The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 177 Tianshun Six Years

Chapter 177 Tianshun Six Years
New Year's Eve, Downstream Village, Hu's family.

"Second Aunt, Second Aunt, I want to eat the gray tofu you made!" Xiao Liu was drooling as he said that, this kind of tofu puffs that looked ashes rolled in the plant ash tasted crispy on the outside and delicious on the inside , none of their mothers have cooked this dish.

"Second aunt, I want to eat jelly bean buns!" Third aunt also wriggled his fingers, second aunt's jelly bean buns were also filled with walnuts, which was sweet and fragrant, so he just took a bite.

"Mother, mother, hug Xiaolian!" The twins didn't want their mother to be snatched away by their brothers, and they scrambled to hug each other. The mother's body was fragrant, and they liked it very much.

The newly married Fan Jingjing is now the most popular among children in the Hu family.

She has a really good temper, and when she is not impatient with the children, she speaks softly, this is what other mothers look like in the hearts of the children.

It's only been one month, Xiao Lian and Xiao He couldn't leave her, and they would look for their mother when they didn't see each other for a while, and Mrs. Zhang was so happy that she couldn't stop talking from ear to ear.

Hu Erniu's newlywed life was like a cloud, the couple had endless conversations every day, and at night, the daughter-in-law was even more obedient to him, and he could go to heaven happily.

Fan Jingjing, who was wearing a bright red jacket and skirt, smiled gently, and said to a few skinny boys: "We celebrate Chinese New Year tonight, there are a lot of delicious food, let's make jelly bean buns and gray tofu in a few days."

"Then second aunt, what day do we do? How much?"

Children are not easy to get rid of, you must get a promise. Tonight I can only eat big meat, and the second aunt's vegetarian food is really delicious.

Fan Jingjing couldn't be more satisfied with her current life, and her mother-in-law didn't feel sorry for her.

Her husband was enthusiastic and straightforward: "Jingjing, I never dreamed that I could marry a woman like you in this life. In the future, you have the final say in our family. The son will always marry a wife when he grows up, and the daughter will marry too." Man, it is you who can accompany me forever!"

Hu Erniu has eyes. He can tell that Fan Jingjing really loves Xiaolian and Xiaohe. The children's eyes are not fake. They only have mothers in front and back. They have only been in the house for a month. Clothes.

The daughters would argue about sleeping with their mothers at night, and he had to coax them for a long time every night. He never thought that he would compete with the daughters for favor today.

There is no such thing as a big family's morning and evening routine. In this winter, every day, men force her to sleep until she wakes up naturally.

During the day, there are also a group of cute little dolls around her. She smiles more this month than in the past twenty years, and she has gained a lot of weight.

Everyone appreciates the food she cooks, and the New Year's Eve meals are arranged by her, and the women on the stove obey her instructions.

Cuihua in the capital is also arranging this year's New Year's Eve dinner. Although the four brats are not at home, there is no shortage of dishes that should be available.

The sweet and sour cabbage marinated with shrimp paste and chili noodles is already sour, crunchy and sweet!

The sour radish and old duck soup is stewed after lunch, simmered on low heat until the duck meat is rotten, and the bones can be removed with a pair of chopsticks. The rotten meat and sour soup are both appetizing and warming.

Pork belly, ribs, beef, mutton, chicken wings, etc. were all marinated with secret barbecue ingredients for an afternoon.

Remove the fishy source from the pork loin, cut into thin slices, soak in clean water several times, remove the blood, and spread it in an ice basin.

The fresh, big sea prawns, which are longer than the palm of an adult, have their threads and feet removed, and they twitch from time to time when placed on the plate.The squid is stripped of its coat and cut into large slices. The white meat is delicious enough without any seasoning.

For today's iron plate barbecue, black pepper pure pork sausage, Cuihua has prepared hundreds of them, which are her favorites.

The old tofu was cut into pieces, the chives raised in the cave were cut into sections, the lotus root slices and cabbage hearts were also neatly stacked.

The dipping materials only need dry chili noodles, cooked sesame seeds, and a little pepper and salt. '

Cuihua specially made two rectangular flat-bottomed iron pans and put them on the same specially made charcoal stove. Yes, tonight is a night of iron plate barbecue!
Cuihua also made steamed fish, white-cut chicken, and crucian carp tofu soup for her two sisters-in-law who were breastfeeding.

The men who came back after offering incense and kowtow to their ancestors were delighted to see the table full of dishes.

After Lao Yuan spoke, he drank a bowl of old duck soup, and then ate a chopstick of spicy cabbage, whet his appetite.

The frying pans on the two tables were baked at the same time. After the frying pan was heated, a layer of rapeseed oil was first brushed on the iron frying pan.

Thin slices of beef are roasted on the iron pan, dipped in chili noodles, chewed, tender and juicy, and topped with a bite.

Cuihua also threw the spicy cabbage into the pan, rolled the roasted spicy cabbage with the charred pork belly, and put it in one bite.

"Sister-in-law, this loin is really strong, not fishy at all, tender and fragrant!" Yuan Laosan's tongue was numb from the burn, and the chopsticks were not slow at all.

"Third Uncle, try this squid, it's amazing! It's much better than boiled ones!" Yuan Wenwu knew how to eat, so he gave his Third Uncle Amway while eating.

"It's a pity that Xiaosan, Xiaosi, Xiaowu, and Xiaoliu are not at home, otherwise, most of this black pepper pork sausage would have entered their mouths!"

"Not to mention, this is delicious with black pepper added. Apart from being too expensive, there are no disadvantages!"

Yuan Wenwu and Yuan Laosan fought for the best, and they could show off a few dishes of this meat alone.

Hei Wa and Lao Yuantou ate slowly and drank green plum wine. Lao Yuantou looked at his eldest son and wanted to say a lot, but at this moment he didn't know how to say it.

After silently drinking a few glasses of wine, he said:
"Boss, you have to remember that there is still a big family waiting for you in the capital. No matter what you do, don't rush ahead. Our family has come to this day, your father, I think the Yuan family's ancestral grave is smoking , your safety is now our family's greatest blessing!"

Hei Wa listened carefully, nodded her head, and promised: "Father, I remember, my son is in his thirties, and he will definitely return safely! The family will have to work hard for you in the future! Second brother, third brother, The family is entrusted to you two!"

Yuan Er drank the wine in his glass: "Brother, I will take good care of my third brother. With my sister-in-law here, our family will not be in chaos!"

Yuan Laosan was speechless, why do you think he is unreliable: "Brother, I promise, I will never cause trouble, and I will wait for you to come back!"

Father, you come and go, and you actually got drunk.

On the first day of the first lunar month, Uncle Zhongqin entered the palace to congratulate the emperor. Xia Hongdi announced the sailing day of the navy at the court meeting. On the second day of the second day of the second lunar month, there was still a full month before departure.

Commodities used for commerce, as well as other grains, goods, horses, etc., had to go down the river to Ningjiang Prefecture from Gugang, the shipping terminal closest to the capital.

Gao Zongbing will also lead an army of [-] sailors from Dunyu Island to Ningjiang Mansion, join Zhongqin Bo, Huang Shangshu of Chaoli Fan Academy, and his subordinate officials, and set off together.

The Yellow River has been busy for two months, and the merchants don't care about the New Year, and the accompanying personnel pick and choose.

As the highest person in charge of the HNA administration of the imperial court, there are especially many people in Zhongqinbo's mansion this year who come to pay New Year's greetings, which makes Cuihua, who was already depressed, so busy that she has no time to worry about her sorrow.

On the twentieth day of the first lunar month, when the Hu family, young and old, returned home, the two brats would be busy for Cuihua for a while.

"Mother, mother, I won't travel far from now on, I miss you so much!" Xiao Liu said that he didn't want to grow up, and wanted to act like a baby in his mother's arms.

"Mother, my hometown is so fun, mother, how come Xiaolian and sister Xiaohe have two mothers?"

"Well, one is the mother who gave birth to two younger sisters, and the other is the mother who will grow up with the younger sisters in the future!"

"Oh, I still like the new second aunt!"

"Why do you like the new second aunt?"

"Second aunt is good-looking, she gave us a lot of golden melon seeds, and she will cook a lot of delicious food, and she doesn't lose her temper and beat the baby." Xiaoliu enumerates all kinds of good things about the new second aunt.

After leaving for two months, this night, the brothers hugged their own little pillows and insisted on sleeping with their mother.

Hei Wa stared: "How old is the child, go to sleep by yourself!"

"Father, we are still children!" Xiaoliu climbed onto the kang neatly, hugging Cuihua's arms tightly.

Not to be outdone, Xiaowu climbed to the other side of Cuihua, pretending to be a good baby.

Hei Wa was so angry that he wanted to take them away, but they still yelled and pretended to cry.This made the father so angry that he also lay upright on the kang, planning to wait for the baby to fall asleep, and the universe will move.

It's a pity that Cuihua's arms were held tightly by the two babies, and when she moved, her mouth shrunk in her dreams, and she couldn't move her away until midnight.

Seeing the mother and son snoring in sleep, the poor Hei Wa closed his eyes and went to sleep bitterly.

On the second day, Heiwa's face was itchy, and he was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes. He squinted and saw two little bastards brushing his face and soles of his feet with chicken feathers.

It was so itchy that he sneezed, and after a few sneezes, he still felt drowsy, scratching his hair and howling:
"Ah, are you my little magic star sent by the heavens to torture me? Please let your father go."

"Father, we are not little magic stars, we are Monkey King!"

Closing her eyes, Hei Wa turned over and tightly trapped the two fat boys in her arms:
"Look at how you two monkey cubs escaped the palm of my Tathagata Buddha! I will pin you down under Five Fingers Mountain, so that you can't move!"

"Ah, ah, dad, dad, let me go! Dad, we won't tickle you anymore!"

"Mother, mother, come and help me! Daddy bullies the little with the big!"

"I'll see where you are fleeing, I want to eat your fat paws, ah bah! Xiao Liu, you actually let out such a stinky fart that it will kill your father!"

"Pfft!" Xiao Liu had no sense of shame at all, and farted several bad farts one after another, which was utterly disgusted by his father and brother.

"Quack quack, hahaha, I am the king of stinky farts, I will stink you all to death, hahaha!"

The father and son made a fuss, laughed loudly, and turned the whole bedroom upside down. Heiwa, the father, is usually not big or small, and he can be a horse for the baby when he is happy. The four sons Not afraid of him.

At this time, there was so much joy, and the day Hei Wa left, the two children cried so sadly.

(End of this chapter)

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