Chapter 285 A mistake
A group of natives surrounded them, talking in different dialects.

Anyway, Hei Wa can guarantee that this is not any language he has heard of before.

The other chief made many invitation gestures, and he could accurately tell who was the leader of the group.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand the language, the language of gestures speaks to the world.

The two leaders, Zhong Qinbo and Gao Huaiyu, half-heartedly, were arranged by the chief to sit above the sacred throne.

The chief and the priest put colorful feather cloaks and feather crowns on them.

"Uncle, we won't be treated as sacrifices, right? These guys sing and dance, but I heard that there are cannibals who specialize in eating human flesh!"

"General Gao, have you ever seen sacrifices received with such high standards? Don't worry, their teeth are not strong enough to eat our meat. What's wrong? Are you scared? Just say so if you're afraid!"

In this solemn and serious moment, the two of them did not forget to bicker.

I really didn't pay attention to these natives with stone tools and sticks.

It can be seen that the shawls, cloaks and crowns woven by the indigenous people with red and yellow feathers are probably their most generous gifts.

The bosses under Gao Huaiyu, Master Yan, and Yuan Wenjie watched these strange things with great interest.

The most difficult thing for Huang Shangshu, an old man, to adapt to is that except for chiefs and priests, few people here wear clothes.

People of all ages were naked, and they didn’t know where to look with their eyes.

Reciprocity is the style of Daxia.

Since they have received such heavy gifts, Uncle Zhongqin and others are not stingy.

Don’t you have anything to wear?
The silk soaked in water by ship merchants can be used as waste!

Among the palace embroideries that represented Daxia's top craftsmanship, Hei Wa picked out a pair of embroideries of Sakyamuni and gave them to the chief.

I don’t understand why Bo Zhongqin, who is so popular among the natives, got it wrong!
This embroidered statue is about two meters high and 1.8 meters wide. Sakyamuni sits on a double-layered lotus seat.

The headdress is snail hair with a high bun on top.

He has a square face, a solemn expression, and big ears and shoulders.

Wearing a cassock with the right shoulder exposed and a skirt underneath, the pattern of the clothes is realistic and natural.

The left hand is placed under the navel, and the right hand knot touches the ground seal.

In the image, not only the color scheme is close to that of the human body, but also the expression is as if it were a living person, lifelike.

The chief took the embroidery with both hands, and he and the priest danced excitedly. They discussed loudly: "Is this, is this the original appearance of the god?"

"Yes, yes, our tribe has actually invited the true form of the god, the high priest. We are going to hold an island-wide festival to let other tribes see it!"

The surprise and admiration in the priest's eyes are self-evident.

Their reverence for God is engraved in their bones!
If the god is angry, he can spit out flames and burn all the creatures on the island to death. However, the god who is not angry is so dignified.

They decided to be nicer to the messenger of God!
Gao Huaiyu did not expect that their Daxia palace embroidery would be so well received after just one pair was sent out.

I praised Uncle Zhongqin over and over in my heart. This embroidery was so well chosen!

"These are for making clothes." Hei Wa pushed the five pieces of silk and satin Qing Yi held in front of the chief.

For a while, she tugged on her clothes, and for a while, she gestured with him with the silk.

He picked these out from the silk soaked in water by ship dealers. The water soaking was relatively minor and did not affect use.

Finally, I had the opportunity to take a closer look at this indigenous chief. His skin color was somewhere between black and yellow, and his cheeks were flat. If you look closely, he actually looked a bit Asian. Hei Wa had some speculations about the island and didn't mention it.

The priest was still talking about the embroidery of Sakyamuni. He didn't know how to place the head of the god.

The hunched-back chief couldn't put it down when he touched the slippery satin, and his gums were exposed with joy.

Unfortunately, there are not many teeth left.

As a hospitable native, treat the messenger of God.

The chiefs and priests generously dedicated the most beautiful women in the tribe.

"What? Women? For us?" Hei Wa shook his head like a rattle. He didn't have such strong taste.

Moreover, these women seem to have no status at first glance. They might just be shared items in the tribe.

"No! No! We have wives at home, we can't use your women!"

No matter whether the other party could understand it or not, Hei Wa talked a lot, which made Gao Huaiyu almost go crazy with laughter.

After finally getting out of the tribe's mud house, Hei Wa said to Gao Huaiyu seriously:

"General, we are going to issue a death order with our brothers. No matter where we are, we represent Daxia. We cannot easily accept these women from outside. Do you know what is most dangerous about these women?"

"What, aren't you just afraid of your tigress?" Gao Huaiyu disagreed. Although he was generally interested in women, he did have a few intercourse girls in the capital, and they had never received the influence of a lifelong pair.

"Didn't you see? The women here are worse than our Death Contract girls in Daxia. How can their leaders and those big and small bosses let go of those good-looking women? When there are too many men, don't blame me for not reminding you. , that’s how Hualiu disease comes about!”

"According to what you say, can Qin Lou Chu Pavilion still have guests?"

Gao Huaiyu didn't think there was anything wrong with men visiting prostitutes.

Shieldfish Island is full of men. If you have the chance to sleep with a woman, why don't you stifle your brothers?

"Prostitutes are more susceptible to Hualiu disease than ordinary people. If you don't believe me, ask Shangguan's doctor. In this damn place, if you get sick, you will probably have to fend for yourself! You haven't brought your brothers to make a fortune, is it unfair to die here? "

Gao Huaiyu thought about their current medical conditions and nodded:

"Okay, I will definitely convey this. Damn it, if you really get sick because of a few indigenous women, I won't be able to spare these bastards!"

Wait for Gao Huaiyu to come back from an emergency meeting with his subordinates.

Their high-level meeting was held on ship number two.

"Uncle, how long are we going to stay here?" Huang Shangshu is most concerned about this issue.

"The salvaged ship needs to be renovated, and it's best to build more. There are so many of us, and the ship can't run far even if it is overloaded. Let the craftsmen of the shipyard wander around this island. Such a big forest can still Can’t we find wood suitable for shipbuilding? Our grain ships have been overturned so much, so we need to find some supplies on this island and hunt more prey!”

"Okay, let's set up the shelter first and leave half of the people on the boat." Gao Huaiyu said nothing. He was a soldier and had first-class execution ability.

After receiving the order, everyone immediately got busy.

On a hot day, they set up tents one by one on the island.

The ship merchants also got off the boat to get some fresh air. They heard that the natives on the island were so poor that they had no clothes to wear and had no interest in joining in the fun.

In order to cut wood, Gao Huaiyu asked a general to lead a thousand sailors to follow the craftsmen around the mountain and look over the surrounding terrain.

There are islands one after another, the largest one has eight, and there are dozens or hundreds of small ones.

The island they anchored on was larger than the other islands and had very high peaks.

(End of this chapter)

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