The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 294 The First International Trade

Chapter 294 The First International Trade
After the exchange of credentials, King Atahualba held a grand banquet in the castle to entertain the envoys from Daxia.

The banquet was attended by the main members of the Inca Empire's royal family, priests, including queens and concubines.

Heiwa and the others had been shocked by the golden walls of King Atahualba before. After meeting the royal family members of the Inca Empire, they were even more blinded by their clothes.

The nobles wore jewelry made from a large number of gold pieces and precious stones, such as headdresses, earrings, bracelets, etc.

And both men and women will wear necklaces. These necklaces are made of gold and ores.

Such as: emerald, turquoise, sodalite, amazonite, quartz, amethyst, amber, etc., made into beads and connected in series.

What the people of Bactria didn't know was that the royal members had a preconceived idea of ​​Bactria's wealth after seeing King Atahualba's screen and other gifts.

Everyone wore their most expensive accessories on their bodies, not wanting to lose their momentum.

"Local tycoon, local tycoon!" Yuan Wenwu and Qin Ke muttered.

Compared with the nobles of the Inca Empire, the nobles of Daxia were really simple. They were arranged to sit on carpets made of alpaca wool.

At the beginning of the banquet, there was a pan flute and drum ensemble performance of more than 20 people. The pan flute was blown amidst the mysterious sound of drums.

The sound seems to come from ancient times, with its own mysterious purifying energy, which makes people peaceful and tranquil, just like sleeping soundly in the mother's arms.

It is so obviously different from the sounds made by various musical instruments in Daxia.

After the song was over, the twenty people didn't come back to their senses for a long time and were still intoxicated.

King Atahualpa was very satisfied with the performance of his guests. As soon as their Inca music came out, they were stunned.

Next is drinking and eating meat.

King Atahualba used gold beakers with a flat bottom and an enlarged mouth for his distinguished guests.

The beaker was larger than their fists, and it was decorated with clams and sea creatures all around.

Corn wine is the only alcoholic drink of the Incas. It tastes mellow and sweet.

Everyone drank three full glasses of corn wine. Except for the first sip, the rest of the corn wine was swallowed into the black earth of space by Hei Wa.

He was afraid that the wine would have a strong stamina and the whole group would get drunk.

Yuan Wenjie and Yuan Wenwu hadn't had a drink yet. After one glass, their faces turned red and blood dripped. Qin Ke seemed fine after three large glasses.

The other teenagers have all experienced such situations, and their waists are still straight.

We drank wine and ate meat, and we were friends from now on!
King Atahualpa gave his friend the Bactrian monarch, and the gift he received in return was also very characteristic of the Inca Empire:

Two sets of alpaca-shaped drinking vessels, made of pure gold and pure silver respectively;
A box of emeralds, garnets, aquamarines, chrysoberyl and other gemstones;
There are several exquisite fabrics woven from the down of alpacas. These textiles are not only woven with gold and silver beads, but also colorful feathers.

It may be that King Atahualpa felt that these fabrics could represent the highest weaving skills of the Inca Empire. This was a response to the embroidery of the Bactrian court.

With the formal establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, the ship merchants who were waiting for hope on the ships at the dock were also informed that they had arrived in Manchester with their goods.

The first trade between the two countries started.

There were no professional merchants in the Inca Empire, and all their goods were traded by the great princes of the Inca Empire.

What they can get their hands on are gold, silver, painted pottery, gemstones and other items.

Zhongqinbo directly finalized two-thirds of the official products of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Whether it was pastel ware, blue and white porcelain or palace embroidery, the prince of the Inca Empire was delighted.

Double-sided embroidered tanuki fan.

A fat baby holds a koi carp in his purse.

Screen with various flowers and birds.

The queen and her beloved concubines almost started fighting over each other. King Atahualpa has hundreds of queens and concubines, as well as dozens of princes and princesses.

Really not enough points.

The Inca people usually drank a kind of dried leaves with a special aroma as their main drink.

It is said that this is a medicinal drink developed by their witch doctors and has the effect of strengthening the body.

That's right, its bitter taste is like coptis, and women and children don't like it very much.

In addition to medicinal drinks, they also have a drink that can relieve fatigue after work, cocoa.

The cocoa fruit is ground into powder and brewed for drinking.

Because it tastes equally bitter, the Incas added chili powder to it, making it taste spicy and bitter.

Quite refreshing and relieves fatigue.

The green tea and fermented brick tea brought by ship merchants have obvious sweetness.

Especially when drinking tea from the blue and white porcelain tea cups of the Great Xia Dynasty, the ladies thought it tasted good and was very good.

It has received rave reviews, and everything it sells can be sold at a good price.

The market was so good that after discussion by the three giants, most of the official goods they brought were exchanged for gold and a small part for gems.

After the trade was over, Zhongqin Bo proposed that he would like to exchange some of their corn, potatoes and other food.

The eldest prince of the Inca Empire waved his hand directly to express their friendly gift.

As long as their ship can fit it, they can fit as much as they want!

Uncle Zhongqin: Then I will really not be polite.

Not only are everyone's pockets rich, but even Yuan Wenjie and his eight young translators are making a lot of money.

No transaction can be carried out without translation. Both parties to the transaction must give them heavy gifts.

Young people are still smart. Looking at these eight teenagers, the ship merchants regretted it. Whose family doesn't have a few bastards?
This needs to be brought out, but it can come in handy.

The ship merchants were different from the imperial court's official merchandise. They mainly sold pieces of silk fabrics, white porcelain, tea, and pepper.

Zanthoxylum bungeanum, because Shangguan's imperial doctor was on the island, performing the magical operation of deworming the indigenous children.

The seller asked Qin Ke and his fellow translators to directly promote Sichuan peppercorns as a magic medicine.

The eldest prince of the empire was dubious. What these distinguished guests said was too mysterious. Are children's stomachaches caused by bugs?

However, he was still quite willing to cooperate. After giving the instructions, he found more than ten Inca civilian children to test the medicine within a quarter of an hour.

Familiar recipes, familiar operations, and familiar nauseating scenes happened again.

In the end, the chief witch doctor of the Inca Empire was alerted.

The witch doctor picked up the pepper, smelled it and chewed it, and witnessed with his own eyes that a child who drank the pepper soup pulled out roundworms.

With the approval of the witch doctor, the eldest prince of the empire immediately expressed that they wanted as much pepper as they could.

Except for Sichuan peppercorns, all other commodities have also been well received. Gold and silver have been a source of weakness for shippers.

The value of these commodities was hundreds of times higher than in the Great Xia Dynasty.

The person who came with the peppercorns was the Daxia clan, and they took advantage of the entire cargo ship of peppercorns.

All the fellow businessmen were envious and envious.

(End of this chapter)

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