The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 363 Large Crematorium

Chapter 363 Large Crematorium

The pirates' hair and clothes were the first to catch fire.

The shrill screams came and went one after another, like a ghost demanding life.

There was one who struggled so hard that after his whole body was on fire, he still managed to crawl out of the fire.

Before he could crawl in front of the people, he was pinned to the ground by the javelins fired by the sailors.

The more painful thing is rolling around in the fire!
However, their hands and feet were trapped by iron chains. After the fire, once they fell to the ground, it would be difficult to stand up again.

Those who still had sense tried to put out the flames by rolling.

What they didn't know was that the sailors also poured a lot of kerosene into the fire. If the kerosene got on them, it would only burn more intensely.

Cruel, how cruel!
The smell of burning human flesh filled the air for miles around.

There were only a few VIPs who could still stand upright.

All of them were so frightened that they collapsed to the ground.

More than half of them were incontinent, as if they had lost their souls, and their eyes were dull and dull.

Only the tens of thousands of Daxia naval forces had cold eyes and remained motionless.

After the brothers had packed up the urns, General Gao said calmly to King Srivijaya: "The national funeral ceremony of the Kingdom of Srivijaya is really good! If I have the opportunity, I will do a few more."

King Srivijaya has long since passed away and no one can see him.

He was supported by the attendants on his left and right, and when he wanted to reply, his throat seemed to be stuck. For a long time, he could not utter a complete sentence from his throat.

He also secretly swore in his heart: From now on, the old funeral rites of Sri Lanka's death in the kingdom must be abolished.

Members of the Kingdom of Sri Lanka who participated in today's funeral ceremony could not eat or drink for three days and three nights after returning home.

Some people even continue to have the same nightmares they experienced today for many years.

Nowadays, if a child in this country refuses to stop crying, his parents will fear him in the name of Commander-in-Chief Gao.
The belated ship merchants rubbed their hands: Fortunately we were not invited to attend today's funeral. This is such a bad habit in the Kingdom of Srivijaya!

The ones who were more frightened than the ship merchants were the dozen or so food merchants.

The merchants of the Dashi Empire were pleasantly surprised at first.

The pirate nest that had troubled the empire for hundreds of years was easily wiped out by the navy of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Later, I heard about Commander Gao's treatment of pirate prisoners.

Being shocked by his cruel methods, he broke into a cold sweat.

They thought for a long time about every detail of their interactions with the Daxia navy.

Finally, we came to a conclusion: Daxia Navy is a dormant tiger that cannot be easily provoked!

Especially on the night when the pirate group was wiped out, the noise they heard was not small. It should be the power brought by firearms.

It is indeed a great oriental civilization with thousands of years of inheritance!

Huang Shangshu's national gifts to the first vassal state of the Great Xia Dynasty were still the third (palace embroidery, blue and white porcelain, and pastel ware).

The quantity is not large, and each piece is of high quality.

No matter what the reason was, King Srivijaya paid tribute in the first year and spent a lot of money on the tribute.

It was written on the long gift list.

Gold: two hundred thousand taels.

Ivory: two hundred.

Gems of various colors: five boxes.

Frankincense: three thousand catties.

Agarwood: Three thousand catties.

The best bird's nest: one hundred pounds.

"Hmph, he knows what's going on!"

General Gao looked at the gift list, his face darkened all the way, and he finally accepted it reluctantly.

Heiwa recalled what he had seen in the past two days:
"Although people are timid, they still have a lot of brains. Take the initiative and rush to hug your thighs. After the Maritime Silk Road is reopened, can we still take care of our own vassal countries?
With the protection of the Great Xia Dynasty, they also took advantage of the geographical advantage. After the death of Sri Buddha, they would not have to worry about lack of development. "Listen to what my uncle said, even if the pirates hadn't appeared, they might have surrendered." I also borrowed your and my hands to get rid of my serious worries! "

Huang Shangshu also came to his senses. How could a king who could be so humble and humble be a simple man?

"Did I make a wedding dress for someone?" Gao Huaiyu raised his voice in anger.

"It's not in vain, General. The navy currently has no other military base except Shield Fish Island. How about carving out a piece of territory here?"

Loyalty and diligence, isn't what he's best at is a white wolf with empty hands?

"Wonderful!" Huang Shangshu applauded.

Given the natural dangers on both sides of the country's strait and no one of our own stationed here, who knows whether pirates will be like cutting leeks.

You can’t let the navy escort every sea trade, right?
Gao Huaiyu was in high spirits and finally survived the heavy casualties suffered by his brothers.

He also seriously began to plan for his living brothers.

The inhospitable place of Shield Fish Island has no great use except for training troops and preventing Japanese sneak attacks.

After Sri Lanka passed away, things were different.

This place is like the throat of the sea, a place that must be passed when traveling from east to west.

Whether it is a warship or a merchant ship, they were the first to discover this place in the past during the Great Xia Dynasty.

Thinking of this, Gao Huaiyu couldn't sit still anymore.

"Let's go, Lord Shangshu, we are going to see Srivijaya Lord! No matter what, we have to build an island bigger than Shieldfish Island!"

King Srivijaya wanted to cry. His sincerity was so great that the kingdom actually wanted to station troops here.

He kept saying that it was just in case, and also said that he was afraid that the pirates would come back from other places.

Since the military strength of Sri Lanka's deceased country was so unbearable, how could a superior country sit idly by and ignore it?

He is really a dumb man who eats Coptis chinensis and has no choice but to swallow it in his stomach if it hurts.

The ship merchants started to squawk again.

"Oh, you said, it feels different when you go shopping in our vassal country of the Great Xia Dynasty!"

"What? Do you think we are all brothers in the world and don't need money to buy things?"

"Hey, you guys, haven't you seen how enthusiastic the merchants are towards us?"

"How can a businessman be cold-faced? You don't even smell it, the smell of burning human flesh has not dissipated yet! Who among the businessmen of Sri Lanka's deceased country dares to cheat us?"

"Brother, please don't mention this again. I have been a vegetarian for many days."

Now is a good time to do business.

You don’t have to worry about being passed off as inferior by local merchants, nor do you have to worry about them buying and selling by force.

Unfortunately, the ship dealers had no more goods to sell.

Even if they want to continue purchasing spices, their cargo ships don’t have much space left.

The only goods left for sale were those brought by Yuan Wenjie and the others, which were handwritten copies of the Four Books and Five Classics by the great Confucian scholar.

Not to mention, there were many Han people in the country where Sri Buddha died, and there were many businessmen who admired Daxia culture.

The names of great Confucians can make the value of hand-copied copies of the Four Books and Five Classics soar hundreds of times.

Those with annotations can fetch sky-high prices.

No matter what the reason is, the locals are rushing to send money.

Finally, these books all have good homes.

"Finally sold out!" Yuan Wenwu and Qin Ke looked at each other and smiled, relieved.

Although their comics, puzzles, and Four Books and Five Classics are not as profitable as silk and tea.

However, compared to domestically, it is really a huge profit.

(End of this chapter)

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