Chapter 276 Escape
"Dad, Dad, we are all twelve years old this year, and we are eating the food of thirteen years old. Among those big families, it is a good age to study abroad. Dad, just think that we are studying abroad!"

Yuan Wenjie nodded fiercely and said miserably: "Dad, since we arrived in the capital, we have either been studying in the mansion or studying in the palace. We are almost turning into nerds. We are not as knowledgeable as we were during the two years when we escaped from famine."

"You two bastards, how worried will your mother be when you run away? Will your grandfather and parents-in-law get angry? You are only thinking about your own wild things. Do you have any sense of being a human being?"

When it came to Cuihua and the elders, the two of them did not dare to say anything more. This was indeed their unfilial duty.

Both of them knelt down and begged:

"Dad, we were wrong. We will write to mother right now to admit our mistake, but please don't send us back, okay?"

Looking at the two men with drooped heads, looking up at him from time to time, they looked cautious.

Hei Wa had a terrible headache.

Rationally, he thinks it's okay for boys to go through more trials and hardships.

But emotionally, he knew that if he really followed the wishes of these two boys, his wife would not be able to forgive him.

"Ah, you two bastards are trying to trap your father and your mother in the storm!"

Seeing that their father had relaxed, the two of them quickly behaved:
"Hehe, Dad, anyway, by the time we come back, Mom will no longer be angry. She is so happy to see you that she couldn't be happier!"

Hei Wa complained endlessly.

How did those brats know that their mother still had a way to make their father feel the anger?

But these young men of twelve or thirteen years old are all here.

If they were really sent back to the capital, it would not only dampen their enthusiasm, but the more they were beaten, the more they would become cowardly.

When it comes to raising a son, he thinks it's better to be naughty and have some spirit.

He is obedient and sensible, not what people in later generations would call a mama's boy.

Referring to his own past life, he felt that he was not doing badly in modern times.

The older two were still awake before he took over. After he took over, they were fighting wars and building cement workshops everywhere. Within a few days after returning to the capital, they were stuffed into the palace as companions.

His influence as a father is not enough for the development of the two eldest children’s characters!

At this age, one's outlook on life can still be reshaped.

Thinking of this, he stopped thinking about sending them back to the palace.

In the past few years, he plans to spend more time educating his son!

Until he arrived at Ningjiang Mansion and boarded the big ship, Hei Wa didn't dare to enter the space again and see the letters left by his wife.

His little heart was pounding all the way, and he was really raking his ears.

He was really afraid of the tigress showing off her power.

After waiting for several days, the brothers did not return.

After seeing the letter of apology that her two eldest children brought back to her from the inn, Cuihua still didn't understand.

These guys are so brave!

Lao Yuantou has been sitting in the uncle's mansion these days.

After finding out that the two eldest grandsons had run away, Hei Wa was scolded, just like their father!

The whole family is a mountain craftsman!

The old man held on, but he didn't dare to fall. There were so many women and children at home.

Cuihua was so angry that she wanted to fix two ugly wives for these two brats and let them run away!
The six heads were all frightened. In order to punish the brothers, my mother actually used this trick. He was so frightened that he trembled: "Mom, be good, Xiao Liu, and don't give Xiao Liu an ugly wife in the future!"

"Why are you everywhere, brat? Do you still understand beauty and ugliness?"

"My mother is good-looking, my second aunt is good-looking, and Xiaoliu will also marry a good-looking one in the future!"

"Oh, my son, I don't like how you look like you have never seen the world!"

Wutou thought for a long time: "Mom, please marry me a daughter-in-law who can fight!"

He feels that since everyone has a wife, he cannot be without one.

"Ah, fighting is a man's thing. Xiaowu, how can you let your wife fight?" Cuihua was stunned by her son's request.

"Don't whine, be like me!"

"Tsk, tsk, you little straight man, just wait and be single!"

Wutou intuitively felt that being single was not a good word, and he was unhappy: "My mother-in-law said, I am a lover, not a bachelor!"

This made Cuihua amused, remembering that Mrs. Xiang never forgot these two.

He rolled his eyes and said, "Brother Qilin's mother is pregnant with her little sister right now, and she wants to give birth to a daughter-in-law for one of you two. Which one of you is willing to be your son-in-law?"

"No, no, I don't want to be my little son-in-law, I want to be my mother's little good boy!" Liu Tou was afraid that his mother would give him away, so he shook his head like a rattle and kept talking sweet words.

"I want to be a general, not a little son-in-law!" Wu Tou didn't care about the little son-in-law at all.

The master said that he is a prodigy in martial arts. If he masters his inner martial arts, he can become a general in the future.

Okay, okay, you brats, you are really single on your own merit!
Being stirred up by these two, and Wu Tou starting the medicinal bath, Cuihua's thoughts were also focused on these two.

I really wish I could break a heart into eight petals and use it.

Master Wu's medicinal bath recipe requires hundreds of taels of silver just to prepare all the medicinal materials used.

Moreover, it is necessary to take medicinal baths once every ten days without interruption, which takes a year.

"Poor in literature and rich in martial arts", the ancients did not deceive me!
While Cuihua felt sorry for Xiaowu and Yinzi, she silently made a note in the small notebook for the father and son, and would calculate the total account later!

Xia Hongdi also received the news that the Yuan Wenjie brothers went to sea together.

He scolded the princes and others: "You are the prince, what can you do and what can't be done, is there any rule? How old are these two brothers, and how old are you guys? What a nonsense!"

Several people were scolded so hard that they could not hold their heads up. In the end, they were collectively punished by Cai Jijiu to copy "Historical Records: The Chronicles of the Five Emperors".

Let a few people understand what "brothers, friends, and brothers are respectful", and they are jointly guilty!
The blessings are not shared, but the troubles are taken first by the brothers!

Several people talked about the brothers countless times.

"Ah! Ah! My mother must be missing me, hehe."

The sea is wide and the fish are jumping. At this moment, brothers Yuan Wenjie and Yuan Wenwu, Zhao Leiting and Qin Ke are standing on the boat on the sea and looking into the distance. They don't feel seasick at all.

"Wow, this is the sea, fifth brother, sixth brother, this water is so blue, it makes me feel a lot more open-minded!" Qin Ke saw the sea for the first time, and it was very fresh.

"Well, the sea water is not only blue, but also salty. Fourth brother, do you want to jump in and have a taste?"

The experience of being forced to swim in the sea at Shield Fish Island seemed like yesterday. Yuan Wenjie shuddered just thinking about it.

There is quite a lot of seawater they can drink, and the taste is worth it if you don’t want to.

"When the weather gets hotter, let's see if I dare to jump in! I can't boast of my swimming skills."

(End of this chapter)

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