The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 216 A Sensible Child Should Give More Love

"Mother, mother, I can lift a hundred catties of stones, will father be back tomorrow?"

"Ah! Xiao Wu, are you so good? But your father told mother in a dream last night that he might not come back so soon, because he has arrived at a good place, and there is so much treasure there. He has to Take the baby home, dear son, we have to wait."

Xiao Wu's eyes were hurt, his mother didn't mean anything, woo woo, he's about to cry:
"Wow, wow, I want my dad," the person said, and the sensible child became sad, which made people feel even more distressed.

Xiao Wu cried so loudly, she closed her eyes, clenched her fists tightly, and stomped her calves on the ground, Cuihua was at a loss for what to do with this posture.

In the end, she had no choice but to hug Xiao Wu, put his head on her neck, like holding a baby, patted his back lightly, and coaxed him.

"Mother's Xiaowu really misses daddy, mother knows, you usually give in to younger brother, we Xiaowu won't cry easily, this will be really sad.

Mother didn't expect that our Xiao Wu's strength grew so fast and he was so capable!

Cry, cry, let's have a good cry today, mother will accompany Xiao Wu. "

After crying for a cup of tea, the little guy still refused to raise his little head, sobbing, he said, "Mother, daddy is still alive, right?"

Cuihua was taken aback, "Did Xiao Wu listen to what someone said?"

"Yeah, the last time I went to my grandfather's place, a cousin said that the eldest nephew is my father. He said that he has been out at sea for too long. They are going to offer incense to the ancestors and let the ancestors bless father."

"That's it, that's the kind-hearted grandpa. I beg our ancestors to bless your father. Your father is very powerful. Uncle Qingyi and Uncle Qingeri's martial arts are so good that even your martial arts masters can't beat them. You don't remember." ?”

"Really? Mom, you can't lie to a child."

"Don't lie, don't lie, don't believe me, after your father comes back, you can ask him in person."

"Wow! Mother! My brother is already a big baby, yet you are still hugging my brother behind my back!"

Xiao Liu appeared out of nowhere, and as soon as he entered the room, he saw his mother hugging his brother and coaxing him.

Now Xiao Liu was furious, his brother who bled but didn't shed tears actually competed with him for favor, he was the only one who was crying and acting like a spoiled child in his mother's arms.

Xiao Wu was so ashamed that he couldn't lift his head up at his brother's words, and struggled to get off the ground.Cuihua didn't let him down, but hugged him and sat on the chair.

"Brother misses dad today, Xiaoliu. Before when you cried for dad, mother coaxed you. Today it's brother's turn."

With an expression of disbelief, Xiao Liu walked around Cuihua, saw her brother who hadn't raised his head, and asked in surprise: "So my brother will cry when he thinks about his father?"

Cuihua didn't know whether to laugh or cry, hugged him, and put him on the other leg: "Brother usually let you, you are crying, brother is too embarrassed to cry. I still want to coax you, today, do you want to help mother?" Coax brother?"

Being entrusted with a heavy responsibility, Xiao Liu was very excited. He imitated Cui Hua's tone: "Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu, good baby, don't cry, don't cry, mother loves you!"

Cuihua: Where did the precious energy come from!This cliff was not born by me!

Xiao Wu frowned: Why does his brother speak so strangely!

In order to make Xiao Wu happy, Cuihua takes Xiao Wu out alone on their rest day.

The mother and son first went to visit her youngest daughter-in-law, Huniu, who is less than one year old.

This girl was not only fat when she was born, but now her arms are like lotus root joints, and her face is as round as a full moon.

She is no longer the red doll she used to be, her skin is fair and rosy, she looks at Cuihua curiously, and grinned happily from time to time.

Xiang smugly showed off: "My Huniu was born and grew up so big, but she never had a bad time. It's really easy to raise. It's really cheap for your kid."

Cuihua laughed angrily: "Xiao Wu, come on, this fat girl will belong to our family from now on, let's take her home today."

"Mother, really, is it really okay?" Seeing his mother laughing, Xiao Wu didn't object to what his mother said, so he could only turn to look at Qilin.

He knew that this was Brother Qilin's biological sister. Although he also wanted a sister, his mother would not give birth to them.

"No, my younger sister is raised by herself, and our family has no shortage of nurses." Qilin was not happy about it. He should be joking when he saw his aunt's face, but he was still a little nervous.

"Qilin, my younger sister will get married when she grows up, but Huniu has been settled by her aunt's family, and she will marry Xiao Wu as a daughter-in-law in the future." Cuihua watched the excitement without fear of big things.

"Mother, why? My sister is still a baby. I don't want my sister to marry. I don't agree."

When Qilin saw that his aunt was speaking seriously, and his mother was still nodding beside him, he burst into tears:
"Father! Come back quickly, mother is going to marry off my sister, woo woo, father."

Huniu is heartless, and when she saw her brother crying sadly, she even giggled.With this smile, she couldn't even find her eyes on Yuanyuan's face.

Xiao Wu also stared wide-eyed: What?He is going to marry a wife?He grew up so quickly?Are you going to raise a family and raise a baby?
"Mother, if Xiao Wu doesn't marry a wife, Xiao Wu hasn't learned the skills yet!" Looking at the fat sister, Xiao Wu finally couldn't help protesting, as if he had made up his mind.

The two unscrupulous mothers, regardless of their son's crying and entanglement, laughed at themselves, and Cuihua asked Xiao Wu to hug his future daughter-in-law.

"Don't be afraid, son, we will marry after you have learned the skills. Let's make an appointment first for the little daughter-in-law. Good girl, let's stamp it first. If it is late, the little wife will go to someone else's house."

Xiao Wu breathed a sigh of relief, not just let him marry a wife now.

He had enough strength to hold the doll firmly, looked at the little daughter-in-law in his arms, thought for a while, and then asked: "Why am I the only one who has a wife? No brothers or younger brothers?"

Xiang's stomach ached from laughing, she simply hugged her son and pretended to cry a few times, her son who was a little embarrassed, her tone was very sincere:
"Because Xiao Wu is a good boy! Auntie is afraid that Xiao Wu will be taken home by others to be her son-in-law. Do you want Xiao Wu to be my uncle's son-in-law?"

Xiao Wu didn't know how to respond to these words. Looking at Cuihua's expression and seeing his mother nodding, he readily responded, and asked, "Then I'm also called aunt, is it mother?"

Xiang Shi almost nodded in agreement, seeing Cuihua's unfriendly expression, forced to suppress the excitement in her heart:

"Well, wait until Xiaowu marries Huniu before changing his mouth. Look, Huniu can't even speak now, and she can't call her mother-in-law either. What a disadvantage to your mother!"

The old lady Cuihua: She shouldn't have come here today, her son is so easy to kidnap!
After seeing the little daughter-in-law, I had lunch at Duke Wei's mansion.Cuihua took Xiao Wu to her mother's house again, and asked Papa Hu, who spoiled Xiao Wu alone, to pet the baby again.

Mrs. Zhang looked into the carriage for a long time, but did not see Xiao Liu coming down, and asked, "Why did you only bring Xiao Wu back today?"

Cuihua gave her mother a wink, and waited for Father Hu to take Xiao Wu to play, and then taught her mother how Xiao Wu missed his father and changed his mood recently, and sighed:

"Xiao Liu misses his father, that means crying as soon as he wants to, and I will let him go more. Xiao Wu, I coaxed him and said that when he can lift a stone of one hundred catties, their father will come back. Soon I was finally able to lift a hundred catties of stones, but my father hasn’t come back yet! I cried a lot a few days ago, and today I specially accompanied him out to play, where can I bring Xiao Liu?”

Mrs. Zhang also felt sorry for her grandson, she expressed her understanding: "Let your father play with her today."

Father Hu, who raised three sons and two grandsons, is very good at raising children.

He first took Xiao Wu to ride the horse for a quarter of an hour, making Xiao Wu laugh on the horseback.

His Hei Hei is very tall now, and Master Wu usually takes them to ride, and the mansion is not as spacious as the village, where they can run horses.

After riding back, Father Hu washed his grandson's face, changed into clean clothes, and ate a big pear.

He took Xiao Wu again, and fished a bucket of earth dragon from the earth dragon pond at home for his grandson to carry.

He picked up a fishing net by himself, went to his fish pond with Xiao Wu, and cast bait to catch fish.

The fish in the fish pond were used to being fed by the earth dragon, so they were not at all wary, and the grandparents and grandson easily caught more than a dozen fat fish.

"My father, my father, this fish is really stupid, hahaha, play well!"

"Xiao Wu, how do you want to eat this fish? My father-in-law will make it for you!"

"Well, eat it roasted? It's roasted and browned, and it's delicious!"

The fish caught by the family's two grandparents was really not cooked for Laifu's family, so they planned to do it themselves.

After killing the fish with his own hands, removing the scales and breaking the belly, Father Hu puts it on a wooden stick, puts it on the charcoal fire, and roasts it to eat.

Xiao Wu was in charge of roasting one by himself, his little face was covered with charcoal ash, and the fish was roasted until it was pitch black, but he couldn't hide his smile no matter what.

After eating the grilled fish that he grilled himself, Father Hu went to Yuan Mansion with him.

Lao Yuan asked his good grandson to help him paint the wooden pieces of the puzzle, and Xiao Wu was so busy that he stained a lot of paint on his clothes.

For dinner, Cuihua personally cooks: sweet and sour carp, sweet and sour pork ribs, sweet and sour pork tenderloin, fish-flavored eggplant, roasted lamb buns, hand-caught lamb chops, etc.

Most of them are sweet and sour (Xiaowu's taste), which makes Lao Yuantou and Hu Daddy's teeth sour.

But the grandson continued to eat deliciously, and he picked up a lot for them. The grandson is full of love, so he can only eat it.

The mother and son returned to Uncle Zhongqin's mansion after dark, they thought Xiao Liu didn't know.But before the twins went to bed that night, Xiao Liu said to his elder brother: "Brother, don't feel bad, father and brothers will be back soon, if you cry again, mother will cry too."

Xiao Wu was very satisfied after being pampered alone for a day, so she nodded embarrassingly: "I won't cry, brother, you won't cry in the future!"

The two brothers pulled the hook, thinking about their father and elder brother secretly in their hearts in the future, and they could no longer cry.

Alas, they are grown children, it's too embarrassing to cry out.

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