The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 266 Conditions of stay

Chapter 266 Conditions of stay
The drawing of lots has begun.

People who have been numbered long ago only need to assign one person to each house number in a group of fifty households according to the numbering sequence.

There are only two types of houses, large houses for those with more than 12 people, and small houses for less than 12 people.

It's just that the location is different, and the structure of the houses is all the same.

After drawing lots, they had to sign a low-rent agreement in Jingzhao Mansion, promising the conditions He Qingtian just mentioned.

They also signed and stamped their names, and those who were illiterate had their families come to have their fingerprints pressed.

As long as you complete this procedure, you can get the keys to your new house, and then you can choose a day to move.

That night, few people who received the keys to their new houses could sleep well.

There are people packing their belongings, and there are also many family meetings.

"Labour, no matter how bad you were in the past, now our family has three large houses with bricks and tiles!

This is a property that our family has been unable to acquire for generations. If you are disqualified because of your bastard, then don’t blame labor and management for not recognizing your son! "

A man in his early forties, wasn't he the one who used to spoil his eldest son the most?
He was known to be arrogant and unreasonable, and his son followed suit and became a street bully in this area.

"Grandson, I'm not knocking you. I've never lived in such a good house in my life! There are eight people in our family. You are 21 years old and you haven't even talked about getting married. Isn't it because our family doesn't have a house? Well, now, we may have to set aside a room for you to build a new house, we can’t live in a muddle any longer!”

Not only did they not have a house, but their temperament was so bad that it was normal for them not to have a daughter-in-law.

"Brother, the rent for our new house is less than two taels of silver a year. This is a huge advantage. We must not mess up this good thing!"

Seeing the various distrustful looks in his family's eyes, the little gangster became autistic.

In the past, who in the family would not be proud of him? Each one of them ate more than the last of the food he abducted.

But now, the whole family is asking him to be a good citizen. Really, there is nothing he can do except endure it!
Such conversations and instructions started from this night.

Many families wish they could recite the curse to their unfilial children and grandchildren several times a day.

Those who were timid even asked the literate to read the Bactrian Law to everyone again and again. They did not want to accidentally commit a crime just because they did not understand the law.

Originally they were just a group of people living at the bottom with the least moral bottom line, but they were constrained by the benefits of the low-rent housing in front of them.

Starting from the second day, most people began to move out of the city, taking with them their broken belongings that three generations of people were reluctant to throw away.

Everyone’s thoughts are: move early, and have peace of mind!
"Wow! Is this our new home in the future? Dad, look! There's a kang in every room! I heard it's going to be warm this winter, and I won't be afraid of the cold anymore!"

"Yeah, let's go to the mountain tomorrow to chop firewood and fill up the kitchen so that my son can play on the kang in the winter. My son, you are really in for a good time!"

"Dad, my eldest sister and I will go pick wild vegetables in the spring and find a few big pots to raise ground dragons. Our family can still get eight chickens to raise, so the pig pens can't be idle."

"Yes, yes, Erya, from now on our family will raise chickens in the pig pen, and this job will be left to you sisters! Dad will go buy a big urn right now, and Earth Dragon, you wait until I come back to dig."

"Hehe, okay. Dad, let's raise chickens well. When the chickens grow up, they can lay eggs. The eggs are great."

This is the joy of the hot kang and the pigsty and the hut.

Most of the wives who cook are happy when they look at the spacious and bright kitchen: "The kitchen is so big! Put a table on it, and we can eat in the kitchen after cooking!"

The kitchen, dining room, and hut are all settled.

The remaining three or four rooms can all be used as bedrooms.

You can also divide a room into several small rooms. To be honest, the living space is much more spacious than before. Five thousand households were moved away in one go, and the people in the capital felt that the city was much quieter.

Many of the scoundrels who used to come out to eat and drink together have also disappeared.

Everyone couldn't help but praise how well your majesty's low-rent housing was built.

At the end of last winter, all low-rent housing units were fully occupied.

The new home has a new atmosphere, and the residents are busy chopping firewood, raising earthworms, and raising chickens and ducks.

The streets in the town also became lively.

There are three grocery stores, five grain stores, five cloth shops, three large restaurants, more than ten small restaurants, eight inns, and two medical clinics.

There is also a vegetable basket street, on both sides of which nearby villagers can set up stalls to sell home-grown vegetables.

There are also six fixed butcher shops (chickens, ducks, geese, fish, sheep, and pigs) all selling them.

The basic daily needs of the people living here can be met in the town, and the prices are at least 40% cheaper than in the capital.

What surprised them most was the newly built school. The teachers in the school were at best scholars, and the fees were not high.

As long as the child at home has a talent for reading, they will risk their lives to send the child there.

While everyone is preparing firewood for the winter, the double-season rice in Lingnan can be harvested.

After Tu Sinong left Beijing with the imperial edict, he has never left Lingnan since he was raising seedlings.

I wandered around the rice fields in various places every day and made ten books of records. My face was so tanned that the skin peeled off. Not only did I become darker, I also lost a lot of weight.

These fertile fields were heavily fertilized before planting seedlings, and now they are reaping rich rewards.

The local officials have been waiting on the field ridge for a long time. They are waiting for Tu Sinong's order to cut the rice. Hundreds of farmers have sharpened their sickles to the point where they can't get any sharper. They are not afraid of getting tired while cutting the rice.

"Sir, it has been weighed. The ten acres of the sickle yield three stones per mu! The rest are no worse than this."

"Sir, the first crop in previous years only produced so much, but the second crop yield is no less than the first crop! This is a success for us!"

"Okay! Okay! Okay! When this season's late rice is harvested, I will report it and ask for credit for you!"

"Thank you, Sir Sinong. With Sir Si Nong's skills, who would have thought that our paddy fields can be grown for two seasons? We can support people in other places with the extra food."

The hearts of local officials are sweeter than honey, and their place will attract the attention of the whole of Great Xia.

You can also record a great contribution to His Majesty the Emperor. Isn't the ultimate goal of being an official just to get promoted?

With such a promise from Tu Sinong, everyone from officials to lower-level people was as excited as a chicken.

In just half a month, the rice grains from Lingnan were returned to the warehouse. The people in Lingnan not only have enough food to eat this year, but also have a lot of surplus!
The report was rushed and arrived in the capital in less than seven days. Xia Hongdi shared the good news with the ministers at the court meeting the next day.

"Your Majesty, may God bless Daxia. This method can at least allow one-fifth of Daxia's people to have food to eat!"

"Your Majesty, Tu Sinong has made great achievements this time, and I propose a reward!"

"I second the proposal!"

"I second the proposal!"

(End of this chapter)

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