Chapter 364: Vassal State

The gold sold was simply saved.

The brothers discussed with great interest where they wanted to buy a shop and a village when they returned to the capital.

Lu Shaoting and others looked at Qin Ke holding the box containing gold, filled with envy:

"If I had known earlier, I should have asked my brothers more before we set out to sea. Hey! It's obvious that we can get rich overnight!"

"Brothers, don't worry, wait until our gems and top-grade orchids are sold out, hey, everyone will be a rich guy!"

Yuan Wenwu's coaxing skills were top-notch. It only took half a quarter of an hour to make a group of boys smile.

When General Gao was dragging King Srivijaya around, he was choosing a place to garrison.

Hei Wa also had some free time and went shopping with the children.

Yuan Wenjie pinched his purse and asked, "Dad, are there any good things worth buying in the Kingdom of Sri Lanka?"

Hei Wa, who actually traveled to this place in his previous life, knows all about it:

"There are many good things, such as pearls, tortoise shell, borneol, agarwood, rough incense, incense, cloves, sandalwood, cardamom, etc. If they are similar, don't buy anything that takes up space and is heavy."

Yuan Wenjie still refused to give up: "I still have to buy some local specialties, right? I can't come here in vain!"

Their father was not disappointed at all: "You brats, prepare your wallets, there are really good things worth buying!"

What Heiwa has been thinking about for a long time is the local special tonic - bird's nest.

Which lady doesn't like to drink this stuff?
Besides, the price of bird's nests in this place of production is really not expensive.

Heiwa himself couldn't help but buy more than thirty kilograms.

What a rich man. Hei Wa: These are not enough for my wife to drink for ten years. I can still buy them!

Don't you think a biological son should be filial to his mother?
After earning so much gold, I have to buy ten or twenty pounds of bird's nest for my mother!

The two eldest children: How can we let our father be more beautiful than our mother? Besides, have they not forgotten the attitude of their ex-mother who ran away? !

buy! buy! buy!
Brother, if you buy fifteen pounds, I will buy the same amount as you.

Uncle Zhongqin, with his family's efforts, bought all the bird's nests in his shop.

Seeing Uncle Zhongqin's family enjoying their shopping, Lu Shaoting and others also acted quickly.

All the bird's nest shops on the street were sold out by Daxia people in less than half a day.

Although the merchants of Srivijaya were still a little wary of dealing with the Daxia people, making money was so sweet!
After General Gao finally selected a satisfactory garrison island, they packed their bags and set off again.

King Srivijaya and his subjects saw off the envoys from the foreign country at the pier.

The ministers waved their hands wider and wider, as if they were sending off the plague.

For such an inexplicable secession of a large island to the suzerain kingdom, King Srivijaya was left with mixed feelings and had to grit his teeth and smile and wave to say goodbye.

"Ahead is Kartanje (Gulf of Thailand). Please give the general's order to allow all ships to pass quickly. This harbor has heavy rainfall and is dangerous! As long as we successfully pass Kartanje, we will reach the Sanji Sea (South China Sea)!"

Faisal took out the sheepskin nautical chart, examined it carefully, and came to a conclusion.

He was filled with pride at this moment!
Finally, their imperial merchants were about to set foot on the land of the Great Xia Dynasty that they had admired for a long time.

"Attention all crew members, put on your life jackets, we are going to speed up!" the orderer began to quickly pass the order.

The sea was no longer as calm as before, and it took three days and three nights of bumps before we could finally break out.

Twenty days later.

Chen Ri, the emperor of the Annan Dynasty, led hundreds of civil and military officials out of Kyoto.

In Champa City, he personally welcomed the envoy from the state.

Speaking of the history of Annan, before the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, it is completely consistent with the flower growers.

At the beginning of the Qin Dynasty, Annan was still a territory of the Central Plains. By the time of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, Wu Quan separatized Annan, and Annan took advantage of the situation to become an independent country.

Later, because of the seclusion and self-governance of the Great Xia Dynasty, it turned out to be a vassal state of the Central Plains Empire and stopped paying tribute for hundreds of years.

The Great Xia Dynasty was not only busy with the wars between the Tatars and other tribes in the north, but also had internal melees.

In the past hundred years, Annan has been able to rapidly expand to the south, and the Champa Kingdom was completely destroyed by it seventy years ago.

Annan changed the name of Champa to Champa. In fact, news on the sea is not slow at all.

Before the envoys of the Great Xia Dynasty set out from Srivijaya's kingdom, Chen Ri got the exact news.

The navy of the Great Xia Dynasty slaughtered more than 10,000 pirates who had caused harm to Southeast Asia for hundreds of years, and allowed more than 1,000 prisoners to be sacrificed.

Not only did King Srivijaya frighten him out of his wits, Chen Ri also made no concessions.

Annan had no choice but to quickly surrender and return to his vassal state.

"King Jiaozhi, do you have any words to send to His Majesty the Emperor?"

More than ever, Huang Shangshu has the air of a great minister.

After Chen Rigang expressed his willingness to become a minister, he unceremoniously called him "King of Cochin".

"Yes, yes, the little king's legitimate son is willing to go to the capital with the envoys to meet His Majesty the Emperor." Chen Ri also spoke Chinese quite fluently, and he gave everyone a sincere expression from the very beginning.

Annan has been deeply influenced by Han culture since the Qin and Han Dynasties.

Chinese characters have always existed as the official script of Annan Kingdom.

Today's "Confucian classics" of the Chen Dynasty are even more popular.

Sure enough, he had the consciousness of being a vassal state and asked his legitimate son to come to Beijing as a hostage. Huang Shangshu couldn't bear to embarrass him anymore.

In addition to the memorial, Chen Ri also presented a thick stack of tribute bills.

It has:
A golden surrogate (a human figure made of gold).

Ten pairs of ivory.

Ten rhino horns.

Five hundred pieces each of native silk, native silk, native silk and native cloth.

Two hundred catties of agarwood, two hundred catties of instant incense, and two hundred catties of Amomum villosum.

There are three thousand catties of rice in Champa.

Two elephants and fifty elephant slaves
Hei Wa was noncommittal about the other tributes, and only made new demands for the Champa rice on the gift list.

He asked the King of Jiaozhi to send a few farmers who were good at growing Champa rice and three thousand stones of rice seeds to bring back to the Great Xia Dynasty.

Chen Riwu refused.

In the eighth year of Tianshun's reign, it was winter, and on the sixth day of the lunar month, the sky was slightly bright.

"Hahaha, brothers, come and see, come and see!"

There was the young sailor who got up early, and his loud voice woke up many people.

"Ah, I saw it, I saw it, that's Tamsui Bay, Tamsui Bay, our land in Daxia!"

"Long live the Great Xia Dynasty, long live my emperor, long live the emperor!"

"Wow, fifth and sixth brothers, we are really back!"

Qin Ke was so excited that he didn't know what to do. It had been almost three years since he wanted to die in the Daxia Palace.

Inside were the Emperor's uncle, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and their other accompanying brothers.

Several teenagers hugged each other, laughing and crying.

Everyone couldn't help but blush when they saw this situation.

Hei Wa smiled particularly fiercely: "You little bastards, you have to think carefully. When you see your mother, this beating seems inevitable!"

At this time, Yuan Wenwu was only happy to go home, and he didn't care about replying to his father: "My eldest brother and I have already discussed it. Let's just lie down on the bed and let our mother give her a good beating! As long as she can calm down, we can do anything. ah!"

"Hahaha, we are back!"

"Long live my emperor, long live my emperor!"

At daybreak, more than 30,000 people began to cheer.

Long live the sound, deafening.

(End of this chapter)

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