The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 205 Vigorous Seafood Celebrating the New Year

"Father, you're back!" Yuan Wenjie was very happy when he saw Heiwa. He hadn't seen his father for a month, and he was panicking.Master Yan has given them too much homework recently, so he is looking forward to his father coming back for the holiday.

"Hey, Dad, I can't even feel the atmosphere of Chinese New Year in this big summer? If I'm at home, my mother's cured meat will be on the table, it will be the taste of the New Year!" What is the year without cured meat?Thinking of his mother's good craftsmanship, Yuan Wenwu swallowed, who in Yuan's residence is not looking forward to the New Year's Eve?
"There is no cured meat, and you are allowed to eat one piece of ham tomorrow night!" Hei Wa only had thirty or so hams left in his inventory.He made up his mind to enter the space for a few nights and ask his wife to give him a small stove.

"Father, can we invite Amanlin to come to the camp to celebrate the New Year together?" How can the food and Chinese New Year culture of Daxia not be spread among the indigenous people?They have prepared a lot of picture albums and New Year gifts for friends.

"Okay, this kid hasn't come recently? Didn't he keep up with you when you fired pottery last time?"

"He is busy making pottery, he is now the master craftsman of their tribe!"

Yuan Wenjie and his brothers are proud of Amanlin. This little follower has grown up on his own. Maybe he can take over from his father in the future and become the No. 18 chief of the jungle tribe!
The father and son had accumulated a lot of words, and just as they were talking lively, a representative of the ship merchant came to him.

"Uncle, where did you come back from? Tomorrow night, our ship merchant invites you, Mr. Gao and Mr. Huang Shangshu to appreciate it, and invite you to taste our cook's skills."

"It's easy to say, easy to say, military and civilian families, celebrate the New Year together!" He said so sincerely and invited him so enthusiastically, if he didn't go, he would lose face.

Fortunately, most of these sea merchants are feudal and superstitious, and they think it is unlucky to bring women on board.

That's why the entire camp was full of men, and Hei Wa was a little less shy about this kind of invitation, as long as he didn't randomly stuff him with women, he wouldn't be afraid.

There are no firecrackers, couplets, or red lanterns. They celebrate the new year in summer clothes and shirtless.

For the New Year's Eve dinner, and to improve the food during the New Year's Eve, we must catch fresh fish from the lake, and seafood is also indispensable.

The canoes of the natives can't go to the depths of the sea, which is really cheap for them, a group of outsiders.

Ten cargo ships were temporarily requisitioned as fishing boats. They went out to sea at dawn and returned with a full load just before the New Year's Eve dinner.

The big baskets made of rattan are full of seafood, and the baskets are transported to the bay where they are moored.

The dozens of baskets in front are full of lobsters, which are not too big, weighing about a catty.

After being away from the sea for so long, there are still some jumping in the basket. Don't look at it looks exactly like Li Kui, with a barbaric and vicious look.

The body surface is brown or orange, and the tail fan is colorful, showing orange, blue and green, like a rainbow fan.With a thorny chest and a pair of black and bright eyes, his appearance is still very online.

Anyone who has eaten it knows that although this kind of lobster is not big, there is meat in its bones, and the meat of the shrimp is tender and firm, which is more exciting than eating big lobster meat.

In addition to lobsters, there are many more in this sea area. The shell is white-brown, with skirt-shaped folds on the shell surface, dotted with green spots, resembling a large shieldfish with a peacock spreading its tail.

The edge of their sucker is like a hibiscus-like fine lace, and the movement is like a weak willow supporting the wind, swaying softly at the bottom of the water. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most beautiful shield fish in the world.

The shieldfish with such a beautiful appearance is actually a strong man with strong adsorption.

The turbulent water constantly brings fresh nutrients, kelp, red algae and green algae are their favorite food.

After long years of growth, the shieldfish in this sea area naturally has a sweeter taste than other shieldfish.

The sailors on the shield fish island all admit that the shield fish on the shield fish island is not as delicious as it.

There is also a white flat sea fish, which looks like a big-headed eel, not only has very beautiful scales, but also has firm and delicious meat.

Just slice the fish thickly, grill it on a slate, sprinkle some salt, and it's delicious.

In addition to the above three protagonists, there are crabs, octopus, oysters, and all kinds of shellfish. This long coastline can be regarded as a paradise for seafood lovers.

A lot of them were caught in the sea, and the crocodiles in the lake were also unlucky. No matter how thick their skin was, they couldn't hold the machetes of this group of people!
The crocodiles wanted to escape from the lakes and swamps where they were killed in a few months.

The peeled crocodile only needs to be marinated with chili, pepper, and salt, and then roasted on the grill over low heat.

The taste of crocodile meat is salty, it tastes like rabbit meat and chicken, and it is all lean meat.It is not as firewood as the lean meat of poultry, but the overall taste is still very delicious.

The cattle in Daxia are not slaughtered at will, so the wild buffalo will have no worries. After the relationship with the jungle tribe is established, they have hunted several wild buffalo herds.

It is no exaggeration to say: as long as they want to eat big fish and big meat, they can have it every day!

Many of the ship merchants are from Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Lingnan, and the cooks they bring are already very good at seafood dishes.

The three high-ranking officials were invited to this dinner, and the cooks had to do their best, and more than 20 big dishes were served for the New Year's Eve dinner.

"Gao Zongbing, I would like to respect you, Xiao Ke. The navy you brought escorted us and let us get here safely. I am very grateful. Xiao Ke will do it first and respect you. You can do whatever you want!"

"Done!" Gao Huaiyu had the temper of a soldier and bandit, so he didn't need to try his best to persuade him to drink.

"Master Shangshu, you are always a role model for my generation, I respect you!"

"Uncle, if it weren't for your planning along the way, we might have starved to death on the island long ago. Not to mention the gold and gems that can be exchanged for, you are our great benefactor, benefactor, I want to respect you three cup!"

Uncle Zhongqin would not refuse anyone who came, and he drank with his head up, and his drinking capacity was astonishing, which stunned a group of people.

The ship merchants never expected that Uncle Zhongqin would not change his expression after drinking seven or eight pots of wine.

Heiwa: Hehe, labor-management cheating device is easy to use, this wine is directly swallowed into the fields of space.

Originally, this group of ship merchants had been discussing for several days, and they wanted to take advantage of tonight's dinner to get them all drunk.

Don't they believe that Uncle Zhongqin can delay for so long just to grow food here? !

But looking at him with clear eyes, he was not drunk at all, and he didn't dare to ask so straightforwardly.

Someone came out and asked modestly: "Uncle, the sweet potatoes you planted are really good. The green leafy vegetables you fried tonight are sweet potato leaves picked from your field. How long will it take for these sweet potatoes to ripen?"

"One month at the fastest, two months at the slowest." I will answer whatever you ask, without overthinking.

"Then we collected the food and left here?" The person who asked didn't know what to do, but waiting for them aimlessly was also disturbing.

"We'll see the situation at that time! After the year, I still have to go around. The aborigines here are not rich, maybe the life of the aborigines in other places will be easier? Now that we have come, we have to bring something back, right?"

The boat merchants are depressed. The most valuable thing among the indigenous tribes is the prey. It's not like they haven't been to the jungle tribe.

In terms of hunting, they are much better than the natives. They don't want to eat other grass seeds and plant roots.

Telling the truth after drinking, this is still not enough to drink, and another wave of ship merchants came to toast.

Gao Huaiyu and Huang Shangshu had already been drunk, leaving Heiwa alone, and directly drunk the big boat merchants at the two tables.

"Tsk tsk, your drinking capacity is too weak, hey, how nice it would be if we were at home this time, my wife's craftsmanship, you won't get tired of eating it for two lifetimes!"

Hei Wa eats the delicious fish, but chewing it in his mouth is tasteless
A Manlin, who was celebrating the New Year with his friends in the base camp, saw that his friends specially drew a lot of scenes for him, and showed him the scenes of the New Year in Daxia.

"Have you seen these firecrackers? The crackling is so loud! Occasionally, fireworks will be set off in the palace. This is this one. It sounds good and looks good in the dark!" Qin Ke missed the emperor's uncle, and he wanted this to be in the palace. During the Chinese New Year, you can also receive lucky money.

"We want to give new year greetings to our relatives and friends, this is how we do it!" Yuan Wenjie demonstrated to Amanlin to teach him New Year greetings.

"Visit relatives, eat delicious food, and get lucky money!" Yuan Wenwu made a short and incisive summary of the New Year.

A Manlin is now a complete big summer fan, and he has already learned to use chopsticks to pick up vegetables.

For seafood, they eat shellfish the most. The shieldfish meat fried in butter has a delicate and sweet taste, which can hardly lift the head of Oman.

He didn't point his chopsticks at the green sweet potato leaves until he was full of meat.

After eating the cold sweet potato tip, knowing that this is the plant they planted in that large field, Amanlin looked at his friends with burning eyes.

He learned the simple gestures of nodding, shaking his head, and thumbs up. Now he raised his thumbs in both hands, and kept nodding.

"I'll give it to you when the sweet potatoes are ripe. The sweet potatoes in the soil haven't grown up yet!"

"When the sweet potatoes in the soil grow up, they can be eaten boiled or baked. They are delicious!"

The little friends gave him popular science, how to eat sweet potatoes and potatoes, and what they will look like when they grow up. Amanlin is looking forward to it. If they can grow these by themselves, the women in their tribe don’t need to go out to collect them.

Uncle Zhongqin's mansion lacked a head of family, and this year's New Year's Eve, Cuihua's interest in cooking was somewhat weaker.

However, there are still two successors. The cousin and cousins ​​have returned to Dali Village for the New Year. The eldest sister and Qitou are a little over a year old, and they have not walked very quickly.

Xiao Wu, who was the tallest, became the leader of the Yuan family's mischievous group, and there was also a He Heng who knew a lot of words, fanning the flames from the sidelines.

The laughter of the children in the main courtyard, the shrieking voices of mynahs, and the clinking of vegetables being cut in the kitchen all merged into a grand song in the Yuan Mansion in the capital.

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