The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 333 Infertility and safety

Chapter 333 Infertility and safety

Come on, couples are here to hurt each other. If you can talk tonight, I dare to tease you.

"Hmph, there are many times when you are angry with me. You don't say anything and just let me guess. I am not you, so how can I know what you are thinking?"

How many big things do I worry about day by day? You still have to let me think about it in the harem!

"Haha, what's the use of saying it?" Queen Gao said angrily, throwing it away.

"It's even more useless if you don't tell me!"

Queen Gao: Dog nature is hard to change!
Whether it was because they knew it or because they were in sync with each other, after that night, the two of them never mentioned this topic again.

There are some emotions that have been looming between this couple in the past few years, which cannot be expressed or promised.

A few days later, Concubine Shu took the initiative to visit the emperor after her comeback and presented Xia Hongdi with a large gift.

Looking at the design of the legendary repeating crossbow on the table, Xia Hongdi looked at the woman kneeling on the ground.

Just like this person: her brows are burning, her face is beautiful and refined, she is dressed in light purple clothes, her neck is slender, her wrists are like snow, and her whole person is as gentle as water. No wonder even the queen has lost her temper.

"What do you want?" He said calmly, as if he was discussing a serious business, nothing to do with romance.

Xu Waner raised her head: "Your Majesty, I don't ask for anything."

"I understand, please step back."

The suffocating conversation made Xu Waner tighten her fists, adjust her breathing, and bow again: "Your Majesty, I do have something to ask for."

People looking through the album asked casually: "What do you want?"

"I beg you to give me a bowl of the elixir of death!"

"Bah!" The album in his hand was thrown onto the desk.

Xia Hongdi's expression remained as usual: "Why?"

Xu Waner seemed to be risking her life and said softly:

"I know that my aunt is wrong, very wrong. Since the Xu family has joined the army, they should be loyal to the country. Even if the family is full of loyal people, they should not try to get involved in the fight for the reserve position. Juezi Yao , is my concubine’s loyalty to you.”

"Haha, it seems that these three years have not been in vain for you, and you can still figure out some things."

Neither angry nor happy, Xia Hongdi played with the jade walnuts his youngest son had given him this morning.

Isn't this still in his private treasury? When did you get pulled over by this kid?
Before Xu Waner could smile, he continued: "But why bother drinking the Juezi medicine? I still have a way to avoid any future troubles!"

Xu Waner screamed in her heart. Before she could speak, she heard unbelievable words coming from above her head: "As long as you, Concubine Shu, will never sleep with you, how can you have any heirs?"

No matter how much preparation and planning, at this moment, he was shocked and disappeared without a trace by this bolt from the blue.

Xu Waner was trembling all over and spoke incoherently: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I am my concubine, what have I done wrong?"

"Didn't I help you? For the sake of the design drawings of the Xu family's Liannu, I will give you a trick to survive in the palace: Only by having no favors and no children can you grow old safely!"

Xu Waner collapsed to the ground.
"General, uncle! There is actually someone on this island who can speak Chinese!" Han Baoer pulled a man and rushed into Gao Huaiyu's tent.

Three days ago, they landed on this island, which was dozens of times larger than any island they had ever encountered before.

There are no people living on this island except the indigenous Khoisan people whom they are familiar with.

There are also people with yellow skin, black skin and more than ten different ethnic groups.

They were first attracted by the yellow-skinned people. These people were very similar in appearance and skin color to the people in some places in Lingnan, Daxia.

At first I thought they were from Daxia!
When the two sides exchanged greetings, they discovered the difference in language. Huang Shangshu immediately concluded that the other party was speaking Javanese.

But today, I can actually find a Javanese who can speak Chinese. It has to be said to be a miracle.

The person who was brought here was an old man who looked to be in his seventies.

The Chinese he spoke also contained some dialects from the Jiangnan area.

But listening to them speak Daxia Mandarin, I can completely understand them.

Huang Shangshu asked about this man's name, and the old man jabbered a long list.

They were all confused.

Gao Huaiyu forcibly intercepted two syllables of "Putuo".

I could barely hear what he said roughly:
"My ancestors fled from the south of the Yangtze River to Java during the Huangchao Rebellion. Later, because they offended the Javanese dignitaries, when I was seven years old, I followed my parents to the Falklands."

It turns out that Putuo's family used to be at least the home of a big businessman from Jiangsu and Zhejiang, but why did they lose their ancestral surname?
"Who is in charge of this Ma Island now?" Gao Huaiyu was most concerned about this issue. He had no interest in exploring Putuo's family history.

Putuo understood what he heard, smiled bitterly, shook his head and said:
"There is no one in charge. The Khoisan are the first indigenous people to come here. We Javanese came after them, and the big food traders came later than us. Not only did they come by themselves, they also brought those with dark skin of Bantu slaves to grow rice and sugar cane for them.”

Not only have people changed their names, but now they have also changed their nationality, including the native Javanese.

In this case, Gao Huaiyu and the others did not tell Putuo that the dynasty had changed. They only asked what they wanted to ask and sent him away.

The Big Three held their first meeting on Falklands.

"Since there are a lot of cannibals doing business in this place, it should be profitable. Merchants should be able to find business opportunities for cooperation. Huang Shangshu, you should always talk to the ship merchants."

"No problem, uncle, are there any gold mines and gems here?"

Huang Shangshu was fascinated by gold mining. He probably felt that where there were indigenous people, there should be gold.

"Master Shangshu, the Javanese and Dashi merchants know the uses of gold and silver. They have been here for so long. If they really have these minerals, it will not be our turn!"

Hei Wa was not too impressed by the energy resources of this island. He only knew that it would not be considered a developed country in future generations.

"It's hard to dig for gold secretly now. Even those ship dealers can't wait to stare at us for twelve hours!"

Gao Huaiyu smiled evilly, as if he was willing to be hated so much that he had to beg for them.

After the three people discussed it, they had no intention of staying here long.

In a place where tribal civilizations and outsiders live together, there is no such thing as establishing diplomatic relations.

Before Huang Shangshu could mobilize the ship merchants, the big food merchant came to the door on his own.

A big food businessman named Faisal also asked Pu Tuo to be his translator: "Welcome friends from the east. Are you the envoys sent by His Majesty the King of Tang?"

Hearing the other party mentioning the King of Tang, Hei Wa couldn't help but curse:

The history before Daxia is completely consistent with that of later generations and before the Song Dynasty. The difference is that in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms at the end of the Tang Dynasty, there was a founding emperor of the Xia Dynasty.

Therefore, after Hei Wa and Cuihua came to the Daxia Dynasty, they thought it was an empty dynasty.

However, where was the history before Daxia? This couple was confused for a long time.

In the end, Hei Wa made the decision, just think it was the Song Dynasty, the same sky, the same land.

(End of this chapter)

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