Chapter 206 You are not wrong
After discussing with each other, the two finally decided to find people from top to bottom and the other from bottom to top, and meet on the middle floor.

Su Fangyun began to search from the first floor, saying that there were several convenience stores outside the building, and he planned to go there first.

After hearing this, Ming Dai felt that it was indeed the right choice for her to seek help from Su Fangyun.

If it was her, she might be trapped in her mind by the news of "jumping off a building from the roof", and she would never think of a place like a convenience store.

Su Fangyun thought of a blind spot that she couldn't think of, which made Ming Dai feel more at ease.

The matter of losing He Xiang because of Tan Wenshu's disturbance, Ming Dai has always been brooding about it.

Let's hope this little oversight doesn't have dire consequences.


Next, Ming Dai took the elevator to the top floor.

She was afraid that there might be omissions in the news she heard in her previous life, so she decided to go to the rooftop to confirm it as soon as possible.

Fortunately, no one was found here.

Ming Dai breathed a sigh of relief and was about to go to other places to find someone.

Out of the corner of his eye, he paused suddenly, and caught a glimpse of the roof of the building next door.

The two buildings are very close to each other, connected by a sky bridge in the middle. The structure of the twin buildings is a landmark building in Yanjing.

The rooftop of the building next door is also empty and there is no one there, but there is a small area blocked by a wall, which is a dead end area.

"No way……"

Ming Dai said so, but she didn't dare to take this chance.

She first ran to the railing of the roof and looked down, and found that there was an overpass leading to the next building two floors down.

After confirming the route, Ming Dai immediately left for the next building.

She was anxious and fast, and arrived at the rooftop next door in less than 5 minutes.

Stepping out of the rooftop door, looking around, it was as it was seen on the nearby rooftop, there was no one... No!someone!

Ming Dai's eyes narrowed slightly, and she saw outside the railings of the roof, on the edge of the platform that was so narrow that only one foot could be stepped on, there was a thin and inconspicuous figure huddled there.

The man's legs were hanging outside, his hair was blown by the strong wind on the top floor, and the bright red down jacket seemed to be bleeding blood.

It's He Xiang!
Ming Dai quickly took out her phone, and first sent a message to Su Fangyun, asking her to come here quickly.

Then she opened the call interface, pressed the three-digit alarm number, and before she could dial it——

"What are you doing?"

The faint voice sounded suddenly.

Ming Dai froze when pressing the button.

"Want to call the police?"

He Xiang's empty eyes stared at Ming Dai's hand from the gap in the railing.

If Ming Dai dared to call the police, she jumped down on the spot.

Ming Dai had to raise her hand and explained: "No, you misunderstood."

He Xiang didn't believe it easily, but said: "You have followed me since the beginning, what do you want to do?"

Ming Dai said calmly: "I know something happened to you, I want to help you."

"help me?"

He Xiang let out a sarcastic laugh, as if hearing some big joke.

Ming Dai was slightly puzzled.

Because He Xiang's attitude is really wrong.

Sure enough, He Xiang's reaction was not obedience or emotion, but unusually intense:
"Help me? How are you going to help me? Or do you just say you want to help me, but you actually want to use me?"

"...Is someone trying to use you?"

Ming Dai heard something tricky.

And He Xiang has been completely immersed in his emotions:

"You are all from the same path! In the name of helping me, you actually want to use me to bring down Tan Wenshu! You are like this, so is he...why! I trust him so much! I told him everything that happened! He said that he sympathized with me, that he didn’t mind what happened to me and that he would stay with me for the rest of his life! But! But he turned around and told his brother about it! He also said that he would find the media to break the news! He would sell the news To someone else! Still want to steal my video!"

Ming Dai listened quietly, and finally understood why He Xiang was always resistant to her help.

Because He Xiang had suffered a similar injury - he believed in a person wholeheartedly, but he did not expect that this kind of behavior gave the right to hurt himself to that person!
I'm afraid this is also the real reason why He Xiang wanted to go to extremes. In her previous life, she couldn't wait for anyone's help, and jumped down from the rooftop in loneliness and despair!
Seeing that He Xiang's emotions became more and more intense, his thin body seemed to be shaking in the wind, and he kept chanting:

"You just want to see me die! Are you satisfied if I die! Okay... okay..."

"you are wrong!"

Ming Dai shouted loudly!
He Xiang was startled, subconsciously grabbed the railing to stabilize her body, and looked at Ming Dai blankly.

Ming Dai gritted her teeth, and said word by word: "Who do you think you will hurt if you die? Those men? No, they will only laugh at your cowardice and pity! Turn around and continue to use this matter as a talking point! In the end, I feel sad for your death Yes, only your relatives and friends!"

He Xiang shook his shoulders, and his eyes turned red quickly: "What do you know? Do you know what happened to me?"

Ming Dai's eyes were also a little sour, but her tone softened: "I know."

He Xiang looked at her puzzled.

"I know." Mingdai repeated again, enduring the turbulent emotions, "That feeling is very uncomfortable, being betrayed, ridiculed, despised... He easily judges your value and attributes all mistakes to you , and even deny your character, and describe you as rubbish like him. You actually know that this is not your fault, but everyone will say it is your fault, and no one will believe you, even the closest people. When doubting you, you are unable to refute and have no strength to fight back. Facing a mountain that cannot be crossed, the sense of despair and powerlessness almost overwhelms you, so that in the end you start to doubt yourself, is it really wrong?"

He Xiang's eyes filled with tears little by little.

Every word Ming Dai said was her heartfelt voice.


He Xiang looked at Ming Dai with softened eyes.

Ming Dai suppressed the moisture from the corners of her eyes: "You are not wrong, those who hurt you are the ones who are wrong, so come down, no matter what, fight for a chance for yourself."

He Xiang was slightly moved, and suddenly asked: "Did you... hear the conversation between me and Tan Wenshu?"

Ming Dai nodded and admitted: "That's right, I heard it. But don't worry, I won't tell it. The final choice of this matter is in your hands. Even if you want to keep it secret, it's okay."

Ming Dai changed her mind. At first she wanted to use Tan Wenshu's tricks to destroy the movie and bring him down completely.

But if all this is based on a girl's desperate pain, then she would rather not.

Not to say give up, but to find another way.

People like Tan Wenshu committed more than one or two crimes?
He Xiang finally smiled, with relief and satisfaction in his smile.

She leaned on the railing and stood up with difficulty, facing Ming Dai, said:

"Thank you."

After speaking, let go of your hand and fall backwards.

(End of this chapter)

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