Chapter 299 Qiu She
This group of boys are clamoring to eat three big bowls, and they no longer despise the hard work of picking wheat ears.

And it tastes so good to eat after work!

After working for several days, the children in the Yuan Mansion were almost wilting.

The villagers in Dali Village couldn't help but sympathize with them, and some people kindly persuaded them:

"Zhang Ruren, your family is really willing to give up. Your grandsons and grandsons don't go back to the village to work every year. They work for five days at a time. Don't let the sun peel off. The baby's skin is tender."

"Why don't you give up? You're a boy. He's very solid. Which of your boys doesn't work?"

"How can our skinny monkey compare with the young masters in our house!"

"It's all the same, it's all the same. Who didn't grow up eating grains? This also allows them to work hard and know how to cherish food!"

The villagers couldn't help but admire Uncle Zhongqin's mansion. They never forget their roots when they are rich and noble, so it's only fitting that their mansion will be so prosperous.

The autumn harvest situation in various places was quickly summarized in the capital.

This year can be regarded as a rare harvest year since Xia Hongdi ascended the throne.

His Majesty the Emperor, who has never been fond of celebrating festivals, this year plans to respond to the Ministry of Rites’ frequent petitions and hold the Autumn Society Ceremony on the fifth day after the Beginning of Autumn.

On the fifth Xu day after the Beginning of Autumn, the autumn harvests in various places in the Great Xia Dynasty have ended.

The reason why "Wu" is chosen as "She Day" is because "Wu" occupies the fifth position among the ten stems and is in the "center". The five elements correspond to "earth", which means prosperity.

In other words, this day is the "auspicious day" for worshiping the earth god.

This time the Autumn Society Ceremony was presided over by the Minister of Etiquette.

At the third moment of the Mao hour of the day, Xia Hongdi, together with the prince and all the civil and military officials, spread five-color earth on the altar of grain, played music and danced.

After the process of welcoming the gods, offering incense, laying jade and silk fabrics, offering three offerings, blessings, drinking blessing wine and receiving pork belly, kneeling three times and nine times, sending gifts to the gods, and looking at the fire, it is considered a ceremony.

For a whole hour, the heavy dress made the prince's back covered with sweat, and he no longer felt the joy of participating in this grand event.

After the sacrificial activities were completed, Xia Hongdi, who was more solemnly dressed than the prince, was also very tired.

He orally ordered the Minister of Rites to distribute the sacrificial meat to the civil and military ministers who came today. This move meant that he and the officials shared the good fortune of good weather.

In addition to the ministers attending the meeting, families like Zhongqin Bofu can also receive sacrificial meat.

Cuihua accepted the reward: ten pounds of beef, ten pounds of mutton, and ten pounds of pork.

These three animals were used in the palace today, and the amount their family received was outstanding among the others.

As a result, local officials also held sacrificial activities.

Mr. Mou was happy to have another holiday. He took the holiday money and invited some friends to have a drink and have fun.

As the Romans do in the countryside, as soon as the grand ceremony of the Autumn Society begins, the married girl will return to her parents' home with her baby.

Cuihua simply took the children back to Dali Village.

Together with Yuan's family and her mother's family in Dali Village: eating communal meat, making communal cakes and rice, and drinking communal wine.
The meat rewarded by the palace was mostly cooked.

It needs to be processed again when eating, and the general custom is to eat it within two days.

The beef received by Zhongqin's Mansion looked like beef tendon meat.

The Cuihua is braised directly, just wait for the marinade to absorb the flavor and soak, then take it out and slice it when you want to eat.

It would be best to drink with Father Hu and Old Yuan Tou!
Peel the mutton, cut it into thumb-sized pieces, and mix in the barbecue ingredients. The salty cumin flavor is suitable for children who don't like spicy food, and the addition of chili noodles is suitable for adults with heavy tastes. The nobles of Daxia love mutton more than pork, and the cooks also like to work hard on mutton.

Wutou never forgets the steamed pork made with rice flour when his second uncle married his second aunt.

Cuihua used ten kilograms of pork in one go to cook: steamed pork ribs, steamed pork with rice flour, salted braised pork belly, and several steamed fragrant bowls.

The social cake was made by the second sister-in-law Fan Jingjing. She used rice flour.

Add almonds, walnut kernels, jujubes, brown sugar, and honey to the fermented rice noodles, and then put it on the steamer.

In fact, it uses the method of making cakes, but with more supporting characters added.

People in Shu have the traditional way of making communal meals, and Zhang has become the manager of the two communal meals today.

I selected the fatter bacon that I had saved this year, burned it over a fire, washed it and cut it into small cubes for later use. I selected the tender green onions, cut them into small sections and put them on a plate for later use.

Cut dishes such as beef, lamb, pork loin, and chicken breast into thin slices the size of chess pieces. Then marinate with oil, soy sauce, Shaoxing wine and other seasonings to add flavor. As a side dish, dice the carrots and set aside the green peas.

Add the diced bacon to the pan and stir-fry until the oil is almost gone. Add the onion, ginger, and garlic and sauté until fragrant. Add the carrots and green peas, and continue to stir-fry evenly.

Finally, add other marinated meat slices and stir-fry until the meat is seven degrees cooked, then take it out of the pan and put it on a plate for later use.

Add an appropriate amount of water to the washed japonica rice. After boiling, add an appropriate amount of glutinous rice. The ratio of glutinous rice to japonica rice is one to one.

When it is halfway through cooking, add the pre-fried meat and diced vegetables to the pot and mix well.

Then use chopsticks to insert into the rice and insert a few more ventilation holes to allow the rice to heat evenly inside and outside, and then add a certain amount of oil along the edge of the pot.

Once done, cover and simmer over low heat until the rice is cooked.

When the community rice is cooked, the aroma is fragrant, and the japonica rice and glutinous rice are covered with various meat aromas.

Then sprinkle with finely chopped wild onions, red and green, which are really beautiful.

The meat tastes fresh, the diced vegetables are crispy and delicious, and the texture is a mixture of japonica rice and glutinous rice, glutinous but not sticky to the teeth.

Really, it is suitable for all ages, it makes people appetite, and you will not be satisfied until you finish three big bowls.

In addition to keeping food for himself, he also gave a bowl to each familiar person in the village. Not a single fellow from the Shu region was left behind in the Yuan Mansion.

When you give away a lot, you receive a lot, which is true to the saying, “After giving away what you have, you can’t finish eating what others have”!
In Cuihua's memory, Zhang also cooked communal meals several times before she got married, although the meat was not as abundant as it is now.

Memories are superimposed, and the taste is doubled.

"Angwu, it tastes so good when all the meat is added to the rice. Mom, will you cook like this in the future?" Liu Tou sighed while eating. It would be better if there were no diced carrots in it.

"What kind of food do you eat on any festival? Are you still not tired of eating it every day?"

"Not greasy, not greasy!" Several little guys shook their heads in unison, showing by their actions that they could continue to eat.

"It's a pity that dad can't eat such delicious meat rice. Mom, can I help dad and my brothers eat an extra bowl?"

"Your father must be eating big fish and prawns on the sea, and he can't miss out on our social food!"

Dutiful Son Wutou: What a pity!

The Heiwa who was talked about by the filial son was floating on the sea.

There is currently no world-famous man-made canal that can pass between North and South America.

(End of this chapter)

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