The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 140 The wicked have their own grind

Chapter 140 The wicked have their own grind

Shudi, Qingxian County, Tiles Square.

Hu Sanniu and Yuan Laoer have already burned out the tiles.

From the beginning of the experiment to the stable mass production now, I have to say that the two of them also worked hard, and finally they were both physically and mentally exhausted, and the task was considered completed.

It's just that my elder brother (brother-in-law) has too many ideas, and the way is wild, they have to roll and crawl to keep up with his footsteps.

County Magistrate Hao and Mr. Fan both came, seeing tiles of various colors neatly stacked in the warehouse, they were more excited than Hu Sanniu and the others.

The magistrate Hao asked tremblingly: "The mud here is so good? Can this tile be made forever?"

To be honest, he was very unconfident. There were not many porcelain kilns in Shu, so he was very nervous before seeing the tiles fired.

Mr. Fan is also happy. What makes him happy is that although the Fan family has a small share, the output of this tile seems to be quite high. What business is more secure than this?

"Magistrate Hao, the mud from our Sichuan land is easy to use, and it is very suitable for burning this tile, so don't worry!" Hu Sanniu was better at talking than Yuan Laoer.

"Are our tiles directly brought into the capital?" Before they were replaced with silver, they were still made of mud, right?
"Well, if we collect [-] pieces, we'll send them to the capital. This year's east part of the capital is in great demand!"

"That's a good relationship. Our unique business will not worry about sales." County Magistrate Hao has no doubts about this, first satisfying the people in the capital, and then selling it to the south of the Yangtze River. I heard that there are many rich people in Ludi
The ancestral house in the downstream village, the three courtyards of the Yuan Mansion and the Hu family have also been completed.

These two courtyards can be regarded as the best houses in eight villages. Jiang Laidi, who lives in the mud house, watched the Hu family's house being built with her own eyes.

That was the three-entry mansion of Qingbrick Daiwa, she was so jealous that she scratched her heart.

She has been asking recently why her ex-sister-in-law was divorced and returned to her natal family, but she can't seem to find anyone to ask.

Ever since she had a big fight with Jiang Laidi, Big Sister Niu has started a kind of shrew mode, and beat up Feng's second son who came to find fault.

Although Feng's second child is a man, he is not as tall as Niu Damei, so he is not her opponent.

As a result, Niu Damei left the impression of a shrew who "can't be provoked" to the villagers downstream.

This woman also bought two dogs, even though she is a woman with two children, the matchmaker dare not step on her door easily.

Jiang Laidi was in the village, making all kinds of publicity that this ex-sister-in-law did something immoral in all likelihood and was dismissed by her husband's family and returned to her hometown.

He left countless excuses for immoral things for everyone to guess, and everyone became anxious, wishing to ask the person's face.

But Hu Sanniu and Yuan Laoer only came back once, and entrusted the work of repairing the house to the head of the downstream village, which made the villagers have nowhere to ask.

After the ancestral house is built, it is necessary to warm up the room, right, the tiles have been fired normally.

Hu Sanniu and Yuan Laoer went back to the lower reaches of the village. They needed a banquet for their neighbors who were helping.

Everyone was very excited, some wanted to meet noble people, some wanted to gossip, and some wanted to come to eat noodles.

In the midst of toasting and drinking, I don't know who it is, and asked Big Sister Niu's question. Seeing this scene, Yuan Er Er put down his wine glass and said in a heavy tone:
"Although this matter is about the Hu family's in-laws, it concerns our Uncle Zhongqin's mansion, so I can only say a few words.

You may not know that more than a year ago, because of the entrustment of my second uncle in-law, my eldest brother specially sent a steward from the house to Er'e Mountain to take the nephew and niece of my second uncle and sister-in-law to the capital.

This Niu's family lived on Er'e Mountain, and all his family members were harmed by refugees. The two brothers and sisters lived on wild vegetables on the mountain.

When they arrived in the capital, the Hu family raised them with good food and drink, and let them go to school, which was built by our family.

It's a pity that good people are not rewarded. This nephew is Niu Changshui. He is young, but his mind is crooked. He was instigated by someone to poison my elder brother's two little nephews under the age of three, causing them to be infected with smallpox.

He still refused to admit it, and finally the government was alarmed. The government found hundreds of witnesses, and finally let him confess.

However, because he is not yet 15 years old, we can't do anything to him, but their aunt chose her natal family and divorced with our in-laws second uncle.

The in-laws and uncles not only let the former second sister-in-law take away the wages earned by the second brother over the years, but also let us send their aunts and nephews back to their hometown safely. "

"This, it's unheard of, this shrew will act as if nothing happened when she comes back!"

"Yeah, I can't see it. The brothers and sisters and the children in the village still come and go. I didn't expect that they are vicious white-eyed wolves!"

"Let me tell you, keep your baby away from this family in the future, and don't follow other people's way!"

"It's not just my family, hurry up and talk to everyone after you get home!"

"In this matter, we have to praise, the Hu family is a kind person! This kind of unclear daughter-in-law, still reconciled? Just divorce!"

"It's a pole, it's a pole!"

After eating a big banquet, I also heard a lot of gossip. This is what the person involved said from his own experience, not just hearsay.

The people in the village who were full didn't care about making friends with Hu Sanniu and Yuan Lao Er, and rushed back to talk to their wives, this is an important task entrusted by their wives before they come to eat.

Before going to bed, Mr. Yuan thought to himself: Brother, let’s talk. Let’s not add fuel to the picture, and don’t take the initiative to speak up. If someone asks, just tell the truth.

Thinking about it, the effect should be good!
Isn't the effect good? The shrew-like Niu Damei, now the villagers don't point and point. Seeing the three of them in their family, they all walk around directly.

Is there anything else I don't understand?The Yuan family didn't intend to help them hide it, and they can live a stable life for two months, which is already considered kind.

Niu Changshui, with red eyes, choked up and asked Big Sister Niu: "Isn't this a new story? Am I going to be scolded by them for the rest of my life?"

Niu Xi'er's eyes were already swollen from crying, and she heard the little girls in the village talking about her, saying that she was the poisoner's sister, and that she was also a poisonous person, and no one dared to play with her.

She came back from the capital, and she has seen, eaten, and played, as long as she is willing to talk about it, there are piles of little girls who like to hear her talk about it.

"Auntie, what shall we do in the future?" Niu Xi'er was worried, her aunt seemed not very useful.

"What should I do? I'll ask someone! I've met you too, hey!" Maybe no one can stop Niu Damei from loving her nephew and niece now, but instead she let go of the obsession in her heart.

Although she has hundreds of taels of silver in her hand, she can't help but think about it, and her nephews and nieces are not so pleasing to the eye.

Jiang Laidi, who finally understood the reason for her ex-sister-in-law's dismissal, was so excited that she couldn't sleep all night.

The next day, at noon, he ran to the door of Big Sister Niu's house and scolded the street:
"Just like my old lady said, some people will be dismissed and returned to their hometowns only for doing immoral things, my mother, there is nothing wrong with what I said!

As for my former sister-in-law, for us sister-in-laws, she took care of all kinds of things on the way to escape from the famine, so the only thing she can do is to pamper her mother's family like this!

However, just such a good person, with a black heart, a sore tongue, and a white-eyed wolf, actually went to harm other people's children under the age of three. Is this a human thing?
Dogs know how to wag their tails after eating food, which is even worse than dogs!

Such a white-eyed wolf, her mother dared to lick her face and go back to her hometown!

This kind of evil nephew should be sent to prison, no, it is cheaper for him to eat prison, so he should be sent to mine and let him repent for the rest of his life!
Immortal Banban, there is this nephew of a poisoner who is still acting like a normal person!
Come back to our village, who else can't afford to offend? Whose power is this relying on?Who gave you the guts!

Don't we folks, if there is something wrong with your family, your nephew dares to poison us? "

Sister Niu was furious:
"What does it matter to you whore? You are everywhere!

Get the hell out of here, with your virtue, and thanks to your man not being disgusted, the whore who came back from the savages actually dares to remarry!
It's just a little bit better than the kiln sister in that kiln!
You are not afraid of losing the face of your ancestors, but my mother is even more afraid! "

Jiang Laidi wasn't afraid either, her matter was considered a turning point for her man, and she scolded back confidently:

"It's my mother's ability to remarry. You want to marry, but is there anyone else? You are a wicked woman who doesn't know what to do!"

"Ouch, these two wives are doing it again, doing it again!"

"Not a single good thing, the good atmosphere in this downstream village has been ruined by them!"

"One is shameless, the other is lifeless, we can't afford to offend, we can afford to hide!"

People in the village didn't have a good impression of these two women, and they wished they could stay away from them.

When Jiang Laidi's man was captured by wild men to dig mines, the matter of entering the bridal chamber with a wild man had long been publicized by Niu Damei. It was not an easy life, and from then on, her man wanted to beat her up just thinking about it. one game.

But she doesn't hate her own man, she hates this ex-sister-in-law who disturbed her happy life, it can be said that this feud has grown!

However, now that she saw Big Sister Niu who was worse than her, she finally felt elated!

Hei Wa didn't expect that the matter he entrusted to his second brother could be done so well, and Jiang Laidi, the former third sister-in-law, would also assist her.

At this moment, he is still diligently repairing the house, the embankment of Yangliu River has been refurbished, and now a fence needs to be built on the bank, and the bank is covered with bluestones.

The wages on the construction site are paid steadily, and the steamed buns at noon are also given enough. Relying on this construction site, many poor people's faces are better.

Building a house still requires a bit of craftsmanship. There are only more than 1000 bricklayers every day. The first to be built is a row of shops near the river bank.

Across the river bank, there is a six-meter-wide concrete road. On the right side of the road are the shops. There are two floors and one floor, with uneven heights.

Each house in front of the shop also has a small yard. In the yard, the flowers and trees were transplanted from nowhere, and sprouts have been sprouted in a month.

Some of them even have flower buds. When they bloom, sitting under the window on the second floor, you can see what a beautiful scene it is.These flowers and trees will be trimmed frequently, so that they will not grow too high, affecting the view of the river from the guests on the second floor.

After the toilets and tiles are delivered, and then decorate the inside of the shop, people from the other side of the Yangliu River will have to come to Dongcheng for consumption.

In the past, there was only one wooden bridge leading to the other side of the Yangliu River. Now, three concrete slab bridges have been erected.

The body of the bridge is supported by concrete pillars, and the sides of the bridge are surrounded by half-person-high fences, which can be passed by horse-drawn carriages.

This kind of result planned by myself, watched with my own eyes, and built step by step is intoxicating.

After Hu Sanniu personally escorted Tiles back to the capital, Cuihua and Heiwa heard the story in Xiacun in detail.

"Jiang Laidi and Big Sister Niu may be enemies in the previous life. These two ex-sisters-in-law are still fighting like chickens and dogs in the village!"

Hei Wa just hated that she wasn't messed up enough, "Oh, this Jiang Laidi can be regarded as a useless waste! I didn't expect that she has this effect!"

Hu Sanniu couldn't explain it in a single word, as if he wasn't talking about his ex-wife, did this brother-in-law forget this?

Heiwa: You are both ex-husband brothers, what can't you say?
(End of this chapter)

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