Chang'an is good

Chapter 543 Ma Wan’s letter

Chapter 543 Ma Wan’s letter
The news that Chang Suining severely wounded Fan Yangjun temporarily calmed the hearts of the ruling and opposition parties to a certain extent.

But this temporary peace was only in response to the DPRK and China's fear of Fan Yang's army and their concerns about the situation in Luoyang and Henan Province. The shock caused by the tragic death of Lingnan and Shuofang Jiedushi outside the forbidden palace has not been resolved.

Anyone can see that the one who benefited the most from this shock was undoubtedly the Prince Rong's Mansion in Yizhou.

The whole government was urgently discussing countermeasures in order to minimize the impact of this incident.

When the sky was getting dark, after Wei Shuyi left from Menxiasheng, he did not leave the palace, but went to Ganlu Hall to see the emperor.

In the palace, Wei Shuyi lifted up his official robe, bowed down to the emperor with a salute, and explained his purpose and invitation.

There was a rare look of surprise on the face of the Holy Emperor. She looked at the ministers who knelt down and recommended themselves, and her mood went up and down several times.

After a long time, the emperor finally spoke: "Wei Qing should know that there are many dangers in going here, which is more than a hundred times greater than going to Dongluo as an envoy last year..."

Wei Shuyi bowed deeply and said, "It is the duty of a humble minister to relieve His Majesty's worries and bring peace to prosperity."

The hall fell into silence again.

I don't know how much time passed, but Wei Shuyifang heard a long sigh coming from above.

Then, the voice said slowly: "In this case, I will leave this matter to Wei Qing."

Wei Shuyi kowtowed again.

Not long after, he exited the Manna Hall, turned around and stepped into the night where the glazed lights were suspended.

Outside the gate of Ganlu Palace, the eunuch in charge of the palace stage saluted Wei Shuyi and said respectfully: "It's already late, so I've prepared a sedan for Mr. Wei to leave the palace..."

This is the favor of the emperor and a symbol of status.

"Thank you, Mr. Yang. No need to do that." Wei Shuyi smiled slightly and left with his hands behind his back: "There is no wind tonight, just in time to enjoy the moon."

The head of the Si Gongtai then bowed and sent him off respectfully. When Wei Shuyi was far away, he raised his head again and subconsciously glanced at the jade plate that was not yet round. It was indeed a rare clear moonlit night.

The clear light of the bright moon fell on the palace road, like a thin layer of frost, adding a coolness to the night.

Wei Shuyi was walking alone. Every time he passed through a palace gate, the imperial guards would salute him.

After crossing the gate of the Forbidden Palace, Changji, who was waiting not far away, came forward with a cloak in his arms.

Wei Shuyi did not go to pick up the cloak, but stopped under the palace wall and looked at the palace road at his feet.

There was no blood on the stone bricks, and everything looked particularly quiet under the moonlight, but Wei Shuyi could hear the sounds of fighting in his ears, and could see the splattered blood in front of his eyes.

For a moment, he raised his head slightly and looked at the standing palace wall.

Last night, when he suddenly heard of a murder outside the Forbidden Palace, the first thought that came to Wei Shuyi's mind was not "Oh no, something big is going to happen", but - wrong, the court finally made an irreparable mistake.

To cause the generals who shouldered the heavy responsibility of protecting the territory to die in the struggle for royal power was a crime committed by the perpetrators. It was also a major fault of the court, the emperor, and his minister.

The emperor set up a scheme to invite various military generals to the capital to prove their loyalty. However, after they showed their loyalty, the imperial court was unable to protect them.

At that moment, Wei Shuyi felt an unprecedented introspection in his heart.

In the past, he had firmly believed that political struggle had nothing to do with right or wrong, but at that moment, when the face of Shuofang Jiedushi appeared in his mind, he was suddenly shaken.

He slowly realized that for a long time, the sobriety he thought he had was actually another kind of arrogance and arrogance.

The court was wrong and the emperor made a wrong decision, but no one would correct it, and the emperor would only continue on this path.

The entire imperial court was like a huge, devastated ship. The emperor was not willing to let it sink in the stormy weather, so its only outcome would be to keep crashing into the shore until it was shattered to pieces.

With luck, it can take its enemies with it.

And in this process, more people are involved, but they are destined to be innocent people in the world.

Wei Shuyi bent down and quietly placed a half-bloomed chrysanthemum under the palace wall.

After returning to Zheng Guogong's mansion, it was already late at night.

Zheng Guogong and his wife were still awake. When they heard from the servants that the husband was coming, the couple looked at each other and hurriedly put on their clothes and got up.

Zi Gu returned home late at night and came here not to pay his respects...

"But what happened in the palace?" Duan asked hurriedly when she saw that her son had not changed into his official uniform.

After Wei Shuyi raised his hand to salute his parents, he said: "My son will leave Beijing in two days and rush to Guannai Road——"

Duan's expression was startled: "You want to go to the north? Is it because of the death of Shuofang Jiedu?"

"But why is it you!" Duan said in disbelief: "How could the saint let you..."

Wei Shuyi: "My son recommended himself to go."

"Zi Gu, you are crazy!" Duan was so frightened that he almost came out of his body, but his tongue was tied up: "What kind of person are you looking for... I mean, as a minister, how can you be here?" Why don't you ask yourself to leave Beijing at this critical moment?"

Wei Shuyi: "Now the ministers on the left and right of the province are all the emperor's confidants, and they can act as directors on his behalf."

As for Cui Hao... the saint has decided to take advantage of Wan Yantai's incident to attack the Cui family.

"What Menxiasheng is doing now is nothing more than sharing the emperor's worries. This matter does not have to be done by Wei Shuyi." Wei Shuyi said: "It is better to go north and plead guilty on behalf of the imperial court."

Facing her son's rare serious look, Duan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that something about him had become different.

Zheng Guogong said anxiously: "Zi Gu, you are a civil servant, and the northern soldiers are so fierce that you will definitely hold a grudge against the court..."

"That's why we need to let them see the court's sincerity." Wei Shuyi said: "Only when a civil servant of my status goes there can it be possible to dispel their anger."

The Guannai Road is far less sparsely populated than the Lingnan Road, but the former faces the harassment of Beidi all the year round and shoulders the heavy responsibility of resisting foreigners, so the officers and men at the top and bottom are more cohesive.

Because of this, the imperial court's handling of the military power in Guannai Road could not be like that of Lingnan Road, where a new Jiedushi was elected to take office - Shuofang Jiedushi died tragically in Beijing, but the imperial court could not wait to let the new Jiedushi take office. Going to take control of the military power will inevitably make the Guannai Taoist army rebellious.

Cui Ling'an is currently at war with Beidi. If there is another war in the pass, a catastrophic disaster is imminent.

Therefore, he must go.

Wei Shuyi had asked the emperor for the right to act expediently. He planned to personally escort the corpse of Shuofang Jiedushi back to the north, personally apologize to the officers and men of Guannai Road, and then select a capable person from among Shuofang Jiedushi's generals to take over. In this way, the military power within the pass will not be easy to control, so as to minimize the shock.

Even though Emperor Shengce did think about taking the opportunity to consolidate the military power in Guannai, he also knew that Wei Shuyi's proposal was the safest in terms of the current situation. After thinking and weighing it, he finally nodded in agreement.

"Zi Gu..." Mrs. Duan's eyes were red, and she wanted to say something to dissuade her, but when she saw that the young man's body was full of a scholar's character and determination, she could not say anything against it at all. She could only say it again. Question: "Have you really thought it through? If you leave here, I'm afraid..."

I'm afraid I'll never come back!
Wei Shuyi raised his hand and bowed it deeply: "My son is unfilial."

These three words, which could not be more important, made Duan burst into tears instantly.

Mrs. Duan has always been very clear that although her son has talents that are different from ordinary people, his own desires are vague and indifferent. He stands between heaven and earth, but he has never taken root in this world. Over the years, he has become famous. At the age of more than 20, he has reached a peak that others can hardly reach in their lifetime. However, it is not him who really enjoys everything, but the Zheng Guogong Mansion behind him.

He seems to be self-centered, but in fact, nothing is really for himself, and he has been trying to find a way to stabilize his family.

His likes and dislikes are indifferent, and he seems to treat all living beings the same way. What Duan never expected was that the glorious journey in the past twenty years would not impress him in the slightest. But just at this time when the world was about life and death, he suddenly completed his true transformation.

How can we say that such a change is not a blessing to the world or to himself?
Zi Gu found something that he didn't understand in the past. As a mother, she should be happy for him, but... for her, this was almost at the cost of losing him!

After Wei Shuyi left, Mrs. Duan threw herself into her husband's arms and finally burst into tears.

"Let him go..." Zheng Guogong sighed in a low voice: "He said that Wei Shuyi is no longer needed in the province, so he is not disappointed with the imperial court and the emperor..."

He thought that Zigu probably no longer wanted to live in the province under his command, and continued to chase around the camps in vain just to protect the emperor's power.

He wanted to go north and use his body as a scholar to block the strong wind for the common people.

Going north like this is not only a way to repay the emperor's kindness, but also the best way to continue to protect the Duke of Zheng's palace in front of the emperor.

With such intentions for the family and such devotion to the people, how could they, as parents, stop them?

Zheng Guogong comforted his wife all night long.

Mrs. Duan cried all night. When dawn the next day, she went to the study alone, studied ink with red and swollen eyes, and wrote a letter with tears, which was secretly sent to Bianzhou.

The next day came the day when Wei Shuyi left Beijing.

Wei Shuyi stayed at Menxia Province last night to hand over official duties. When he left this morning, it started to drizzle outside. Holding an umbrella and passing by Liubu, he unexpectedly saw an old and thin figure standing quietly in the rain, waiting for him.

The old man also held an umbrella and stood alone in the rain.

Wei Shuyi hurriedly approached, and when he was about to put down his paper umbrella and salute, he saw the old man raised a hand and pressed it down, indicating that he did not need to be polite: "Wei Xiang is about to go to the court for a long time, how can you let me get wet in the rain again."

Wei Shuyi no longer insisted on saluting, but still bowed his head respectfully: "The great master is sending me off, and the lower officials are very frightened."

"You, this young man, also make me very frightened."

Taifu Chu looked at the very handsome young man in front of him and sighed: "You have changed a lot now, and you are no longer as annoying as you were when you first entered officialdom."

Wei Shuyi smiled and said, "It's my master, you taught me well."

"When did I teach you?"

Wei Shuyi's words are unclear: "The great master has peaches and plums all over the world."

And somehow, he happened to find the most perfect one among Taifu's peaches and plums all over the world, and he was invisibly enlightened.

The reason why the death of Shuofang Jiedu caused such a big stir in his heart, and even caused him to change his long-standing perspective of arrogance, probably had something to do with her.

It has something to do with the deeds she left behind in the past, and it also has something to do with the path she is taking now.

Wei Shuyi's words couldn't be more cryptic, but for some reason, he felt that the overly wise old man in front of him seemed to understand the meaning of his words.

"You, this young man, have always been very smart..." Mr. Chu held the umbrella with his clear and thin fingers like bamboo knots. He stroked his silver beard with his other hand and said with a smile: "Try to keep this life as much as possible, even though today It may rain, but there will always be clear skies.”

"Yes, thank you for reminding me, Master."

The Taifu waved his hand slightly: "Go."

To repay the emperor's kindness and to fulfill Wen's wish.

Wei Shuyi held the umbrella and bowed his head, then left.

Taifu Chu looked at the young man's back like a green mountain in the rain, and watched quietly for a moment.

Wei Shuyi quickly got on the carriage leaving Beijing.

The team of carriages and horses left Beijing in the rain and headed north.

In the car, Wei Shuyi, who was wearing a moon-white long-sleeved robe, sat cross-legged, picked up the exquisite white jade tea pot, faced the right window, saluted in the direction of Luoyang and Bianzhou, and then drank it all with a smile, in the wind and rain. Practice it for yourself.

On the same day, a secret order drawn up by the emperor was sent out of Beijing on a fast horse to Jiangnan West Road.

In the afternoon of that day, a secret letter was secretly sent to Ma Xiang's house in the capital.

When Mrs. Ma Xiang opened the letter, she was happy at first, and then she was shocked by the content in the letter.

Mrs. Ma Xiang looked trembling and hurriedly put the letter into her sleeve.

Until late at night, Ma Xingzhou returned to the mansion. As soon as he changed out of his official uniform that was stained by rain and moisture, he saw his old wife withdrawing from the maidservant.

"What happened?" Ma Xingzhou lowered his voice and asked seriously.

"Wan'er has a letter..."

"Wan'er?" Ma Xingzhou was slightly surprised: "Where is the letter and what did it say?"

Ever since he used Wan'er's help to test the relationship between Yu Zeng and Prince Rong's palace for the saint, Wan'er had lost contact with her for a time. At that time, he and his wife thought that Wan'er was in serious danger.

But a few months later, Wan'er suddenly sent a letter back to Beijing to report that she was safe, but she only told them that she was safe, without saying anything else, and signaled that they should not rush to send letters to Prince Rong's Mansion again... It can be seen from this that Wan'er Although Er'er escaped with his life, it was a fact that he was jealous and guarded against by Prince Rong's palace, and his situation was not good.

Since then, my wife has been looking forward to it almost every day, hoping that Wan'er will send another letter back.

To this day, I finally look forward to receiving this letter from home.

But after Ma Xingzhou read it, he realized that this letter was not just a simple letter from home. It contained secrets of Prince Rong's palace...

Ma Xingzhou put the letter on the table and calmed himself down. After a moment, he suddenly said: "Madam, change my clothes quickly, I want to enter the palace to face the saint!"

Mrs. Ma Xiang was shocked: "Master, Sir, is entering the palace at such a time?"

"This matter should not be delayed..."

"But..." Mrs. Ma Xiang was at a loss: "If this letter is presented to the Holy One, will Wan'er still have a way to survive?"

Then he asked: "And will the saint really believe it? If something goes wrong later...will the saint in turn be suspicious of the position of Master Lang and the Ma family?"

Anyway, presenting this letter to the saint... is too risky!
"Madam." Ma Xingzhou's eyes were firm: "No matter what, it is the duty of a minister to report truthfully."

Facing those eyes that never wavered, Mrs. Ma's eyes were filled with tears and she turned her head away tremblingly. She didn't know whether she was more respectful or resentful.

Ma Xingzhou finally chose to go to the palace in the rain all night.

 Thank you to book friends Snow Under the Maple Tree for your generous reward, thank you to Shu Changjiujiu and Li Xiangziyuan, book friend 20230102215443082 and book friend 20220918120557443 for your rewards, and thank you all for your monthly votes!
  Good night~
  (End of this chapter)

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