The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 275 The illness comes like a mountain

Chapter 275 The illness comes like a mountain

The twins had never seen their mother look so weak, and they were frightened.

The two children were so well-behaved that after school every day, they rushed to feed their mother soup and medicine, and even asked Heng Heng to learn witticisms to amuse her mother.

"Mother, get well soon~"

"The mother who drinks medicine is the bravest~"

Cuihua groaned secretly as she watched Zaizi feeding herself spoonfuls of medicine.

Isn’t it better to stew it in one sip than to drink it spoon by spoon?
God, it’s hard to live up to your son’s filial piety!
Twins: I secretly tasted my mother’s decoction. It was so bitter! They have to eat well and sleep well. It is so miserable to take medicine when they are sick!
Xiaocao, Xiaohua and Nannan didn't care about going to class anymore.

Girls are very attentive and take the jobs of other girls. They can help their aunts wash themselves, make medicine and cook porridge.

He walked around her with greetings and greetings.

Hearing that their aunt's appetite was poor, Xiaoshan and Xiaochuan went to the village and dug several large baskets of the freshest wild vegetables. They also caught a lot of fat fish raised by their grandfather.

I want to cook fish fillet porridge for my aunt.

When Father Hu and Mrs. Zhang heard from their grandson that their daughter was ill, they were extremely worried and quickly brought their new daughter-in-law, Fan Jingjing, to visit.

This is also the first time Cuihua meets her new second sister-in-law.

She doesn't look very tall, with curved eyebrows and a somewhat light body.

The relaxed expression on his face showed that his life was going well.

"Sister, you should take good care of your health and get well soon. I heard from our nieces that every year on March 3rd, they count on my aunt to take them on a spring outing. This year, she will take me too."

"Ahem, second sister-in-law, I made you laugh. I should have gone to see second sister-in-law first, but recently I have been busy packing the bags for the child's father. When he left, I became ill. Today I have to go to see my second sister-in-law. See, I can’t blame my two little ones, one for my second aunt, and my younger sister also feels very kind to her sister-in-law.”

"We are all family members. It doesn't matter who comes first. My sister-in-law knows that you must be very busy, so she doesn't want to come and cause trouble for you. Now that my sister is free, we have to come and go often!"

"It doesn't need to be said by sister-in-law, I also go back to my parents' house often. When the time comes, sister-in-law, please don't dislike me for returning frequently!"

"That sister-in-law is what I want so much!"

"Hey, this is my sister-in-law. Mom hopes that you two can get along harmoniously. My daughter, please get well soon. Your second sister-in-law's cooking is so delicious that she can't compete with you. Now, your second brother can no longer Went to your eldest brother’s house for dinner!”

Mrs. Zhang finally met a daughter-in-law who could talk to her daughter. In the past, what she envied most was that her daughter got along well with Sister Yuan and talked with the same affectionateness as her own sisters.

"Mom, I am interested in making food. I will learn more special dishes from my sister in the future. My husband will be in a good mood now! Sister, please teach me the cakes that Xiao Lian and Xiao He love to eat!"

"Sister-in-law, feel free to come and learn. Sister, I won't hide anything. I guarantee you will learn it."

Ms. Zhang was cheerful. Ever since her daughter-in-law, Fan Jingjing, came in, she had not been unhappy for a day. Even the second son, a rough guy, was treated more and more decently.

This year, the two brothers have to take the lead alone.

Several commercial streets and courtyard houses will be rebuilt in the capital, so they will not be short of work in the next two years.

Lao San and the others are getting better and better at firing pastel porcelain. The master of the imperial kiln of the Great Xia Dynasty is enough for him to support his family!
Some people just can talk to each other.

Cuihua and Fan Jingjing get along very well.

This is a very wise and measured woman, and she is very fond of Hu Erniu. She blushes easily when talking about her husband.

He looked completely in love.

She saw her little nieces being held in her arms, clinging to her chest obediently and not making any fuss. Cuihua felt that she should thank Mr. Fan again for being such a good friend to the Hu family.

Sister Yuan also came to see her younger siblings, and in the end they all alarmed Queen Gao.

She also sent the imperial physician from the palace for consultation. The imperial physician repeatedly confirmed that it was wind-cold, which made her feel relieved.

Cuihua was given half a cart of good tonics.

Illness comes like a mountain down, sickness goes like a thread.

Cuihua relied on her little sons' decoction and medicine, and Heiwa wrote a letter every day and gradually recovered.

It wasn't until a letter came seven days later that Cuihua was so angry that she almost ran away.

Her two eldest sons have agreed to go to school in the palace.

She kept it a secret and followed their father for seven days, only to be discovered on a sea ship.

She just said that every time the two of them went home, they were rejected many times, and they knew that they could not convince her, a mother-in-law, and they were not seen sulking.

Love is waiting for her here!

She really wished she could leave the space at night and tie these two boys back to her home.

They are really good at it, and they are really brave!
As if he expected Mrs. Zhongqinbo’s rage.

In the palace, several companions were also discussing.

Cai Hanwen suppressed his excitement and asked everyone: "Tell me, have the Yuan Wenjie brothers been discovered? Uncle Zhongqin will not send these two back, right? Will Qin Ke be implicated?"

Gao Qianli shook his head and sighed: "These two unfaithful people are lucky enough not to enjoy it with their brothers! I wonder if they will be discovered. I'm so envious. I want to go too!"

Gao Wanli spread his hands: "The six-person group suddenly lost these three people. It feels like our place is no longer lively. Oh, it's boring! If they are really sent back, they will have to sigh all day long!"

The prince looked at the three people amusedly, as if it was not him who was making trouble with these people:

"The bad idea you came up with is because of Qin Ke, that straight-faced man. He will do whatever you say. What do you think? You want them to get into the clothes box, but don't stifle them. !”

"Your Highness, we have drilled several holes in the top of the cage. At night, Qin Ke will let them out for some air and hide them for a few days. It shouldn't be a big problem."

"We also packed a lot of beef jerky for them, so they won't be hungry, so don't worry."

"We are just afraid that Uncle Zhongqin will find out along the way and send all three of them back together."

The prince was also under great pressure, and they asked for leave for the two brothers in the palace.

The reason was that Mrs. Zhongqinbo was seriously ill. As the eldest and second son in the family, the brothers had to go back to take care of their mother.

Mr. Cai Jijiu and the others didn't know this, so they kept praising the brothers for their filial piety.

I heard that Mrs. Zhongqinbo is almost recovering from her illness. It would be okay if they really succeeded in escaping, but if they were sent back again, their accomplices would be even worse.

Moreover, Mrs. Zhongqinbo, who was already sick, wouldn't she be made even sicker by the two brothers' escape?
Hei Wa did think about whether to send these lawless boys back to Beijing.

Yuan Wenwu, this shameless guy, just hugged Hei Wa's thigh and cried.

(End of this chapter)

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