The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 265 Fairness and Justice

Chapter 265 Fairness and Justice
Hei Wa feels that the efficiency of this Jingzhao Mansion is pretty good.

It shouldn't be a big problem to do a re-examination in half a month. It's better to implement it as soon as possible.

"Uncle He admires your kind deeds!" He Qingtian admired Uncle Zhongqin from the bottom of his heart.

"Hey, your Majesty is the one who provided the money. I can't be lenient to your Majesty!"

"The emperor's grace is so great that it needs to be promoted by a noble man like my uncle who is sympathetic to the sufferings of the world!"

If Xia Hongdi were here, he would definitely agree with this.

The full-length bronze statue of Bo Zhongqin that he had someone build was almost finished, and it had to be moved to the entrance of the town before the people moved.

He has already given the town a name, and it is called "Zhongqin Town".

He also personally wrote the name of the town for engraving on the archway at the entrance of the town.

This kind of naming of a town after a person was the only one in the Xia Dynasty.

When Hei Wa saw the surprise Xia Hongdi gave him, he was so surprised that he was stunned.

This emperor is so good that he even has the urge to die for his confidant.

The monarch and his ministers, in the palace, come and go, having a good time cherishing each other.

After returning to the house, Hei Wa couldn't help but feel proud. This feeling was addictive!
He shared these joys with Cuihua and sighed: "Daughter-in-law, we have to admit that no emperor in this world is simple. Some of my servants are really talented in their abilities."

Although Cuihua admitted that this emperor had two skills, she still couldn't help but attack her man's jealousy.

"If I want your horse to run fast, I don't even need to give you grass to eat. I'll flatter you and just bring your own dry food and start running!"

"Daughter-in-law, I know! You are just jealous of me, huh!"

"Yes, yes, I'm jealous of you. I'm jealous that you will soon have a sand sculpture bronze statue. Then when people come and go, they will touch your bronze statue when they see it. Oh, this bronze statue, the more you touch it, the brighter it becomes. I just don’t know if the people in Zhongqin Town love to touch your feet or your face!”

"You! Why do I get goosebumps all over my body when I say this to you!"

Thinking of the bronze statues of celebrities they had checked out in later generations, there were a few indescribable things that were shiny and shiny after being touched, and he was shocked.


Not to mention, the people's eyes are sharp.

In the half month since the list was posted, He Qingtian of Jingzhao Mansion received hundreds of reports.

Most of the cases reported were from one person who had divided into several small families before signing up.

There are also a small number of people who conceal their family income and pretend to be low-income people.

When the people reported, they also clearly stated the places where the people being reported worked and where they worked. Some could even clearly remember when and where their neighbors (the people being reported) showed off the monthly money their family members earned. silver.

He Qingtian had people verify these reports as quickly as possible.
If the report is true, the qualification will be revoked immediately.

Hundreds of households that were not on the list before were included.

There are those who pretend to be deaf and mute and don't listen to the advice of the clerks, which will make their old wives come to Jingzhao Mansion and do misery.

Crying until tears and snot dripping from your nose:
"Master Qingtian, we have no choice but to do so. There are twenty-eight people in our family. If we hadn't separated our families, we wouldn't be able to live in this new house! Can we discuss it further, even if we only give one place? I won’t be confused anymore, and I won’t make any mistakes anymore.”

Crying is real crying, the kind of grief-stricken kind.

I missed this time, and I didn’t know that I would have to wait decades for the next time. I regretted it so much that my intestines turned green.

There are those who sympathize with them and those who are dismissive.

If people don't punish themselves for their own sake, and if their family is given to them, their own family may be left behind.

There were also those who couldn't stand such rogue behavior and scolded:

"Who doesn't want your family to be divided? You divide it early or late, just before you sign up. Your family has the best brains, right? If everyone is like your family, the court will have as many repairs as this time There’s not enough room to live in!”

"People are so weak! I'm used to eating too much and occupying too much. When I signed up, the clerk's voice became hoarse, but they didn't listen or believe him." He Qingtian was famous for not recognizing his relatives, even the powerful and powerful were not afraid, let alone being promoted to the common people?

It won't work to beg for mercy in Jingzhao Mansion.

There are more than a hundred households, and those who pretend to be poor are better off.

After all, it’s not impossible to live a life of renting a house if you have money, that is, they can’t take advantage of low-rent housing.

These people, who have a large population and are really poor, are caught blind.

The family members who came up with such ideas were complained to death by the whole family. They were talkative, noisy every day, and even fought among brothers and sisters-in-law.

In the end, the old man and old lady in the family were forced to really grit their teeth and divide the family.

Many daughters-in-law, who had been dominated by their mothers-in-law for many years, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

With so many poor households about to leave, it would be easy for them to rent a cheap house and live alone. They secretly regarded this bad thing as a good thing.

The whole capital will be shaken by this wave of welfare.

On the day when lots were drawn to allocate houses, the whole family, old and young, came together to fight.

Before drawing lots, He Qingtian, Yin of Jingzhao Prefecture, came to the stage to speak:
“I know that all my neighbors are anxious to move, so I just want to say a few words to congratulate you on becoming the first batch of tenants in low-rent housing.

The imperial court spent so much money to build a house, and renting it to everyone at low prices is certainly not without conditions.

First of all, from the moment the agreement is signed, if any resident within three generations of the family violates the laws of this dynasty, their low-rent qualifications will be cancelled!
Secondly, if the house rent is paid every six months, and if it is not paid for more than one month, more than three times, the low-rent qualification will be cancelled!

Finally, if the tenant who is not registered as a tenant moves in, and the low-rent house is rented to another person for profit, the low-rent qualification will be cancelled!

Of course, the new house is so clean and tidy, and I hope you will take care of it.

No damage, no destruction! The court would also send people to check from time to time.

Neighbors are asked to supervise each other, and those who report and verify the truth will be rewarded! "

As soon as He Qingtian finished speaking, the overly excited people below finally calmed down and sobered up.

Especially those who have children of gangsters in their families feel very nervous.

Then he gritted his teeth secretly. If the troublemaker in the family messed up such a good thing, don't blame him for not being affectionate.

Some old ladies even slapped their chests and shouted: "Master Qingtian, we must supervise each other. If someone breaks the rules, we will not spare him!"

"Yes, we are not afraid of trouble. If any little brat dares to commit trouble, report him immediately!"

"With such a cheap rent and such a good house, if someone really does not hesitate to take advantage of the blessing, it will be struck by lightning."

The indignant old ladies are not doing it for the bonuses they get for reporting, but simply because they don’t want to see the bastards fail to learn their lesson and follow evil ways!
There are many old ladies here who used to live in the slums in Dongcheng.

During the demolition, Uncle Zhongqin found them a job as a street sweeper. This job was not tiring at all, and the monthly salary was on time.

In the past, my family often had one meal but no next meal, but now life is not always easy.

I thought that this was the peak of their lives.

But they didn't expect that they could live in such a large blue brick house.

Although it is a bit far from the capital, it is a bit troublesome to come to the city every day to sweep the streets.

But there are still so many people in the family, so they can definitely find ways to overcome this difficulty.

Thank you to His Majesty the Emperor, thank you to Uncle Zhongqin, and thank you to He Qingtian!

Thank you for living long enough. See you soon!

(End of this chapter)

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