The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 139 Man Chapter = Labor Chapter

Chapter 139 Men's Day = Labor Day

This year's pepper seedlings were raised and planted in Hongguo Village, and Dali and Qingzao Villages continued to be used to grow wheat.

Because the Zhongqinbo Mansion likes to buy wasteland, the two mountain villages around these three villages and even further away, the mountains and forests that no one cares about in the past have been opened up.

Even if the family can't grow it well, these wastelands can still be sold to Uncle Zhongqin's mansion.

The villagers of the three villages, last year, every family kept chili peppers as seeds, and relatives gave them to relatives, almost the entire village on the outskirts of the capital.They all planted peppers in front of and behind their houses.

The restaurants in the capital also make a lot of spicy dishes. People in the north are actually pretty good at eating spicy food, especially when it’s cold and freezing. Even if you can’t drink alcohol, eating a meal of chili dishes will keep you warm.

The land of spring wheat needs to be fertilized after deep plowing, and the dozen or so cows raised in the village are put to great use.

Mountains and newly reclaimed wasteland are mainly used to grow konjac, pepper, and broad bean.

In order to make up for the lack of festivals for the little men, the fair mother took them back to Dali Village to participate in labor on a few days off for Xiaodouding.

A man, isn't it just for hard work!People in this dynasty like to have sons, because the family lacks labor!
Eight little guys wearing shorts and cloth shoes, carrying a basket full of broad beans in their hands, followed behind Cuihua happily.

Xiaoshan is as tall as Mrs. Zhang, an 11-year-old kid, as strong as a calf, and he is responsible for digging pits with a few tenant farmers today.

Xiao Chuan is the second eldest, his eight-year-old brother is the vanguard of the six carrot heads.

Their task today is to dig a hole and throw broad beans in the dug hole.

Throwing three broad beans into a pit is not too difficult for those who can already count.

Coupled with their short stature, they are much more relaxed than adults who need to bend over to do this job.

Cuihua demonstrated to them next to them: "See, it's like I'm lost. You stand side by side, and each of you is in charge. In the evening, I will be a big meat worker. If the work is not good, there is nothing to eat!"

"Mom, I can do it!" Xiao Wu felt that this job was not difficult and quite interesting.

"Mom, I want to eat a big goose!" Xiao Liu felt that the geese in Zhuangzi were different, and they looked delicious!He has come to work now, and he needs his mother to cook a big meal to reward him.

"Uncle, the shoes are dirty!" Three heads, you are probably a Virgo, you are so young, that little cleanliness!

"Little San, after planting Doudou, Auntie will go back and clean your shoes for you, and I will give you a new pair of shoes!"

"Uncle, are you throwing three peas in one hole?" Xiao Si, are you here to be funny?The fat hand you raised obviously has four fingers!
"Auntie, Shitou knows this!" Shitou had seen this battle last year.

"Auntie, Auntie, Doudou, Doudou, cluck!"

"Let's plant Dingdoudou into the soil today, and we will be able to harvest a lot of Dingdoudou in autumn!"

"Auntie, Auntie, do you plant Doudou or not Dingdoudou!"

"Hahahahahaha." The brothers were amused by Doudou's tongue twister.

Rather than letting them work, it is better to take this group of Douding to experience the spring.

Xiao Chuan is the supervisor, who checks whether the work of the little bean dings is qualified. If there is too much planting, it must be picked out, and if there is less planting, it must be replenished.

Xiaowu works steadily and quickly, and is generally obsessive-compulsive. It is said that three Doudou are three Doudou. If you lose one, you will pick it up, and perform the task perfectly.

The rest, once the novelty wears off, want to play tricks, but how come the tasks assigned to them by mothers (uncles, aunts) are so far away?

He didn't want to be compared, so he blushed, chasing each other, busy with work.

Cuihua and Xiaowu were the first to finish this job and waited for them in front. Cuihua wiped Xiaowu's face covered with mud and asked, "Is Xiaowu tired?"

Xiao Wu shook his head, "Mom, it's fun, not tired!"

That's right, this basket only holds a catty of broad beans. To this kid, it's like an ordinary person holding an egg, and he can plant it for another afternoon!

After working hard and working hard, everyone ate deliciously for lunch, because they had to cook a big dish for them at night, and the lunch was cooked by the kitchen woman who came with them from the house.

Cuihua picked vegetables for them at every turn. Hunger is the best dish, and tofu can taste like dragon meat.

When taking a nap, the boy who slipped away fell asleep on his back and snored a little.

Fan's sister-in-law also lives in her own yard in Dali Village. She came to see the third and fourth heads. It would be a lie if she said she didn't feel sorry for them, but the sister-in-law was willing to let her children go to the ground, and they didn't dare to complain.

Old Yuantou even said: "Which one of you didn't grow up doing farm work? What can you do to them with this kind of work! I think the big-headed lady arranged it very well! Now the few children in the house have meat to eat every day. Still pick and choose, you are used to it!"

Mrs. Ma quit: "Who is used to it? Could it be that they are the young masters and let them herd cattle every day!"

Old Yuan frowned: "You can't waste food, and you can't be picky about food!"

Mrs. Ma didn't dare to refute, but she also agreed in her heart, the current dolls, how have they suffered from their past, hey!

Qian Alan is not afraid of her son's hardships, she herself has grown up in hardships, so what kind of work is this!

In the afternoon, the fellow readers who were on vacation also came to Dali Village, except for Yuan Wenjie and Yuan Wenwu brothers, and Qin Ke who regarded himself as a relative of Yuan's family.

Qin Ke, who grew up in the village when he was a child, was a bit afraid when it came to doing farm work.

Cuihua handed over the burden of taking the lead in the work to four and a half young men, and then the group went off to grow beans.

One afternoon, I could think about the menu. Cuihua took the basket and went to the Zhuangzi to see if there were any vegetables and meat that could be used.

This is also the season to eat river fresh food. There are many river ditches outside Zhuangzi. When Mrs. He saw that the owner's family was rummaging by the river, he came up to ask about the situation and said with a smile:
"Ma'am, there are a lot of shrimps, small miscellaneous fish, and mussel shells in this river. I'll ask some of my family to catch them for you! Don't dirty your shoes."

"Okay, let the boys catch more and send them to my house."

Cuihua will definitely not take it for nothing, she will tell Aunt Li to convert them into copper coins.

Unexpectedly, in the village, I saw a few children climbing up the tall elm tree to eat elm money. This, Cuihua is also rare.

She quickly raised her head and said to the naughty boy on the tree: "Children, give me some elm coins and send them to the Yuan Mansion in the village. I will ask Aunt Li to give you copper coins."

"Really? Madam Yuan, you are not allowed to coax us!" The urchins immediately confirmed that if there were copper coins to earn, they could wipe out all the money trees in the village.

"Don't lie to you, pay attention to safety, don't fall off the tree, send them all to my house."

"Okay, okay!" If it weren't for the tree, they would all want to jump a few times.

Cuihua also dug up some shepherd's purse, wild onions and ground vegetables, which are relatively delicious among wild vegetables, and she already has a rough recipe in mind.

After she returned to Yuan's Mansion, the children in the village also brought them one after another. The ingredients they scavenged, the river mussels, could be piled up into a hill, and there could be hundreds of them if the children's heads were as big.

The river prawns were still alive and kicking, and by visual inspection they weighed less than ten catties, about the size of an adult's pinky finger, and looked quite fat.

There are also many small miscellaneous fish, but they are not big and the thickness of a thumb.

Yuqian brought a back full of coins, and the children were so excited that they wanted to go to heaven holding a bunch of copper coins.

The mother-in-law and Aunt Li on the stove, together with the little girls, helped Cuihua clean up the river freshness. The mussels had to spit out the sand first, the small miscellaneous fish had to squeeze out the intestines, and the elms had to be carefully picked out. They should also be washed well.

The youngest son wanted to eat goose, so the mother who doted on the baby had to be satisfied, so she picked out the gander with the strongest combat effectiveness, and killed it happily.

Five-flavored goose, this is a dish that does not use much seasoning, but is sweet and sour, delicious and non-greasy. It is an appetizer that children will definitely like.

Fresh goose meat, cut into four pieces, smeared with soy sauce, marinated for two quarters of an hour, so that it can be tasty and colorful.

Pour oil into the pan, add sliced ​​ginger, scallions, and tangerine peel until fragrant, add goose meat and fry until the skin is browned.

Finally, put a certain proportion: soy sauce, rice vinegar, brown sugar, salt, and appropriate amount of water. After the high heat is turned on, turn to low heat and simmer for half an hour. When the juice is collected, it will be out of the pot.

In addition to the sweet and sour taste of goose meat, the most special feature of this dish is the taste of goose bones, which are crispy and crispy.

Fried river prawns in oil, using a large amount of boiling oil, deep-fried at high temperature until the shrimp shells explode, and the shrimp meat shrinks, leaving a gap between the shrimp shells and the shrimp meat.

Then use soy sauce, oyster sauce, rice wine, and honey to make a sauce, boil it in an oil pan, then put the fried river prawns in and simmer until the sauce is delicious.

This is a salty and sweet dish. The shells of river prawns are fried into crispy skin. You can eat them together with the shells, but the prawns inside are still very tender. It goes well with rice and wine.

Use a quick method to let the mussel spit out sand quickly. For the first time, put salt in the clean water and let it stand for [-] quarters of an hour.

Stir-fried mussels with leeks. The mussels that have been pried out of their shells are squeezed out of their internal organs, leaving only the yellow mussel meat, which is flattened and cut into shreds.

Heat the oil in a cold pan, sauté the shallots, garlic, and ginger until fragrant, then stir-fry the clam meat over high heat, and finally add leeks and a few pieces of dried chili, season with oyster sauce and salt.

This dish is spicy and refreshing, full of pot gas, and you can't stop eating it.

Small miscellaneous fish with salt and pepper, fried until crispy, even the fish bones can be eaten together, without fear of getting stuck in the throat.

Scrambled eggs with ground vegetables are as crisp as fungus but more tender than fungus; as soft as vermicelli, but crisper than vermicelli, moist but not stagnant, smooth but not greasy.

There are also heavy fried goose offal with pickled peppers, red oil mixed with shepherd's purse for appetizers, spring bamboo shoots and sauerkraut sliced ​​meat soup before dinner.

Yuqian rice, without corn flour, can only use wheat flour, stir it with cooked oil and wheat flour, put it in a steamer, and steam it on high heat.

The boys who came back from work smelled all kinds of meat before entering the dining room, the specialties of Yuan Mansion, and the big plates of meat.

A whole goose weighing seven or eight catties was cut into pieces and placed on a large plate, just looking at it made your mouth water.

Qin Ke is like a mouse that fell into a rice vat. What is it like to do some farm work, he is here, thick-skinned, eat enough!
Show off meat, crazy show off meat!Tired and hungry, but also greedy!

The chef's greatest satisfaction is to feed them. Watching them eat deliciously, take a sip of spring bamboo shoot soup, and eat two spoonfuls of yuqian rice. They are full!
After planting broad beans for two days, I don’t know if I’m tired or not. Seeing that the appetite of these boys has increased significantly, Xiao Wu, who already eats a lot, has caught up with his eldest brother and second brother.

When returning to the city, Qin Kebi was reluctant to part with anyone else. He felt that Mrs. Zhongqin, even in the village, could cook delicious food with wild vegetables every now and then.

After returning to the palace, the other three who didn't go regretted it very much, they just didn't have Qin Ke's thick skin, and missed Tianye Chunguang and Auntie's delicious food!

(End of this chapter)

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