The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 302 Chief Amu’s Wisdom

Chapter 302 Chief Amu’s Wisdom

The chief of the jungle tribe, Amu, is only in his thirties and is already considered a relatively long-lived person in the tribe.

He had more than 20 wives who gave birth to more than 40 sons and more than 10 daughters.

Thirty of the sons are all adults (the Khoisan are considered adults at fourteen).

Sons beget sons, and the entire family has nearly two hundred people, making it the most populous family in the tribe.

The jungle tribe has a collective hunting and gathering system, and then the Amu chief distributes food.

Chief Amu is a rare and fair person who takes great care of the elderly and children in the tribe.

Every time he goes hunting, his family's more than thirty adult sons are the main force. Their hunting team just brought back a lot of prey at noon today.

Amu's eldest wife is very pleased with this, and is arranging for the other women in the family to barbecue. The antelope meat must be eaten while it is fresh.

Their twelve-year-old son Amanlin came back out of breath with a group of boys and said to the chief:
"Father, Dad! There are many, many outsiders here, and they are all so tall, taller than all of us!"

Amanlin was talking and gesticulating, but there was no expression of dullness like meeting a stranger.

The little guy danced and danced, expressing excitement to his father and family members.

"Where did the outsiders come from? Are they here to steal our prey?" Chief Amu was not afraid at all.

The men of their tribe have the strongest fighting ability and harvest the most every time they hunt. They have never suffered a loss in fights with several surrounding tribes.

"The hair is black and long, and the face is much whiter than ours. Well, they are wearing leather from top to bottom. I don't know what kind of prey it is!"

Amanlin looked at them carefully, even the items they wore on their feet.

"Their tribe must be very wealthy. They didn't even bring any sticks or stone axes. It doesn't look like they are here to hunt. I don't understand what they are saying!"

All the outsiders who had witnessed it with Amanlin said that Amanlin was right.

"Well, outsiders are outsiders, don't get too close to them."

Amu was both the chief and the wise man of the tribe. He was stroking his royal sword in his hand, calmly and calmly, and told the children to watch from a distance.

In the camp, the soldiers skillfully set up tents, and the first formal meeting of the Big Three began after they disembarked.

"Uncle, what's going on?" Gao Huaiyu was angry at the aborigines for their ignorance, and he had the intention of knocking someone's house down if they disagreed.

"We are guests from afar. The guests want to visit the host's house, so prepare gifts!" Hei Wa would not be an enemy of the natives as soon as they met. He was not born with a taste for killing.

"These natives look very poor. Uncle, how can they afford our good things?" Gao Huaiyu thought that Uncle Zhongqin wanted to do business with the natives by giving gifts.

"Have you forgotten those emeralds? They are worthless here. Can you say they are not our treasures?"

"I agree with my uncle. Even though we are here, we must meet the leaders of these tribes, right?"

In Huang Shangshu's mind, Uncle Zhongqin has never done anything unreliable. As long as Uncle Zhongqin supports it, he will not object.

Gao Huaiyu couldn't deny it, so he patiently let the soldiers choose gifts.

While giving instructions, he muttered: "What do people like embroidery, porcelain and tea know? Let's exchange the cheapest fabrics with the ship dealers. Alas, they don't wear clothes. Fortunately, we are all men. The women’s family.”

Hei Wa didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Gao Huaiyu's behavior of judging people's food was really outrageous.

With more than 30,000 people fighting, the animals around the camp were so frightened that they hid far away.

Even the always domineering crocodiles dived into the mud at the bottom of the lake, feeling that these two-legged beasts were much more dangerous than the previous ones.

On a calm night, Heiwa and his son slept snoring.

The next day, Hei Wa took the gifts he had prepared and took several teenagers with him. He and Qing Yi Qing Er walked all morning before finding Chief Amu and his jungle tribe. Before they even got close to the largest thatched hut, they were surrounded by a group of indigenous people, preventing them from moving forward.

But this time, even though several teenagers spoke until their throats became hoarse, the other party didn't give them a response.

Several people were crying and their diplomacy failed again.

Hei Wa suppressed his laughter. He took the basket carried by Qing Yi, grabbed dried Xing'er from it, and stuffed it into the hands of the natives who were watching them.

He also smiled and showed them, putting dried apricots into his mouth and chewing them, as if he was enjoying it.

“Yummy, so sweet!”

At first, several natives held the dried apricots and looked at them stupidly.

After seeing someone put it in his mouth and making a happy sound, he hesitated to eat one.

As they ate, their little eyes widened, and if they were bolder, they would stretch out their hands to ask for something.

"Don't worry, don't worry, it's all there, it's all there!"

Hei Wa smiled like a wolf grandma and sent everyone around him to their positions one by one.

I thought: Can my snack diplomacy knock on your door?

It wasn't until he spread out all the dried apricots in the basket that the group saw his empty basket that they gradually dispersed.

Well, let’s not stop them.

Qin Ke was dumbfounded: "Is this just talking softly?"

A basket of dried apricots is so useful?
Are these guys probably close relatives of the natives on Emerald Island?

I'm afraid it's not enough for my stupid brain!

As soon as he finished speaking, Hei Wa knocked him over the head and said, "Stop making mischief. When you deal with these people in the future, bring more food!"

I also hope that these living treasures will learn the indigenous language quickly, and these will be used as tuition fees.

Chief Amu saw Heiwa and his group at the door of his home and was unconvinced about his behavior.

His eyes were calm, and there were four or five folds on his face.

Until Hei Wa walked up to him, put his hand on his heart, and bent down to salute him.

Heiwa: Ouch, I don’t know what the rules are here. In the past, on TV, Westerners saluted like this.

I don’t know if this set of etiquette works well among the indigenous people. !
Chief Amu finally had some expression towards outsiders like them: Well, this guy doesn't look like a bad person.

What kind of leather is he wearing? Wear it on your feet too! Isn't he hot?
If you are chasing prey while hunting, will these feet be in the way?
Hei Wa did not take the satin fabrics prepared by Gao Huaiyu. He brought more than a dozen sets of clothes to Chief Amu. He estimated that the indigenous people would not be able to make clothes even if they were given the fabrics.

He suspected that the animal skin skirts of these people should be made of prey bones, which could not sew such fine fabric.

These clothes were all made by Yuan Wenjie and several other teenagers, and if they were worn on these short natives, their trousers would probably be worn on their feet.

In addition to clothes, Hei Wa also brought his personal treasure, ham!

He gave Chief Amu a live show ham.

While eating the thin slices of ham handed over by Hei Wa, Chief Amu's eyes were fixed on the knife he used to slice the ham.

(End of this chapter)

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