The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 188 The Magical Use of Pepper

The locust eggs that were frozen to death last winter were very effective in the north. In the south, this year, at least every household has raised more than 20 chickens and ducks, and put them in the fields early.

Artificial hatching and earth dragon breeding have given the common people a taste of the sweetness. Although the eggs cannot be sold at a high price once there are too many eggs, the family can eat two eggs every day, which was unthinkable before.

I can still kill a useless rooster in a month to satisfy my hunger, and the yamen will distribute some herbs from time to time, so that the chickens and ducks can be boiled and fed.

To prevent chicken plague, the yamen sent people to the countryside every month to promote it, and the chicken droppings and duck droppings had to be cleaned every day. These were used to fertilize the fields, and the crops grew so well.

They can look forward to this autumn harvest, they have food at home, and they don't panic!

The saline-alkaline sorghum fields near the low-rent housing have grown very well this year. After Tu Si Nong finished promoting double-cropping rice, he became interested in this sorghum field.

It turns out that the so-called barren land is not useless. The sorghum grows very strong. There are still many barren lands in the north. After thinking about it, it can be used!

After listening to Tu Sinong's report, Xia Hongdi tapped his fingers on the table:

"Uncle Zhongqin has made a detailed record of this land. Aiqing, from now on, you will focus on this sorghum field. See how the harvest is in autumn, and then calculate how much barren land like this can be filled. Acre land!"

"The minister leads the order!"

In fact, Daxia is not really short of land. The population area is directly proportional to the land area. However, most of the fertile land is not in the hands of the people. In addition to increasing the yield per mu and encouraging land reclamation, increasing the land area is also the most effective way.

"Uncle Zhongqin, Uncle Zhongqin, you are really my nobleman!" After leaving the palace, Tu Si Nong really felt that the road pointed out by Uncle Zhongqin was his road to promotion.

"Ah!" The chanted Uncle Zhongqin led the people to inspect the repaired No. [-] sea ship.

"Master Chief Soldier, Uncle, Master Shangshu, this time we used this kind of wood from the island to make the ship's girder. It is not only strong, but also not bulky, and it is even stronger than the previous materials!" There are many people waiting to use the boat, and none of them have had a good night's sleep.

"At your speed, how long will it take for our fleet to set sail!"

"As fast as a month, at most two months!"

"Well, thank you for your hard work, we can't afford to delay, you guys work hard! I will cook bacon for you tonight!"

"Okay, thank you uncle! Can you give me some preserved eggs?"

"Give! Give! Give!"

With so many people, Hei Wa's stock of bacon has been completely wiped out, and there are only a few preserved eggs. The ham Hei Wa has not let go. This ham tower is resistant to storage, and it will go bad after a few years.

In addition to logging, more than half of the soldiers were busy with food, and several tons of shrimp were dried in the sun.

Big taro, except for the ones that are intended to be brought back to Daxia for planting, are boiled, peeled, cut into large pieces, dried in the sun, and can be collected in two sun days.

This kind of food is easy to preserve, soak it in water before eating, and it can be used for various stews.

With his daughter-in-law's extra meals in the evening, Hei Wa's life is quite comfortable.Yuan Wenjie and the other eight teenagers already had a decent conversation with the aborigines.

After several months of getting along, they finally understood why they were treated so favorably by the natives, the messengers of the gods!They really dare not take it seriously, especially the origin of Shakyamuni Buddha, can they explain it clearly to the natives?
"Messenger, Messenger, help!" Just after dawn, everyone in the camp was startled by the loud howls of the natives.

Qin Ke was a martial artist, and he was the first to get up. When he saw a native boy he was familiar with, he hurried to watch the excitement.

More than a dozen aboriginal men carried three naked men on their backs. Seeing boys of seven or eight years old arrive here, all three boys screamed with pain in their stomachs.

"They have a stomachache, and the wizard's magic medicine still hurts. They begged the gods to save the children." More than a dozen indigenous people knelt in the camp, with their heads and hands sticking to the ground.

Seeing that Uncle Zhongqin and Zongbing Gao were alarmed, Qin Ke hurriedly helped translate, and cleverly asked his brothers to go to the doctor Shangguan.

"Carry it in, carry it in, it's so cold on the ground, hand these babies over to Shangguan's imperial physician." Hei Wa immediately made arrangements, with the imperial physician present, he couldn't just ignore death.

Qin Ke hurriedly called the natives up, and kept comforting them, "Leave it to our imperial doctor, he is very powerful!"

The powerful Shangguan imperial physician was forced to open the business as soon as he woke up. He carefully checked the situation of the three boys, especially their bulging stomachs, and frowned when they felt their pulse.

After calling for a quarter of an hour, I was still thinking alone.

"Shangguan Imperial Physician, what's wrong with these children?" Qin Ke was the one who couldn't hold his breath. Besides, the natives were all staring at him eagerly. He had to help build the bridge.

"Well, "Huangdi Neijing" "Lingshu · Jue Disease" said: "There are worms and gum walls in the intestines... Heartache, pain, swelling, up and down, pain and rest, abdominal heat and thirst The one who salivates is Jiaoqiang. "

"Ah, do they have worms in their stomachs?" Qin Ke could hear his skin pimples. It was hard to imagine that these children's bulging stomachs were full of worms!He felt that his breakfast should not be eaten, it was too disgusting.

"Shangguan's imperial physician, how can I cure this bug?" Qin Ke felt that the imperial physician from the palace would not be able to cure this disease, so no one asked with any psychological burden.

"Simple, take half a pair of peppercorns, and grind the peppercorns into fine powder for later use. Take rice and cook porridge. When the porridge is cooked, add pepper powder and boil it once or twice. 1-2 doses per day. Children generally take medicine After half an hour, the abdominal pain stopped, and then I defecated and excreted the worms."

The Shangguan imperial physician replied very carefully, and asked people to rush to get the peppercorns. Uncle Zhongqin from the Shu region brought a lot of this seasoning.It took two quarters of an hour, and the three aborigines who were screaming, drank rice porridge with peppercorns.

As Shangguan's imperial physician said, after drinking for less than a quarter of an hour, the naked guys stopped howling, and told their family members with a smile that this soup was delicious.

The eyes of the aborigines were full of gratitude. They were indeed messengers sent by the gods. After taking a bowl of medicine, the pain in their stomachs disappeared, and they knelt down to the Shangguan imperial physician again.

When the three little guys pulled out a bunch of roundworms, none of the people who saw them could eat breakfast. Qin Ke not only couldn't eat it, but even vomited a lot, until all the bile came out.

"Hahahahahaha. Fourth brother, it's fine if you help with the translation. Whoever told you to watch shit, you are doing it yourself, hahaha." Yuan Wenwu hiccupped from laughing, looking at Qin Ke who was weak, and said A hilarious laugh.

The legend of the magic medicine from the messenger of the gods immediately spread throughout the island, and eight out of ten of their children had roundworms in their stomachs.Especially the fathers of the three children, telling everyone how long the worms pulled out by their sons were, and how they were still alive.

Shangguan Taiyi was pushed by the natives to the same position as Zhongqinbo, the leader of the gods. The chief let his 100-member bird-hunting team catch more than 1000 birds within three days, and sewed the bird feather cloak overnight for the Shangguan Imperial Physician.

Pepper rice porridge, a big pot is cooked every day in the camp, so that children who often have stomach pains can drink it!Not to mention, the effect is not so good!
Gao Huaiyu took advantage of the time when their reputation on the island reached its peak, and turned this group of islands upside down.

There are really no gold mines. Other tribes are poorer than this island. The only harvest is emeralds. The market price of them cannot be determined yet, and everyone has no idea.

However, in the process of logging, the craftsmen discovered another big island, which actually grew a lot of sandalwood, and the smallest one was as big as a bowl and lush.

"Uncle, we can't take away the whole sandalwood, can we? It's easy to make spices, but we don't know how to do it!" Gao Huaiyu felt that the biggest punishment for them was that they couldn't take away the treasure.

Heiwa also doesn't know how to make sandalwood, so they called the big boat builder and asked him what advice he had, the big boat builder scratched his head:

"These woods are the best for making furniture. They smell fragrant and can also prevent ants. But we don't know how to make fine furniture, so we might as well make them into big boxes. After returning to Daxia, we can take out the wood from the boxes and make them." For furniture."

The Big Three felt that this was the only way to go, and planned to make hundreds of big boxes, and put all the treasures they bought in the future into these big boxes.

In the same way, the felled sandalwood is peeled and smoked and dried into wood, and then made into a large box of crude benzene. The box is so big that it takes two people to lift it, and an adult can squat in it.

The craftsmen felt distressed seeing these precious woods being treated so simply and roughly, but they were too short on time to wait for these woods to dry naturally.

Because it took another month to make the box, if they didn't leave, the natives would probably cry. The taro was almost hollowed out for them, and they had to go further afield for fishing.

"Finally left!"

"Ah, dad, I can't bear it anymore. These natives are actually quite simple and honest, so they are so easy to deceive!"

"That is to say, if you meet us Daxia people, if you meet other ambitious people, they will be miserable!"

"Go back, go back!"

The chief was wearing his feathered cloak and kept waving to them. The messengers of the gods were about to go back to the gods. They were really good people!God bless us!
The people on board cheered. If it wasn't for the tornado in more than three months, they might have been able to return to the voyage. After such a long delay, they still haven't reached their destination.

Set sail again, the wind went smoothly, and in twenty days, the observation ship sent good news.

"Uncle, Master Shangshu, there is land ahead, and it is very big, have we arrived yet!"

"Ah, ah, here we are! Here we are!"

Hei Wa was also very excited, her heart was surging: South America!I am black!

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