Chang'an is good

Chapter 565: Rebellion against Tiangang

Before Chang Suining dismounted, he sat on the horse's back and looked intently at the plaque "Bingzhou Governor's Mansion" hanging high above the solemn gate.

Yuan Xiang, who was following him, also subconsciously looked at it. Seeing these six eye-catching characters, he couldn't help but feel intimate in his heart.

At this time, the people waiting outside the Governor's Mansion had already hurried forward to greet him.

When Chang Suining dismounted, the leader of the group raised his hand and bowed deeply, with a respectful gesture: "Shi Dai Cong, the governor of Bingzhou, has been waiting for Chang Jie envoy for a long time."

Chang Sui Ning also raised his hand with a smile: "Dai Changshi, I have heard about the famous name for a long time."

She once heard Cui Jing mention Dai Cong, and he praised him very much.

"How dare you!" When Dai Cong straightened up, he could really see the face and temperament of the woman in front of him.

A flash of surprise that was too fast to be seen flashed through Dai Cong's eyes. He stepped aside and raised his hand to greet him respectfully: "Envoy, please——"

"Thank you." Chang Suining raised his legs and walked up the stone steps in front of the door with light and easy steps.

Yuanxiang and shepherd's purse quickly followed with others, leaving more than a hundred cavalry waiting outside the mansion gate on both sides.

Soon, the carriages and horses of Cui Lang and others stopped, and everyone in the Cui family got out of the carriages, stepped forward, and were ushered into the mansion.

Shepherd's purse followed Chang Suining, looking at the people saluting along the way, and her eyes couldn't help but fall on Dai Changshi.

Nowadays, the post of governor is mostly a distant leader. The person who really manages the affairs of the governor's office is the chief historian of the governor. Those who hold this position are of the third rank and are in charge of the actual affairs of the governor's office.

In other words, Taiyuan and the entire Bingzhou were under the leadership of Dai Changshi, and a person of this status guiding the envoys undoubtedly represented the highest courtesy and respect in Taiyuan City.

Shepherd's Purse saw Dai Changshi's respectful attitude in her eyes, and quietly thought about it in her heart - it was the first time for this Changshi to meet her family's envoy, and to be able to do so at this time was probably due to some explanation in advance.

On the side, Yuan Xiang put a familiar hand on Dai Changshi's shoulder and asked with a smile: "Long time no see, why didn't Chang Shi get a hairpin today?"

Dai Changshi was a thoughtful scholar. Although he had entered middle age, he still retained his elegant hobby of hairpins.

Dai Changshi still had a decent smile on his face, took Yuan Xiang's hand without leaving a trace, coughed slightly and did not answer, and gave Yuan Xiang a reminding look.

This is the first time Changjie has returned home. He seems so unsteady and unruly when he murmurs these gossips in public.

At this time, Cui Lang, who has always been more unruly, followed him. After confirming Dai Changshi's identity, he thanked him profusely: "...if it hadn't been for Chang Shi's help, the family members would not have been able to move to Taiyuan safely! These days The clan members have been causing a lot of trouble here in the past few days, so Chief Shi has taken the trouble to take care of me!"

Dai Changshi smiled and said: "Liu Langjun, you don't have to be so polite. This is the explanation of the governor, and it is Dai's internal affairs."

As Cui Jing's subordinate, in addition to his sincere admiration for Cui Jing, Dai Cong also remembered Cui Jing's kindness - previously, he was almost accused of treason, but it was Cui Jing who saved his life. Taiyuan was also saved.

Nowadays, the world is in turmoil. Faced with Cui Jing's many explanations, Dai Cong always obeys orders and takes more care. This is true for taking in Cui's family, and the same is true for Chang Suining's arrival.

Dai Changshi's mother-like sense of care made Cui Lang feel more at ease. The latter looked around and couldn't help but his eyes turned red: "...Although this is the first time I've been here, I feel like I'm home." , It seems that when you come here, you come to the side of your eldest brother."

"It's a pity that my eldest brother is in the army now. I don't know what's going on..." Cui Lang said, and suddenly asked: "By the way, Chang Shi, how are my mother and sister?"

Dai Changshi nodded: "Both the lady and the girl are safe."

"We haven't seen each other for so long. My mother-in-law and my sister must have missed me very much..." Cui Langsi was sincere and couldn't wait to speed up, but Dai Changshi stretched out his hand to stop him silently.

Cui Lang turned his head and met Dai Changshi's disapproving gaze.

Dai Changshi reminded with a smile: "Now that you are at home, Mr. Liulang, there is no need to be so impatient."

The Changjie envoy was here, and Liu Langjun passed quickly and walked in front, which was against the rules.

This is not an ordinary visit to a girl’s house, you just need to leave a good impression of being relaxed and cordial to the other party——

Although she is the governor's favorite girl, before this important relationship, she was first the governor of Huainan Province, Chang Sui Ning, and also the person who holds the eastern capital of Luoyang... It is natural to treat someone with such status with enough courtesy. and respect.

Although intimacy and respect are indispensable, the word "respect" must be placed first.

The situation has developed to this point, and he has already understood the future path from the attitude of the Grand Governor... So, some rules must be established as early as possible.

Not only the Bingzhou Governor's Mansion, Liu Langjun's character that escapes from noisy situations should also be restrained a little depending on the situation, so that we can have a more stable and long-term relationship with him in the future.

Dai Cong gently patted Cui Lang's forearm twice as a reminder.

Cui Lang didn't understand anything, so he slowed down a little and followed Chang Suining again.

At this moment, Cui Lang looked at the girl walking in front of him, feeling inexplicably surging in his heart and feeling even more solemn. At the same time, he realized that he still had a lot to learn, and there was a long way to go to make progress, and he could not just pay lip service.

Cui Lang's mind was ups and downs as he followed the crowd forward until two familiar figures appeared in front of him.

Cui Lang's eyes suddenly turned red. Before he could say "A'Niang" after a long separation, he heard his A'Niang speak in front of him, but what he shouted was: "Changjie Envoy——!"

Before Mrs. Lu had time to search for her son, her eyes and mind were attracted to the leader, Chang Sui Ning.

Mrs. Lu stopped, took her daughter with her, and subconsciously bowed her body.

Chang Suining recognized her, raised his hand and said, "Mrs. Lu."

As he spoke, his eyes also fell on Cui Tang: "Ms. Cui."

Seeing that Mrs. Lu was still keeping her body motionless, Chang Suining stretched out a hand to hold half of Mrs. Lu's arm.

When their eyes met for a moment, Lu's eyes trembled slightly and she almost lost consciousness.

After several years of separation, the person in front of her was much taller than she remembered, and his temperament had changed drastically.

The tall woman wore a dark cloak, and the edge of the hood was inlaid with snow-white fox fur to keep out the cold. The clear black and white seemed to clarify the outline of her bones.

The superior brow bones make his eyebrows deep and cold, and his clear jaw line seems to hide a murderous heroic spirit.

The winter march made the skin on her face no longer as delicate and fair as before. It lost its softness, but became closer to her bones. Her cheeks were a little red from the wind. These minor flaws added to the natural and vivid air, like Xia Hemeng. A layer of crimson sunset, the bright moon meets the blazing sun, colliding with each other to create the most flamboyant and free bright colors in the world.

And those eyes are like clear springs in mountain streams.

In a trance, Mrs. Lu could only smell the natural aura of mountains and rivers, and this aura was lingering around the person in front of her.

As the daughter of the Lu family of Fan Yang, she married the eldest son of the Cui family when she was young. No matter how gentle her temper was, she still had arrogance in her bones - but at this time, she realized very clearly that her former identity was , the age at which she can consider herself an elder no longer applies to the relationship between her and the girl in front of her.

Although Chang Sui Ning held half of his arm, Lu insisted on bending her knees lower and bowed deeply again.

Cui Tang followed suit almost instinctively.

When Mrs. Lu straightened up, she looked at Chang Sui Ning again, with respect and a smile in her eyes: "Chief Chang Jie, please go to the hall to talk quickly. Hot tea has been prepared for the envoy!"

Chang Suining nodded to her, with a little smile in his eyes: "Thank you, madam."

This smile stunned Lu, who was so excited that she didn't know what to do. She clenched the handkerchief tightly and tried her best to keep her posture upright as she walked forward with Chang Suining.

Lu asked with concern whether Chang Suining was tired from the cold journey, and finally said: "My Liulang is useless, I have to ask the envoy to worry..."

When Mrs. Lu said this, she suddenly remembered something - by the way, where is her son?

Stopping subconsciously, Lu turned around to explore. Unexpectedly, as soon as she turned her head, she came face to face with the face of a young man full of resentment.

Seeing that his mother finally turned around, Cui Lang said dissatisfiedly: "You still remember that you have a son!"

He was waiting to see when his mother would remember him!

Lu was startled, and stretched out her hand to pinch Cui Lang's ears in a funny and joyful manner: "...You brat, you want to scare your mother to death!"

Cui Lang complained: "You don't have a son in your heart, so you are justified!"

Mrs. Lu let go of her hand, her face still full of anger and smile, but her eyes were already two points red.

"And you, Cui Tang..." Cui Lang turned to glare at the sister beside him: "It took you a long time to see a living person like me, and your conscience is not that good!"

Cui Tang looked forward: "I am already the head of the family, but I still have no formal status."

"I'll settle the score with you later..." Cui Lang muttered in a low voice, but he quickly put on a serious face, straightened his shoulders, and showed a reliable posture.

The front hall of the huge Governor's Mansion was already filled with people from the Cui family.

Most of the people in the hall were elderly people, while many young people were waiting under the corridor outside the hall. They stood from the beginning of the corridor on both sides to the end of the corridor. At first glance, there was no end in sight, and there were hundreds of people.

They all saluted Chang Suining, and after saluting, they followed the dark-white female figure with their eyes.

They all know what this side represents today. From now on, they will form a close subordinate relationship with this young girl, working for her and being dispatched by her.

When Chang Suining stepped into the hall, people from the Cui family came to greet him.

The old man with silver beard raised his hand and saluted: "I have seen the Changjie Envoy..."

After returning the courtesy, Chang Sui Ning raised his hand to support him: "Old man, you don't need to be polite."

The old man turned sideways and said, "Chief Changjie, please come and speak."

Dai Cong also raised his hand in a gesture of invitation.

Chang Suining looked at the front seat where they were showing their direction, and said with a smile: "I am a guest, so it may be inappropriate to sit in the host's seat."

Before Dai could speak, the elder of the Cui clan raised his hand again and said: "The status of the envoy is valuable, and there is nothing wrong with it. Just as the king visits his ministers, is there any reason for the king to take second place?"

The old man's old voice was a little hoarse, not flattering at all, but exuding a unique sense of solemnity.

As we are gathered here today, there is no need to say more.

Changsui Ning then sat down at the head of the house.

The clan elder took Cui Lang in front and led the clan members behind him to bow deeply to Chang Sui Ning.

The Lu family came to Taiyuan this time and brought a letter written by Cui Ju, which pointed out the future path for this tribe, and ordered the tribesmen who moved to Taiyuan to respect Cui Lang as the new head of the family, and told Cui Lang to obey his elder brother Cui Lang in everything. Jing's arrangements were followed.

The most important explanation was related to the person they were slowly bowing to.

The pain of being separated from the family, the confusion in the turbulent situation, the collapse of the family, and the impact of his grandfather's death and his father's imprisonment... all appeared in Cui Lang's heart at this moment, piercing his eyes. Hot.

While he was bowing and praying, he heard the clan elder beside him say in an old voice: "I am here to represent the new head of the family and the clan members to show my intention to follow the Changjie Envoy. From now on, I, the Cui clan, will Hundreds of tribesmen are willing to exert their utmost efforts, uphold the loyalty and loyalty, and work hard for the festival, and then die! "

At this point, the old man bowed deeply again: "I hope I will never give up!"

The old man's voice added more weight to this promise. Cui Lang suppressed his tears and bowed deeply: "I hope the envoy will never give up!"

The tribesmen behind Cui Lang also followed and bowed down. From inside the hall to outside the hall, their bowing movements were like the grass and trees on the mountaintops blown by the wind, bending their spines, but still retaining their undying character. .

Behind them, the sky is now wide open, and the wind sweeps across the blue sky, taking away the floating clouds. Looking around, the sky becomes bluer and higher.

Seeing that Chang Suining quickly discussed future employment matters with Cui clan elders and Cui Lang, Dai Cong withdrew from the hall in time.

Looking at the blue sky above his head, and then at the earth beneath his feet, Dai Changshi felt inexplicably guilty.

This is Taiyuan...the place where the old Li family made their fortune, and the dragon veins are hidden there.

Dai Changshi looked back at the figures in the hall discussing important matters, and felt that these rebels were a bit too open-minded.

If the ancestors of the Li family have spirits in heaven, they are probably cursing at this moment.

Dai Cong deliberately wanted to burn a stick of incense to calm things down, but then he thought about it, but Tiangang was so bad that burning incense seemed like a provocation, and it probably only served to add fuel to the fire... So I can only give up.

Dai Congzi went to take care of various affairs, and it was not until evening that he was able to see Chang Sui Ning again.

"I'm here to Bingzhou. Thank you Dai Changshi for taking the trouble to arrange it." Chang Sui Ning thanked Dai Cong first.

"The envoy's words are serious. These are the orders of the governor. I am just following orders." Dai Cong cupped his hands and said: "The governor had expected that the envoy would come to Taiyuan earlier, so he ordered me to wait here."

He added: "In addition, the Governor-General has said that all orders sent by the envoys will be regarded as orders from the Governor-General, and all officials in the state must obey them."

Chang Suining sat there, with a look of peace in his eyes. He nodded slowly before asking: "Has there been a letter from your Commander-in-Chief recently? What is the current situation of the war with Beidi?" (End of Chapter)

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