"This year's broad beans and peppers are growing well, and the wheat is also good!" Cuihua took a break from her busy schedule and came to Dali Village to see her parents and crops. Without the scourge of locusts, they can make more bean paste this year.

Butler Li smiled all over his face: "This year is a bumper harvest year!"

Mrs. Zhang spent the first half of the year incubating chickens and ducks, but stopped when the weather got hot. Their two granddaughters were also brought into the city by their mother, leaving only Xiaowei from Hu Sanniu's family to accompany her.

"I'm used to being busy, but I'm not used to being free this time!" Mrs. Zhang was very happy to see her daughter and left her to eat at home.

"What has my father been up to lately?"

"As for raising fish, this earth dragon loves to eat fish too. Your father dislikes the stinky shit of chickens and ducks, so he won't let me raise them. That earth dragon pond is not idle, so he feeds the fish!"

"It's a good idea. My dad has some ideas."

Father Hu is really talented. He used to fish with earth dragons, but now he feeds them with earth dragons. He probably saw that chickens and ducks eat earth dragons and grow fast, and the fish don't want to let them go.

"Is your second sister-in-law good at teaching?" My daughter does not avoid her relatives, but she is also afraid that her relatives will not be capable enough.

"It's very good, mother, our family is really a treasure. My second sister-in-law's hairpin flower is written in lower script. The nieces who can learn from her by [-]% will earn a lot of money!"

"Your second brother is as happy as a second fool now. I don't even notice it. Really, God bless you, you have married a good wife, and you speak and act very generously. I feel relieved for your second brother."

"Mother, you are very lucky. Where are you going? After Xiaoshan Xiaochuan and the others get up, you will be the old Fengjun!"

"Then I can live a few more years. It would be even better if I could see Xiao Liu and the others get married and have children!"

"Hey, mother, let me tell you, your fifth grandson already has a daughter-in-law."

After lunch at her natal home, she explained everything about making bean paste to Aunt Li, and went to see Sister Yuan and Ding Lele, and Cuihua went back to the city.

Old Yuantou and Mrs. Ma still live in Yuanfu, Dali Village. There are still dozens of carpenters working on the puzzle, and Cai Hanwen and others are responsible for the blueprint of the new puzzle.

In the palace, the three companions will be a little gloomy, Gao Qianli and the others are looking at the account books of the last few months.

"In the past few months, our puzzles have been selling well!"

Cai Hanwen felt concerned: "There are imitations everywhere. In Yuan Wenwu's words, they are pirated copies. Everyone is rushing to make these. We can't sell them without lowering the price!"

"You guys, don't get into the eyes of money. The Yuan family brothers went to sea with the master of the Imperial College, but when other people come back, they play tricks and learn better than you. Then I will see your jokes. !"

"Your Highness, it's hard for others to tell. Qin Ke, this kid, has definitely lost his mind!"

This is also wronging Qin Ke. Qin Ke and the others were caught tightly by Mr. Yan on the boat. When they arrived at the place, they were sent to learn Inca by Zhongqin Bokeng.There is no need to play, and there is no end to learning.

Hei Wa learned experience from the natives of the island last time. To learn a language, you have to be young.

Among the eight teenagers, Qin Ke and Yuan Wenwu had the thickest skins. They didn't feel embarrassed at all to learn these bird languages, and they dared to imitate the strange pronunciation.

The two brainwashed each other: Anyway, this group of people in Daxia couldn't understand what they were talking about, even if they said something wrong, what loss could they have?
The natives, who wore eagle-feather crowns and lived in stone houses, took spears and bows when they landed, and almost shot them into hedgehogs as soon as they came up.

"They look very similar to us, with black hair and yellow skin." Qin Ke's eyes were the sharpest.

"Then you two go, let them have a good talk for the sake of our kind!"

Hei Wa sent Qin Ke and Yuan Wenwu to take the lead. Their faces were dying of laughter, and they couldn't move their hands anymore, so they let them put down their spears.

Compared with the bare-bottomed natives on the island, this is a country after all, with a much better social system, at best, the material conditions are not good.

Only countries can talk to each other. Huang Shangshu immediately submitted the letter of credence to the local governor. Although they should not be able to understand it, the other party should still be able to understand the fact that there is a jade seal for such battles.

The city by the sea will definitely not be their capital. Uncle Zhong Qin asked everyone to stay on the sea boat. Before the two countries established diplomatic relations, their navy could not go ashore. It would be bad for the other party to think that they were here to fight. .

They set foot on this country called the Inca Empire, and after three days of contact with local talents, the news reached the king of the Inca Empire.

Gao Huaiyu became very interested in the post station where they delivered the news. It took at least five days to ride horses from the pier to the capital Manchester City.

Three days later, the 20-member Daxia delegation represented by Huang Shangshu, Zhong Qinbo, and Gao Zongbing was summoned by the king.

When they set off, they saw the post road extending in all directions.The Inca Empire had a courier system that could quickly transmit messages across the country.

The messengers relayed the messages and auspicious signs one by one with the fastest speed until they arrived at their destination.

It is said that each of these messengers has to run 240 kilometers on post roads of various terrains every day, which is better than horses.

While they lamented the power of the Inca messengers, the governor and civilians were also very curious about the horses they rode.

Along the way, the sights seen by the delegation refreshed their cognition. The country is full of mountains and valleys.

They saw a large number of terraced fields built on the hillside.After their on-site observation and a few words from the little translator, they learned that the Incas built terraces as follows:

At the foot of the mountain, three walls are first built with stones, one on the front and one on each side. The walls are slightly inclined inward to enhance the bearing capacity.

Then fill the wall with earth until it is level with the wall.After the first layer of terraced fields is built, the second and third floors with smaller plots are built, and they go up to the top of the mountain.

The bottom area is the largest, some can reach hundreds of acres, and the smallest one can only grow two or three rows of crops, making full use of every inch of land.

Correspondingly, stones were dug to build canals, and large-scale canals and underground pipelines were built to attract the melting snow water on the top of the mountain for irrigation.

Diversion channels are erected between the canyons, some of which are thousands of meters long.Such a large-scale terraced field project cannot be completed without a unified organization and mobilization.

For such a huge project, as far as they could see, the agricultural tools of these people were copper and wooden sticks!
Five days later, they finally arrived in Manchester, the capital of the Inca Empire.

It is not so much a capital city as it is a group of castles built with huge stones. The stones used in the buildings weigh several tons or even hundreds of tons.There is not even any mortar applied between the stones, they follow the shape, and the bite is so tight that even a blade cannot be inserted.

The entire castle complex is built on a mountain estimated to be 600 meters high, and it is also the main defense project of Manchester City.

There are three walls above and below the building complex, each wall is 18 meters high, and the outer wall is several thousand meters long.Overlooking the whole city from the top of the castle, the momentum is majestic.

Inside the walls of the castle is the urban area, with squares, palaces, temples, residences, warehouses, and no less than 200 buildings of various kinds, all built according to the terrain and integrated with the natural environment.

The governor could see their shock, and was very proud that the guests had never seen such a world, so he deliberately slowed down his pace to make it easier for them to look at it.

After walking for half an hour, we arrived at the destination of this trip, the palace where the king of the Inca Empire lived.

King Atahuaba, in his late fifties, sits on his golden throne and wears a crown of gold and emeralds in a tunic that falls to his knees.

The base of the crown is made of gold, engraved with intricate patterns such as branches and leaves, flower vines, and shells.

It's hard for Hei Wa to count, but there should be dozens of emeralds inlaid in the entire crown.

The main hall where they are now is the main hall of the entire palace, where King Atahuaba went to court to discuss matters.

On the entire wall of the main hall, a huge gold plate was carved and cast. On the gold plate was an anthropomorphic face, which should be the sun god they enshrined.

In a short period of time, Huang Shangshu and the others learned that the most widespread religious belief in the Inca Empire was the sun god.The king is said to be the direct incarnation of the god, sanctifying the kingship.

Among the three giants, Heiwa is the calmest, Huang Shangshu is the most nervous, and Gao Huaiyu is the most shocked: In a country that lives in stone houses, there are so many gold walls. This king is very rich, does it mean that they have gained a lot from this trip? ?
When meeting for the first time, Xia Shangshu gave King Atahaba according to their prior discussion: two palace embroidered screen pictures of goshawks and horses, two sets of pastel porcelain, two sets of blue and white porcelain, and the best Ten bolts of silk and twenty catties of tea.

The eight little translators are still useless, and the first time they meet, they can only offer generous gifts and smiling faces.

All in all, the biggest disadvantage is the language barrier, and the Tatar language that Huang Shangshu will speak is useless here.The other two officials of the Lifan Academy also speak the languages ​​of some ethnic minorities. They are old and their memory is not good.

The first ones who could barely communicate with the Inca Empire were Zhao Leiting and Yuan Wenjie. Even if they were not talented in learning, Lu Shaoting, Han Kuangyuan, Miao Shujian, and Pei Jiesun were better than these adults.

The ship merchants are more flexible, but the diplomatic relations between the two countries have not yet been formally established, and they have not brought their group off the ship.

King Atahuaba had a preliminary understanding of the envoys of the Great Xia Dynasty from the governor who first contacted them.They came on hundreds of big ships, and the weapons they brought looked sharper than their bronzes.

He still knows the rules, and he ran around everywhere before he arrived in the empire. He came to see him and offered a generous gift. He said that these people can observe and observe, and then get in touch with them.

"The sun god can help us identify whether it is an enemy or a friend, let them wait." King Atahuaba ordered the governor before they left.

After such a wait, Hei Wa and the others waited in Manchester City for ten days.In addition to providing them with free board and lodging, they will be followed when they leave the residence, whether it is monitoring or protection, anyway, they cannot be separated from the sight of these people.

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