Chapter 178

They have already experienced parting, and on the way back to Sichuan, they didn't know how many times they cried.This time, I heard that it will take a long time for their father to come home, the little man was very panicked.

After going from Yuan Mansion to the gate of the south gate of the capital, the little men who Lagou promised not to cry could no longer hold back and started to make noise.

"Father, father, let's go together! Take mother and elder brother, and the whole family!" Xiao Wu changed his mind, he wanted to drive away, father brought a lot of luggage, and elder brother Zhao followed.

"Wuwu, Dad, I'm good, come back quickly, I don't want you to go!" Xiao Liu felt that he had only returned home not long ago, he couldn't leave his mother, and he didn't want to let his father leave.

"Wow, Dad, Dad, don't you want us?" Seeing that crying doesn't work, the two children started to play hysterically. The twins often speak with the same brainwaves. big.

There are so many people in the convoy, and His Majesty the Emperor has chosen an auspicious time for them. How can they care about the crying of the children, they have to set off when they arrive.

Seeing that it was useless to fool around, the two children cried and ran after the carriage for a long distance in despair. Xiao Wu was so strong and ran so fast.After catching up with their father's carriage, they wanted to reach out and grab the door of the carriage, which made everyone gasp. It was too dangerous.

Hei Wa was so frightened that she hurriedly stopped the carriage, rubbed her swollen forehead, and got out of the carriage.

The two babies saw that their father was finally chased by them, Xiao Liu threw himself on Hei Wa's body, and Xiao Wu quickly climbed onto his father's back, hugged his neck tightly, and put his legs between Hei Wa's body. The baby's waist, intending not to let go.

Xiao Liu hugged his father's thigh, wiped tears and snot all over Hei Wa's clothes, and after so many days of ideological work, at the critical moment, everything was reduced to ashes.

"Didn't Xiao Wu and Xiao Liu agree to Dad? How can a man not talk about his words?"

The other family members who saw him off were all teary-eyed. They just couldn't do it as easily as the children, otherwise they would all want to cry like this.No matter how hard-hearted people are, seeing these two cubs crying so sadly, they can't help but look red.

Cuihua didn't dare to get out of the carriage, her eyes were so swollen that she couldn't open her eyes, and she was tossed all night last night.At this moment, my whole body was weak, and my head was buzzing. If I didn't pay attention, the two brothers staged a big scene of crying for their father.

In the end, it was she who was determined to get out of the carriage, and forcibly hugged the two cubs who were hugging Heiwa's legs, and said hoarsely, "Hurry up, don't delay!"

Hei Wa tidied up her clothes in a panic, hugged the mother and child three times, turned around, got into the carriage and left quickly.Fortunately, Yuan Wenjie and Yuan Wenwu went back to the mansion the night before because they were going to take the New Year's Exam today, and they agreed not to come see them off today.

Xiao Wu pointed to the carriage going away, and hiccupped from crying: "Mother, mother, father really left!"

Xiao Liu was buried on Cui Hua's neck, sobbing and choking: "Mother, when will Dad come back? Can we go find him?"

Cuihua also wanted to ask: When will the released man be able to return home safely?

After sending Heiwa off, Cuihua went back to her house and lay down and couldn't get up. Since she took over this body, she drank space water every day and took baths every three days. Few.

It is said that people who do not like minor illnesses are not easy once they fall down. Cuihua was ill this time, she was weak, coughing, and had a high fever, and she lay down for seven days.

Xiao Wu and Xiao Liu, who had never seen their mother so weak, were frightened.

The two children were very well-behaved. Every day after school, they rushed to feed their mother soup and medicine, and let Heng Heng learn witty words to amuse their mother.

"Get well soon, mother~"

"Mother who drinks medicine is the bravest~"

Looking at the son who was feeding her medicine spoon by spoon, Cuihua secretly complained: Stewed in one mouthful is not better than drinking spoonful by spoonful like this, God, my son's filial piety can't be let down!
Xiaowu Xiaoliu: I secretly tasted mother's decoction, it was so bitter!They should eat well, sleep well, and take medicine when they are sick, so miserable!

Xiaocao, Xiaohua, and the girls couldn't care less about going to class. The girls were all careful, and they took away the girls' work, helped the aunt scrub her body, could cook medicine and porridge, and wandered around her asking for her health.

Hearing that my aunt's appetite was poor, Xiao Shan and Xiao Chuan went to the village to dig a few big baskets of the freshest wild vegetables, and brought back a lot of fat fish raised by my grandfather. They wanted to cook fish porridge for my aunt.

When Father Hu and Mrs. Zhang heard from their grandson that their daughter had fallen ill, they were so worried that they hurriedly brought their new daughter-in-law, Fan Jingjing, to visit.

This is also the first time Cuihua sees the new second wife. She doesn't look tall, with curved eyebrows and eyes, and a light body, but the expression on her face shows that life is going well.

"Sister, you should rest easy and get well soon. I heard from our nieces that every year on March [-]rd, we only count on my aunt to take them to spring. This year, I will also take one of them."

"Ahem, Second Sister-in-law, I made you laugh. I should have gone to see Second Sister-in-law first, but I've been busy packing the bag for the child's father recently. Now that he's gone, I got sick. See, I can't blame my two little ones, each with a second aunt, and my younger sister also thinks it's very kind to look at my sister-in-law."

"They're all from my own family. It doesn't matter whoever comes first. Sister-in-law knows you must be very busy, so she doesn't want to come here to make trouble for you. Now my sister is free. We should come and go often!"

"Sister-in-law doesn't need to tell me, I often go back to my mother's house. When the time comes, sister-in-law, please don't dislike me for returning frequently!"

"That sister-in-law is what I wish for!"

"Hey, this is my sister-in-law. My mother hopes that you will get along well. My daughter, you should get better quickly. Your second sister-in-law cooks delicious food, which is comparable to yours. Now, your second brother can't do it any more. Go to your elder brother's house and have a meal!"

Mrs. Zhang finally saw a daughter-in-law who could get along well with her niece. In the past, what she envied most was that her niece got along well with Sister Yuan, and she talked as affectionately as a real sister.

"Mom, I'm just interested in cooking. I want to learn a few more special dishes from my sister in the future. My husband is lucky now! Xiaolian and Xiaohe love cakes, sister, you can teach me too!"

"Sister-in-law just come to learn, sister, I don't hide my secrets, I promise you to learn."

Mrs. Zhang was cheerful. Ever since Fan Jingjing, the daughter-in-law, came in, she hadn't been uncomfortable for a day. Even the rough second child had been treated more and more decently.

This year, the two brothers will take the lead alone, and several commercial streets and courtyard houses will be rebuilt in the capital. They will not be short of work in the past two years.The youngest and their famille rose porcelain are also firing more and more smoothly. The master master of the imperial kiln in the Great Xia Dynasty is enough for him to support his family!
Some people, even if they are overwhelmed, Cuihua and Fan Jingjing are also very reasonable. This is a very wise and measured woman, and she also cares about Hu Erniu. When it comes to her husband, she blush at every turn.

Seeing the little nieces in her arms, obediently sticking to her chest without making a fuss, Cuihua felt that she should thank Mr. Fan again, really telling the Hu family A good family.

Sister Yuan also came to see her younger siblings, and finally alarmed Empress Gao. She even sent the imperial physician to ask for a consultation. half car.

The illness came and went like a mountain, and Cuihua was fed with the decoctions and medicines of her younger sons, and she and Heiwa wrote a letter every day and gradually recovered.

Until a letter seven days later, Cuihua was so angry that she almost ran away.

Her two eldest sons, who had agreed to go to school in the palace, actually kept her secret from her. They walked with their father for seven days, and they were only discovered when they got on a sea ship.

She just said that every time the two of them returned home, they were rejected many times. They knew they couldn't persuade her as a mother, and they didn't see them sulking. Their feelings were waiting for her here.

She really, wished she could go out of the space at night and tie these two boys back home, they really know how and dare!
As if anticipating Mrs. Zhongqin's fury, several companions in the palace were also discussing.

Cai Hanwen suppressed his excitement, and asked everyone: "You said, have the Yuan Wenjie brothers been discovered? Uncle Zhongqin will not send them back, will he? Will Qin Ke be implicated!"

Gao Qianli shook his head and sighed: "These two are not loyal, and they are blessed not to share with the brothers! I don't know if they will be discovered, I am so envious, I want to go too!"

Gao Wanli: "The group of six lost these three people at once. It feels like we are no longer lively here. Hey, it's boring! If they are really sent back, they won't have to moan all day long!"

The prince looked at the three of them amusedly, as if tacitly acquiescing that he was not the one who caused these people to make trouble: "Your bad idea is only Qin Ke's bastard. He can do whatever you want. What do you think? Let them Get into the clothes cage, don't suffocate people!"

"Your Highness, we have drilled several holes above the cages. At night, Qin Ke will release them to let them breathe and hide them for a few days. It shouldn't be a big problem."

"I also packed a lot of beef jerky for them, and they won't be hungry, so don't worry."

"We are just afraid that Uncle Zhongqin will find out halfway, and then send all three of them back."

The prince was also under great pressure. They asked for leave for the two brothers in the palace. The reason was that Mrs. Zhongqin was seriously ill. As the eldest son and the second son in the family, the two brothers had to go back to take care of their mother.

Mr. Cai Jijiu and the others don’t know, they kept praising the two brothers for their filial piety. I heard that Mrs. Zhongqin’s illness is about to recover. It’s okay if they escaped successfully. These accomplices are even worse.

Moreover, Mrs. Zhongqin, who is already sick, won't be made more sick by the brothers' escape, right?
(End of this chapter)

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