The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 380 Agricultural Takeoff

Chapter 380 Agricultural Takeoff
The corn, sweet potatoes, potatoes, pumpkins, etc. brought back from overseas by Zhongqin Hou and others were forced to be promoted by the imperial court and planted throughout Daxia.

In the first two years, most of the grain grown under government supervision was used for sowing.

This year, people can finally eat with open stomachs.

Everyone has tasted the sweetness of high-yielding grain.

Especially in the past two years, the amount of dry land reclaimed has increased several times compared to previous years.

Anyone who is not hopelessly lazy knows that a few acres of coarse grains can feed a family.

Corn has become one of the fine grains in Daxia.

Mix finely ground cornmeal and gray flour to make steamed buns.

The same tube is full, the cost can be reduced by half, and it still has the sweetness of cornmeal.

Women who know how to live a good life are self-taught and can figure out the proportions that give the best taste.

Put some peanut oil and icing sugar, and fry the popcorn in a big pot, which is delicious for both adults and children.

Potatoes have become the most popular food among the people in the history of Great Xia.

You get both food and rice. No matter how much you eat, you won’t get heartburn or fart.

If stored properly, you can grow it for one season and you can eat it for a year.

Sweet potato has the highest yield per mu, and people are tired of eating it. Sweet potato vines and sweet potatoes can also be chopped and cooked and fed to pigs.

Pigs that grew up eating sweet potatoes are extremely fat.

Those families in the village who are not very wealthy want to entertain their children but have no money to buy candies.

In autumn, all you have to do is use your hands to select the sweetest red sweet potatoes, cook them, and then dry them in the sun for hundreds of pounds.

It’s enough for the babies to chew on for several months.

This is not even counting the best way to eat high-yielding sweet potatoes. Mrs. Zhongqinhou’s noodle shop developed sweet potato vermicelli noodles last year.

I'm too lazy to make it myself, but who can't afford it for thirty cents per pound of dried vermicelli?
Oops, fat meat stewed with pickled cabbage and sweet potato vermicelli, everyone doesn’t like it.

This hot and sour noodle was developed by the Women's Culinary Institute, and the recipes were learned for free from various charity houses.

Within a few months, it spread all over the country.

Hot and sour, with crispy peanuts and pickled vegetables added to the hot and sour noodles, it's so refreshing after just one bite.

In the first month after sweet potato noodles were put on the market in large quantities, more than 100 hot and sour noodles stalls opened in Beijing.

After eating here and there, everyone said that Zhongqin Town has the most authentic taste.

There are gourmets in the capital who run out of the city to eat for this hot and sour rice noodle.

The Champa rice supplied by Annan every year was planted from Lingnan to Huguang, and its yield was more than double that of Daxia rice.

The price of rice will no longer fluctuate up and down, making it unaffordable for the poor.

In addition to food, various vegetable seeds brought back by the Inca Empire also grew gratifyingly on the land of Bactria.

Long beans can be eaten stir-fried, boiled, or soaked into pickled beans;

Sweet and sour tomatoes, mixed with a little icing sugar, can be sweet to the heart;

The strawberries that the nobles were rushing to buy could actually be grown in a greenhouse in winter.

Apart from being expensive, there are no drawbacks.

Peanuts and sunflower seeds are used to extract more oil, and every household now has no shortage of oil and water.

Cotton has become the best choice for all people for tailoring.

Two hundred yuan of cotton can be used to make a summer coat, which absorbs sweat, is breathable, and has a soft texture.

Linen and Gebu are very unfriendly to the baby's skin, and even children from noble families find cotton clothes more comfortable.

Pepper, which has the highest economic value, has begun to bear fruit in Lingnan and Yazhou Prefecture, and will enter a peak production period in the next few years.

these three years.

These were the three years when agriculture took off in the Great Xia Dynasty!
It was also the three years that Zhongqin Hou Man Daxia was running around.

Except for the Chinese New Year, he almost spent time in the fields.

She is tanner than black people, and she is truly a black baby.

In the Hou Mansion, without him, nothing would be delayed.

Not only did Zhao Tingting successfully marry a daughter-in-law, but now the young lady of the Mou family is pregnant with a child;

After Qin Ke came back from overseas, he changed his military system and is now a member of the palace guard army.

In the past few years, this boy has continuously made his presence felt in the Yuan Mansion and the Hu Family, and finally caught Hu Erniu's eye.

The Hu family promised him Xiaocao, who was the same age as him.

Tianshun's marriage was only completed in the twelfth lunar month of ten years, and Xiaocao had just given birth to a fat boy.

Xiaohua also has a good home.

In the eleventh year of Tianshun, she married the eldest son of Master Yao's family (who was already a scholar), and she will become a mother in February next year.

Yao Damou won the Jinshi three years ago, and his ranking was not low.

Now that he is studying in the Hanlin Academy, he will soon be leaving the academy to elect officials.

An orphan son-in-law like Qin Ke was cherished by both young and old in the Hu family, and they always took Xiaocao back to their parents' home during the Chinese New Year.

In Xiaohua's husband's family, her father-in-law has a bright future, her mother-in-law has a prosperous career, and her brothers-in-law are all studying in college. Mother-in-law Yao simply let the newlyweds live near Dongcheng College. As soon as Xiaohua's dowry entered the courtyard, their life was quite easy.

Two marriages, in Zhang's words: a good marriage that you can't even find with a lantern, and the daughters of the Hu family are all lucky!

In the past three years, Yuan Wenjie and the others have successively sold the orchids they dug back from Madao.

The most expensive plants were auctioned for astronomical prices of tens of thousands taels.

In addition, they realized a lot of money from the gems, spices, etc. they sold.

The entire street near the Royal Medical College was built jointly by these guys, with an average of eighty shops per person.

A proper charterer!

At this point, the brothers were ordered by their father not to mess around with money anymore and asked them to concentrate on their studies.

The four young men of Yuan Mansion are still scholars.

Xiaoshan had the most trouble, taking the exam twice before passing. They are preparing for this year's provincial exam.

For their provincial examination, Cuihua even prepared instant noodles.

Sold out before the exam!

The noodles, which can be eaten just by soaking them in boiling water until softened and adding the seasoning packet, are really a close friend of candidates.

In the court, there are some signs of something different.

Since the prince and several princes got married one after another, ministers asked for letters from the vassal kings, and Xia Hongdi received more than a dozen letters every month.

Xia Hongdi himself had suffered enough from the internal strife among the feudal kings. How could he let his sons follow the same path he had taken? !
In the words of Marquis Zhongqin, if the pancake is not big, there won’t be enough portions!

Who would be stingy about giving out two baskets of bread?

How to make more cakes at home has become Xia Hongdi's top priority.

Ten days after Qiu Wei, Cuihua received the order from Queen Gao and entered the palace with some confusion.

"My wife, please give my regards to your Majesty. May your Majesty be blessed!"

"No gifts, no gifts, just a seat!"

Unlike in the past, the empress was particularly solemn.

When Cuihua saw the queen in her best clothes, she became very energetic.

At the beginning, the two chatted for two quarters of an hour about the affairs of the Women's Culinary Institute.

Neither of them could hide their words. Empress Gao drank half a cup of tea before she asked slowly:

"Are your eldest son and second son planning to take the imperial examination and serve as officials?"

"To tell you the truth, the Marquis and I didn't force it. We will take whatever step they can get in the exam."

"That's right. You're eighteen or nineteen years old, and you're still very young after taking three or two exams. They say you should get married first and then build a career. How come I haven't heard of your family discussing the marriage between the two young masters?"

Cuihua touched her nose and said, "Madam, to be honest, we already had our eye on the candidate for the daughter-in-law of the boss of the mansion two years ago. We will discuss the marriage after their provincial examination."

"Oh? Which one are you talking about?"

"She is my niece whom I adopted when I was fleeing from famine. She is also considered a childhood sweetheart with my eldest son."

Queen Gao's face was full of astonishment.

She didn't expect that the Zhongqin Hou Mansion was so disrespectful that the eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law would choose such a person!
Inexplicably, I feel a little blocked in my heart.

After a pause, he steadied himself before asking the main purpose of today: "Does the Second Young Master have someone he likes?"

"Hey! It would be great if he has someone he likes. Every year during the New Year and Spring Banquet, my wife is dizzy from being talked about by the wives. This brat seems to have not yet enlightened himself. If he asks him, he will be dismissive. If he asks again, he will be ignored. He told me to let my wife choose.”

Cuihua's face was full of helplessness, and she couldn't help but want to complain about her brat. She didn't treat Queen Gao as an outsider at all.

"Then, tell me, what kind of daughter-in-law do you want to find? There are also many people who have asked matchmakers to come to me." Queen Gao's voice rose slightly.

Cuihua was still immersed in her worries and didn't hear it, so she replied honestly:
"Actually, I don't really have any specific requirements. As long as they have the same temperament and temperament, they can have something to talk about when they get home, and their lives are not noisy."

"Getting along? Is it possible that he should meet and talk to the other party before getting engaged?" Empress Gao asked in surprise, how could a foreign man see a young lady raised in a boudoir?
Cuihua spread her hands: "I know it's difficult, but I don't know if I will make a mistake. Let them choose their own daughter-in-law. In the future, he will choose his own good wife."

"Pfft!" The tea Gao Huanggong drank sprayed out in a small area.

Good guy, the whole family in the Zhongqin Hou Mansion are all weird and very understandable.

After asking for a long time, she couldn't figure out the reason, so she had to let Cuihua go and leave.

Cuihua and Heiwa talked for a long time in the evening, but they couldn't guess for whom Empress Gao wanted to secure a match.

Hei Wa finally said simply: "Whose family does it matter? It's better to be a mother-in-law than a daughter-in-law. If you can get along, you can live in the place you want. If you don't, let that stinky boy live alone!"

"Aren't I afraid of getting involved in the imperial court?" All Cuihua could think of was the issue of taking sides.

"Daughter-in-law, you are overthinking! Our family is a royalist party, and the Queen will not mess with the matchmaker. The Duke of Wei has already snatched a mistress, and will not marry another daughter."

"Really, why is there no free love? It's hard to be a feudal lord!"

"I think you are just being picky. In fact, it's not that complicated. As long as a teenage girl is not too narrow-minded and has an upright family background, she can just marry her and let her get involved slowly!"

"Hmph! If only he really didn't have any requirements! He has been pickier than the boss since he was a child! If you choose a house for him casually, you can see if he makes a fuss or not!"

"Don't worry, your man will support you. If he doesn't tell the truth, we will pick the ugliest one for him!"

"Just cheat him, he's your own son."

(End of this chapter)

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