Chang'an is good

Chapter 542 I want to knock someone out

Chapter 542: I want to knock someone out (please vote for me)
The Holy Emperor quickly suppressed this useless and desolate feeling for her.

At this moment, she had no extra thoughts to immerse herself in any emotion.

Wan Yantai killed the Lingnan Jiedushi and Shuofang Jiedushi in a way that they both died together. The intention was very obvious...

Lingnan Road, located to the south of Qianzhong Road, is also on the edge of the southern border of Dasheng. The Guannai Road is related to the stability of the northern border of Dasheng... As the highest controller of local military power, Jiedushi died tragically in Beijing, and he will definitely be governed by these two roads. brought a huge shock to the military spirit.

In addition to these two Taoists, the other three Jiedushi envoys in the capital are bound to have the intention of retreating due to this incident... As an emperor, he still needs to try to appease him as much as possible, otherwise he will completely fall short this time.

At this time, the expression on the face of the Holy Book Emperor was tense and solemn: "There are three urgent tasks..."

The first is to determine the candidate for the new Jiedushi of Lingnan Road as soon as possible and have him rush to Lingnan quickly to control the situation.

Although the population of Lingnan Road is not densely populated, there are as many as 72 states under its rule, including the Southern Barbarian states that were surrendered to Dasheng... If the military administration and territory of Lingnan Road are lost, the consequences will be disastrous, and the entire Dasheng regime will fall into turmoil.

This is probably the reason why Lingnan Road Jiedu became Wan Yantai’s first target...

And if Emperor Shengce wants to appoint a new Jiedushi to rush to Lingnan, the difficulties are obvious——

The first is the issue of candidates. If you want to control the military power in Lingnan from the covetous people of Qianzhong Road and Jiannan Road, this matter is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

Furthermore, there is the issue of distance. If you want to go directly from the capital to Lingnan, you cannot bypass the Central Guizhou Road... And if you choose to borrow the road from Shannan West Road and Jiangnan West Road, not to mention the many battles along the way, the journey will also be detoured. , even if people can reach Lingnan safely, I am afraid that Lingnan Road will have already fallen into the hands of King Rong's people.

It can be seen from this that Li Yin had already planned all this since Wan Yantai, the military envoy of Jiannan Road, entered the capital!
The Holy Emperor revealed the second top priority, which was Guan Nei Dao.

Shuofang Jiedushi has been in Guannai Road for many years and is extremely prestigious. In the view of Emperor Shengce, once the news of his death is spread back to Guannei Road, it will probably cause military chaos... Not to mention the impact on the war in Beidi, the soldiers of Guannei Road are just afraid This debt should be blamed on the court and her, the emperor.

Therefore, even if there is no rush to appoint a new military envoy to avoid having the opposite effect, it is still necessary to send the imperial envoy there as soon as possible to try to appease and suppress...

When Wei Shuyi heard this, the resolute and upright face of Shuofang Jiedu flashed before his eyes, and he felt particularly complicated.

The third top priority is King Rong, which is also the most important and urgent issue at the moment...

Now that it is known that Jiannan Jiedu has entered the capital with a certain death intention, then it is not difficult to infer that the real military power of the entire Jiannan Road is in the hands of King Rong... If Lingnan Road also falls into his hands later, the four southwest roads will have hundreds of thousands of enemies. The military power of Yuzhou is all under the control of King Rong!

If King Rong used four forces to attack the capital, what would the court do to resist?

Yes, King Rong has always valued benevolence and virtue, and may not take the initiative to start a war, but as long as he has this intention, as long as others come forward, he can sit back and enjoy the results.

Just like this time when the Jiedu envoy from Jiannan Province came to Beijing to die, a discerning person would know at a glance that this person was clearing obstacles for King Rong, but where is the evidence? Prince Rong can call this an unauthorized act by the Jiedushi of Jiannan Road. This matter has nothing to do with Prince Rong’s palace...

Li Yin did not have to do all the bloody and dirty things personally. He only had to sit firmly in Yizhou and show the world that he was pure and benevolent.

The Holy Emperor couldn't help but sneer in his heart, and there was a chill in his eyes.

Under Li Yin's control, a murder outside the Forbidden Palace made it difficult for the entire court to deal with... But did this mean that she was about to lose?
No, this is just the beginning!

The look in the eyes of the Holy Emperor is unwavering. As a chess player, how could she admit defeat and retreat when the game is at its most intense?
"Wan Yantai's case is of great importance. We must investigate it thoroughly and catch all those who conspired with it before we can give an explanation to the world——"

When the voice of the Holy Emperor was about to fall, he looked at the prince and asked him to deal with the matter.

The prince said in his heart, knowing that someone was about to die again...

Everyone knows who is behind Wan Yantai's actions... His Majesty's move is obviously to take the opportunity to get rid of those who harbor ulterior motives.

Not only are people going to die this time, I'm afraid a lot of people are going to die...

The prince's face was pale and he responded tremblingly: "My son, I obey."

The Holy Emperor did not go to see the prince's reaction, but only said to a group of close ministers: "At this moment, there are officials waiting in the main hall for the chaos in the forbidden palace last night. All the beloved ministers will go with the prince to preside over the morning court affairs. After the morning court, Come see me again."

The ministers bowed in response and retired.

In the side hall, Wei Miaoqing, who had been unable to sit still for a long time, heard footsteps and voices outside, and quickly asked: "But His Royal Highness is out?"

As she said this, she stood up and walked out of the hall.

Seeing that she seemed to be chasing after her, a palace maid hurriedly reminded her: "Princess, the prince should have gone to court early in the morning, and you are not allowed to go with him."

Wei Miaoqing was stunned for a moment, then looked at Gong E with a look that said, "Don't you think I'm stupid?": "Of course I know, I want to go back to the East Palace."

The prince who came with her was gone, so there was no reason for her to sit here alone until dark, right?

"By the way, before I leave, do I need to pay my respects to the saint again?" Wei Miaoqing didn't like to speculate, so he asked if he didn't understand.

Her straightforward temperament made the palace lady soften her expression, and she said with a smile: "Your Majesty is busy, the Crown Princess does not need to ask for an audience, my maid can just see you off."

Wei Miaoqing thanked her, walked out of the gate of Ganlu Palace, looked at the empty side of her body, and tried to ask the palace lady, "Can someone prepare another chariot for me?"

The one she was riding in with the prince when she arrived was probably taken to the morning court by the prince.

Gong E was briefly surprised, but nodded in agreement.

Wei Miaoqing sat comfortably on the chariot and returned to the East Palace. Seeing that the autumn chrysanthemums were blooming very well, she began to think about holding a flower party.

But after thinking about it, she had only been married to the East Palace for a day, the prince had been in a coma all night, and the saint was also ill... It seemed a bit too indifferent to hold a flower party at this time? Then just wait a little longer.

After this idea settled in her heart, Wei Miaoqing couldn't help but sigh. The world really encourages people to grow. Look at how thoughtful she is now. If she uses this thought to fight in the palace in the future, what's the point?

It's a pity that now she doesn't even have anyone to fight with, so she was a little bored on her first day here.

When Wei Miaoqing was thinking about finding something to do, she saw Yan Nu Shi coming over. After bowing to her, she asked solemnly: "Today, the Crown Princess took the initiative to ask for a chariot in the Manlu Palace?"

Wei Miaoqing nodded: "Yes, what happened?"

Yan Nu Shi was furious: "Don't you know, Princess, that this chariot is only in compliance with the rules if it is given by a saint? How can you ask for it on your own?"

Ever since the princess asked her for food last night, she had felt something bad!

"Illegal?" Wei Miaoqing looked puzzled: "Then what are they doing to me?"

Yan Nvshi choked: "..." She asked for it from a princess, how could the palace maid not give it to her!

Yan Nvshi adjusted her expression and was about to speak again when she saw Wei Miaoqing looking at the maid behind her and said, "I didn't see it, but you are a talker."

This maid went to the Manlu Palace with Wei Miaoqing. It was obvious that she was the one who informed Yan Nushi about Wei Miaoqing's request for a walking chariot.

Hearing Wei Miaoqing say this, the palace maid's face changed, and she knelt down quickly. Just as she was about to plead guilty, she saw the princess sitting in the chair waving to her, with joy in her tone: "Come to me. , tell me about the lively things in this palace."

The palace maid was stunned.

Wei Miaoqing added: "Who else is as gossipy or as ill-informed as you? Call them all over and follow me to serve me in the future."

Her tone is bright and her expression is sincere. If you suspect that she is acting strangely, it seems to be an insult and misunderstanding of her.

Gong E's expression changed when she heard this. She glanced at Yan Nu Shi secretly, and saw that Nu Shi's face turned blue again.

"Crown the Crown Princess, you are not allowed to discuss matters in the palace!"

"I just want to listen to some excitement to relieve my boredom, why can't I do it?" Wei Miaoqing finally frowned: "It won't work this way, and that won't work either. I'm here to be the crown prince, not to go to jail."

Yan Nu Shi's eyes widened slightly - is this the legitimate daughter from the dignified Duke Zheng's palace? !

Wei Miaoqing couldn't bear it any longer, so she simply said: "I got married yesterday, and when I got up this morning, I felt as if I had been run over by eight horses. How can I walk such a long way? What's the matter with begging for a chariot from Ganlu Hall? I have to. I forced myself to walk back and fell down from exhaustion halfway, was Yan Nu Shi satisfied? "

"If I lose my dignity because of this, shouldn't Yan Nushi say it's against the rules again?"

"And the saint is already ill and has no time to care about trivial matters. If something goes wrong with me on the way back, won't I still end up causing trouble to the saint? For those who don't know, I think the saint is deliberately treating me, the bride of the East Palace, harshly! I won't give it. Your Majesty, if you cause trouble, you will share your worries!"

Yan Nvshi's hair started to stand up when she heard it: "What you said is so true..."

"Okay, what do you know? Shut up!" Wei Miaoqing interrupted her and raised her eyebrows: "I am the crown princess appointed by the saint. The saint knows very well what kind of virtue I am. If I suddenly become virtuous and virtuous, I will endure hardships." Be patient, the saint will probably suspect that I am holding something back!"

"I have my own sense of how to be the Crown Princess, and I don't need you to criticize me for everything." Wei Miaoqing said at the end, pretending to be fierce, and snorted: "Look at my thorns again, I will It’s not impossible to replace you!”

She had no choice to be the princess. But how to do this princess, she has her own rhythm!

If the atmosphere of the East Palace cannot tolerate her, she will clean up this evil atmosphere!

There is no such thing as adapting to the environment. She wants this environment to adapt to her as a princess.

Anyway, my brother has already said that she doesn't have to swallow her anger after entering the palace. Even if she does cause any trouble, she will have her brother to take care of her.

She does not rely on the prince to survive. How many days she can survive in this palace has nothing to do with whether she can be wronged. That depends on her brother and Duke Zheng's palace——

As long as my brother is still the confidant of the saint, no one will be able to control her as the princess.

In this case, why did she want to tie herself up tightly?

Wei Miaoqing said and glared at Yan Nushi again - she hated those people who just learned some superficial rules and couldn't see the inner importance at all, so they tried to manipulate people with rules and ethics.

She, Wei Miaoqing, is not that little girl who is easy to bully or scare!
Yan Nu Shi's face turned red and white after being scolded.

The little girl's glare was full of dissatisfaction and a bit of innocence. It wasn't enough to scare people, but it could make them lose face.

Yan Nvshi had never received such training, but she also knew Wei Shuyi's weight in front of the emperor. For a moment, she could only break her teeth and swallow it: "The Crown Princess reminded..."

Wei Miaoqing: "Then why are you standing there in a daze? Why don't you quickly retreat and reflect?"

Yan Nu Shi blushed to the base of her ears. She bowed hastily and then left.

The palace people inside and outside the palace were all dumbfounded when they heard what happened.

And the news that "Strict Nu Shi tried to discipline the Crown Princess but failed, and was disciplined by the Crown Princess instead" quickly spread throughout the East Palace.

In addition to the uproar, everyone couldn't help but secretly get excited. When they looked up again, they felt that the haze hanging over the East Palace had dissipated a lot.

At this time, Wei Miaoqing was lying on the imperial concubine's couch, eating preserved fruit, while listening to the two palace maids who were pinching her legs whispering about palace gossip.

In comparison, the prince was a bit miserable.

The massacre in the Forbidden City last night caused great shock among the government and the public.

Among the officials, the atmosphere was horrified and uproarious.

Even though Ma Xingzhou, Wei Shuyi and others tried their best to stabilize people's hearts, in this October in the capital, the prince's clothes were still soaked with sweat and he could hardly hold on.

Not long after, an urgent report suddenly came back from Luoyang.

The soldiers who came to report the news knelt in the hall and said loudly, a few days ago, Fan Yang's army suddenly launched troops in Bianzhou——

The prince, who hears bad news every day, doesn't see much fluctuation on his face at this moment, but a voice sounds in his mind - otherwise, why should he die to apologize?

It’s not a problem to live like this all the time, right?
However, the next moment, the soldier continued to say that Fan Yang's army had been repelled by the Huainan Dao Jiedushi Chang Sui Ning and his troops. Jiangdu's army defeated tens of thousands of enemies outside Bianzhou City and seriously injured Duan Shi'ang!
The prince was stunned for a moment, then stood up suddenly: "... Changjie used all his strength to protect Bianzhou. This is a great achievement and deserves a heavy reward!"

Not to mention the generous reward, if it weren't for the restraint of etiquette, he would even want to kowtow to the regular envoy!
The prince was so grateful that his eyes almost turned red.

Chang Suining led his troops to severely defeat Fan Yang's army in Bianzhou. As far as the court was concerned, this was the only good news recently.

This news, together with the good news, was quickly presented to the Manna Hall.

After Emperor Shengce read the victory report presented by Hu Min, the governor of Bianzhou, a moment later, he asked the soldier who reported the victory: "Didn't envoy Changjie say anything about such a great victory?"

The soldier was stunned for a moment when he was asked. He knocked his head on the ground and said, "Your Majesty, I will give you the details of the battle, all based on this successful report."

The Holy Emperor was speechless for a long time, looking quietly at the bottle of Boshan stove that was slowly blowing out green smoke.

So... Ashang now doesn't say a word to the court or to her.

(Double monthly passes are available until the 7th, please give me monthly passes~ Good night!

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