The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 295 Spreading Civilization

Chapter 295 Spreading Civilization
Without comparison, there is no harm!

The gold and silver exchanged for a boatload of peppercorns can fill half a boatload!

In Shu, the origin of Sichuan peppercorns, the best dried Sichuan peppercorns only cost 100 yuan per pound.

Until the gold and silver were moved to the ship, the clan members still couldn't believe it.

Daxia clan members are so poor!
They are inferior to many noble people, and the only people who can get them dry shares are some third-rate businessmen.

The dried Sichuan peppercorns they brought this time were the remaining inventory from a merchant they had a share in, who was secretly tossing up spicy hot pot base ingredients in the capital but failed.

Before coming here, they also thought that because there were so many spices overseas, they might not be able to sell them.

Where do you know that Zanthoxylum bungeanum has more medicinal uses?
If this trip can go back to Beijing smoothly, these clans will start to tremble!
The little princes and princesses of the royal family enjoyed reading the comic strips and gorgeous jigsaw puzzles and had a great time playing with them.

After discussion, Yuan Wenjie and the three of them used half of the inventory and replaced it with various gemstones from the Inca Empire.

Mainly gold and silver occupy the space, and there are no gemstones that are easy to carry.

The gems exchanged for goods, as well as the gold and gems earned from translation work, were all given to their father to help preserve them.

Looking at the green flowers in the space makes me drool, no woman can refuse these gems!

The Incas did not have paper, so their cultural heritage relied on memory, oral tradition and knotting on ropes to record events.

Comic books bring more than just a kind of reading material to the little princes.

"Paper? Daxia writing?"

King Atahualba caressed the cover of the comic strip and summoned the wisest priests in the empire.

We took the comic strips together and studied them for several days, but we still couldn't figure out what these papers were made of.

Not to mention the printing process on the paper, how do these people make the album patterns exactly the same?
No one who can be a king is a fool.

King Atahualpa immediately realized that this piece of paper from Bactria could bring an inheritance to the Inca Empire.

After discussing with the priest for a long time, the eldest prince found the envoy from Daxia.

"Want to buy more paper? Do you want to learn papermaking?" I heard Qin Ke's translation.

Huang Shangshu and others did not expect that the young people's small business would bring them big business opportunities.

How many scholars, especially those who read this article, have not personally made the Four Treasures of the Study?
Among this group of people, Master Yan, who came from a poor family, made all the brushes and paper at home by himself when he was a young student, and his skills were very good.

Master Yan was confused. He could actually make gold overseas using the skills he had to learn in order to save money? !
"I agree. The only country that doesn't know how to make paper now is probably the Inca Empire. If it doesn't involve the production of weapons, let's boldly change it!"

"I have no objection. This thing doesn't affect anything." The Big Three voted unanimously in favor.

The eldest prince is happy!
To be able to switch to such advanced civilization technology so smoothly, he looked at the translators Qin Ke and Yuan Wenwu with very warm eyes.

In front of his father, he can be regarded as having made a great contribution.

Before leaving, I gave each of the two translators an emerald the size of a pigeon egg.

"Master Yan, the Inca Empire is a tycoon, and they reward you with such a big gem. This thing can easily sell for tens of thousands of taels in Daxia. You have to teach these people, tsk tsk!"

Huang Shangshu pulled Master Yan excitedly, ignoring Gao Huaiyu who made sarcastic remarks, and the two discussed with great interest the materials and tools needed to make paper.

The papermaking process is not particularly complicated, and there are hundreds of papermaking workshops in Daxia.

It is nothing more than the raw materials for paper making, such as: hemp, rattan, bamboo, and bark. The eight processes are completed: soaking and chopping - soaking in gray water - pounding - washing - grooving - papermaking - paper drying - paper removal.

What raw materials the Inca Empire could find, they had to go to the mountains to find them themselves.

The guests wanted to go into the mountains to find materials for making paper. When King Atahualba learned about it, he asked the eldest prince to personally lead the team and accompany them.

In addition to the ship merchants who did not want to suffer this hardship, the twenty representatives and the Shangguan imperial doctor also followed.

For doctors, where is the blessed place?

That is definitely a place with a lot of medicinal materials!
The core attraction for being so easily persuaded by Gao Huaiyu to go to sea was that the Shangguan imperial doctor wanted to collect more medicinal materials.

He had not been in Manchester for as long as Zhongqinbo and the others, but he had also dealt with the witch doctors of the Inca Empire during the pepper trade.

After coming into contact with the medicinal materials and medical skills used by the witch doctors, Shangguan Imperial Physician was shocked!

The witch doctor was familiar with as many as five hundred kinds of herbs.

The most commonly used medicinal materials by the Inca people are quinine (cinchona, which is a very effective medicinal material for treating malaria), ipecac, typhoid (for treating typhoid fever and sore throat), and belladonna (for treating renal colic). medicines such as pain, biliary colic and other diseases), digitalis (to relieve symptoms of palpitation and chest tightness).

Among them, the witch doctors are most proud of their "holy medicine" - coca.

The Incas not only liked to chew coca leaves to keep out the cold and treat illnesses.

It can relieve uncomfortable symptoms such as stomach cramps, rheumatism, and headaches. It can also be used as an anesthetic during surgery.

Because coca leaves are bitter, they often chew them mixed with lime, plant ash, or shell ash.

This method of ingestion is often used, especially when mountaineering, to eliminate or reduce the symptoms of altitude sickness.

Every time the witch doctor mentioned a medicinal material that was not available in Daxia and its efficacy, the Shangguan imperial physician became excited.

The imperial witch doctor caught him and kept asking him questions.

Several translators were exhausted!
Because the names of these imperial medicines were too long, they could only give rough translations.

In addition to the rich variety of medicinal materials, the level of medical skills of the witch doctors also astonished Shangguan Taiyi, a trauma doctor.

The empire's powerful witch doctors could use a sharp "T"-shaped bronze knife to make incisions on people's heads.

They can avoid areas of the skull where there is excessive bleeding, cut through the dura mater (the thick layer of connective tissue that covers the outside of the brain), and remove a portion of the skull to relieve pressure from the break.

According to the chief witch doctor, he performs at least ten craniotomies a year, and the postoperative survival rate is 70% or even higher!
During the operation, the witch doctor also used the dosage of the holy medicine coca just right.

This was a craniotomy, and Shangguan Imperial Physician had only heard of it in rumors. This method had never been done in the Great Xia Dynasty.

Doctor Shangguan told the witch doctor many medicinal uses of Zanthoxylum bungeanum.

The witch doctor was happy and gave him a set of "T" shaped bronze knives, which Shangguan Taiyi kept as a treasure.

Craniotomy is rare.

But being able to go up the mountain to collect these rumored magical medicinal materials in person, Shangguan Imperial Physician was more active than anyone else.

A lot of big bags were prepared, and ten medical officers were asked to follow them to dig out the medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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