The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 362 Death of Sri Buddha

Chapter 362 Death of Sri Buddha

King Srivijaya, who was drinking and having fun with his concubines, asked drunkenly:

"What? Are you going to court again? I'm not going to court today! I haven't had enough to drink yet, my beloved concubine, come on, keep drinking!"

The attendant was so anxious that he was sweating and reported tremblingly: "Your Majesty, the Daxia navy has killed Mu Shi and the others in one pot!"

The groggy King Srivijaya shook his head, burped, and asked lazily:

"Who is Mu Shi? Why was he taken away by the Daxia navy?"

"Hey, my majesty, Mu Shi is the leader of that gang of pirates. Have you forgotten? He also presented several beauties to you?"

The king, who had just returned a puddle of minced meat, perked up when he heard the beauty:
"Hahaha, beauty, yes, where did my beauty go? Let me come and have a drink with you."

The servant was about to cry. The navy of Daxia Dynasty, which had killed more than 10,000 pirates, was coming soon.

How should we deal with the death of Sri Lanka?

He couldn't help but howl: "Your Majesty, the Daxia navy is coming, they are coming! They are killing people! They have killed more than 10,000 people!"


King Srivijaya dropped his wine glass on the ground. He was finally so frightened that he woke up and collapsed on the ground.

Ten days later, in Jambi, Sri Lanka died in the capital.

King Srivijaya led his ministers and senior officials to greet the envoys of the Great Xia Dynasty at the dock.

Before Gao Zongbing could launch an attack, King Srivijaya expressed his intention to take the initiative to accept the canonization of Emperor Shun of Great Xia Chaotian.

And he was willing to pay tribute to the Great Xia Dynasty every year from now on.

King Srivijaya, although he looked like a wine bag and rice bag, he was very knowledgeable about the previous emperors of Great Xia.

And she speaks Chinese quite well.

The fat white face was full of smiles.

If it weren't for the crown, I would have thought he was a businessman.

You can still vaguely see a flattering look on his face, and his words are quite silly:
"Dear envoys, Sri Buddha has been paying tribute to the Central Plains since the death of Emperor Taizong. The friendship between the two countries has not been broken for hundreds of years.

If it weren't for the yellow thieves causing trouble and the imperial court imposing a sea ban, the little king's ancestors would have been able to see Tianyan, the emperor of Great Xia, long ago.

After waiting for hundreds of years, the noble envoys from Daxia finally came to my country. The little king is more blessed than his ancestors!
What the noble envoys don't know is that Xiao Wang and other pirates have been in trouble for a long time.

This group of thieves committed all kinds of crimes including burning, killing, and looting. Unfortunately, our army had strong troops and strong horses, and our army encircled and suppressed them several times without success.

It must be the mighty navy of the Great Kingdom that finally eliminated this great disaster for small countries like us. The little king wants to go to Emperor Tianshun to ask for credit for the navy of Great Xia. "

Big Three, you look to me, I look to you!
How can people attack him?

Just lie down and let me rub you!
Since he is so active, he wants to become a vassal state of Daxia?
Huang Shangshu had no choice but to reluctantly accept it, Dai Tianshun Emperor smiled and accepted it!
Unlike the smiling Huang Shangshu, Gao Zongbing's dark face never cleared up from beginning to end.

When he spoke, his expression was as revealing as his words:
"It's really hard for you. I have a list in my hands. The officers and soldiers of your country on it are all former subordinates of the pirate leader Mu Shi. I wonder if it is convenient for us to take these people away? "

King Srivijaya widened his narrowed eyes in disbelief:
"Is there such a thing? Please rest assured, Commander-in-Chief Gao, I will give Xiao Wang half a day and he will send them here in person!"

Gao Huaiyu smiled sadly:

"Excuse me, Your Majesty, the casualties of our Daxia navy this time are not small. I heard that Sri Lanka was buried with him as a funeral rite, so the general had no choice but to follow the local customs."

King Srivijaya heard him say these words without warmth with his thirty-six-degree mouth.

I was so frightened that all the hairs on my body stood up, and I couldn't help but tremble.

When facing Commander Gao, he responded very humbly: "No trouble, no trouble, Xiao Wang will do it now, let's do it now!"

As expected of the Great Xia God of Killing, it is unheard of to bury dead sailors with living pirates!

King Srivijaya was very efficient in his work. In less than an hour, all seventeen of the pirate leaders, who already had official positions, were captured.

Gao Huaiyu looked at the manual and confirmed the names one by one. He heard that his manual also contained detailed physical descriptions of these people.

Is it because they are afraid that they will replace Li Jian with peach?
In fact, it was already known that the Daxia Navy destroyed the Mu Shi Group.

His former younger brothers were ordered to be controlled by King Srivijaya.

King Srivijaya was not very courageous, but he was not stupid either.

The reason why he did this was that he was afraid that these people would cause trouble under the guise of official positions in the imperial court, and he also thought that if the envoys came to investigate, he could make up for his mistakes.

Wiping the sweat on his head again and again, he touched his still beating heart: Look, look, how foresight he is!

The next day, it was cloudy.

On the largest pier in Jambi, a tall pile of firewood was set up early in the morning.

The bodies of one thousand, two hundred and six Daxia navy soldiers were placed on the firewood.

Gao Huaiyu lit the torch again with trembling hands.

The raging fire soared into the sky!

The sailors who saw them off clenched their teeth and looked ahead.

Qin Ke, who participated in this battle, still had injuries on his face.

His eyes had lost the childishness of the past, and he no longer cried. He held his javelin with a solemn expression on his face.

Opposite the firewood pile where the remains of the sailors were burning, more than a thousand pirate prisoners were kneeling, including the seventeen little leaders presented by King Srivijaya.

Gao Huaiyu specially asked his subordinates to build a larger firewood pile for them.

Sri Lanka's death has always been criticized and he was buried with him in an extremely cruel way.

Today, the scene is about to reappear.

All the royal family members, high-ranking officials and military forces of the Kingdom of Srivijaya were invited to the funeral site by name by Commander-in-Chief Gao.

Ordinarily, these people are no strangers to sacrifice and burial.

In the kingdom of Sri Lanka, after the death of the king, the law required all subjects to cut their hair and wear mourning clothes.

It is also the time to pile up the firewood and burn it until the fire is raging.

The king's followers would "voluntarily" jump into the fire and burn themselves, which was called "living and dying together".

But today is not a state funeral.

The battle is so huge!

Many of the timid nobles who had just been brought here had already fainted before the funeral had even begun.

Unfortunately, the one who fainted was quickly pinched by the eyeing sailors and woke up again from the pain.

The Evil God, Commander-in-Chief Gao, gave an order, and more than a thousand pirate prisoners who were tied up were thrown into the fire alive.

"General, spare your life, spare your life."

"Don't, don't, I'm afraid."

"Ah! Ah! It hurts!"

"Ah, my hair, me."

(End of this chapter)

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