Chapter 355 Looted

It is true that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Those who stayed in the camp were mostly those with the lowest combat effectiveness.

They were still dreaming, calculating how much leftovers they could share after the robbery.

With one good move, he was infiltrated into his lair.

Those who were awakened wanted to resist, but they were not given a chance when someone came!

"Uncle, do you want to kill them all?" The soldier who asked was not soft-hearted, but wanted a quick victory.

"Don't kill them all? Are you going to keep them for the New Year?" Hei Wa scolded with a smile, deciding the fate of these people while talking and laughing.

"Yes! I promise not to keep any of them. Hey, uncle, what about these treasures, shall we?"

"Of course, move them all away. This is our booty! If we lose, don't you think these won't empty our ship of treasures?"

"Damn it, they must have moved more than us!" Xiao Bing blurted out without thinking too much.

Then, a group of grinning guys wanted to tear down the houses in their lair.

The killing only took two quarters of an hour.

The rest of the time is left for them to explore.

The first thing to look for was the various warehouses of the garrison.

The warehouse is great, the warehouse is wonderful!
The soldiers continued to take out boxes of gems from inside.

Hei Wa was so happy that she almost jumped to the sky!

They usually use boxes to hold gems.

Look at the garrison, the gems are all packed in big boxes.

After watching for a while, he couldn't help but want to curse.

He's so damn rich and yet he still wants to rob them. It's really hateful!

As a master of treasure hunting, he certainly gained a lot.

The goal of giving him a wife was exceeded by who knows how many times.

Those are ten large boxes of gems. How can his wife count them?
Qing Yi and Qing Er were directed by him to check the traps and layout here, looking for fish that had slipped through the net.

Isn't it convenient for him to show off his talents?
He spent half an hour alone in the residence of the highest commander of the three garrison armies.

They even wiped out the commander's private treasury!
If the commander who personally led the team and whose body was missing knew the news, he would definitely die with his eyes in peace.

Is Heiwa still smashing the gems after collecting them? No wonder those guys are trying to figure them out all day long. The feeling of buying for zero yuan is so amazing, it’s addictive.

Half an hour later, Qing Yi and others came back one after another to report the news.

"Uncle, we have checked everything and found more than twenty fish that slipped through the net!"

"Uncle, there are only a few women and children left, are we?"

Heiwa only thought about it for more than ten seconds, and then waved his hand: "Leave no men behind, leave the women and children to the King of Jaffna, and we can only take away these trophies!"

Among the trophies found in the warehouses of the three garrison troops, there were forty large boxes containing gems!

The sailors couldn't help but swallow their saliva and looked at Uncle Zhongqin with burning eyes.

Uncle Zhongqin is not the kind of person who is unsophisticated and considerate. He said:
"Well, we must turn over these trophies to the national treasury. However, apart from what is in the warehouse, I think these guys must have hidden a lot.

Well, if I give you another hour, it's up to you to find out how much you can find. As for how you want to divide it after you return, let the Commander-in-Chief decide! "

The soldiers were overjoyed: "Yes, uncle, you are waiting for us, and your brothers will not be left behind!"

Their uncle had given them such a great favor, how could they lack the filial piety to him?

Uncle Zhongqin waved his hand, leaving only more than a hundred people to accompany him to guard these large boxes.

The rest of the group was cheering and running around the camp.

Treasure hunting, they like this game very much. Hei Wa really had the right information. The gems in these big boxes were probably stored by these people for many days and were originally intended to be brought back to the Pandya Dynasty.

And these garrison troops, from the commander to the various minions below, really embezzled a lot in private.

As long as there is an inhabited house, if you search carefully, you will definitely find gems of various sizes.

However, they are very able to understand what the uncle meant.

The uncle specially reminded them: they should not let go of the inconspicuous jars under the bed, the holes in the walls, the hidden pockets or corners of clothes in the boxes, and even the legs of tables and chairs. .

The most amazing thing is that according to my uncle, there are people who like to hide treasures in latrines.

He also said that it was just for a surprise.

Qingyi and Qinger's mouths twitched when they heard this.

How had this uncle heard about these weird treasure places?

There are really many people who believed in his evil deeds!

Before the two of them had finished their denunciation, it took only two sticks of incense to prove that ginger is still hotter!
In a dilapidated thatched hut that looked abandoned.

The sailors dug out two large boxes in one go.

These two boxes were buried in the soil no more than six feet deep.

Sailor No. 1: "My mother, I really got it!"

The second soldier: "Master, you are indeed the number one god of wealth in Daxia. Your words are blessed!"

Marine 3: "We've made a fortune, brothers, we've made a fortune!"

Everyone was stunned by this huge surprise.

Extremely wealthy, they are going to become extremely wealthy in the Great Xia Dynasty!

Hei Wa: Do you think my ten boxes of gems don’t count? Dare you compete with me for the richest man?

Compared with Uncle Zhongqin and his team, which had no suspense, General Gao and his team had a slightly more difficult time.

General Gao set up many agencies on the way these people came, which was considered an ambush.

Javelin, long-distance attack, is really a good thing!

After practicing for so many months, it was only used to kill fish in the past, but today it finally came in handy.

The sweat shed during normal training is just to avoid bleeding at this time.

General Gao’s goal for this battle is: zero casualties!
The musketry team was no longer stingy with gunpowder and took turns with the javelin team.

After two rounds of long-range attacks, the soldier with the machete ran to finish the attack.

More than 10,000 miscellaneous troops came, and they were all annihilated on the way in without even touching the shadow of their ships.

From the time of the evening meal to the time of Haishi.

"General, the cleaning has been completed!"

"General, all those who escaped were hunted down by us!"

"Okay! Count the casualties of our brothers!"

"General, one hundred and fifty people were slightly injured, 23 were seriously injured, and zero died!"

"It's so good! It's so good! Hurry up and carry the injured brothers to Shangguan Imperial Physician's ship. Use all the good medicine. We must cure the brothers!"

"Yes, General, go right away!"

Waiting for Uncle Zhongqin and others to carry forty large boxes full of gems back to camp.

The soldiers cheered.

The depression caused by the death of his comrades a few days ago was completely gone.

(End of this chapter)

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