Chapter 207 He Said: Don't Be Afraid

"don't want!!!"

Ming Dai didn't even know that her body could burst out with such a huge potential!

He rushed to the edge of the rooftop in a few steps, and grabbed He Xiang's hand at the very moment!
Inertia and gravity brought Ming Dai's body to hit the railing hard, but Ming Dai didn't feel any pain at all, she clenched her teeth and grabbed He Xiang's arm tightly with both hands.

He Xiang is very thin, weighing about ninety catties.

It is almost impossible for Ming Dai to drag He Xiang up, who weighs the same as herself, with just two hands.

He Xiang, who was in a trance, raised his head, only then realized that he was not dead, but was held back by someone.

"You, what are you doing?"

He Xiang's tone became panicked.

Ming Dai's face was flushed red due to exertion, and she was about to be unable to hold on anymore, and she kept talking intermittently:

"You still don't know after reading it? I, I'm saving you!"

He Xiang's eyes widened in shock: "Are you crazy? What if you fall too?"

"no, I can not!"

Then, because of He Xiang's weight and the smooth, non-resistance stainless steel railing, her body slid out a few centimeters, and her toes barely touched the ground.

Mingdai was quick-witted, and stuck her feet in the gap of the railing, stopping the downward trend.

The price was that the back of her foot was excruciatingly painful.

But where can we manage so much now?
In Mingdai's mind, there is only one life tied by her own hands!

In her previous life, no one came to save Ming Dai until she died, she knew how terrible that feeling was.

So she didn't want the innocent He Xiang to experience that pain.

He Xiang said that life was boring, but Ming Dai saw that it was clearly written all over her face:
help me.

So Ming Dai gritted her teeth to endure the pain, and gripped He Xiang's arm even tighter.

She just sent a message to Su Fangyun, and sister Su will come soon.

Just hold on until then!
Beads of sweat were already oozing from Ming Dai's forehead and nose tip, He Xiang stared blankly, and suddenly burst into tears:
"sorry Sorry……"

He Xiang's eyes were full of regret.

And finally tried to reach out to grab the railing to save himself, instead of tying his strength to Ming Dai alone.

But doing so is still difficult.

When He Xiang moved, Ming Dai's body shook instead.

He Xiang was so frightened that he didn't dare to struggle.

"What should I do? Otherwise, you should let go, and don't harm you because of me!"

He Xiang burst into tears.

"It's coming... coming soon..."

Mingdai panted heavily, and gradually felt the soreness and numbness of her arms.

As if a thread was stretched to the extreme——

"Don't be afraid."

A deep voice that floats down like a cloud.

Warmth immediately wrapped Ming Dai from behind.

A strong arm stretched out from Ming Dai's side, grabbing He Xiang's hand.

Ming Dai slowly opened her eyes wide and turned her head curiously.

In order to facilitate the application of force, the other party was very close to her, almost holding Ming Dai in his arms in the posture of holding her behind her back.

So Ming Dai just turned her head slightly, and saw the tight jawline of the other party.

Because of this, they recognized each other.



He Mu responded in a low voice.

Because the distance was too close, the warm breath sprayed on the skin of Ming Dai's neck, making her shudder.

Ming Dai almost shivered.

He Mu noticed it, thinking that Ming Dai was about to lose her strength, and her tone was decisive, with a strong sense of security:
"Leave it to me, let go."

Ming Dai stared at him blankly, without moving for a long time.

He Mu bowed his head and called again: "Dai Dai?"

Ming Dai tilted her head uncomfortably, and always felt that hearing He Mu call "Dai Dai" in this posture was extraordinarily ambiguous.

So following He Mu's wishes, after he grabbed He Xiang tightly, he let go of his hands, and slipped out of his arms as nimbly as a fish.

Hemu's Adam's apple rolls imperceptibly.

Ming Dai didn't pay attention, she stood still out of breath, her arms were hanging by her sides almost out of strength, and she was trembling slightly, the cold wind from all directions dried her sweat even more, making her feel chilly all over.

But Ming Dai has no time to take care of these, and always pays attention to the movement of He Mu's hands.

She was a little anxious, but not that anxious.

The last time he climbed the mountain, Ming Dai had already seen He Mu's physical strength, so he trusted him.

Sure enough, Mingdai lived up to expectations, He Mu exerted strength in his arm muscles, and the ninety-pound He Xiang was lifted up and dragged back to the railing of the roof as light as nothing.

As soon as He Xiang stood firm, she cried and threw herself into Ming Dai's arms, hugging her tightly, speaking incoherently:

"Thank you... sorry... thank you..."

Ming Dai was startled.

Then he patted He Xiang's back gently.

"It's okay, as long as you can think about it."

He Xiang grabbed Ming Dai's clothes and wailed loudly, her crying was full of regret and fear.

In fact, He Xiang regretted it the moment he let go of the railing.

But what He Xiang is more afraid of is that he is afraid of getting Ming Dai involved.

At this moment, He Mu handed the phone to He Xiang.

"Is it yours?"

"Yes, it's mine."

"It fell on the sink just now, take a look, it seems that there is a missed call from you."

He Mu's words forced He Xiang to let go of Ming Dai and take the phone.

Seeing the missed call from [Mom] on the screen, He Xiang squatted down weakly, covering her face and crying.

Seeing this, Ming Dai knew that He Xiang had completely dispelled the idea of ​​seeking death, so she let out a small breath.

"Does your hand hurt?"

He Mu's voice pulled Ming Dai's thoughts and sight back together.

It seems that he should have the temperament of not leaving any traces in his heart, but at this moment, his brows are slightly frowned, his eyes that should be like the sky on the plateau are full of worry for Ming Dai.

"I'm fine, I'm fine."

Ming Dai stared at He Mu intently, remembering his voice bit by bit in her mind.

is it him?
Ming Dai is a bit afraid to confirm, as if she is timid because of her closeness to her hometown.

He Mu didn't notice Ming Dai's weirdness, but only paid attention to Ming Dai's hand.

"Can you take a look for me?" He Muyan asked.

"Ah?" Ming Dai was stunned for a moment before she nodded, "Yes, yes."

He Mu stretched out his hand and pinched Ming Dai's upper arm which was most likely to be injured.

Ming Dai was caught off guard and let out a "hiss".

It should be the moment when it hit the railing, and after pressing on the railing for a long time, it was a little bruised.

Ming Dai herself felt that there was nothing serious about it: "It's fine, it should be fine soon."

He Mu's expression was cold and serious, he fixedly looked at Ming Dai: "Is it really all right?"

Ming Dai didn't dare to speak anymore, she pursed her lips embarrassingly.


Su Fangyun's voice sounded not far away.

Ming Dai quickly waved her hands: "Sister Su!"

He Mu's eyes drooped slightly, but he didn't let go of the hand holding Ming Dai's arm.

Su Fangyun strode over, looked at Ming Dai, then at He Mu, and narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

However, what happened next left Su Fangyun with no time to ask more questions, because the police came with Su Fangyun.

Ming Dai's news made Su Fangyun realize that something was wrong, so he didn't forget to call the police before coming here.

(End of this chapter)

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