned slightly and looked at his wife, and said seriously: "You want to go on your own, don't you?"

He stopped suddenly. Lu, who was already two steps in front of him, stopped at this moment. She turned around and looked at him, sighing as if nothing, and said without denying: "Master Lang, I really want to be with Liu Lang." They are in one place."

Hearing this straightforward answer, the feeling of oppression in Cui Hui's chest became more intense. What was the difference between Lu's words and telling him directly that she didn't want to stay with him?
For Cui Wei, this almost means betrayal, subversion and provocation.

All the emotions gradually turned into anger, but due to the dignity and dignity he insisted on, Cui Hao could only suppress it and try not to let it out. He looked at Mrs. Lu intently for a moment, with disappointed and puzzled eyes, but he could only say one word at a time: "Ms. Lu, I am your husband..."

This is a reminder and a question.

He is her husband, so she should stay by his side and serve him.

He is her husband, so she should put him first and respect him at all times.

He is her husband... Even if she has other ideas, she must at least discuss it with him and get his permission before making a decision!

She had been listening in the hall for so long today. Could it be that she didn't know what this clan separation meant... Could she naively think that this trip to Taiyuan was just an ordinary trip to visit relatives?
This separation is almost equivalent to becoming two people. From now on, it will be difficult to see each other again!

Even though she has always been simple-minded, she should not be ignorant of the importance of this!
Facing her husband's disappointed and puzzled eyes, Mrs. Lu spoke, her voice still soft, her eyes still showing concern: "Yes, Master Lang is my husband, so after I leave, Master Lang must take care of himself, otherwise Liu Lang and Tang'er and I will inevitably be worried."

"..." Cui Hao clenched his fist, but felt that the fist was soft, as if it had been smashed into a ball of cotton.

What is she saying that is evasive and trivial?

Doesn't she understand? She's still pretending to be confused?
In the past, Cui He might have thought it was the former, but at this moment, he vaguely realized that his wife's tenderness and concern seemed to always have a sense of dissociation, as if she had never had a clear and honest conversation with him... …

Is this really because he doesn’t understand, or has he been deliberately perfunctory all along?

Thinking of this possibility, Cui Hao's mind surged, and he felt that the woman in front of him suddenly became extremely strange, and it was as if he had never really seen her clearly.

This thought made Cui Tao feel embarrassed, and he subconsciously wanted to avoid denying it - should he admit that he had not even seen the person next to him clearly?

Seeing that he was clenching his fists and not speaking, Mrs. Lu shook her head slightly and said in a soft voice, "It's getting late. Sir, please go back and rest early."

Cui Er looked at her: "Where are you going?"

Lu said softly: "I'm going to tell Tang'er about our departure so that she can prepare a few things."

Cui Er even felt like she was about to laugh out loud. Couldn't she see his emotions at the moment? How could she still arrange her departure calmly?
At this point, Cui Wei clearly realized that his wife had always been so docile. In the final analysis, she did not care about his emotions at all, was not disturbed by his emotions, and did not give him a chance to explode...

Seeing that he was silent again, Lu didn't say much, gave him another blessing, and left with her maid.

The rain is pouring down, and there is already a chill between the sky and the earth.

Looking at his wife's back, Cui Ai suddenly felt a sense of hesitation and confusion that he had never experienced before.

He is the head of the family, and he should be surrounded by everyone in the family... but why is he suddenly the only one left?
The eldest son is disobedient and has always been at odds with him, so he has severed ties with him. The second son is naughty, but now his father has given him the mission to lead the other half of the Cui clan forward... At this time, his wife is actually leaving him with his daughter, and this move is almost of her own initiative.

Why is this?

It was clear that after he got married to Lu, they had always gotten along harmoniously, and there had never even been any quarrel... Why was she able to leave him without hesitation at this time?
The huge frustration and the uneasiness of losing everything seemed to tell Cui Ai that if he didn't ask for answers today, he would never have the chance to ask again!
Cui Ai clenched his fists, suddenly raised his feet, and walked forward quickly.

Seeing him suddenly rushing into the rain, the servant exclaimed "Master Lang" and hurriedly held up his umbrella to follow him, but heard Cui Ai say in a cold and stern tone: "There is no need to follow."

Hearing the rapid footsteps behind him, Lu stopped but did not look back.

Until Cui He walked up to her in the rain and blocked her way.

The rain was heavy, and Cui Hui looked very embarrassed during these short twenty steps.

In the rain, Cui Huning said in a calm voice: "Ms. Lu, I have something to ask you."

Mrs. Lu sighed vaguely, with helplessness in her eyes. After a moment, she nodded and said, "Master Lang, please move to the pavilion with me first."

The maid holding only an umbrella was wondering what to do when she saw Cui Hu striding into the pavilion on her own.

The maid followed along with Lu.

After Mrs. Lu stepped into the pavilion, the maid held up the umbrella and walked away a little, but she didn't go too far - the master was not in a good condition, and she had to pay attention to prevent his wife from being bullied before leaving. .

"I wonder what the master is asking?" Madam Lu asked in the pavilion.

Cui Wei fixed his eyes on her face, as if he wanted to see her through: "I want to ask... you and I have been married for many years, do you have a lot of dissatisfaction with me, but never show it?"

Cui Er was prepared for Lu to deny it, and if she denied it, he would have to ask, if there was no dissatisfaction, why did she go to Taiyuan like this without even asking?
However, the person in front of him sighed and said, "Master Lang finally figured it out."

Lu's eyes were calmer than before, but she was just a little emotional: "In other words, Master Lang is finally willing to distract himself to discern my thoughts."

"You and I have been husband and wife for many years, and we have never had a dispute..." Cui Hao looked at Madam Lu with changing eyes: "You can tell me what dissatisfaction you have with my treatment!"

Instead of dealing with him for a long time, then abandoning him suddenly!
Lu Shi also looked at him.

The atmosphere of this conversation was unprecedented between the two of them.

After looking at each other for a moment, Lu asked, "Master Lang, do you really want to hear it?"

Cui Wei didn't hesitate for a moment: "You might as well tell me what I did wrong one by one!" "Improper..." Mrs. Lu seemed to weigh the weight of these two words and asked softly: "Master Lang, how do you think he treated Dalang?" Is the method just inappropriate?"

Cui Wei frowned quickly. He did not expect that when Lu mentioned his dissatisfaction with him, the first thing he thought of would be the eldest son who was not related to Lu.

Lu's words made him sneer, and his tone was filled with long-suppressed anger: "Since he was one or two years old, he has been cultivated by his father as the future head of the family... and as his father, I What’s wrong with being harsh on him?”

"There is nothing wrong with being strict with your children, especially the noble sons of the clan." After confirming it, Mrs. Lu asked, "But since he is a son and not a puppet, how can he be strict?"

When Cui He heard this and was about to speak, he was interrupted by Mr. Lu: "If Mr. Lang gives Dalang six out of ten loves and four out of ten strictnesses, he can naturally be called a competent father—— "

"If the master is as loving as five out of ten and as strict as five out of ten, he can be called a respected and strict father——"

"But Master Lang only chose to be harsh to Da Lang, and he never had half of the love and tolerance of his father..." Mrs. Lu looked at the man in front of her and asked: "In the end, Master Lang thinks that Is this called no fault?"

"Master Lang, this is not for being a father, but for being an enemy." Lu said, "Master Lang has always treated Ling An as if he were an enemy."

There was no questioning in her tone, and it was even still gentle, but it gave Cui He an aggressive tone.

"...That's nonsense!" Cui Wei suddenly waved his sleeves and took a step back, his eyes still locked on Lu: "I just hope that he will become a talent..."

"Master Lang does not want him to become a talented person." Lu calmly interrupted Cui Ai's words and corrected: "Master Lang hopes that he will become a person - you want him to become Master Lang yourself."

"Master Lang hopes that Ling'an will become another version of yourself, and wants to try his best to erase the original Ling'an, especially the similarities between him and his mother, Mrs. Zheng."

"Nonsense!" Upon hearing Zheng's name, Cui Ai waved his sleeves again, but his eyes dodged.

However, Mrs. Lu seemed to be unaware of Cui Hui's emotional outburst, and continued: "Master Lang did not like Mrs. Zheng's stubborn and decisive temperament. Even her death was regarded by Master Lang as a provocation——"

"But when Mrs. Zheng committed suicide, Master Lang must have a guilty conscience, right?" Lu said: "That's why Master Lang is always particularly suspicious when facing Da Lang. Master Lang is suspicious that Da Lang will treat you like this because of this matter." The father is filled with grudges and resentments, and will think that you forced his mother to death... But the way Master Lang resolves his grudges is not to comfort her, but to be jealous and angry. "

"When Mrs. Zheng left, Da Lang was just a child...but what did Master Lang do? Be suspicious of a child who had just lost his mother and force him to never mention his mother again?"

If she were Mrs. Zheng, knowing that her child was being treated like this, she would crawl out of the coffin, and she would definitely take this man away with her.

And Cui He's face was no different from that of a dead person at this moment. In Lu's eyes, it looked as if he had been dead for eight hundred years and had just been forcibly dug out of the grave——

Cui Wei's face turned pale, and the veins on his forehead throbbed: "That's enough!"

He glared at Mrs. Lu: "Who allowed you to mention her again and again!"

"It's Master Lang. Master Lang caught up and asked me to tell him." Mrs. Lu sighed softly, her eyes helpless - don't tell me, he wants to hear it, tell me, he's anxious.

And she hasn't said enough yet.

Although he started the shouting, it was not up to him when to stop.

Seeing Cui Wei subconsciously retreating, Mrs. Lu took a step forward. With a sense of freedom and freedom that said she didn't care about Cui Wei's life and death, and "this day doesn't have to pass anyway", she continued: "If I'm not wrong, , The reason why Mr. Lang dislikes Dalang in every possible way, is there probably another reason that has not been revealed to him? "

Facing those eyes that looked far shrewder and sharper than before, Cui Hao's heart suddenly dropped, as if the most secret layer of window paper was about to be pierced by her. He raised his hand and pointed at Lu with almost panic: "Lu have acted so arrogantly today, it’s time to shut up!”

Mrs. Lu raised her hand, gently pressed Cui Ai's finger pointing at her, and whispered without pausing: "Master Lang is secretly jealous of Da Lang——"

Cui Hao's green lips trembled, and he wanted to refute, but Mrs. Lu didn't give him a chance to speak at all: "Da Lang has outstanding talents, but Master Lang has mediocre qualifications... Master Lang has seen this clearly since he was a child. He also takes note of the preference that the family head and clan members have for Dalang."

"Master Lang did not want to admit the fact that he was not as good as his youngest son, so he suppressed him in the name of a strict father. He wanted to make Da Lang more like your father, rather than his mother Zheng." Master Lang wanted to Cultivate a shadow of yourself and make that shadow obedient to prove that you are not mediocre.”

"So the more rebellious the Dalang becomes and the more promising he becomes outside, the less the Master Lang can tolerate him."

"Because of all these, Master Lang has been competing with the same child. How can the meager father's love be compared with the arrogance that Master Lang can't let go of?"

"Mr. Lu..." Cui Wei's eyes almost turned red with anger. He gritted his teeth, but could no longer formulate a clear rebuttal.

But at some point, his legs had touched the pavilion railing, and there was no way to retreat.

Not far away, the maid who secretly listened to the voices in the pavilion couldn't help but be surprised when she saw this scene. She was originally worried that the madam would be bullied, but now it seems... the madam seems to be the one who is "bullying" others. ?
I always feel that Master Lang will collapse into pieces in the next moment... and that he will be shattered into powder and can no longer be picked up.

"I just said a few words that I never said clearly before, but Master Lang seems so embarrassed and pitiful. What about Da Lang? How many words has Da Lang heard from Master Lang over the years?"

Lu sighed: "All along, the reason why I wanted Lang'er and the others to get close to Da Lang is not only because Da Lang is useful, but also because Da Lang is really pitiful."

Seeing that Cui Wei was speechless, Mrs. Lu looked pitifully and finally said with relief: "Although Master Lang is not as good as the old and the young, mediocrity is not a fault."

Cui He's lips trembled: "..."

"Now Master Lang feels that he is alone. This is not because Master Lang is mediocre." Lu said: "It is never mediocrity that pushes people away, but the sharp thorns all over the body."

"Master Lang feels that you and I have gotten along well with each other over the years. But this harmony is not because I get along with Master Lang, but because I force myself to pretend that I get along with Master Lang."

This sentence made Cui He even more embarrassed. He thought he was looking down from above, but in fact it was just the opposite. It was his wife who was coaxing him to live his life from top to bottom... How ironic is this?

"Although Master Lang is mediocre, he is not stupid." Lu said: "The reason why Master Lang never noticed it is because Master Lang has never bothered to look me in the face, and he has never thought of letting go of his majesty to live his life."

"Master Lang treats Lang'er and Tang'er in the same way."

Without facing it, there can be no real understanding.

The rain outside the pavilion has become much lighter, but the rain in Cui He's heart is roaring, penetrating him all the time.

After a long time, he finally raised his red eyes, looked at his wife in front of him, and asked the last question.

"Ms. Lu, so in these years...have you never treated me with my true face?"

(I’m going to end this by dropping some of the character lines, and I’ll write about Ning Ning’s troubles tomorrow!

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