The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 342 Saltpeter VS BMW

Chapter 342 Saltpeter VS BMW
The big food merchants were confused: Is this some kind of Eastern magic? So Easy?
It had only been two quarters of an hour, but the water in the small basin had already begun to freeze.

Moreover, the little translators explained that these gray-white stones can be used repeatedly after being fished out and dried in the sun.

This makes it difficult for Daqian, who has high temperatures all year round, to withstand the temptation of this kind of ice drink?

If the Caliph doesn't agree, they can help find a way!

Isn't this the reason why Uncle Zhongqin invited the merchants here today?
In everything, when there is competition, there is more room for negotiation!

Before Feisal left with the businessmen, he did not give Zhongqin Bo any promise.

He only told Heiwa that he needed to go to the palace to report the matter to Caliph Ahma.

It wasn't until they were gone that Gao Huaiyu jumped out: "Uncle, do you think this can be done?"

Gao Huaiyu was anxious, seeing that they were about to leave the Dashi Empire.

But he has not yet obtained any of these good horses.

Hei Wa shook his head: "I don't know, just look at whether their caliph is heat-resistant?"

"Ah?" Gao Huaiyu looked at him confused, not knowing what he meant.

"Didn't you notice that their caliph is very fat? They say fat people are probably afraid of heat!"

"Pfft!" Everyone was delighted by these words.

It’s good to be afraid of heat, it’s wonderful to be afraid of heat!

Not to mention, Heiwa guessed correctly that Caliph Ahma, a fat man, was quite afraid of heat.

There were pools of water everywhere in his palace.

He likes Oriental silk fabrics because they are light and breathable, making them a good material for linings.

At this moment, he asked excitedly: "How fast is ice making? How many times can this white stone be used?"

"According to the uncle, this stone can be used forever, as long as the stone is not broken and disappears."

"How many stones do they want to trade for a horse?"

Caliph Ahma was unhappy when he learned that Faisal had not asked the question.

He wanted to drink iced tea right away, and he wanted to have a hundred ice basins in his bedroom.

As for the big food horse, he can still accept it as long as they don't require a pure-blooded white horse to be traded.
Raising and training horses, they are the most powerful cannibals.

Moreover, after such a year's sailing journey, when they return to Daxia, they still don't know how many horses will survive!
Without the food empire, the horses would not be so easy to feed.

Of course, only exchange of equal value can last long.

Feisal was sent to find out how many of these white stones these Daxia people had brought with them, and they all wanted to keep them.

Asking for a high price, pay back on the spot!
After two consecutive days of pulling and pulling, Uncle Zhongqin and the others decided to set sail tomorrow without any further delay.

Faisal finally relented.

"Uncle, uncle, did I hear you correctly? Two hundred? Adult horses? Half, half mare?"

Gao Huaiyu's mouth trembled. He didn't expect that Uncle Zhongqin had such a big appetite.

He thought that if he could get a hundred horses back, he would burn high incense.

He was even prepared to give up a boatload of gold to buy a horse.

He resented occupying the ship's space all the way. They had only used saltpeter a few times in total, but they were able to exchange it for so many BMWs for him!
This, this is more fucking valuable than gems!
A whole cargo ship's worth of saltpeter was exchanged for two hundred big food horses!
Overnight arrangements were made to arrange horse boats for these big food horses, as well as cargo ships to haul barley and straw for them.

Gao Huaiyu himself wanted to live on a horse-drawn carriage carrying a large food horse. He beat the boatmen in the horse boats again and again, and sent dozens of clever soldiers to guard the horses day and night.

Zhong Qinbo, who made great contributions to this transaction, was also presented with a pair of half-year-old ponies by Faisal.

Feisal also wanted to follow Daxia's fleet to the Daxia Dynasty.

This country they had admired for hundreds of years finally had the opportunity to step into it.

Yuan Wenwu couldn't put it down for the ponies: "Wow, dad, these ponies are so beautiful. They are so shiny and black, even darker than Xiaowu's black. This horse's hair is so silky!"

Yuan Wenjie also requested: "Let's keep this pony on our No. 1 boat. Dad, they are so small. If they are put on the horse boat, the big horses will bully them!"

Qin Ke looked at him eagerly: "Yes, uncle, just put it on the No. 1 boat. You can live in the same room with us, hehe!"

Hei Wa gave him a big eye roll: "You think they are the same as your big cat. This horse eats a lot and poops a lot. It would be strange if it doesn't stink to death!"

Yuan Wenwu patted his chest: "We take turns shoveling his shit, Dad, horse shit doesn't stink!"

A few people almost lost their temper and insisted on keeping these dark horses on their boat.

Hei Wa pretended to reluctantly agree.

Secretly, he was afraid that the pony would die on the way.

Keep him on board and drink more space water every day to increase your resistance.

There is still some oatmeal in his space, so I can secretly add some food to these two little guys.

The short trip to the food country was over, and they really couldn't wait until the potatoes, corn, and sweet potatoes were ripe before leaving.

The two countries agreed to form a maritime trade alliance.

From now on, the Eastern Maritime Silk Road will be reopened.

Yuan Wenwu was inexplicably excited about the next destination of his trip:
"Dad, when my mother was fleeing from famine, she told us about Journey to the West. Tang Monk took his disciples to the West to obtain the scriptures. The Western Heaven mentioned in the story is Tianzhu. Before I came to the capital, I always thought that this was my mother's blind man. Editor, I didn’t expect Master Tang Xuanzang to be a real person!”

"Hey, Dad, does Tianzhu really have a true scripture?" Yuan Wenjie was also curious. He was curious about how Master Xuanzang arrived in Tianzhu from the Tang Dynasty.

Hei Wa: How could he, a junior high school graduate, know this?

How could the daughter-in-law have thought about the story about her future life when she came to Tianzhu?

Let the most knowledgeable Huang Shangshu and Yan Fuzi answer the children's questions.

In the winter, there is little precipitation and the temperature is in the 20s.

The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month is a good time to travel.

Food merchants and doctors were the main force in seeing off the guests.

Smallpox vaccination has begun in the expeditionary force, and the morale of the expeditionary force is high.

I wonder what kind of changes the expeditionary force with sufficient food and no fear of smallpox will bring to the current European landscape?
Hei Wa: I am looking forward to it. It would be best if the whole of Europe is in chaos and there is no time for others to care.

The Bactrian fleet departs from the port of Dayel, where the bay (Persian Gulf) is rich in all kinds of seafood and fish.

Among them, pearls are the most famous.

Anyone who passes by this place will never forget to buy it.

The imperial doctor Sharif, along with forty doctors from the empire, ten pharmacists, Shangguan imperial physician and others, lived on the No. 3 ship of the Great Xia Dynasty.

The exchanges and discussions between doctors from the two countries began as soon as they boarded the ship.

(End of this chapter)

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