The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 378 National Experiment

Chapter 378 National Experiment
The teenagers who were friends with him were making their final push.

Compared with future and making friends, the latter is undoubtedly more important.

Children can drink Cuihua’s love brand soup every day.

It is very similar to the feeding pattern of parents of candidates before the college entrance examination.

When they were thinking so hard, the young men in the Zhongqin Hou Mansion all had their chins rounded up.

The boy examination in the Great Xia Dynasty consisted of three stages: county examination, government examination, and hospital examination.

Only one level of county examination requires five consecutive examinations.

The county examination is usually held in mid-spring.

After passing the county examination, he could not relax because Meng Xia would take the government examination next time.

The prefectural examination is presided over by the prefect, and there are three consecutive examinations. Only after passing the prefectural examination can one become a Tongsheng.

The last round of the children's examination, the college examination, can stop most children here.

There are many people with gray hair who still call themselves children.

Only those who passed the college examination were considered to have passed the first level of the imperial examination.

People call him a scholar, which shows that officials do not kneel down.

Father Hu had high expectations for his grandson and grandsons, and said to Mrs. Zhang:

"Old lady, we were right when we listened to our daughter. There is one more benefit for us coming to Beijing."

Mrs. Zhang was cheerful: "Whenever my daughter makes a mistake, just listen to her! Which one do you want to talk about? Is it because it is convenient for the grandchildren to study?"

"More than that, not only is it convenient to study, but the examination centers for the children's imperial examinations are also very close! If you are that promising and have the opportunity to go to Chunwei or something, why don't you have to spend a few more months studying on the road than others?"

"Oh, old man, you are right. If our family is still in Er'eshan, your two grandsons will have to go to Jiazhou from the county to be a scholar."

The couple was filled with sadness and were once again grateful for the good decision they made that year.

Meng Xia, the fourth boy in the Yuan Mansion, successfully became a child, and Marquis Zhongqin finally returned to Beijing from Lingnan.

Anything grown in Lingnan can mature over a year, and the yield and variety are yet to be determined.

Northland is the best place for corn and potatoes.

This year, all imperial villages in the suburbs of Beijing will be used to grow these two species.

Corn, they brought back a whole boatload of seeds.

As long as the planting is not dense, several imperial villages can be fully planted.

He poured a lot of space water along the way, and the apple saplings that survived into the summer also stretched their branches, and it would take several years before they bloomed and bore fruit.

Along the north coast of the Great Yellow River, Xia Hongdi specially designated a cotton planting area for them.

Marquis Zhongqin was a practitioner in cultivating various food crops in the North.

Tu Sinong stayed in Lingnan alone, and the burden on him was not light.

At the same time, the planting of Champa rice, sweet potato, taro, pepper, rubber and other food and cash crops should be taken into consideration.

As for peanuts, pumpkins, zucchini, tomatoes, strawberries and other vegetables and fruits, they were all harvested one by one.

Half to the north and half to the south.

Two hundred Tianzhu slaves growing cotton finally came in handy.

The Tianzhu slaves were imprisoned in Zhuangzi on the outskirts of Beijing, where they could eat rice, noodles, vegetables, and eggs every day.

Moreover, this new owner doesn't like to whip slaves, and he doesn't seem to be interested in plundering their women.

They were thankful more than ten thousand times that they came to the Great Xia Dynasty.

Isn’t it just about growing cotton and spinning cotton cloth?
How many generations have they been doing this!
Judging from the current feedback from the cotton planting base, everything is going very smoothly.

Even the blueprints for Tianzhu's most advanced looms were obtained by Marquis Zhongqin when he was in Tianzhu.

Daxia doesn’t need too many skilled craftsmen! Lao Yuantou from Dalicun has received a lot of orders.

Before cotton cloth could be successfully woven, and before the Great Xia Dynasty could cultivate mature weavers, these technologies had to be placed at the feet of the emperor.

Marquis Zhongqin was so busy that when he heard that the two eldest children were born as children, he didn't even remember to ask how many they were.

Perhaps, it is better to read at a younger age.

In the list that came out this time, the youngest Ogawa actually did the best, ranking eighth.

Yuan Wenwu was 12th, Yuan Wenjie was 15th, and Xiao Shan was 25th.

Yuan Wenwu was greatly stimulated and finally stopped looking down on Tong Shi.

The candidates in the capital also had a very hard time.

He felt that his reading partner in the past few years had done a solid job, but he didn't even pass Xiaochuan's exam.

The biggest advantage of parents who are bad students is: just pass the test, ranking is not the most important, as long as you can accept it!

Mr. Mou started targeted high-intensity training for several students who were relatively weak in five-character and six-rhyme poems.

In mid-autumn this year, they still need to pass the final college examination.

Thousands of kilograms of coarse grains produced per acre have only been seen in Tu Sinong's report. How could I see it with my own eyes and be shocked?
In the clever moon, the potatoes grown in Huangzhuang are the first to mature.

Marquis Zhongqin invited the emperor to dig potatoes together.

Vegetables such as tomatoes, kidney beans and zucchini have been sent to the palace to be tasted.

Tomatoes are loved by everyone.

Especially Princess Jingyao and the fifth prince.

They want to eat sweet and sour fresh tomatoes every day and eat vegetables as fruits.

I heard that beef stew with tomatoes and potatoes is a perfect combination.

Princess Jingyao has told her father several times to ask him to dig more potatoes and bring them back to the palace.

Looking at the inconspicuous potato vine, Xia Hongdi waved his hand, and the slaves in the imperial manor started digging.

Heiwa dug a few bushes himself and was very satisfied when he saw that most of the potato eggs had grown to the size of a fist.

Dig first and then weigh.

Except for those that were dug into two pieces and were too small, five acres were plowed continuously, with an average yield of 2,500 kilograms per mu.

Although it is not as high as that of later generations, His Majesty the Emperor is already very satisfied.

This is not the best dry land. These hundreds of acres of potatoes can be planted on tens of thousands of acres next year, and then...
"Save the seeds, keep them all for seeds, and eat the small ones and the ones cut in two if you want!"

Who has such a good appetite to eat the grain that will soon be planted throughout the Great Xia Dynasty?

I’m afraid my teeth will itch!
Peanuts are barely edible at the moment.

Adding star anise, cinnamon, Sichuan peppercorns and boiling peanuts in salt water, His Majesty the Emperor couldn't stop eating them.

Peanuts are crispier when fried in oil, and they can also be used to extract oil, which is also a good thing!
There are also tender corns that are not yet mature, but there is no delay in eating them. Heiwa has mixed in a lot of sweet and waxy seeds.

With the thin green shell, it was cooked in a big pot, and the sweet and unique corn flavor drifted far away.

"It's delicious. This corn is even sweeter when it's tender! My dear, how many acres can these corns be planted next year?"

"One acre of corn requires three to five kilograms of seeds. This year we have planted about 10,000 acres. If the yield per mu is 1,000 kilograms, we can plant at least two million acres next year. In three years, we can produce enough for the entire summer. People farm.”

"Okay, three years, I will give you three years. In three years, I want to see that there is no more food shortage in Daxia!"

"My lord, take the order!"

The monarch and his ministers looked at each other and laughed heartily!

(End of this chapter)

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