Chapter 120
Hei Wa had only been a good uncle for a while, and was invited away by someone from the palace.

In the imperial study room, both Xia Hongdi and Wei Shangshu looked unhappy. The two had been arguing for a long time. Heiwa bumped into them and was immediately pulled back by Wei Shangshu.

Hei Wa greeted the emperor first, and then saw it, eagerly looking at his Wei Shangshu.

"Uncle Zhongqin, come to judge, just say, those porcelains you brought back yesterday, His Majesty has agreed to be an official kiln.

However, what else does His Majesty want to do to attract business and let those merchants participate? Uncle Zhongqin, our treasury is not rich. Apart from the Great Yellow River, how many embankments still need to be repaired across the country?Shipbuilding is also a lot of golden flowers! "

Heiwa was puzzled, and asked suspiciously: "There are so many of these porcelains, even if you want to attract business, you can choose them selectively. For example, those ornaments and toys made by Chen, let the investment from the Gold and Silver Building come in. They have their own shops. , which is equivalent to taking the channel to invest in shares!"

"This, still, can it still be like this? Take it apart?" Old man Wei couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the young people, he just blindly didn't want to share the profit with those merchants, but he didn't expect that Uncle Zhongqin had quite a lot of tricks.

"That's right, the court has earned all the money, so what energy do merchants have to make troubles? If they don't make trouble, the court will collect less tax money!"

Xia Hongdi didn't look at the silent Wei Shangshu. He already had a plan in mind, but he didn't come here just for this matter. He asked:

"Don't be careless. Are those tiles of yours only used in housing?"

"Your Majesty, I just want to report to you. After researching the soil in many places, I found that the soil quality in Shu and Lingnan is the most suitable for the tiles used in the house. The Anju house in the capital is just a sample of the tiles. If it is produced , The minister suggested to put it in Shu.

In the past few years, due to disasters in Shu, the vitality was seriously injured. Being able to open a tile workshop in Shu can also bring a stable job to the local people. With a stable income, the people will have a way to survive!

This is also a distinction from household ceramics such as toilets and bathtubs in Lingnan, and resources cannot always be concentrated in one place. "

"Then the craftsmen in your R&D center are enough. Once your blue and white porcelain comes out, why don't some of you go to Jiangliu Mansion?"

"It's enough. According to their craftsmanship and characteristics this year, I divided them into two groups. One group makes blue and white porcelain and the other makes ceramic tiles. However, in this way, next year, no one will be available to me!"

"Don't be in a hurry to launch new products. I think that what you have made this year is enough for them to digest for ten or eight years. Next year, you will help me plan the demolition site in Dongcheng. Continue to fix it!"

"Yes, I haven't had time to see that film yet. I'll go around in the next few days. Your Majesty, you still have to find some master builders for me. I'm a monk halfway through, and I'm half a bucket of water."

"Don't worry, many masters in Beijing have gone to see your courtyard at the south gate, and they all said that although you are all the same, the arrangement inside is very ingenious. They are very fond of your drainage pipes. If you are interested, I should be willing to help you."

"Did the demolition go smoothly?" In modern times, when it comes to the demolished households, who doesn't envy and hate? I don't know what the Great Xia Dynasty is like.

Speaking of this, Xia Hongdi frowned: "The demolition near the Yangliu River in the east is almost done, but there is no progress in that slum area. It is said that as soon as they enter, those old men and women are lying on the ground and do not want to move. , After counting, it is estimated that there are 7000 people living in that area.”

Hei Wa knew that the east side of the capital was famous for being dirty, messy and poor. Maybe all the beggars, thieves, actors, etc. in the capital gathered there, and they also liked to dump rubbish into the Yangliu River.

The reason why the local residents on the east bank of the Yangliu River are so easy to be persuaded is that they can't bear the stinky water of the Yangliu River, and they don't like the people in that slum area. They are willing to move away when they have the option of demolition and compensation.

The outer city of the capital, the jingle is: the north is chaotic, the west is expensive, the east is poor, and the south is rich.

While thinking, Heiwa recalled the topographical map of the outer city of the capital, as well as the smelly water river and the slums.

"Your Majesty, you, Rong Chen, go back and think about it carefully, and try to give you a feasible solution."

Xia Hongdi was happy, and threw this hot potato to Uncle Zhongqin, and he will be able to seal the pen for the New Year in a few days.

Because of Zhong Qinbo's classification management plan, Wei Shangshu did not argue with the emperor. Anyway, there are so many porcelains, and there is a lot of choice for official kilns.

"Your Majesty, I have another proposal. Look, it's the end of the year, and many people are buying new year's goods and gifts. Our blue and white porcelain can't be left idle until next year, right? Do you want to do a pre-sale?"

Hearing this, the emperor and Wei Shangshu became interested, and their tone was very excited: "What is pre-sale?"

"The so-called pre-sale is actually a pre-order, there are only samples but no actual goods.

We can display products in the largest shops in the capital, and then send viewing tickets to the merchants and the mansions of nobles. Each set of porcelain is clearly marked with a price, and a specific quantity is set for each set.

For the ordered porcelain, you only need to pay [-]% of the silver!Depending on the situation, delivery within three to five months.

Produced by official kilns, quality and reputation are guaranteed!
The market is good and the investment is easy! "

Wei Shangshu couldn't help slapping his hands a few times, "Wonderful, wonderful! Once this trick is used, you can collect a lot of money in the early stage!"

Hei Wa nodded: "In addition to this, there is also the meaning of reproducing according to the order amount. Our official kiln products are of the upper class. If the quantity is too large, it will be worthless!
After the hot sale in the capital, you can also take the samples to the south of the Yangtze River, and then harvest a wave of money from the rich merchants in the south of the Yangtze River. "

Wei Shangshu, a dry old man, had a strange light in his eyes, and he said to Xia Hongdi:
"Your Majesty, let Bo Zhongqin come to the Ministry of Household Affairs, and you can give up the position of minister. Great Xia needs such a business genius!"

Hei Wa repeatedly begged for mercy: "Master Wei, please, please don't make things difficult for me, I'm only going to use these tricks, and I have to repair the house for His Majesty."

Xia Hongdi also didn't like Uncle Zhongqin to go to the household department, although now Uncle Zhongqin is hammering here and there.

However, with the things he fiddled with, he can enter or retire for business or earn money for private use. If the old man is going to take him to the household department, how can his small treasury develop further?
However, the two still approve of the pre-sale of blue and white porcelain in Beijing. Who would dislike it if they can make another wave at the end of the year?

At night, the couple had a good time in the space, and Cuihua said: "Tell me, when the Xue family knows, there is a thunderbolt in the clear sky, and the blue and white porcelain is born, how will the century-old Ding kiln in his family be placed?"

Hei Wa squinted her eyes: "I've been working so hard for a long time, and I'm just waiting for this day! Grandma, I can't wait until the New Year to clean up his house, revenge can't wait until the New Year!"

On the third day after Heiwa returned to the mansion, Heiwa went to the dungeon where Niu Changshui was held. After being locked up for so long, Hei interrogated him three times before and after the first trial, but he did not change his confession. control.

Heiwa was different. He looked at Niu Changshui, who was like a trapped beast, and said, "I'll give you two choices. First, you should be honest. I'll send you back to Sichuan, to your hometown. If you insist on not telling, then I will hand you over to the Jingzhao Mansion, and the government will judge you in the end.

Of course, if you choose the latter, your aunt may also be implicated by you, and your sister will not be able to stay in the capital. "

Niu Changshui's eyes were red, what choice did he have now, no matter what he chose, he would die!

Gritting his teeth, he insisted on the original statement, saying over and over again:

"Don't think that you are an uncle, so you can wrong me casually. I said the same when I went to Jingzhao Mansion! My aunt gave birth to three children for my uncle, and my uncle can't leave my aunt alone!"

Hei Wa didn't expect that this guy would be able to resist death at this meeting, so he can only help him.

Hei Yi took his post and sent Niu Changshui to Jingzhao Mansion. The current Yin of Jingzhao Mansion is Xia Hongdi's direct descendant, known as He Qingtian with a stern face.

This He Qingtian, who had been the prefect of Sichuan for more than ten years, had an upright personality. Although he had a high reputation under his rule, he had no background, and he was not favored by others. He hadn't been promoted for many years.

Xia Hongdi had observed him for several years when he was the king of Shu, and immediately transferred him back to the capital after he entered the capital.

For many people, it is not easy to be a governor in a capital city where there are so many rich and powerful people, but He Qingtian is not half-divided. Anyway, no one cares about favors, and the atmosphere in the capital has improved a lot in the past few years. .

After receiving the pleading paper from Uncle Zhongqin, he accepted it calmly, formally filed a case, and first took Niu Changshui into custody.

They sent people to Dali Village, and while investigating, they informed Niu Changshui's parents, Big Sister Niu.

Hearing that Niu Changshui was arrested by the Jingzhao Mansion, Big Sister Niu was frightened, and asked tremblingly, what did her nephew do?
It was told that Uncle Zhongqin's residence had sued him, and the reason involved a poisoning case in which he attempted to infect Uncle Zhongqin's two two-year-old young sons with smallpox.

How could Big Sister Niu believe that her nephew could do this, she yelled:

"This is a frame-up by Uncle Zhongqin's house. What is my nephew capable of poisoning their family? I don't accept it. I'm going to sue the imperial court. You wronged people, and you officials protect each other!"

Officials are used to it, "If you want to sue, you can go, we will investigate ours, there will be no delay."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left. Big Sister Niu's body was weak, she was trembling, her mind was muddled, and finally ran to Hu Yiniu's house suddenly.

Before stepping into the main courtyard, he began to cry: "Father, mother, you have to make decisions for me, my sister and brother-in-law are bullying others!"

Crying loudly, Papa Hu and Mrs. Zhang howled out of the room. Looking at the second daughter-in-law who was crying so hard that her nose came out, Mrs. Zhang was already furious.

"If you want to be rude again, get the hell out of here, and say that my daughter and son-in-law are bullying you. Please make it clear. If you don't understand, I will ask Cuihua to sue you for false accusation!"

Sister Niu simply sat down on the ground: "Mother, you must be facing your own daughter. You just say, my parents are Shui, who is only a little older, and my brother-in-law sued him for poisoning, and everyone was sent to Jingzhao Mansion. You say, this is not what bullying is!"

Father Hu was not confused, he asked, "What kind of poison did your nephew inject?"

Big Sister Niu choked up: "It said it was related to the acne last time, but, Dad, tell me, how could Changshui have such a skill?"

When Mrs. Zhang heard this, she was about to explode: "You mother is more powerful than Master Qingtian. Is it up to you to decide whether this bastard is capable or not? Well, if it is really found out that it is him, here But there is no place for you to cry, you go back to your mother's house!"

Father Hu was also very angry. His well-behaved grandson was actually infected by human beings. The national law does not judge him, and the Hu family's family law does not allow it!

"Laifu, go and get my eldest and second child back, I want to see if there are any fools in this Hu family!"

Hu Yiniu and Hu Erniu's demolition offices were still finishing work these days, and they hadn't returned home for the holidays, so Laifu hurried out.

Sister Niu stopped howling, and sat on the ground, her eyes were loose. The twin daughters who had been crying for a long time at home were ignored.

(End of this chapter)

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