Chapter 286 Emerald

Capital, Zhongqin Bofu.

After his brother cried no less than ten times, Wu Tou couldn't help but ask Cuihua:

"Mom, when will dad and the eldest and second brothers come back?"

"When Xiao Wu can lift a hundred kilograms of stone, dad will be back!"

"Then Xiaowu went to practice!"

One hundred kilograms is not difficult for Wu Tou. After taking the medicinal bath, he is now gaining strength very quickly!

Children have no concept of time, even if it was explained to them at the beginning that it would be several years before their father would come back.

But it had only been a few months, and every few days, Cuihua had to deal with inquiries from her two children.

The eldest and second brothers who go back home every month are not coming back either. Wu Tou and Liu Tou are scratching their heads. How far did their father and brother go to make money?

Their mother told them that there were many children in the family and their father was going to travel far away to make money to support the family, so they had to be obedient, but they were already very obedient!

Cuihua's eyelids jumped that day, and she found the answer in Heiwa's letter two days later.

What kind of luck is this? We can encounter tornadoes at sea, and we are all worried for them.

Don't worry, Hei Wa. The island is very rich in fruits, including pineapples, mangoes, bananas and papayas.

They also found a food that looked like taro.

It just doesn't taste as glutinous as modern taro, but the taste is very close.

The natives simply threw the taro into the fire, burned it until it was black, and then peeled it off and ate it.

The natives were very tolerant of the messengers of the gods and did not stop them from cutting trees. The soldiers chopped them down to death.

They peel off the bark of freshly cut trees and then smoke them to dry them quickly.

Only thoroughly dry wood can be used for shipbuilding.

Boat No. 1 had to be restored to their original condition. Half of the people built shelters on the island and half lived on the boat.

Before their shelters were all set up, the chiefs and priests of the island summoned the leaders of other tribes on the surrounding islands.

They want to make a bigger sacrifice to the gods.

The indigenous people basically live in a tribal way. No one obeys the leadership of the indigenous leaders on other islands, but the gods are the existence that they all fear.

The god was angry and the volcano erupted.

The entire island will be filled with smoky, red magma rising into the sky. The hot and flowing river of magma will erode all life. Many of their tribesmen died in this magma.

Hearing that the true form of the god and his messenger had arrived on the big island, other tribes came to find out what was going on.

From the moment they saw the statue of Sakyamuni Buddha, all the indigenous people knelt down and began to kowtow.

The people of Daxia were all shocked: It turns out that the Lord Buddha has such great energy and is really respected regardless of nationality or race. It seems that these natives are much more pious than they are in worshiping Buddha!

I have to say that the language barrier created this beautiful misunderstanding.

The chiefs from other islands who came to participate in this sacrificial event also presented them with the most gorgeous bird feather cloaks.

They also rushed to send the beauties of the tribe to this island. Hei Wa and the others were not blessed to accept such hospitality.

The navy soldiers were sentenced to death, and Shangguan Imperial Physician also taught them a lesson.

They were scared to death of the consequences of Hualiu Disease.

The island natives, who are so primitive and backward, regard bird feathers as valuables, are really unable to trade them. The chiefs on the other islands also received silk and satin gifts from Uncle Zhongqin. Seeing their respect for Sakyamuni, Hei Wa felt that this embroidery was still beautiful.

Uncle Zhongqin asked eight young men to help count the food and daily consumables on the ship.

People who are not cutting down trees and building ships are either picking all kinds of fresh fruits or hunting all kinds of wild boars and pheasants in the big forest.

The taros that can be seen everywhere are also dug non-stop. The taros are extremely large. One is as big as twenty in Daxia, which is enough for a strong man to eat for a day.

For people like Gao Huaiyu who have dug gold mines, there is no way to let go of a glimmer of hope. He leads people to sweep the islands every day and even goes to seven other islands.

Hei Wa was secretly amused. He could tell from the way these natives dressed that this place did not produce such things.

On the beach of the southernmost island, there was a layer of emerald green sand, and occasionally crystal clear crystals the size of fingernails could be seen. He picked up some of the big ones.

Things are rare and valuable. Anyway, as long as they are not available in Daxia, it will definitely be valuable to take them back and make them into jewelry.

As a result, Cuihua received dozens of emeralds in the study room of the space.

The color is really intoxicatingly green, much more beautiful than a transparent diamond.

Cuihua's affection was beyond words, and she wrote back to Heiwa, asking him to pick up more.

Pick it up for free, don’t pick it up for free!
After Hei Wa saw his wife's reply, he couldn't laugh or cry.

He dared to say that as long as they asked for these emeralds, these natives would definitely help collect them.

No reward for no merit, and seeing that the natives were really friendly to them, Hei Wa felt that he should do something for these idiots.

Looking at their herringbone thatched houses, I got an idea.

Dig mud, build a kiln, bake bricks and tiles, and build a house!
Don’t worry about old tricks, as long as they work!

A row of brick houses with small rooms, the roofs are built with wood and covered with long tiles, so that they can withstand a typhoon.

The wooden beds were replaced by large bunks made of bricks, and ten people could sleep in one hut.

Heiwa built ten model rooms and also built a row of toilets.

He really couldn't accept this kind of environment where people were flying everywhere in the wilderness.

The chief and the priest were invited to see the new house. They looked at it again and again, and kept knocking on the wall to feel the solidity of the bricks and tiles.

The role of the latrine also puzzled them. Why do they have to go to the house to poop?
For the sake of God's messengers, it is difficult for them to question.

But they really think this sleeping room is good and want it.

"Have you seen this green stone before?" Hei Wa took the largest emerald and compared it with the chief.

The chief didn't understand. There were a lot of these things on their island. What did they have to do with the sleeping houses?

"Use this stone to exchange for a house. Just a hundred green stones. Let's exchange for a room. It should be big or small, but it should be above the thumb."

As Hei Wa spoke, he pointed to the house, put a pile of emeralds into a basin, and gestured that one basin would change a room.

"Stone? Change the house?" The priest quickly understood what the leader of the messenger of heaven meant.

But he couldn't believe it. No matter how beautiful this stone was, it wasn't suitable for eating or drinking.
This thing is everywhere on the island, and they don't even bother to pick it up when they see it.

"We like green stones. The bigger the stones, the more houses we can buy!" Hei Wa nodded again, stating that they liked them and asked them to just pick them up.

The chiefs and priests were overjoyed that the gods liked something so different.

The two murmured for a long time and agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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