The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 217 Rescue the Blue Whale

Sensible children even quarrel, are short-term and small-scale.

Cuihua secretly told herself that her family could not have sweets for crying children.

Not only did he have to pay attention, but he also wrote a long letter to Heiwa eloquently, telling the man about his parenting experience in detail.

It's a pity that Heiwa didn't telepathically sense how his wife and son miss him.

On sailing days, I share a room with my sons again, and getting in and out of the space is not so convenient.

He used his time in the latrine to quickly browse through the letters written by his wife every few days.

HNA is so boring, they have to make fun of themselves.

Dried sweet potatoes are so delicious to eat as a snack. After I finish eating my own, I miss the ones in other people's pockets.

I don’t know who proposed it. A long hemp rope was wrapped around the body of the javelin, and I practiced throwing the head against the sea fish that occasionally jumped out of the sea.

Bet with the head, and bet with the dried sweet potato.

It's a good sea fish, it doesn't taste good when it's caught whole, so bloody and cruel methods must be used.

On the deck, a group of sailors were watching, and from time to time, there were sighs or praises from the crowd.

"Hey, almost, almost hit, lunatic, can you be more careful! I lost eight strokes!"

"Okay! Fatty, you are so good, you have nothing to say about your accuracy! We will rely on you for supper tonight!"

"Hey, that's right, in our navy, when it comes to accuracy, I'm big and fat! I'll take the majority of the dried sweet potatoes I won."

"General, you can see, this kid is not humble at all! Let's find someone to deal with him!"

"Uncle, Uncle, can you show your hand too?"

"That's right, uncle, have we seen your kung fu? How can you say that this javelin was also made by you? It doesn't make sense. Are you used to it? Or are you afraid that we will win all your sweet potatoes?" !"

"Uncle, come on, let this blind fellow see your handiwork!"

Heiwa is lucky, he has fart skills and accuracy, if only his mother-in-law is here, it's no wonder he doesn't give this group of guys a good look!
"You brats, I don't want to compete with you in brute force. Hmph, I'll let us young general Qin Ke go out, Qin Ke, give these soldiers a good look!"

Qin Ke couldn't wait for it, it was so much fun, and he asked with a smile: "Brothers, if you eat too much dried sweet potato, you'll fart. Are there other prizes?"

"Oh, kid, you're quite confident, general, just tell me, what's the big deal!"

This group of soldiers couldn't even bear the lottery, Gao Huaiyu laughed and scolded: "If you can't even compare with half-grown children, I will kick you into the sea as the lottery!"


"I think it's a pretty good start, Qin Ke, I'll give your uncle some credit!"

"Uncle, look good!"

Qin Ke shook his arms, walked to the deck, raised the javelin in his hand, and patrolled the sea with his eyes, and did not move for a quarter of an hour.

Suddenly, he took a step back with his right leg, and the javelin in his hand flew out.

With the javelin and the long hemp rope, the sharp eyes have seen the sea fish shot by the javelin.

"Wow, this kid, this strength is incredible, such a big fish was actually penetrated!"

"It's unbelievable, there's no one here!"

After confirming that he had succeeded, Qin Ke quickly pulled back the javelin and brought up a sea fish weighing more than ten kilograms. The tail of the sea fish was still struggling.

Qin Ke was so proud that he almost turned his tail. His aim was shot after shot, and he looked at the No. [-] ship opposite him provocatively.

A group of soldiers gave him a thumbs up: "Bull!"

Admiration is admiration, and I don't want to admit defeat easily!The chubby guy with good aim just now was pushed out by this group of people, and he fired three shots in a row, but they all missed.

The soldiers were weeping, Gao Huaiyu squinted at them.

His face hurt and he had to take off his shirt, and jumped into the sea voluntarily. After swimming for a quarter of an hour, he got on the boat wet.

This face is already embarrassing, compared to a kid who doesn't even have a full hair.

Iron Blood Chief Soldier Gao took advantage of the problem and resumed the daily training on the ship. His catchphrase: If you don’t practice for a day, your skin will be itchy!

The ship merchants looked at these movements and thought: the escort fee is finally not in vain, at least these people are not ostentatious, and we have to rely on them at critical moments.

For the iron cavalry in the north, the javelin is hardly of much use. However, the javelin is a more lethal weapon than the bow and arrow when the southern navy does not have all the firearms.

The [-] sailors are now equipped with a javelin, and Gao Zongbing requires everyone to practice throwing javelins for an hour every day.

In the southwestern Indian Ocean at dawn, the moon of last night has not completely disappeared, and the vast expanse of waves is submerged in boundless silence.

"Attention, attention, there is a whale tide ahead!"

There is such a description in "Erya. Wing": "Whale is a big fish in the sea. Its big cross sea swallows boats, and its hole is on the bottom of the sea. When it comes out of the hole, the water overflows, which is called whale tide, or when the sun rises, the tide goes up. When it enters, the tide goes down; when it enters and exits, there are rhythms, so there are times for whales to tide.”

The observation ship driving at the front began to warn. This was not the first time they encountered a whale tide, but such a large whale and such a large number of whales were indeed rare.

The night watchman simply lit up the lights, and as far as his vision could see, he could vaguely see three whales swimming towards the fleet.The two big ones are about [-] meters long, and the small ones are about seven or eight meters long. They still look like a family of three.

The speed of the fleet at this meeting was not fast at all, but it slowed down even more because of the warning from the observation ship.

Whales generally don't take the initiative to attack ships, but the waves brought about by a large group of whales are also very fierce.

The best thing to do is to slow down and wait for them to swim past.

But this morning, the usually docile whale ran towards the ship in a panic, and all the lights on the ship were lit.

No one is so worried that they can still sleep at this time, they hurried out of the cabin, wanting to find out.

"General, there seems to be a group of smaller whales chasing them! Ah! Here they come!"

"What? The small one eats the big one?"

A scene that shocked everyone appeared: a group of about [-] or [-] whales, only a quarter of the size of the two big whales in front, was rounding up the family of three.

"Ah! It's bleeding! Will it attract sharks! Damn it!"

The experienced sailors panicked, but there is still a big killer in this sea--sharks!
Sharks are an aggressive fish with a strong sense of blood. Such a large area of ​​bleeding will attract sharks sooner or later.

"Javelin, quick, javelin!" Gao Huaiyu ordered loudly, and asked the flag soldiers to flag the captains.

After the captains got the order, they quickly adjusted the direction of the sea-going ship, gradually forming an encirclement trend.

They wanted to let the family of three in first, and then strangled the hunters behind in the encirclement.

Qin Ke was furious, jumping up and down: "You bully the few with the more, shameless, look at the young master!"

Among the three large whales, the last one was already bleeding, and the first two had successfully entered the safe area of ​​the ship.

It turned out that they were not in a panic, but came to ask for help, such a smart mammal.

"Shoot, shoot for me!" Gao Zongbing's thick voice opened, and thousands of javelins rushed into the sea from all around.

"噗嗤" - this is the sound of shooting into the body of the predator;
"Plop" - this is the sound of an empty gun, or the sound of not having enough strength to slide down from the predator's body.

Just like a running person suddenly encounters obstacles and has no time to brake, these dozens of hunters with sharp teeth have become the prey of human beings.

The food chain is so unreasonable, it can eat the big and bully the small.

"I've been shot, I've been shot! Look at how arrogant you are, damn it!" Early in the morning, Master Qin Ke was in full swing, shooting one shot after another, concentrating on throwing.

Lu Shaoting and the others were in a hurry, but their accuracy was not as good as Qin Ke's, and they were also very energetic in general: "Qin Ke, great job! Just do it like this! Come on, let's kill him a pair!"

Fortunately, their javelins were wrapped with hemp rope and could be used repeatedly.

The whale that got shot will be miserable, the wound will be torn continuously, if one wound cannot cause fatal injury, then dozens or hundreds of wounds, no matter how thick the nerve is, can still hurt half to death.

There are so many stunned youths fighting against injustice, and the tragedy continues to be staged.

After half an hour, the sky was already bright, and the sea surface was dyed bright red.

The hunters who charged forward were also the most seriously injured. Seven or eight of them were dying because of being shot hundreds of times.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the pursuers turned around and ran for a while.

The family of three seemed to be huddled together obediently.

"Father, this little whale is so good. It's still rubbing against that bleeding big whale. I don't know if it's its father or its mother!" Yuan Wenwu was full of sympathy. Touch it.

"Everything has a soul! I don't know if this big whale is seriously injured? I think it has a lot of blood bleeding from its abdomen!" Hei Wa could only say that this blue whale probably won't live long. Also saved two.

When the sun rose, there were finally thirteen whales with sharp teeth left on this battlefield, and all of them had their stomachs turned upside down.

Everyone seemed to have won a big victory, rejoicing and shouting:

"Our brothers are really awesome, so many sharp-mouthed guys have been cleaned up by us!"

"Hahaha, firing ten thousand arrows is as powerful as firing ten thousand guns, tsk tsk!"

"I just want to ask, can such a big guy eat it? After a busy morning, my stomach is already hungry!"

"Eat, eat, eat! Hurry up and withdraw, I really want to attract a big shark, that guy is really powerful!"

"Big guys, hurry up, don't let anyone catch you up again!"

As if they could understand the cries of human beings, the two big ones and one small one slowly dived into the bottom of the sea, swam to a distance, and sprayed out two tall water jets.

"Wow, that's spectacular!"

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