The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 300 Cape of Good Hope

Chapter 300 Cape of Good Hope

The Daxia fleet had to go south into the Atlantic Ocean.

It would be hundreds of years before North America was discovered. Uncle Zhongqin said he was not in a hurry. The navy of the Great Xia Dynasty still had many years of room for development.

I remember that before departure, Cuihua asked about this flight and was very concerned about whether they would go to Europe. She saw that her daughter-in-law didn't seem to have any tacit understanding.

Heiwa asked her: "Daughter-in-law, let's recall the history textbooks in junior high schools and how the capitalist European countries accumulated their wealth."

Cuihua thought for a long time: "Wage war in the colonies, sell opium, sell black slaves, and directly rob!"

"The answer is correct, but unfortunately there is no reward! Then, let me ask you again, where are these colonized and plundered places?"

"Uh, it seems like, Asia, Africa, La!" Just because she doesn't have a high degree of education doesn't mean she doesn't have common sense.

"So, daughter-in-law, why should I go to Europe instead of going directly to these uncolonized places? We use silk to clear the way for mutual benefit and are a country of etiquette. Who can not praise us as a great country!"

There was a light in Hei Wa's eyes, a direct and warm light. He looked at the green flowers and said with a smile:
"The most important thing, of course, is to bring back high-yield grain to Daxia. This is the highest significance of my voyage to Daxia!"

Food = population = national power.

The current population of the Great Xia Dynasty is about 70 million, but the land area is only one-third of that of later generations.

If you want to have a larger population, diversifying food and increasing production are key.

Now that the most important goal of their trip has been exceeded, they have to work hard to accumulate wealth.

The further south the boat went, the colder the temperature became, and everyone took out their winter clothes.

For more than three months, longer than the time they set out from Daxia to the Emerald Island, they passed the southernmost tip of South America and entered the Atlantic Ocean.

Last winter, temperatures in the Atlantic Ocean were as warm as spring.

The rain continued, and the sailors had to stay in the cabin.

Hei Wa was worried. He was afraid of the Cape of Good Hope, which was famous for its "murder wave".

This group of people wanted to take a trip to this waterway, which is said to be the most dangerous in the world.

"Why does this damn rain keep falling?" Qin Ke was almost getting moldy in the cabin.

It rained on the 9th out of the 10th recently, and they had nothing to do except go to class.

"My dad said that the road ahead may become increasingly difficult, so we should always wear life jackets."

"Ah, ah, I don't want to be soaked in the sea water again. The sea water here is not warm, it is very cold!"

Qin Ke muttered something, and at the end, he was still lying on the couch, looking like a dead pig.

"Everyone, put on your life jackets quickly. Hurry, big waves are coming! Don't panic!" The soldiers outside were shouting.

It's not like they haven't encountered waves in the past few months. It's rare to see waves as high and turbulent as this.

I hope that the captains will become more and more skilled, and I also ask all Bodhisattvas to bless everyone.

I saw a large wave of about five feet suddenly appeared on the calm sea in the distance.

Although there is still a certain distance from their fleet, who dares to underestimate it?

The front peak of this wave is steep and the back peak is gentle, like a wall of water.

The captains quickly changed direction. If the ship went in the opposite direction to the waves, it would be hit in the head. If the ship stayed parallel to the waves, the huge waves would probably capsize the ship.

It was really a dilemma. The captains relied solely on willpower and inertia to control the ship.

Hei Wa was jolted by the waves and staggered. Qing Yi and Qing Er each held one of his arms. The last time they rescued their master from the sea seemed like yesterday.

This time, one person had to stay by his master's side. The young man was much stronger than the middle-aged man over thirty years old!
Heiwa: What? Is thirty years old considered middle-aged? I feel like I'm still young!
After the big waves, small waves continued, and the ship continued to rock. The cabin was in a mess.

Hei Wa was vomited, dizzy and confused, and finally fell on Qing Yi's body and couldn't get up.

It was an excruciating two-quarters of an hour. After the sea calmed down, everyone opened the hatch and checked the status of the fleet.

Ship No. 1, which had been renovated and reinforced, was lucky enough not to be capsized by the wave.

However, more than 20 navy cargo ships and grain ships capsized, and the ship merchants also suffered considerable losses.

"Let someone check first to see if the grain ship we brought back from the Inca Empire has been damaged. We need to look for these grains carefully, and we can't let our efforts go in vain."

Hei Wa doesn't care about the gold and gem ship!
He was afraid that the corn and potatoes he had worked so hard for would sink to the bottom.

"Master, I'll go check it out right away. Don't worry, we've loaded five ships!" Qingji immediately ran to the stern of the ship.

The temperature was fifteen degrees at noon, and hundreds of people soaking in the sea were shivering from the cold.

The soldiers skillfully salvaged people, goods, and boats. The leading troops had found a bay that could be used to anchor.

"Dad, are you feeling better?" Yuan Wenjie looked at his embarrassed father. Not only had he vomited all over the place, but his clothes were wrinkled and his hair seemed to be covered in vomit. He couldn't bear to look at it.

They were in class today and couldn't care about Dad when the big waves came.

Qing Yi didn't change his expression when faced with such dirt, and was already cleaning the room.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Hei Wa didn't want to show weakness in front of his son.

He waved his hand and asked Qing Yi and his sons to follow him out and help others.

After he was the only one left, he couldn't wait to take a bottle of water from the space, and drank it hard.

His body has become like this, and Huang Shangshu and Yan Fuzi will only suffer even more.

Wouldn't it be worse?

Huang Shangshu has not recovered yet. He will probably have to lie down for three days. He will not accept the old age.

Their ship finally rounded this abrupt promontory with difficulty and docked in a buffer harbor on the east side of the island.

After getting off the boat and landing on the island, we discovered that the shape of the island was like a sharp sword thrust into the sea.

The coastal reefs are rugged and offer spectacular views of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.

On the vast and endless beach, the sea water rolls up silvery white waves.

Like an overwhelming mountain, one after another surged toward the coast, just like thousands of troops rushing forward one after another.

The waves hit the rock cliffs, spraying foam and making a loud noise like the earth was shattering.

Hei Wa stood silently on the boulder, and others could not see his emotions.

They didn't know that the child in him wanted to cry out to the sky at this moment.

ah! This is the world-famous Cape of Good Hope. They have never been to a place in their previous lives and they just want to check in.

"Uncle, there is no one here!"

Gao Huaiyu felt a chill in his heart. Looking at the desolate and inhabited island, there was nothing strange about it.

(End of this chapter)

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