The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 379 Royal College of Physicians

Chapter 379 Royal College of Physicians

In the twelfth year of Tianshun, the moon falls.

The hot western suburbs of the capital city were filled with people despite the bright sunshine.

A small official came out to maintain order.

The group of people who had been noisy just now suddenly became attentive and listened attentively.


"The hour has come, the hour has come!"

"Candidates please show their admission tickets and line up to enter the examination room in a quarter of an hour. No whispering is allowed and silence is allowed!"

Under the greenhouse, nearly 10,000 students looked at the door of hope, shining brightly.

Hundreds of craftsmen spent three years repairing it.

This is the building before our eyes that has attracted the attention of all the people in the capital since its construction.

The Royal Medical College has the most complete building facilities (glass windows, floor tiles are standard) and can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

It is finally recruiting students.

With the full support of Emperor Tianshun, this Royal Medical College was built in the western suburbs of the capital, covering an area of ​​one thousand acres.

At that time, a palace was demolished to build the medical school today.

There are three main teaching buildings in the entire medical school.

They are all three-story buildings in the shape of a Chinese character.

It is not surprising that there are large dining halls, large bathhouses, student dormitories that can accommodate thousands of people, and courtyards where masters live.

There are only two seven-story experimental buildings and a library decorated with white tiles inside and outside, which are quite eye-catching.

These two buildings also set the record for the tallest buildings in the Great Xia Dynasty.

The library not only contains all the medical books and medical classics of the Daxia Dynasty.

There are also the medical books of the Great Food Empire brought back by the navy, and it took three years to translate only half of them.

Thirdly, various aristocratic families also provided many manuscripts.

These collections of books are increasing year by year.

There are currently only three separate colleges within the Royal College of Physicians:
The College of Traditional Chinese Medicine consists of: Dafang Pulmonology Department, Xiaofang Pulmonology Department, Obstetrics Department, and Acupuncture Department;

Medical College of Western Medicine, including: Surgery, Obstetrics, and Ophthalmology;
The School of Pharmacy consists of: Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Department of Western Medicine.

The tutors of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine are the imperial doctors from the Imperial Hospital, famous doctors with folk medical skills and high reputation;
The Western Hospital hired Shangguan Imperial Physician, Sharif, the Imperial Physician of the Dashi Empire, and other Dashi doctors as masters;

The School of Pharmacy is a hodgepodge, combining Chinese and Western medicine, and has specially collected many folk remedies.

The study time of pharmacy is divided into: three-year system and five-year system;
Traditional Chinese Medicine is unified into: five-year system;
Western medicine is the most time-consuming: starting from five years and up to eight years.

In the Great Xia Dynasty, all those with a scholar's degree or above and who were interested in studying medicine were eligible to participate in the annual medical student examination.

This year is the first year and only 1,000 medical students have been admitted.

Scholars from the capital and ten prefectures near the capital had a total of less than 10,000 applicants, which was quite a huge draw.

It's not that the scholars don't want to continue taking the exams, it's mainly that the treatment given to medical students by the imperial court is extremely favorable.

Those who are admitted will not only be free of tuition and miscellaneous fees, but those who obtain qualification certificates after graduation can also be assigned by the court to work in medical offices in various places.

It is relatively easy to become a scholar from a poor family. If you are not very talented in reading, studying medicine is the best way out.

After the candidates entered the venue, there was a group of spectators outside.

Some people looked at the crowd of examinees and couldn't help but sigh: "Hey, wasn't it said that this medical school can accommodate more than 20,000 students? Why did it only recruit 1,000 students for the first time? Recruit more. Students can train more doctors!”

There are also many knowledgeable people who are watching the excitement:

"Brother, don't you think about it, how can I teach you with so many students? Western medicine relies entirely on teachers from foreign countries. I heard that there are only a few dozen teachers in total!"

Seeing that the two of them were chatting lively, another gossip came in:
"Let me tell you, it's better for the scholars to learn the traditional Chinese medicine passed down by our ancestors, and not to imitate those doctors who always perform caesarean section! Who dares to treat these people who use knives and tweezers?"

His words immediately aroused fierce reactions from others:
"What's so scary about caesarean section? The mother who gave birth to triplets by caesarean section at the beginning of the year is living well now! Traditional Chinese medicine doesn't dare to use this knife! Serious diseases require Western medicine!"

The gossiper is also a tough talker: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, how many men who are pregnant are willing to have their women caesarean sectioned by a man?"

"I said you are really hypocritical. If it were your daughter's baby, would you just watch her die in childbirth? In the face of life and death, those who are bound by rules are fools!"

"This this."

Those who talk will not say anything when their daughter or granddaughter is brought in. Those who are na na will be despised by others.

The inherent concepts of the ancients cannot be changed in a short period of time.

Dr. Sharif and others from the Big Food Empire have had a hard time staying in the capital these past few years.

In addition to teaching trauma treatment techniques in the military barracks, in the private sector, he only performed more than a dozen surgeries on ordinary people.

Today, the capital has the legend of their surgical skills.

Unlike those who watch the excitement, most of the parents who come to accompany the exams support their children.

Regardless of Western medicine or Chinese medicine, as long as you can pass the exam, it will be fine.

Who wouldn’t want to serve as the iron rice bowl of the imperial court?

Some parents who knew some of the inside story said with concern:

"If you don't pass the exam this year, it will be even harder next year. Next year it is said that enrollment will be nationwide. Those who are selected by each government will definitely not be bad!"

There are also those who are confident in their children:

"Hehe, our boy is really lucky. The scholar who passed the exam last year will have the luck of being a medical student this year. He is sixteen years old and will be in his early twenties after studying, which is just right!"

In the end, everyone sighed: "If you choose one out of ten and fail the exam, you really can't blame anyone else!"

The parents who accompanied the exam drank herbal tea in the exam booth, asked each other about the conditions of each other's children, and secretly made comparisons.

On a hot day, a three-day exam can really make people confused.

Why did you choose to take the exam in such hot weather?

This is not the suggestion of some scumbag student!
What did people say at that time?
If you don't have a good body, how can you be a doctor?

Anyway, these suggestions were adopted!

He refused to leave after watching the excitement, and continued to explore inside the medical school with his head raised.

Like every time I read it: "You can see the glass windows upstairs through the courtyard wall. The medical school is really impressive!"

"Three years ago, I wouldn't have imagined that we would have such good conditions. Nowadays, glass is not a rare thing."

It’s really not surprising!
In the past few years, the imperial court has opened dozens of glass shops across the country, and the annual output is not low.

Households with better conditions can build a few glass windows for their homes as long as they can spare a dozen taels of silver.

Compared with the previous variegated colored glass, the glass is larger and more translucent.

With glass windows, you no longer have to suffer from the cold wind.

Various wine glasses, water glasses, fruit plates, etc. made of colored glass have also gradually entered people's lives.
(End of this chapter)

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