Chapter 162: Shuzi is rude!

Last year's locusts were like rushing to the market. They gnawed on one field and then flew to another. From south to north, they gave the north a chance to breathe.

But this year's locusts, regardless of the north and south, bloom everywhere.

Local locusts can eat all green leaves for you.

When the little locusts grow their wings and become adults, they can continue to lay eggs and hatch the next generation, which only takes half a month.

In Mengxia, the temperature has suddenly risen, but the heart of the farmer, as if falling into a hole in the ice, is dead, dead.

Zhang's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have already hatched thousands of chicks from the soil kang, and the chicks over half a month old were put into the wheat field of the daughter's house.

But this is more than 2000 mu of crop land, and thousands of chickens and ducks are put in, but there is no water splash.

The palace was even more worried, and the court discussed it several times, but there was nothing new.

Xia Hongdi called Heiwa from the construction site into the palace. In the past, this wise man had the most ideas, but this time he had no good ideas.

In the imperial study room, the atmosphere was very stagnant, Hei Wa thought for a long time, and said:

"Your Majesty, I don't know how much grain we can harvest this autumn.

But this winter, these locust eggs can no longer be left alone, the land has to be dug deep, and these locust eggs have to be dug out, either frozen to death, or fed to chickens and ducks!

Right now, save as much as you can, or let the imperial doctors think about it, is there any potion that can kill these locusts? "

Xia Hongdi said angrily: "I have thought about this for a long time, but all the imperial physicians can give are poisonous prescriptions, and the cost of killing locusts is not low. Moreover, this crop is also poisonous. Who can grow the food?" Dare to eat?"

Hei Wa lowered her head. He is a person with a junior high school education, he can't get those chemical pesticides out, and he will hate the books when they are used up!

"Hey, if there are more of us, a large island like Yazhou Prefecture would be great. See if these locusts can still cross the ocean?"

"The Yazhou government has not reported it right now!" Xia Hongdi also sighed, the whole country is in a plague of locusts.

Hei Wa desperately recalled that when he was building a cement factory in Lingnan, most of the farmland in that area was only planted for one season, but the ancient double-cropping rice seems to have a history of many years.

But this superficial dynasty seems, as if, there is no relevant record!

After thinking about it, he came up with an idea: "Your Majesty, the climate in Lingnan and Yazhou is hot, so I wonder if we can grow rice for two seasons!"

Xia Hongdi is a young and strong emperor with a pretty good memory. He also thought hard for a while, but there is indeed no relevant record. Lingnan and Yazhou were the places where prisoners were exiled more than a hundred years ago.

Although there is a lot of land, but the population is small, rotation farming is all right, and farmers will not bother to plant a second crop.

"This? It didn't happen in the past! Can it work in two seasons?" Xia Hongdi has no idea about farming, and he is not sure whether this method is feasible.

"Your Majesty, let's try it. At most, we will lose some seeds, but if we can plant them for two seasons, we can help more people!"

"That's right, I called Da Sinong to Yiyi, and after this crop of locusts have passed, I will plant them in these places for another season!"

Hei Wa agrees, this matter really has to be handled by Sinong, and professional matters should be left to professional people.

"Old minister Wu Siweng has seen His Majesty, long live my emperor!" Wu Siweng, an old man over sixty years old, bowed down to Xia Hongdi meticulously.

"Sinong, please get up!" Xia Hongdi treated the veterans with a pleasant face, no matter how impatient he was, he would not treat them harshly.

"I'm looking for you today because of this locust plague. I think this year's autumn harvest will be hopeless, but Uncle Zhongqin has a good idea. He wants to plant a second season of rice in Lingnan and Yazhou after the locust plague is over. I want you to oversee this!"

Wu Siweng's eyes widened, and his voice became a little louder:

"Your Majesty, since ancient times, farming has followed nothing more than: the law of appropriateness and appropriateness!

The foundation of all farming lies in the interesting time, the harmony of the soil, the dung marsh, early hoeing, and early harvesting.

The spring freezes and thaws, the earth's qi begins to flow, and the soil once reconciles.

At the summer solstice, the weather begins to heat up, the yin energy begins to flourish, and the soil redissolves.

Ninety days after the summer solstice, day and night are divided, and the heaven and earth are harmonious.

At this time, when plowing the fields, one is worth five, which is called "Gaoze", and all of them get the merit of the time!
Conversely: if the spring qi is not clear, the soil will not be suitable for keeping its luster, and it will not be suitable for crops throughout the year...In autumn, plowing without rain will have no rustic atmosphere, and the soil will be firm, which is called Latian. Preserved fields.

Preserved fields and cured fields both hurt the fields! "

Hei Wa was confused. Although he didn't understand the words of dropping the book bag very well, it was very clear, but it was not difficult to hear that this bad old man felt that it was out of date and he was not willing to plant it.

"Da Si Nong, in your opinion, even if the time and place are right now, there are locusts! All efforts may be fruitless, so how can you solve the predicament in front of you?"

"This, this, the timing cannot be violated!"

"Da Sinong, follow the time of the day. Farmers have nothing to gain due to pests. Times change. We are just doing an experiment on a limited land.

It's done, Si Nong, you have added a guarantee for the people's rice bowls, if it doesn't work, it's just a loss of some rice seeds and some farming time. "

"But, since ancient times, no one has done this. If the farmland is damaged but nothing can be recovered, whose fault is it?"

Hei Wa was almost so angry by the old man that he shut himself up, so he was not polite anymore:

"If you want to say that, Da Si Nong, you might as well get someone else to be Da Si Nong, anyway, you don't need to be in charge anyway!

You don't want to take any responsibility for this?As the saying goes, in your job, seek your position, do your best, and take your responsibility!
If everyone finds a good person to tell the truth before doing something, what will the person who knows the truth be?Is it the annual salary for him to receive, or the official position for him to sit? "

"You, you, Zhuzi is rude!" Wu Siweng has been the chief minister for so many years, and no one in the three generations of emperors has been so rude to him. Now, even an uncle who is not really bad can point at him and scold him. In between, I almost lost my temper.

"I think Uncle Zhongqin is right, Da Sinong, since you don't want to, then I'll do it with someone else!"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the old minister has no such intentions, absolutely no such intentions!"

Wu Siweng quickly knelt down and kowtowed, sweating coldly in fright. In order to keep the position of the chief minister, he had worked hard for half his life.But you can't get the official off just because of a few arguments with Uncle Zhongqin, his fifth concubine gave birth to a son who is not yet three years old!
Xia Hongdi didn't want to see this old man with a vegetarian meal anymore, so he was dragged out, out of sight and out of mind.

Hei Wa scratched her head: "Your Majesty, I didn't expect this matter to be quite difficult!"

"Hmph, if he doesn't know how to do it, I'll just replace someone who is willing to do it. I don't expect people who don't even want to try to do things well. You don't have to worry about it!"

After Heiwa left the palace, he went back to the mansion directly. Seeing that he was in a bad mood, Cuihua personally cooked some of his favorite dishes and served them a delicious meal.

Before going to bed, Heiwa took Cuihua into the space, and told Cuihua what happened today, and Cuihua also became anxious.

"Double-cropping rice will definitely work. How many generations have we been experimenting with planting flowers!"

"Right now, the emperor asked the newly appointed Sinong to supervise the planting, which should alleviate the famine that may be caused by the present, daughter-in-law, I watched our space full of grain, and there was no shortage of coarse grains. Panic!"

Cuihua expressed her understanding, even though her man didn't study much, he was still a cynic when he was young, and he didn't have much in his daily life.

But when they were traveling in Thailand that year, they met a few tourists from the Gulf, who slandered the mainland in various ways.Her man was sprayed on the spot, scolding those Wanwans to shame, something really happened, maybe the flower planters have a deep sense of family and country in their bones.

"But, can we get these coarse grains for nothing?" Cuihua was also puzzled.

"This is where I'm troubled, daughter-in-law, we can't leak this space, it's a crime to conceive a jade, we are not two people now, how many families are there in such a big family."

"Yeah, it's implicating the Nine Clans at every turn!"

The husband and wife sat on the ridge of the space and worried, the food was planted one after another, but they could eat very little!The warehouse is full of piles again, which makes the husband and wife less motivated to farm now.

Xia Hongdi was not that procrastinating person. The next day, he asked Wu Dasinong to retire early, and quickly promoted a secretary in agriculture who was over [-] years old, and gave him the order to supervise the double-cropping rice planting.

The newly appointed chief minister, Tu Shou, made a special trip to Uncle Zhongqin's mansion before leaving Beijing, and consulted Uncle Zhongqin for a whole day on the issue of planting double-cropping rice.

Of course, Hei Wa has read a lot of books and knows everything without saying anything. Tu Si Nong took more than a dozen pages of notes, and it is really late to meet Uncle Zhongqin!
During the two months of Mengxia and Zhongxia in the Great Xia Dynasty, they were ambushed by locusts from all sides, and the world was completely dark. Except for Yazhou Prefecture, all the prefects and adults were punished.

Of course, if you are guilty, you have to ask the court for relief. You dare not release the grain in the official warehouse easily, and even if you open the official warehouse, it will not last for a few months.

The wheat, broad beans, peppers, and konjac in Cuihuazhuangzi were all rescued to no avail, and the entire army was officially declared wiped out.

The only harvest is that there are more than 5000 chickens, ducks and geese in total, all of them are fattened to more than three catties at once, as if they had been fed bulking agents.

The weather is hot, and Zhang's incubating soil kang is not working well, so it has been temporarily stopped.

The two fathers sighed at the barren fertile land. If they hadn't known that their family was not short of money and food, they would have fallen straight down if they had changed their status as pure landlords.

Didn't she fall down? Niu Damei couldn't cry anymore. Her rice fields of more than 20 mu were gnawed down to piles below the water surface.

"Gu, aunt, eat as much as you want!" Niu Xi'er held the rice bowl, looked at her aunt who had been lying down for several days, and was terrified. Yes.

"Guy, don't worry, this locust has not only harmed our family, but the whole county has suffered, the imperial court will not ignore us"

Big Sister Niu stared at the roof in a daze: How about she stay in Hu's house now?The sister-in-law's family is so big, it's impossible to ignore her mother's family, she doesn't have to open her mouth, she can definitely make arrangements, but, Hu's family, she can never go back.
She was right, Cuihua was comforting the two old men:

"Father, don't worry. I have enough food for our village every year. Even if there is no harvest for five years, we won't be able to starve our two families. If you are all worried like this, will the people in the village be able to survive? "

Father Hu nodded: "That's right, I just thought that your village is big, and you have suffered heavy losses. Although I know there must be food in storage, but your family has a lot of people. It's hard to plant, and if you don't have it, it's okay. Gone!"

Old Yuantou nodded: "We peasants are most afraid of natural disasters and man-made disasters. Hey, if we are still in our hometown, there may be many people fleeing famine!"

Cuihua comforted: "Our Qingxian County is much better now. The tile workshop pays wages on time every month. The second brother and the others can say that dozens of people from the upper and lower villages are working in the tile workshop!"

Only then did the two old men breathe a sigh of relief, people, as long as there is a way to survive, they will not leave their hometowns, and people will be cheap when they leave their hometowns!

(End of this chapter)

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