Chapter 164

In addition to the officials donating food, the ladies in the palace will not be left behind. After reading "The Great Way to Eat Seafood", Empress Gao directly asked the coastal oyster sauce factory to stop making oyster sauce and change it to a seafood processing workshop.

Sea plants such as kelp, seaweed, seaweed, sea stone flower, etc., only need to be washed and dried in the sun repeatedly.

Sea fish are smeared with coarse sea salt to make salted fish, and the oyster meat of raw oysters is also dried in the sun. Shrimp and various shellfish are made into dry goods for easy storage and transportation.

Dozens of oyster sauce workshops have let go of the harvest, and after they are ready, they are put into the warehouse uniformly, waiting to be allocated by the court.

The rest of the concubines were not as wealthy as Empress Gao, and they donated their private money or jewelry without the mark of the House of Internal Affairs.

Even the more than 100 show girls who have reached the end of the draft are not far behind, and they all expressed that their families are willing to do their part.

Even in order to compete for the position of the crown princess, they secretly competed and constantly increased the amount they wanted to donate.

This year's show girls have been embarrassing since they lived in Chuxiu Palace. They not only have to face the picky selection of the nuns in the palace, but also suffer from the prince's assessment from time to time.

From "bold and cautious" to "positive and optimistic", "wisdom and understanding" and so on, there are endless questions. If this is a big examination room, it will really make people confused.

I thought that after the last round of the draft, the homework of meals was added, and the ladies should be able to cope with the royal exam smoothly, but this year is different.

After three months, there were only more than 100 people left, [-]% of them were honored nobles, aristocratic families, and official girls, and only [-]% of them were from ordinary people.

Hearing that this group of beautiful girls bid for food donations, the group of six companions was overwhelmed with joy. Did they think that the crown princess would go to the one who got the most food?
Empress Gao kept turning a blind eye, but recently there was a lot of disturbance among these show girls, so she couldn't help it, and called the prince to her.

"Prince, do you have a favorite candidate?"

"Mother, there is someone to choose for a son, so let's choose the daughter of the Fan family in Sichuan!"

Empress Gao knew the information about these beautiful girls, "Isn't she too young? This year, she is only ten years old, and she will be five years old!"

"The queen mother, the son is not very old, it will be better a few years later!"

The mother and son looked at each other, their brainwaves were at the same frequency, yes, the prince got married, and he was bound to participate in politics, and the emperor was in the Spring and Autumn period, so let's wait later.

"Well, I understand, my son has grown up!"

For dinner, Xia Hongdi made an appointment with Princess Jingyao, so of course he had to go to Kunning Palace for dinner.

"Father, try this garlic and spicy kombu shreds, it's just right to eat in hot weather!"

Xia Hongdi was cheerful, and he never refused his daughter's recommendation. He tasted the chopsticks and found it quite appetizing. It's not that he hasn't eaten kombu before, which is not unusual.

"This is seaweed made of seaweed, Father, you use this seaweed sheet to wrap rice, do it well!"

"Ang woo!" Xia En performed a show for his father, the baby loves to eat rice wrapped in seaweed.

"Well, the taste of this seaweed is not bad!" It's a bit salty, and it's within acceptable range.

"My brother likes to eat it. He can eat a small bowl of meat floss mixed with rice every day and wrapped in seaweed!"

When Xia En heard her sister mentioning herself, she nodded hurriedly. This crunchy seaweed was delicious and sweet to him, and he even reluctantly shared a few slices with his father, signaling him to eat it quickly.

Xia Hongdi was very proud, enjoying the food and vegetables from his sons and daughters. He was very happy, and it was his little girl and son who were most filial to his father.

After the main meal, Xia Hongdi saw a bowl of dessert brought by the maids. Xia Hongdi took a spoonful into his mouth, and before he could chew it, he slurped it down his throat. .

"What is this?"

"Hey, father, this is made of sea stone flowers!"

"Huh? In the sea?"

Empress Gao knew that Princess Jingyao couldn't understand, so she answered with a smile:

"Your Majesty, have you forgotten the "How to Eat Sea Food"? This is what the book says, dried sea stone flowers, boiled with vinegar.

Put some honey, and the milk looks like it is now. It's hot, and it's strange to eat it to relieve the heat!

In addition to eating it as a dessert, it can also be eaten cold with kombu shreds, it is crunchy and refreshing! "

Xia Hongdi did not expect that the table full of marine plants tastes really good when they are made. When there is a shortage of food, these are more filling than the bark.

The importance of the ocean has once again raised a level in the emperor's heart. These foods do not need to be cultivated, but only need to be manually salvaged, and then processed and served on the table. The more the better!
After the couple finished washing and lying on the bed, Empress Gao informed Xia Hongdi of the prince's favorite and the candidate for the prince's concubine.

"The Fan family? Is their family background weaker?" For his eldest son, Xia Hongdi is willing to give him the best, even if he wants to marry ten or eight, he will have no objection.

"Look at those boys who have been tossing around for the past three months. Among the hundred or so selected, regardless of their family background, none of them is not smart. It can be seen that the prince likes smart girls, which suits him well." Only when the beloved Crown Princess lives a life can people feel more at ease, right?"

"Oh, the choice is in line with his wishes! I just said that the life of our family used to be so smooth, and the queen never let me worry about the backyard. Come to think of it, I should be in line with the queen's wishes. ?”

I have never seen such a shameless dog man!The smile on Empress Gao's face could hardly last any longer!

"Your Majesty, the concubine has always been very grateful to the emperor for marrying him!"

"Tsk tsk, don't thank the wrong person. Queen, you were the one who I personally asked my father for. In the year of the draft, I was among a group of beautiful girls, and I fell in love with you at a glance! It's not like our prince, choose someone Crown Princess, you have been tossing around for so long!"

Empress Gao really didn't expect such a show. They had a lot of good family backgrounds in the draft, and she was the least conspicuous in terms of appearance and talent.

But she actually made it to the end, and was able to be married to Xia Hongdi, and they returned to Shu to be the concubine. She thought that Xia Hongdi was planning for her natal family's power in Shu.

When he said this, Empress Gao's mind turned and turned, suppressing the turbulent complex emotions. This is not easy to answer, but she can't be cold, so she calmly said along the topic:
"Didn't the crown prince learn from you? All the courtiers are embarrassing for those show girls. I guess they didn't expect that choosing a show will be so tiring!"

"Hey, my son is naturally like me, that's all, since he chose it himself, so be it, if the two of them quarrel in the future, I will laugh at him!"

Empress Gao thought a little too much tonight, her thoughts were a little confused, and she was flustered.

Xia Hongdi didn't even notice that he was hugged into his arms, and when he realized it, the city had already been occupied by the siege.

In a daze, she was still thinking, is her life going well?Feeling her inattention, she was severely punished again.

Forget it, it's rare to be confused, let's just live like this, otherwise, can we still get along?
The next day, the showgirls graduated and had their final round of examinations. Empress Gao and the Holy Mother Empress Dowager were both present. The third prince and the second princess's biological mother, Concubine Hui, and the fourth prince's biological mother, Concubine An, were all in place.

Xia Hongdi said that from the crown prince to the fourth prince, they all have to decide the candidates for the concubine in this round of drafts. The drafts are too laborious and costly, so it is not easy to handle them frequently.

The concubine Xian who was cast into the cold palace is not eligible to choose a daughter-in-law, and the other mother-in-laws must keep their eyes open.

Concubine Hui and Concubine An first considered the niece of their natal family, and the second considered the daughter of a wealthy family. The two secretly competed and guarded against each other. They also inquired a lot about the situation of these beautiful girls, and they generally had a satisfactory candidate in their hearts. .

After the showgirls' final talent show was over, ten of them were reserved on the spot, and the rest could leave the palace on the same day.

Le Yu was a little dazed, she, she was actually left at the end, and she was even left with a sign. Just now, from the corner of her eye, she could see the empress smiled at her, her heart pounding.

Three days later, in Chuxiu Palace, a eunuch came to deliver the decree.

In accordance with the destiny of heaven, the emperor's edict said: I heard that Fan Leyu, the daughter of Fan Changqing in Chengdu, Sichuan, is skillful and generous, gentle and honest, and has outstanding appearance. I am very pleased to hear it.I will betroth you to the prince as the concubine.All the etiquette will be handed over to the Ministry of Rites and the Qintian Supervisor to take care of it together, and the Crown Princess and Jihou will choose a good day to get married.Qin this

Le Yu, who was young, held back his excitement under the jealous eyes of the other beautiful girls, thanked the emperor for his favor, and stuffed a big red envelope into the eunuch who passed the decree.She still can't believe that she has become a princess. Has she become the honor of the family?
In addition to the prince, Xia Hongdi specially chose a daughter of Qingliu as his concubine for the second prince Xia An.

The third prince, Xia De, was destined to be the daughter of a magistrate in Lingnan, but this beautiful girl is only eight years old this year.

The fourth prince and concubine came from the family of the imperial censor in the capital, and her father was famous for his uprightness.

From the crown princess to the last four princes and concubines, they were all young girls, and the crown princess was the oldest.

Both Concubine Hui and Concubine An were not satisfied, they were so partial.It's a pity that Xia Hongdi didn't care about their opinions at all, Qian Kun was arbitrary, and they would fight for nothing if they were blind.

"Le Yu met Mrs. Yuan!" After Le Yu came out of the palace, he went to Yuan's mansion to pick up his sister, and they were about to return to Chengdu mansion. They would only be married into Beijing after they had waited for a long time.

"The minister's wife has seen the princess!" Cuihua is a person who talks about etiquette. Although she is not married yet, she is already a sure-fire candidate for the princess. It is not surprising that there are many courtesy.

"Mrs. Yuan, you are too kind, and Le Yu is very grateful. When I came to Yuan's residence for more than a year, it was because of you and Sister Chun that I was able to teach Le Yu today."

"Hehe, this is the credit of my aunts. If the Crown Princess wants to thank you, I will thank them! The minister's wife really doesn't do much, so I dare not accept the credit."

Of course, Le Yu would not forget the nuns, she gave them all great gifts, and once again thanked them for their teaching.

"Husband, we didn't expect that this Le Yu would go to the end and become a princess. Fortunately, Mr. Fan didn't make it clear, otherwise he would offend others."

"How can someone from a family get hold of things so easily? The rules that were brought to our house and learned under the noses of a few nuns, Chun Chun came from the Palace of the Queen Mother. If the little girls have If it is inappropriate, it must have been brushed off as early as the first round!"

"You're right, but the main reason is that they were young back then, and they didn't stay in the capital for too long. It's just right, everything is fate!"

After the draft ended, it was the fifth prince's first birthday.

The fifth prince, Xia En, didn't have the little baby who held the third and hundred-day banquets, and held the weekly banquets. Under such an atmosphere of food shortage in the whole country, it could only be held on a small scale.

"Our fifth younger brother is so pitiful, how many gifts have been missed!" Princess Jingyao and the prince's brother complained that her imperial brother was the youngest baby in the palace and did not receive the attention he deserved.

"Sister, sister!" Princess Jingyao's little tail, she wants to find her sister every day when she opens her eyes. Compared with Queen Gao, she still loves her sister most.

Because of Sister Rare, the fifth prince's Zhou banquet grabs all rare things for girls, and all of them are given to Princess Jingyao.

Xia Hongdi: This youngest son's hobbies are a bit special!I should let him play with boys more, but don't be a sissy!
(End of this chapter)

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