Chang'an is good

Chapter 566 The Big One

"The last letter from the Governor was nearly a month ago." Dai Cong told the truth: "I received news a few days ago that the Governor is now leading his army to resist the Beidi army in the Yinshan area. The battle situation..."

Dai Cong thought about his words for a while and said: "Beidi has mobilized more than 100,000 troops in the Yinshan area this time. The fighting situation is quite serious."

"Yinshan..." Chang Sui Ning frowned slightly, thinking for a moment in his eyes, and then said firmly: "Beidi chose to attack from directly above the Guan Nei Road at this time. He must have learned about the death of Shuofang Jiedushi of the Guan Nei Dao. See it as an opportunity.”

The murder of Shuofang Jiedushi in the capital inevitably affected the war situation in the north.

"Yes." Dai Cong nodded, with a heavy expression: "When the Beidi cavalry first attacked, they were blocked and killed outside Yumen Pass by the governor. Tens of thousands of cavalry were almost wiped out. Since then, everything has been peaceful. After a period of time, however, internal strife broke out frequently in our court, which made it difficult for the thieves from the tribes in Beidi to get rid of their ambitions, and they often took advantage of the situation..."

In the six months since Beidi invaded again, it has mostly been guerrilla warfare, often with thousands or more cavalry raiding everywhere. Cui Jing deployed the defense properly and never let the Beidi cavalry break through the defense line.

Until the news of the death of Shuofang Jiedushi, who had been stationed in Guannei Road for many years, spread, several major tribes in the east of Beidi conspired to unite and jointly mobilized more than 100,000 troops to force their way into Yinshan Mountain.

When Dai Cong talked about the Yinshan defense line, there was a hint of joy in his tone: "Fortunately, the defense in the Yinshan area is the border area that the governor has paid most attention to in recent years..."

"If it weren't for this, the Beidi cavalry would have broken through our border long ago." Chang Sui Ning always felt a little lucky and even grateful when he thought about Cui Jing's previous move to rush to the north to rebuild the border defense.

Before the chaos in Dasheng, Cui Jing had always attached great importance to the northern border defense matters. It was precisely because of his unremitting efforts in this matter for several years that Dasheng was able to fight against the invasion of Beidi at this time.

It is no exaggeration to express this far-sighted heart of protecting the country with the word "gratitude".

"At this juncture, there must be no major turmoil in the Guannei Road. Otherwise, once internal and external troubles are connected, people's hearts will be turbulent and the front line will be defeated." Chang Suining looked at Dai Cong and asked, "I dare to ask Chang Shi what is the current situation of the Guannei Road. What's going on?"

Taiyuan Prefecture in Bingzhou belongs to Hedong Road, and directly to the west of Hedong Road is Guannai Road. Dai Cong lives in Taiyuan, and he is a smart man with a delicate mind. Therefore, Chang Suining is convinced that he must know the soldiers of Guannei Road better than others. Internal affairs.

Dai never concealed anything he knew and told Chang Suining.

There were already signs of turmoil in the Guannei Road after Shuofang Jiedushi arrived in Beijing. When the news of his death came back, the anger of the people was completely ignited.

Cui Jing tried to suppress the chaos, but he was in the army, fighting Beidi, and could not learn the news changes in time. Xuance Army had no intention of intervening in Shuofang's military affairs, and the Xuance Army generals who came forward instead attracted To express the dissatisfaction of Shuofang's army who was in grief and anger——

Under this situation, Xuance's army was destined to be unable to suppress them forcefully. The death of Shuofang Jiedu was a failure of the imperial court. Shuofang's army's response was in line with human nature. Forced suppression would only be counterproductive and cause greater riots.

In order to prevent the situation from quickly deteriorating, Cui Jing had no choice but to ask his generals to try to balance the different forces that gradually split up in the Shuofang army, allowing them to temporarily form a containment situation, waiting for the DPRK to express its stance to calm the anger of the Shuofang army.

This is not a long-term solution, it is just delaying as much as possible. At this time, more and more Xuance troops are rushing to the front line of Yinshan Mountain, and it is inevitable to lose the deterrence of Shuofang army.

The situation is constantly changing, and so are people's hearts. The Shuofang army is no longer filled with pure grief and indignation. Some people have developed ambitions for independence, and the balance of mutual restraint may be broken at any time.

Chang Suining heard this and suddenly asked: "...Has Prime Minister Wei and his entourage, sent by the imperial envoy from the DPRK, arrived?"

It had been more than two months since Wei Shuyi left, and it would not have taken that long to travel normally. However, he was escorting the coffin of Shuofang Jiedushi, and encountered many wars and chaos along the way, so his journey was inevitably slow - to put it harshly, it was difficult to reach the destination alive. Guan Neidao is already amazing.

Dai Cong nodded: "About the next few days."

Speaking of the imperial envoy, Dai Congdao said: "Now Shuofang's army is waiting for the imperial envoy's arrival and statement..."

But this waiting is not kind and peaceful.

Dai Cong: "If the imperial envoy's words and deeds are slightly careless, once conflicts intensify, chaos will surely arise."

"Uncle Wei doesn't know how to do it." Chang Sui Ning said, "He is a smart man."

And as the prime minister of the province, he dared to come in person, which was the greatest degree of sincerity.

Perhaps for this reason, most of Shuofang's troops were willing to leave the last bit of leeway to the imperial court.

However, this does not mean that Wei Shuyi will be able to successfully appease Shuofang's army. On the contrary, Chang Suining believes: "If he does not intensify conflicts, there will definitely be someone in Shuofang's army who uses him to provoke conflicts in order to achieve his own plan——"

When things have developed to this point, the conflicts in the army can no longer be resolved by the court's attitude alone.

Wei Shuyi is a living target during this trip.

No matter how smart the target is and how good he is at reasoning, it is not easy to reason with the combined force of weapons in the army.

Chang Suining sighed in his heart. Duan Zhenyi, his courageous son, was in a situation like dry food on a rainy day - if it was not there, it would be gone.

Thinking of Duan Zhenyi's letter, Chang Sui Ning felt truly worried.

Then, she asked Dai Cong: "Now that there are people in Shuofang's army who can take over big posts, do you, the governor, have any candidates in mind?"

Chaos arises simply because of the struggle for military power. In the same way, once the ownership of military power is clear, people can be calmed down as quickly as possible.

"The Governor originally favored two people. One of them had more qualifications and prestige, but now it seems that he has different intentions..." Dai Cong said: "The remaining one has better character and character, but lacks prestige and cannot convince the public."

Chang Suining asked the latter: "What is this person's name?"

"Xue Fu."

"Xue Fu——" Chang Suining read the name again and said: "If he doesn't have enough prestige, then give him a chance to establish his prestige."

Dai Cong felt a shiver in his heart, and saw Chang Suining looking over at him and saying, "I have just come to the northern border, and things are not easy. I hope Dai Changshi can help me to calm down the situation in the pass."

Dai Cong immediately bowed and saluted: "Dai Cong was sent by the envoy!"

When the discussion was approaching, Dai Congcai stood up and left.

Chang Suining personally sent him outside the hospital, and Dai Cong left after saluting him repeatedly.

The stars and moon were clear, Dai Cong was walking with his hands behind his hands, a sigh escaped from his mouth, and he said to himself: "This is not a fish in a pond, but a big one..."

After this long conversation, he finally understood why the governor, who was always decisive in killing, had to think so hard even when writing a letter to the other party.

Although there is no reason to talk about love, it is not accidental that the governor is attracted and impressed by such a person.

"...the 'great one' mentioned by Chang Shi refers to the Changjie Envoy?" Dai asked from the confidant guard beside him.

This guard was from the Xuance Army and had been ordered by Cui Jing to guard Dai Cong's safety for two years. "Yes." Dai Cong looked into the quiet night and said: "Before this, I was still thinking that since this Changjie envoy is ambitious, why not take advantage of the opportunity to capture Luoyang and attack the capital directly -"

The answer in his mind is: This is a smart and patient ambition. She knows that she started too late and her reputation and prestige still need to be accumulated and expanded. She is unwilling to take risks and risk everything she has now in vain. A fleeting passage remains in the history books.

Now it seems that this answer is still correct, but the reason is not just that...

"She is playing a bigger chess game..." Dai Cong's voice was very low, but his sigh was clearly audible: "There is actually a word of justice in this chess game."

She is not fooled by immediate gains, but focuses on the people of the world.

Countless pairs of ambitious eyes were looking at the dragon chair in the capital, and she was heading north alone, coming in reverse, just to calm down the uncontrollable chaos.

In what we talked about tonight, she didn't say a word about generosity, nor did she realize that she was being generous. But in the eyes of an onlooker like him, it was a gift to the world with great generosity.

Before leaving, Dai Cong even went out of his way and asked something he shouldn't have asked: "The envoy abandoned the capital, and Anbei... were you worried that you would be one step behind others in the future?" 】

The woman in a green robe, sitting cross-legged behind a few desks, calmly said to him under the shadow of the lamp: "Everyone can seize the capital, but I am the only one who can secure it in the north." 】

Her voice was very casual and free: "As for the land of the capital, when I am qualified, I can take it if I want." 】

The woman's words were very soft, but at that moment, Dai Cong was almost shocked.

After leaving, Dai Cong recalled these two short sentences again and again, and felt that they contained a lot.

Therefore, he said that he was the great one.

Courage, vision, mind, compassion...all are great.

After all the emotions were suppressed, Dai Cong finally sighed and said: "Before today, I never thought that the Governor would have such a person in his heart..."

Previously, he only thought that the Governor could not hold the joy of blooming iron trees, but now he realized that what he saw in the eyes of the Governor was such a magnificent and majestic scenery.

Dai Changshi suddenly felt worried: "The Governor has a keen eye. Fortunately, he saw it early, but now it's like 'who in the world doesn't know you'..."

I'm afraid the wild bees and butterflies coming after hearing the scene are inevitable.

There must be no shortage of climbing vines and leaves.

The guard was also frightened by the words, and his expression was unusually solemn - he was a very traditional person, and he always felt dissatisfied every time he heard people jokingly mention the term "the governor's wife".

But now, seeing that this joke was about to turn into reality, he was actually worried about whether his Grand Governor would be able to gain a decent reputation... Who knows this feeling?

The guard, filled with worries and accompanied by Dai Cong's sigh, gradually left.

Chang Sui Ning finished washing and went to bed.

There was only one lamp left in the room. Chang Sui Ning sat on the bed with her hair disheveled, half hugging the new and soft quilt, and yawned tiredly for a long time. For a moment, her somewhat blurred vision casually swept across the room. Furnishings.

The guest house in the Bingzhou Governor's Mansion has been occupied by people from the Cui clan. The courtyard where she is currently located is said to be Cui Jing's residence.

Cui Jing rarely comes to Taiyuan Mansion, but this place is very characteristic of him, as simple, cool and clean as his people, with almost no bright warm colors.

Chang Sui looked at it quietly for a while, and then saw the clear moonlight outside the window. All his emotions were slowly relieved inexplicably, leaving only a faint sense of stability.

For a moment, she lay down peacefully and closed her eyes sleepily. When she was about to fall into sleep, she said in a confused voice like a dream language: "Cui Ling'an, do you still have time to look at the moon now?"

The rest of the words were lost in voice, as if they fell into a dream together.

It doesn't matter if you don't have time to look at the moon, as long as people are safe.

Wait for her in peace and she will come to see him.

The bright moon outside the window carries quiet prayers and exudes a hazy light.

Mrs. Lu's residence was not quiet at this time.

After being reunited with his mother and sister, Cui Lang had already cried three times, one for his clan, one for his grandfather, and one for his eldest brother. He was now about to cry for the fourth time - for those who were in prison. Father.

However, he was interrupted by his mother: "What's there to cry about? Don't worry. You also know the situation in the capital. Nothing will happen for a while, unless he hurts himself. But if he hurts himself at this juncture, what will happen if he hurts himself at this moment?" Where is it worth crying for?"

Cui Lang was strangely convinced, and his tears just retracted.

"Furthermore, the people of the Capital Clan have returned to King Rong's camp. This is a fact that cannot be changed, just like my mother's clan, the Lu family... In this situation, everyone has his or her own destiny. This cannot be changed by emotions, so we can only take care of it first. Only by taking good care of yourself can you decide whether you are able to help in the future." Lu said: "Now that you are the head of the Cui family in Taiyuan, you should focus on the present... Remember, Chang Jieshi, your eldest brother, is the one. We can rely on people who are with us.”

"Especially your eldest brother, everyone is still fighting on the battlefield..." Lu taught earnestly: "As a younger brother, you should plan more for your elder brother."

Cui Lang, whose eyes were red and swollen, subconsciously asked: "What can I plan for my brother?"

Mrs. Lu was sewing in her hands when she heard this and raised her head: "Of course it's the status."

Cui Lang reacted and said "Hi": "This!"

He patted his chest and assured with a grin: "Don't worry, my son is still good at this!"

At this time, the curtain was opened, and Cui Tang walked in with the maid, carrying two cups of tonic soup on the tray.

Cui Lang, who was tired of crying, took the initiative to take a cup, took a spoon and put it into his mouth, drank it all in seven or eight gulps, and then praised his sister: "Cui Tang, you have a conscience, and I finally know that I feel sorry for you. Brother, I have a busy mind these days!”

"I stewed it for my mother. Who asked you to drink it?"

The brother and sister had a few words of bickering as usual. When Cui Lang saw his mother-in-law put down the soup bowl, she didn't know what she had thought of. She moved her expression and tried to ask: "Mom, my son suddenly thought that I am now your noble family." Head of the family, does that mean you can take the initiative to change the family rules?”

Mrs. Lu looked at her son and asked suspiciously: "Which clan rule do you want to change?" (End of Chapter)

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