Chapter 209 Should have given up long ago

Ning Xu was locked in the ward by his brother, took away his mobile phone, and arranged bodyguards at the door in two shifts to guard 24 hours a day, even if he turned into a fly, he couldn't fly out.

Lu Yu came to see him in the morning, but he was standing at the door and having a conversation under the watchful eyes of two door god-like bodyguards.

Don't think about it, this must be the thoughtful Ning Shu's special order, for fear that something will happen to Ning Xu and Lu Yu's friends.

Ning Xu's plan fell through, and he didn't give up, and used another trick to attack the west——

Pretending to escape from the window on the third floor with a bed sheet tied, he hid under the bed. After the bodyguards caught up nervously, he got out from under the bed and escaped in another direction.

This time he succeeded.

However, the road to escape from the hospital is still difficult.

Ning Xu didn't have a cell phone, one leg was in plaster, and she had to rely on crutches to walk.

Fortunately, he had 100 yuan hidden in his body, and he used his face to let a passer-by aunt borrow his mobile phone to find the audition location for Tan Wenshu's new film. Finally, he took a taxi and arrived at the destination smoothly without any setbacks.

However, it was the security of the building who stopped him in the end.

The security guard refused him righteously: "Sorry, we can't come in and out here casually."

Ning Xu had no choice but to stand at the door and wait for someone, anxiously looking towards the door from time to time.

Seeing that his legs were inconvenient, the security couldn't bear it, and moved a chair for Ning Xu to sit on.

"I'm sorry, young man, we have a rule that we can't let people in casually, and if we violate it, we will be fined."

Ning Xu didn't refuse, because his legs were indeed in severe pain, and his lips turned white.

After sitting down, I felt much relieved, and thanked the security guard in a low voice.

Therefore, the security guard opened up the conversation: "It's a trivial matter. But what is the young man doing here? Waiting for someone? Girlfriend?"

"...the person I like." Ning Xu whispered.

The security guard was inexplicably sad.

Couldn't help persuading: "Then you can't just stand here and wait, it's winter, I think you're wearing a sweater, your legs are still injured... and this weather! It's gloomy, I'm afraid it's about to It's raining! You have to like people, and you have to put your body first, you know?"

Seeing that Ning Xu was about the same age as his own son, the security guard babbled a lot.

It's a pity that Ning Xu didn't listen to a word.

I only know that I look at the door of the building, like a bleak statue.

There was a little confusion in the middle, it seemed that the police came, and then someone in the building was taken away by the police.

Many people gathered around to watch the excitement, as well as passers-by passing by, and even the security guy who was still talking to Ning Xu just now.

After a while, Uncle Security came back and said to Ning Xu: "A director has been arrested! Do you know Tan Wenshu? I heard that many people came to audition for his movie today, but they were taken away by the police. This is a crime." What a bad thing."

Ning Xu was indifferent to this, and didn't even bother to raise his eyebrows to take a second look.

Within a few minutes, the person he had been waiting for finally arrived——

Ming Dai walked out from the main entrance, wearing a fisherman's hat, the brim of the hat was lowered to cover the upper half of her face, the lower half of her face was full of smiles, she seemed to be in a good mood.

Ning Xu recognized her immediately.


Standing up excitedly, almost forgot that there was an injury on his leg, he grinned his teeth in pain when he accidentally stepped on the ground.

The security guard was startled, and went to help him: "Is this the person you were waiting for?"

Ning Xu didn't care about answering, grabbed his crutches and prepared to lean over to see her.

The next moment, Ming Dai suddenly turned towards him.

Ning Xu's heart was beating wildly, thinking that Ming Dai saw him, and raised her hand to straighten her hair.

So much so that he began to regret that he should come later, at least now his face is covered with bruises and one leg is limping, and he looks like he is in good condition and handsome.

But soon he realized that he was thinking too much, Ming Dai didn't stop her eyes at all, she turned around lightly, put her hands behind her back, and looked at the people behind her with a smile.

That was the first time Ning Xu saw Ming Dai smiling so happily.

In front of her, she always refuses indifferently, often frowning.

Occasionally twitching the corners of her mouth and smiling lightly, Ning Xu was already very happy, as sweet as eating candy.

But now, Ning Xu realizes that Ming Dai can also smile brightly without any haze.

And that object... is a man!
Ning Xu couldn't breathe as if a big stone was pressed on his chest.

When that man also returned a warm smile, his brows and eyes were as soft as ice water, and everything was revived.

When the two looked at each other, there was an indescribably harmonious aura in the eyes of others, and outsiders were not allowed to intervene.

Who is that?
Ning Xu's face was almost distorted by jealousy.

The security guard who wanted to help was frightened, and persuaded:
"Those two people should look like a couple, young man, take a closer look, you can't destroy their relationship."


Ning Xu's voice squeezed out from between his teeth.

There was a bloody smell in his mouth, it turned out that Ning Xu bit his lower lip when he didn't pay attention.

It hurts, but I can't feel the pain, because the pain in Ning Xu's heart is more than a hundred times a thousand times.

The security guard looked at him pitifully, and patted Ning Xu on the shoulder.

Ning Xu remained unmoved, staring at Ming Dai and that man intently.


A cold raindrop just happened to hit the corner of Ning Xu's eye, and then slid down to his chin.

Like quietly falling tears.

The security guard shouted in surprise: "Ah! It's really raining! Boy, come and hide from the rain!"

Ning Xu didn't move when he heard the sound, let the cold rain hit his body, and stared fixedly into the distance.

Ming Dai was also drenched by the rain.

In a blink of an eye, the heavy rain became pouring, and before that, the man took the umbrella from the assistant and put it on Ming Dai's head.

Ming Dai seemed to raise her head to say thank you, the man smiled and leaned the umbrella towards her.

In the rain, the two got into the car side by side and left.

Ning Xu's fingers that were clenching the cane were almost white.

The fine rain quickly drenched his hair, his clothes were soaked, and he looked very embarrassed, but Ning Xu himself didn't feel it at all, staring blankly at the direction the car was leaving, feeling heart-piercing pain.

A black umbrella quietly appeared above Ning Xu's head.

A voice as cold as the winter wind came from behind:
"That's He Mu."

Ning Xu's eyes trembled like they were frozen.

"You know who He Mu is. I didn't expect Ming Dai to be with him."

Ning Shu held up the umbrella, lowered his eyebrows, and whispered two words almost sneeringly:
"No wonder."

Ning Xu remained silent.

Ning Shu glanced at him who was sad and lost: "This is the reason why you ran out of the hospital, causing a lot of people to look for you like crazy, but look what you got now? Ning Xu, stop here."

Ning Xu turned around with difficulty leaning on crutches.

Only then did Ning Shu realize that Ning Xu's eyes were already red.

"Brother, I know."

It should be given up.

Should have given up long ago.

Ning Shu said softly, "Okay, let's go back to the hospital."

(End of this chapter)

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