The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 163 Food Donation and Donation Law

Chapter 163 Food Donation and Donation Law

On the opposite side, Tianshun, who was doomed to be short of food, for five years, every time there was a great court meeting, the most discussed topic was how to overcome the current difficulties.

In addition to asking merchants to donate food, or continuing to send navy troops overseas to buy food and so on, in short, it is to be generous to others without hurting yourself.

Xia Hongdi has been enthroned for five years, and has distributed food for disaster relief for three years. The surplus food in the official warehouse cannot be used to provide food for the common people in Daxia this year.

The Duke of Wei came out at this time: "Your Majesty, the minister's mansion left enough food for the people in the mansion for a year, and the rest is willing to donate all to the imperial court. Although it is a drop in the bucket, I hope that a few more people can eat more A full meal!"

This, this, the ministers of the upper court did not expect that the fire would actually burn on themselves.

"Okay! The Duke of Wei is concerned about the country and the people, and he is worthy of being my minister!" Xia Hongdi laughed happily. His father-in-law really can take care of his needs!

"Your Majesty, the minister seconded the proposal and is willing to donate the remaining food in the family!"

After the state of Wei made this public, no one dared to let it go. Civil and military officials rushed to donate food to the people. At this time, donating money is not enough, food is the hard currency.

As a result, the rest of the noble and wealthy businessmen in the capital also donated generously. The Zhongqinbo Mansion was uncharacteristically and did not follow suit.

During this time, Cuihua was in Dali Village with her family's small labor force. They were so busy that they not only went to the fields to catch locusts during the day, but also helped drive chickens and ducks home in the evening.

Children in Dali Village can also use locusts to go to Yuan's Mansion to exchange for copper coins, and when they are done catching in the crop fields, they go to the forest to catch them.

Taking advantage of the good weather, Cuihua asked the cook to put the locusts through boiling water and then began to dry them.

These high-protein foods are not only edible for humans, but also good feed for chickens and ducks.

There is not enough food, let's make up the meat!If the people of Daxia have dozens of chickens and ducks, and have eggs and meat to eat, how much food can they save?

Who said that raising chickens and ducks must use food?In addition to locusts, Cuihua also has a unique trick-dilong (earthworm)!

"What are you talking about? Girl, you want to raise an earth dragon?" Father Hu couldn't believe it, this earth dragon can be raised at home?
"This earth dragon is going to dig a hole, you can't support a family!" Mrs. Zhang also disagrees, why is her daughter so whimsical?
"Mom, I plan to dig a big hole, and then use bricks and cement to smooth the bottom and sides of the hole, so that the earth dragon can't escape.

Anyway, what they eat is some rotten fertile soil, and they don't even need grass fodder. Right now, they use this to raise chickens and ducks, and the chickens and ducks lay eggs or eat meat.

If this method is successful, our mother can hatch chickens and ducks, and we can raise them without spending too much food. If this method is offered, how many people can be saved! "

When the daughter said this, how could the old couple support it?Before Mrs. Zhang could speak, Father Hu was the first to express his opinion:
"Yes, yes, girl, since you've thought it all over, let's do something, if it can be done, your father and I will show off in front of our ancestors during the Chinese New Year!"

At this time, Father Hu didn't even think about using these methods for any benefits, ways to make farmers survive more, so what's his time wasting?
Mrs. Zhang saw that the man and the girl were already gearing up, so she could only keep silent, but thinking that there seemed to be piles of those wild things, it shouldn't be difficult to support them.

Just do what you say, the big pit for breeding earth dragons was dug in Hu's house, and two big pits were dug at a time, two meters long, wide, and high.

Hu Sanniu, the son of burning famille rose porcelain in the R&D center, was caught by his father to pluck the wool. He worked overtime for a few nights, repaired the cement pit, and even made a roof over the pit. Negative.

After the cement was dry, Father Hu dug ten baskets of cow dung and ten baskets of black soil (made from rotten weeds, straw, litter, etc.) from Zhuangzi's cowshed according to his daughter's request, and poured them into the cement. inside the pit.

A layer of fine soil was sprinkled on the surface, and the entire cesspit was drenched with water.

Well, the smell is really not bad, and it's better than the toilet.

The earth dragon is still easy to find, but in half a day, Father Hu dug nearly ten catties, and put five catties into a cesspit.

The little guys followed from the beginning to the end, very curious. It turned out that the earth dragon can be raised at home. They are familiar with this thing, and they use the earth dragon as bait for fishing.

"Papa, how long will it take for this earth dragon to grow up?" Xiao Wu expressed curiosity.

"It will take two months?" Father Hu is not sure, and he has never raised this thing before.

"Can Dilong people eat it?" Xiao Liu is most concerned about this!

"Oh, my silly grandson, the earth dragon raised by cow dung, do you want to eat it?"

"Ah, don't eat, don't eat, Xiao Liu doesn't eat cow dung!"


In fact, it is not the case. Dried earthworm can be regarded as a traditional Chinese medicine in modern times, but it has not been used for medicinal purposes at the moment.

Cuihua, the hands-off shopkeeper, also asked that Mr. Hu's process of raising earth dragons should be recorded. If this method is successful, he must teach others. This made Mr. Hu helpless, so he brought his in-law Zhao Xiucai to do it every day. paperwork.

The Zhao family is now eager to use their place. Zhao Xiucai will report to the Hu family on time after school, and the breeding diary will be detailed.

Cuihua told Father Hu that she would raise the ground dragon as a poultry. However, the poultry eats excrement and mud. If the excrement and mud in the pit are eaten up, it must be continued in time and ensure The soil is moist and shaded.

In addition to explaining to her father, she also gave careful instructions to Mrs. Zhang, who raises chickens and ducks:
"Mother, you can't directly feed chickens and ducks to the raised earth dragons. You have to wash the soil in water, put it in a big pot, cook it and then cut it into pieces for feeding!"

"On weekdays, don't chickens and ducks plan their own food in the soil? What's the point of feeding them after they're cooked?"

"It's the same reason that people can't always eat raw meat. For ordinary people, if they eat raw or undercooked meat, will they have diarrhea after eating it?"

"Understood!" Mrs. Zhang said, she would pay attention when raising chickens and ducks. After hard work, they were raised to death.

"Don't give ground dragons to the newly hatched ones. They have to grow for seven or eight days before they can be added slowly. It's best to eat some rice bran at the beginning."

"Your mother is not stupid, raising chickens is more work than you!"

The Cuihua that should be explained has been explained, and then, he returned to the capital with a group of dolls and a large bowl of fried locusts, and he had to read the book carefully.

However, she didn't return to the capital for ten days. As soon as she came back, Cuihua heard the news that the officials in the capital donated food. Fortunately, she knew it well and was not in a hurry.

Starting from the donation in the capital, the upper and lower have followed, and the local officials have also compared the donation amount of the Shangguan, bleeding one after another.

Cuihua and Heiwa read various books every night. Besides poultry farming, they also wanted to find out more edible food in the existing conditions.

"Seafood, in addition to meat products such as fish and shrimp, sea vegetables that are easier to salvage than seafood must not be missed!"

"That's right, daughter-in-law, I remember saying that this kelp is the current kelp, and eating it can also cure big neck disease. This sea vegetable is really nutritious and filling!"

"Seaweed, sea stone flowers, seaweed, etc. can also be eaten. Most of the queen's oyster sauce shops are located along the coast, so it is convenient to buy in large quantities now."

"It's hard work, daughter-in-law, let's sort it out, we can't just watch the people eat Guanyin soil!"

Before Fuyue was over, Father Hu brought him and Zhang's dictation, compiled by Zhao Xiucai, "Artificial Incubation Method of Chickens, Ducks and Geese", "Method of Breeding Earth Dragon" and "Method of Breeding Chicken and Ducks" to find Cui Cui. flower.

"Girl, it's done, it's done, my mother, now those earth dragons are so densely packed, every time I want to turn the mud, I can give your father and me goosebumps!"

"Haha, Dad, has Mom ever fed ground dragons to chickens and ducks? Do they like it?"

"Why not, if you eat so much fun, you can grab and fight!"

Having obtained such a method that benefits the country and the people, Hei Wa handed over the sign and entered the palace without delay.

Seeing the four books brought by Uncle Zhongqin, Xia Hongdi grabbed them with great interest and immediately read them.

The first volume, "How to Eat Seafood", was compiled by Cuihua, about the preservation methods of seafood and the ways of eating marine plants.

The next three volumes were brought by Father Hu, and Xia Hongdi's eyes lit up after reading it, and he was more interested in the last three volumes.While turning over, he asked, "Have you tried all of these?"

"Your Majesty, my mother-in-law has hatched thousands of these chickens, ducks and geese, and the locusts are growing fast. In less than two months, they all weighed three catties. The earth dragon was raised by my father-in-law in the last month. of.

The minister's father-in-law said that if the people can feed these poultry without spending too much food.Then eating eggs and meat can save a lot of food.

They are weak and weak, and they are willing to teach this method to all the people of the Great Xia Dynasty for free. May the people of my Great Xia Dynasty suffer less famine! "

"Good! Good! Good! Not only can Aiqing come up with a clever plan every time the court is in trouble, but the female family members in the family are heroes among women, and it is extraordinary to have parents who give birth to such heroes among women!"

This time, Xia Hongdi will no longer complain about Mrs. Zhongqin's jealous character. Don't think he doesn't know. If it's about cooking and eating, it must be Mrs. Yuan's idea. How many men understand this?

When Heiwa left the palace, the emperor sent the eunuchs to Dali Village to present an award to the Hu family: a set of famille rose porcelain produced by the imperial kiln, 100 taels of gold, and the title of the Zhang family's seventh-rank child.

Although the Hu family knew that Datian would definitely give their family more or less rewards after hearing this method, but no one thought that the reward would be so big.

"The head of the family, the baby's father! This, am I dreaming? I have become a seventh-rank child, and I can still receive a salary?" The Xuanzhi eunuch has been away for a long time, and Zhang has not yet recovered.

"I'm not dreaming, it's all over now, old woman, you are the only one in our Hu family who eats the imperial food!"

"Your Majesty is too generous, I, I didn't do anything, what's so great about hatching chickens?"

Mrs. Zhang was so happy that she could speak incoherently. She never expected that such a beautiful thing would happen to her at this age.

Zhao Sanniang and Qian Alan were also happy for their mother-in-law. Their Hu family was finally different from ordinary farmers. It would be more respectable for the boys and girls in the family to talk about marriage in the future.

Not to mention how happy the Hu family was, Cuihua and Heiwa both had fun for them for a long time. Although their husband and wife came up with the idea, it was the old couple who worked so hard to implement it.

The next day, officials from the Imperial Herdsman's Office came to Dali Village. Not only did they have to learn the refined breeding method, but they also had to follow it for a round from beginning to end.

Only after they have learned it can they make a standard procedure and inform the people all over the world. The officials of the Department of Codex and Animal Husbandry are also very concerned about such things that benefit the people. They humbly ask for advice, and they can't wait to live in Dali Village.

The villagers of Dali Village soon learned of the news, and most of them were quite happy for Mrs. Zhang. They were not only neighbors of the Bofu, but also fellow villagers of Chimingruren!

The old villagers from the Shu region are all red-faced. In terms of closeness, they have to be them. Now these people in Dali Village are respected by the old villagers who watched them escape from the famine. Their lives are better than those in the downstream village. How many times stronger will it be.

Those who are close to the Hu family are happy for Zhang Ruren, but the wealthy businessmen and wives who donated a lot of food in the capital are all sour. Although the Zhang family is only the last of the imperial family, who would not care about this?
(End of this chapter)

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