The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 301 Tribal Civilization

Chapter 301 Tribal Civilization
"Commander Gao, there is no one here. Let's just find a place with people. We are here, so we must look for it carefully. I will count with my fingers, there is a treasure here!"

Gao Huaiyu looked at Hei Wa suspiciously, half-believing: "What treasure? Is it gold or gems?"

"Maybe there are all of them!"

Although Uncle Zhongqin was rarely unreliable, his tone made people question him without reason.

However, it has been drifting at sea for several months. This wave has caused great losses to the grain ship, and it is really necessary to find some supplies.

The first ones to be resurrected with full health were Yuan Wenjie and the other boys.

They were also a group of people snooping around, very active.

Hei Wa didn't bother to worry about it. After they repaired it, they headed north. He still didn't believe that they couldn't find a few natives.

After a quarter of an hour, noises came from the distance. The noises became louder and louder, and finally merged into a chorus of shouts:
"Uncle, uncle, come and see, we found something good!"

This is a cave that is two people tall and more than ten meters deep.

Seeing that the sea water could not pour in, the boys pointed at the cave wall like they had discovered a new world for Hei Wa to see.

"Well, this should be a mural made by local people, a picture of hunting and gathering! The maroon pigment is brightly colored, and it must have been painted not long ago. It seems that we will be able to find the local people soon!"

"This mural is very well painted!"

"Dad, what kind of people are these?"

"Don't you see? People who love life!"

The news spread that someone had painted the mural, and everyone felt relieved, as long as there was someone there.

The boat merchants who were scooped up were so cold that their faces turned blue, and they were warming themselves on the shore. How could they be thinking about this?

I just feel sorry for the goods they brought. Now they have lost half of the goods. They are really unlucky.

When Hei Wa walked past this group of people, he couldn't help but say: "Don't care about the temporary losses, people are better than anything else. Besides, things are rare and valuable, and there are few products, so it's not that they can't be sold at a high price."

The truth is such a truth, but it just hurts my heart.

Especially for tea merchants, tea bricks are completely destroyed when soaked in water, which is much worse than silk.

This time, more than 150 people were washed away by the waves.

After checking the pulse of the man who was fished out, the Shangguan imperial doctor prescribed decoction, and antipyretic drugs were always indispensable.

Fortunately among the misfortunes, the boat carrying the medicinal materials was still in good condition.

The medicinal materials they collected in the Inca Empire came in handy now.

This repair lasted three days, and they lost a total of thirty-five cargo ships' cargo.

After sorting out the damaged cargo, the fleet headed northeast along the coastline and entered the Indian Ocean.

The fleet sailed for twenty days and discovered a large inland lake bordering the ocean.

They found a bay closest to the lake as a dock and hurriedly docked.

"Wow, what kind of turtle is that? It's so big?"

Not long after they set foot on this land, they saw a big guy with a flat body and weighing one or two hundred kilograms, crawling slowly on the shore.

"Here, what kind of turtle is this? Does it bite?"

"Old turtle meat, will it bite your teeth if you eat it?"

"You dare to eat a thousand-year-old king, an eighty-thousand-year-old turtle, and an ancestor who is tens of thousands of years old?"

Everyone pointed and pointed, and the explorers walked on the road near the lake.

After walking for just over an hour, they met the eyes of a group of men coming towards them.

The men coming across from them were very short and almost naked except for key parts.

He has a tan complexion, a flat and wrinkled face, prominent cheekbones, and small eyes.

The hair on his head is black and curly. At a glance, I couldn't tell how old they were. The tallest Heiwa was probably less than 1.5 meters tall.

These men emerged from the jungle and just looked at them curiously.

Yuan Wenjie and others looked at these people and immediately thought of the natives they met on the first island they landed on.

Several people looked at each other, hesitated and recalled for a while, and greeted these people in the indigenous language they learned on Emerald Island.

"Hello! Have you eaten?" Qin Ke used Bai Ling in vain, and the other party had no reaction.

"Friends, friends, we are good friends from Daxia!" Not to be outdone, Yuan Wenwu also started to attack.

Not only did he speak, he also started to gesture, pat his chest and make high-fives with both hands.

Wait for Yuan Wenwu to be defeated.

Zhao Tingting, Lu Shaoting, Han Kuangyuan, Miao Shujian, and Pei Jiesun took turns in the battle.

I said everything I could say and made all the gestures I could do.

Unlike the fools on the Emerald Island, these people were still dumb.

Just look at them, let alone respond to you with their dialect, not even a single sign language.

Indifferent, extremely indifferent!

Today is the small team led by Hei Wa and Gao Huaiyu. Even the teenagers can't handle it, and the adults like them won't be any better.

Hei Wa simply didn't do anything else and just watched the excitement of the teenagers.

The two sides remained in a stalemate for a while, seeing no further action from these outsiders.

The natives left directly, leaving them with a few curled backs of their heads.

"Ah, maybe the indigenous people here are not the same ethnic group as the ones we met last time. They can't understand any language. It seems they have to learn a new language again, my mother."

Qin Ke complained endlessly, although his language talent was not bad.

However, if he goes to this place to learn something, he, he is afraid that he will have to learn skewers.

"Hey, they are too short. Can you see clearly the wrinkles on their faces? They are deeper than the wrinkles on my eighty-year-old grandmother's face!"

Lu Shaoting was as if he had discovered a strange object. He was as tall as one and a half people.

The feeling of superiority due to height is overwhelming.

"The key point is that they actually ignored us. The natives of Emerald Island treated us as messengers of the gods!"

Yuan Wenwu was indignant. He was also aboriginal. How could there be such a big gap in his attitude towards them?
"Hey, I guess the natives here don't believe in gods!" Qin Ke said carelessly.

There are no friends he can't make, and these natives just don't know him well enough.

Hei Wa ignored these boys, and after discussing with Gao Huaiyu and others, he felt that since there were people nearby, they could set up camp by the lake.

After walking for so long, the group finally gained something from meeting the locals, and they led everyone back to the camp.

Not far from their camp, the upper reaches of the lake.

The largest tribe of the Khoisan people lives here - the jungle tribe. There are more than 10,000 people in the tribe, old and young.

They chose the widest river in the upper reaches and built thatched houses on both sides of the river to live in. They migrated here from afar and have been developing here for more than ten years.

The place we chose has great geographical advantages, and the river water upstream is very clear.

It only takes half a day's walk to go fishing in the lake. The fish in the lake are abundant and easy to catch.

The hunting jungle is not far away, and gathering grass seeds and digging plant roots are on both sides of the river.

The reason why they don't live by the lake.

Firstly, there are many ferocious beasts that come to drink water from the lake. Secondly, they are also afraid of the crocodiles in the lake. The crocodile's teeth are so sharp that they can kill their adults.

(End of this chapter)

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